DOWNSIZERS Team Chat - MAY 2020



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    kyfrancik wrote: »
    Week 2
    Username: kyfrancik
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 194.0
    Current Weight: 191.2

    Goal for this week: Accumulate at least 10,000 steps. This should be a challenge because there is supposed to be near constant rain from Wednesday through Saturday.

    Awesome loss! Good luck with your step goal.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    panda4153 wrote: »
    Hello, Happy Monday Team!!

    This last week has been a good one for me overall. I am feeling energized and motivated. I am going back to a tried and true strategy that has worked the best for me in the past when it comes to losing weight.

    I have started to track my calories monthly again. What I do is look at each month and identify the days where i know I may be over on calories. These are day like birthdays, holidays and other special occasions. Then I pick a calorie goal for those days that is reasonable for the event. A big holiday if might be crazy high, think thanksgiving or Christmas, others might be like 400-500 over goal to account for a nice dessert or some extra wine, think Birthday celebrations. Then I figure out what that means I need my calorie goal the rest of the month to be to account for those days so that I can still lose 2 to 3 pounds for fhe month. Using this strategy is when I’ve seen the most success over the course of my journey, so I’m dusting it off and using it again. For May that means:

    2050 calories per day normally
    3 special occasions- Mother’s Day, daughter’s birthday, and Memorial Dah BBQ.

    I know that I am lucky to be very active so my TDEE is currently 2500 calories a day.

    I’d love to hear about any other strategies you guys use to stay on track.

    I sort of do something like this but I work on a weekly average. This way I can fit a small treat in on the weekends. Unfortunately, lately I have let those treats snowball and my average weekly calories are higher than I like. This week I have filled my food diary out for the entire week. Now I will not let a small treat turn into several treats,
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    kyfrancik wrote: »
    Week 2
    Username: kyfrancik
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 194.0
    Current Weight: 191.2

    Goal for this week: Accumulate at least 10,000 steps. This should be a challenge because there is supposed to be near constant rain from Wednesday through Saturday.

    Check out the Leslie Sansone walking videos on YouTube. She has a couple specifically geared to counting steps. That way you can still get in your steps even if you're stuck inside.
  • destiny_sierra
    destiny_sierra Posts: 66 Member
    Saturday May 9 and Sunday May 10 Check in
    Friday Steps: 11,391
    Saturday Steps: 10,115
    Sunday Steps:10,833
    Calories: Under both days
    Water: not enough
    Exercise: OK
  • metonymicalinsanity
    metonymicalinsanity Posts: 80 Member
    I went a bit over yesterday on calories, but got back on track today. I’ve also been continuing the planking. I’m up to 28 total minutes of planks for the month! My goal is 60.
    I’ve also completed 2 days of 3 mile walks this so far since Saturday. My goal is 5 for the week. Today I could t because it rained on and off. Back at it tomorrow!
    (By the way thanks for your support everyone. It’s really helpful! It was cool to see our team on the leaderboard for this week to know I contributed!)
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    panda4153 wrote: »
    Hello, Happy Monday Team!!

    This last week has been a good one for me overall. I am feeling energized and motivated. I am going back to a tried and true strategy that has worked the best for me in the past when it comes to losing weight.

    I have started to track my calories monthly again. What I do is look at each month and identify the days where i know I may be over on calories. These are day like birthdays, holidays and other special occasions. Then I pick a calorie goal for those days that is reasonable for the event. A big holiday if might be crazy high, think thanksgiving or Christmas, others might be like 400-500 over goal to account for a nice dessert or some extra wine, think Birthday celebrations. Then I figure out what that means I need my calorie goal the rest of the month to be to account for those days so that I can still lose 2 to 3 pounds for fhe month. Using this strategy is when I’ve seen the most success over the course of my journey, so I’m dusting it off and using it again. For May that means:

    2050 calories per day normally
    3 special occasions- Mother’s Day, daughter’s birthday, and Memorial Dah BBQ.

    I know that I am lucky to be very active so my TDEE is currently 2500 calories a day.

    I’d love to hear about any other strategies you guys use to stay on track.

