DOWNSIZERS Team Chat - MAY 2020



  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,149 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    P. W. 252
    C. W. 257
    To be honest I'm just about done with this. I've tried so many food calculators to find my deficit. I am always hungry.
    Steps for 5/16 is 16561 I think.

    Don’t give up! We’ll help you find something that works. Have you tried any sort of dense but low calorie options? Like oatmeal (with sugar and cinnamon for me—can’t stand bland food) or a big salad with a protein on top (and dressing, because as far as I’m concerned lettuce can go eat itself if it doesn’t have something tasty on top— see previous comment about bland food). Anyway I’m sure the team has other ideas about how to fill up so you’re not hungry, all while staying under calorie goals.

    Personal update (along the same lines actually), I was under calories yesterday according to MFP, but up 1.2 lbs this morning on the scale. I’m planning to eat light today since my hamstring is still a little tight so I won’t be doing much exercise.

    Thank you for the encouragement. I've not heard the phrasing "dense low calorie" options. However oatmeal will never be an option. I know I could eat it in a survival situation but it's not appealing to look at.
    I've tried eating low carb which works for a few days but then it starts feeling like it goes through me and no sense of fullness. Going vegetarian I can make it a couple days and then food boredom strikes. I've searched for help and a few years ago I even paid for help. All of the help had me at a sedintary lifestyle and eating 2100 calories a day just for maintenance. The uniqueness is I did it and the exercise I was told to do weights and all. I gained and gained fast. When I would ask about it I was told to keep following the program it will work. I did until I had to buy bigger clothes. I slowly dropped my calories and I think 1700-1800 is where I should be but it's difficult to eat to be satiated and not snack. It seems the only time I actually lost weight was when I did exercise all the time. So it's a battle do I exercise all the time to lose weight and keep it off or spend time with family? Plenty of people have said to me just to include them. That's easier said than done. I sympathize a little with the cast of my 600lb. life having to eat 800 calories only. I've a friend that has lost a large amount of weight. He's told me he drinks MCT oil when needs to curb his appetite. I cannot do that or comprehend how my friend can. Well it seems I've rattled on long enough. I hope I was not too negative.
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member

    PW 236
    CW 236

    I have been eating poorly this last week, even to the point of multiple milkshakes from DQ along with lunches. Had to be on the road and I am a sucker for DQ chocolate chip shakes and can't get one locally. Weight staying the same shows I wasn't very careful. The way I feel also shows I wasn't eating carefully.

    Non weight wins are that I am noticing my nails are growing for the first time ever. My mother said I was born chewing on my nails. I just haven't been biting them. Actually had to trim them because I don't know how to cope with nails that aren't bitten to the quick--that was what made me realize i hadn't been biting them. Guess the medication for my stomach, and my dietary improvements are making a difference. Yeah for 6 servings of veggies a day (at least most of the time.)

    Also got my liver test results back and it is as good as can be hoped for. NAFLD which was already diagnosed but without scarring so it should be reversible if I can continue to lose weight. 70 lbs more and we will do some more testing to see where I am. That is more than twice what I have lost already. Hopefully, I'll make it.
  • Murphyi150
    Murphyi150 Posts: 54 Member
    May 17. 7721 steps.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    • Friday, May 15: 14 012
    • Saturday, May 16: 20 958
    • Sunday, May 17: 10 866 (for now, will update final result tomorrow)

    Username: Piqueaboo
    Weigh-in week: 3
    Weigh-in day: Sunday
    May Start Weight: 195.6
    Previous weight: 193.4
    Current weight: 198

    May Loss: +2.4lbs

    Total Loss to date: -51lbs

    What can I say - it was my first week "out" after our deconfinement has begun, in terms of calorie counting I've not been great but I tried to watch what I ate. My big downfall is alcohol - Friday night we were drinking until 4 am so Saturday I ate way too much, and Friday was carb-heavy so I'm sure most of the damage is water weight, but it still doesn't negate the fact that I'm undoing all the good work I'm putting in. I did do my workouts - 6 times this week (3x Kayla Itsines calisthenics + hiit & 3x c25k) and I walked way more, but numbers are numbers and I'm at the same weight as April 10th. I'm a bit disappointed in myself but I won't beat myself up because I know what the problem is and I worked out consistently. I'll try to do better next week.

    Updated steps:
    Sunday, May 17: 11 193

    Also good news, dropped the water weight overnight =)
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,149 Member
    5/17 steps 2026
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    LW: 201.8 (was two days late weighing in)
    CW. 201.2
    Been sick for three weeks, moving house and now back to my regularly scheduled workout routine!

    Congrats on the loss! I hope you are feeling better!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    Friday May 15 and Saturday May 16 Check in

    Friday Steps: 11,608
    Saturday Steps: 7803
    Calories: Under Friday, Over Saturday
    Water: no both days
    Exercise: Friday was OK

    I didn't get as many steps in as planned yesterday, it was a nice day here so we ended up going to the cemetery to plant flowers and then I planted the flowers we had left at home. I think I spent a little too much time kneeling yesterday as my back is killing me today!