    I sort of do something like this but I work on a weekly average. This way I can fit a small treat in on the weekends. Unfortunately, lately I have let those treats snowball and my average weekly calories are higher than I like. This week I have filled my food diary out for the entire week. Now I will not let a small treat turn into several treats,

    I can definitely understand that struggle, I have a huge sweet tooth, so I have fk leave room for a small dessert every night.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,153 Member
    5/11 steps 4840
  • Murphyi150
    Murphyi150 Posts: 54 Member
    May 11th. 6465 steps.
  • michelleywardell
    michelleywardell Posts: 84 Member
    edited May 2020
    May 11th 34689 steps. Long day at work
  • michelleywardell
    michelleywardell Posts: 84 Member
    cesse47 wrote: »
    kyfrancik wrote: »
    Week 2
    Username: kyfrancik
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 194.0
    Current Weight: 191.2

    Goal for this week: Accumulate at least 10,000 steps. This should be a challenge because there is supposed to be near constant rain from Wednesday through Saturday.

    Check out the Leslie Sansone walking videos on YouTube. She has a couple specifically geared to counting steps. That way you can still get in your steps even if you're stuck inside.

    I love Leslie Sansone. I used to do that all the time when I couldn't get outside. Now I'm out daily, rain sleet or shine :)
  • Shad0wDancer
    Shad0wDancer Posts: 13 Member
    Monday 11 May
    6091 steps
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    Monday check in
    Calories: over🤦‍♀️
    Exercise: 74 minute walk

    Steps 5/11 11,728

    Yesterday, I did 5.68km. I planned on going further but my leg had other ideas. I am supposed to see a specialist on the 28th of May for this and I am hoping it doesn’t get rescheduled due to Covid19. Today I am expecting another package so I will be walking the hill and parking lot. Have a great day everyone.

    Today’s goals
    1. Walk 5km minimum
    2. Strength training video
    3. Tai chi
    4. 8 cups water
    5. Stay within calorie goal
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Steps 11.05.2020: 6 399
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 5/11: 13,049

    Short of my 15,000 goal-rain at lunch break is my excuse. I did meet the rest of Monday's goals.

    Goals for today:
    Minimum 15,000 steps
    Log it all
    Not destroy my work computer that keeps blacking out and freezing up...grrr...dealing with IT is equally frustrating...oooohhhmm may be time to get that meditation in...

    Happy Tuesday!
  • leeniekat
    leeniekat Posts: 145 Member
    I'm terrible with posting my steps, again I apologize!
    Friday, May 8: 10,380
    Saturday, May 9: 9,751
    Sunday, May 10, 5,967
    Monday, May 11: 616 (I took off my Fitbit to recharge and forgot to put it back on, so I guess I take the "L" on this day!)
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    Week 2 Weigh in

    CW - 173.4
    PW - 171.4

    Grrr - so frustrating, yesterday the scale said 170.8 so I know its probably just water weight, but of course it strikes on my weigh in day. Hopefully next week will be a bigger drop because of it. I know I have been eating under so there is no way its a true gain, but its definitely
    dissatisfying to see it.

  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Steps 12 May 2020: 7 255
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    I am overdue.
    PW 239.5
    CW 236 (From last Sunday)

    Just busy. Contemplating a major real estate purchase and trying to get our ducks in a row with money, equipment, supplies, etc. I have to get a budget together in the next week or so to determine if the numbers all line up before we make an offer. Part of the complexity is that the property is 3 hours away and without any cell or wifi signal. I have been pretty good with my food except yesterday when I downed a huge 8 oz chocolate bar from stressing. Regretted it afterward but the damage was done. Back to being good today. Weight-loss is a long term effort and I know all days will not be good but I am making progress. Sunday marked 30 lbs lost since February.

    Slowly making progress on reorganizing the house. Working on the hall closet/pantry/storage area right now. I think I have found at least 5-10 years worth of light bulbs, foil paper, plastic wrap, swiffer pads, etc., plus a lot of expired food including stuff I would never have bought. Our garbage cans will be full again this week. My truck bed is loaded with stuff to take to the only Salvation Army drop off in the area tomorrow I hope. Slowly we are getting stuff out of the house to make room for stuff that is still in the middle of the floors after getting it out of the back apartment which is now rented.

    Goal is a bag of stuff thrown in the garbage a day and a bag of stuff to give away each day. More than that won't fit in our garbage can each week or the back of my truck. I am only taking one trip to the drop off site a week as it is a bit of a drive until the local site reopens from Corona Virus shutdowns.

    I will probably be away from my computer quite a bit until we figure out if we want to make an offer on the property. When I am online at home, I am occupied with cost calculations and logistical issues that must be solved before I can do me stuff.

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,153 Member
    5/12 steps 2717
This discussion has been closed.