    Sunday's Goals
    - Stretch out my back
    - Drink 2L of Water
    - Eat lower sodium foods

    Take care of your back! I hope the stretching helped.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    • Friday, May 15: 14 012
    • Saturday, May 16: 20 958
    • Sunday, May 17: 10 866 (for now, will update final result tomorrow)

    Username: Piqueaboo
    Weigh-in week: 3
    Weigh-in day: Sunday
    May Start Weight: 195.6
    Previous weight: 193.4
    Current weight: 198

    May Loss: +2.4lbs

    Total Loss to date: -51lbs

    What can I say - it was my first week "out" after our deconfinement has begun, in terms of calorie counting I've not been great but I tried to watch what I ate. My big downfall is alcohol - Friday night we were drinking until 4 am so Saturday I ate way too much, and Friday was carb-heavy so I'm sure most of the damage is water weight, but it still doesn't negate the fact that I'm undoing all the good work I'm putting in. I did do my workouts - 6 times this week (3x Kayla Itsines calisthenics + hiit & 3x c25k) and I walked way more, but numbers are numbers and I'm at the same weight as April 10th. I'm a bit disappointed in myself but I won't beat myself up because I know what the problem is and I worked out consistently. I'll try to do better next week.

    Your loss to date is an amazing accomplishment! I am sure you have it figured out for next week.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member

    PW 236
    CW 236

    I have been eating poorly this last week, even to the point of multiple milkshakes from DQ along with lunches. Had to be on the road and I am a sucker for DQ chocolate chip shakes and can't get one locally. Weight staying the same shows I wasn't very careful. The way I feel also shows I wasn't eating carefully.

    Non weight wins are that I am noticing my nails are growing for the first time ever. My mother said I was born chewing on my nails. I just haven't been biting them. Actually had to trim them because I don't know how to cope with nails that aren't bitten to the quick--that was what made me realize i hadn't been biting them. Guess the medication for my stomach, and my dietary improvements are making a difference. Yeah for 6 servings of veggies a day (at least most of the time.)

    Also got my liver test results back and it is as good as can be hoped for. NAFLD which was already diagnosed but without scarring so it should be reversible if I can continue to lose weight. 70 lbs more and we will do some more testing to see where I am. That is more than twice what I have lost already. Hopefully, I'll make it.

    When it comes to DQ I love blizzards. I love when they have cookie dough ones but I try to only go a couple of times in the summer. Can’t blame you for getting one while you could.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    Sunday check in
    Exercise: 73 minute walk
    Calories: under
    Water: ✅

    Steps 5/17 11,036

    I walked 5.12km yesterday. We are having some heavy rain but there is a break right now. I am going to go walk the hill and the parking lot until it starts raining again. That way I am close to home and won’t get too wet if the rain starts again.

    I find it so hard to get other exercise done when my husband is home on the weekends. It’s a holiday here today. The joys of living in a small apartment during lockdown.

    Today’s goals
    1. Walk ?km
    2. Drink 8 cups of water
    3. Stay within calorie goal
  • Murphyi150
    Murphyi150 Posts: 54 Member
    Username: murphyi150
    Weigh in week: 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 157.6
    Current weight: 157.4
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    P. W. 252
    C. W. 257
    To be honest I'm just about done with this. I've tried so many food calculators to find my deficit. I am always hungry.
    Steps for 5/16 is 16561 I think.

    Are you a fan of beans? I find that they are filling and keep me satisfied for longer than most veggies or carbs.
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 5/16: 18,601
    5/17: 10,073
  • kyfrancik
    kyfrancik Posts: 11 Member
  • metonymicalinsanity
    metonymicalinsanity Posts: 80 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    P. W. 252
    C. W. 257
    To be honest I'm just about done with this. I've tried so many food calculators to find my deficit. I am always hungry.
    Steps for 5/16 is 16561 I think.

    Don’t give up! We’ll help you find something that works. Have you tried any sort of dense but low calorie options? Like oatmeal (with sugar and cinnamon for me—can’t stand bland food) or a big salad with a protein on top (and dressing, because as far as I’m concerned lettuce can go eat itself if it doesn’t have something tasty on top— see previous comment about bland food). Anyway I’m sure the team has other ideas about how to fill up so you’re not hungry, all while staying under calorie goals.

    Personal update (along the same lines actually), I was under calories yesterday according to MFP, but up 1.2 lbs this morning on the scale. I’m planning to eat light today since my hamstring is still a little tight so I won’t be doing much exercise.

    Thank you for the encouragement. I've not heard the phrasing "dense low calorie" options. However oatmeal will never be an option. I know I could eat it in a survival situation but it's not appealing to look at.
    I've tried eating low carb which works for a few days but then it starts feeling like it goes through me and no sense of fullness. Going vegetarian I can make it a couple days and then food boredom strikes. I've searched for help and a few years ago I even paid for help. All of the help had me at a sedintary lifestyle and eating 2100 calories a day just for maintenance. The uniqueness is I did it and the exercise I was told to do weights and all. I gained and gained fast. When I would ask about it I was told to keep following the program it will work. I did until I had to buy bigger clothes. I slowly dropped my calories and I think 1700-1800 is where I should be but it's difficult to eat to be satiated and not snack. It seems the only time I actually lost weight was when I did exercise all the time. So it's a battle do I exercise all the time to lose weight and keep it off or spend time with family? Plenty of people have said to me just to include them. That's easier said than done. I sympathize a little with the cast of my 600lb. life having to eat 800 calories only. I've a friend that has lost a large amount of weight. He's told me he drinks MCT oil when needs to curb his appetite. I cannot do that or comprehend how my friend can. Well it seems I've rattled on long enough. I hope I was not too negative.
    No worries! I’m happy to give encouragement as I know that’s helpful for me too. Since I’m not qualified to give medical or dietary advice the best I can say is what works for me, which is eating carefully and sometimes going to bed a little hungry. If I’m tracking calories and working out even just a little then that usually works for me. Someone else suggested beans, which could also be helpful. When I say dense low calorie I just mean foods where you get a feeling of being full without as many calories. I mean foods that literally fill up your belly without giving you too many calories. For me that includes salads, oatmeal, yogurt and fruit, vegetables (I like to snack on carrots and peppers). I still save room to snack on the stuff I like though, because what would life be without a little ice cream and potato chips? :wink:

    But I’ll be honest with you about this too; I’m not someone who’s lost the weight and knows what to do. I’m yet to get close to my goal weight. So if other people who have made it or who have better advice give it to you, then listen to them! :)

    On that note, here’s my update for today. Over the last two days I’ve gained back 3 lbs that I had lost. I expected a little bit of gain because I knew I was eating a lot for each meal. But MFP did tell me I was under my calorie goals so I’m not quite sure what it was. Maybe my calories weren’t accurate. Maybe there was some other issue. Either way I’m still trying to get under 300 this week. I may have to go under my calorie goal for a couple of days to make it happen. We’ll see.
    I’ve been doing planks pretty consistently and I’m well on my way to my monthly goal of 60 minutes (31 minutes completed right now). I did manage to get out for a walk yesterday and my leg felt fine. I did some stretches and the hamstring isn’t so sore any more. I may be able to get 5 3 mile walks in this week after all! Ok now I’ve rambled on enough!
  • michelleywardell
    michelleywardell Posts: 84 Member
    I see so many people frustrated with the rate of their weight loss. I myself go up and down sometimes. I have found that if you try something new once in a while it can kickstart your weight loss again. For me I try to eat fairly healthy most of the time and when I get to a point of stabilization or stalling then I throw in some fasting. It seems to help my body kick it up a notch. I have a great app I use to track it.

    Don't let it get you down. Weight management is a lifestyle not a temporary situation. You can do this just change your mindset.

    I'm so glad I joined this group. You are all so vocal and supportive. Thank you.
  • kyfrancik
    kyfrancik Posts: 11 Member
    PW 191.2
    CW 191.0
    More or less the same even though I exercised a ton. A little frustrating but I have to remember I’ve lost 9 pounds in less than a month.
  • mellane30
    mellane30 Posts: 39 Member
    Good evening everyone! So, I stayed pretty much the same which really isn't surprising given that I just weighed in on Friday.
    I do, however, have a review I'd like to share with you.
    I bit the bullet (because my Garmin died and I had had it for 5 years) and bought a FitBit Versa 11. I was skeptical only because I was so used to my Garmin. I have to say, after a week of having it, I LOVE IT! I have upped my step count considerably because it reminds me to get up during the day. It's very good to have for my work days because I just ... long. It also has some other apps that have been very helpful. For example, I have a puppy on my home screen. If I don't walk, he doesn't get fed and then he'll leave. It's stupid but it motivates me. The design of the watch is very nice and comfortable and it tracks sleep. Apparently, I don't sleep very well which would explain why I'm so tired all the time. So we bought a new mattress and I'm working on winding down at least an hour before bed time.
    ALSO! I connected with my older sister who lives in Lake Havasu and there is a contest thing you can do against your friends. The one we're doing is called "The Workweek Hustle" and it's just a friendly competition to see who can get the most steps in during the work week. I am very competitive and it is working great.
    I hope everyone in Fitnesspal land is doing well.
    I am still going to try and achieve my goal of posting something every day. I have to set an alarm, though, cause I just forget.

    Username: Mellane30
    Weighin Week: 05/18/2020
    Weighin Day: Monday
    Previous weight: 211
    Current weight: 211.2
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,149 Member
    So, here's a part of my story. I was over 312lbs. and have been down to 229lbs.. I'm now 257lbs. The way I got down to 229 was I ate very little and exercised quite a bit. The time frame of gaining was really cold and wet winters. Then I play catch up during the warm months. Right about the time I can catch up its cold again. After a few years of going down this road it's a struggle to get motivated to do it again. I know physically it just takes a caloric deficit to lose weight without exercise. Exercise does help though. Currently I cannot find my deficit. Every calorie calculator I've tried says mine is just under 2100 for maintenance. Honestly, that amount causes weight gain. I'm just under 1800 right now and I'm hungry after each meal. I've tried keto with I. F. But then the hunger hits. I've had so many day ones. Guess what tomorrow is another day one.
This discussion has been closed.