

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Thanks for the link and suggestions for Joe Lansdale. I look forward to checking him out!

    @TeresaW1020 Meatloaf and roasted red potatoes sound delicious! Have an awesome day!!!

    @raleighgirl09 I'm so sorry! This is terrible, what a week! I hope your mom is okay and you are taking care of you, too. ((( HUGS ))) to you.

    Hello everyone! Not much going on here, I had a good, on-plan day yesterday: no snacking, enough water, stuck to the menu, it was great! I hope to repeat today.

    Calories: over/under: under
    Water: over/under: over
    Exercise: walk
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: YouTube video, eat what is on the menu for dinner, 2 bottles (26 oz) of water
  • MommaGemz
    MommaGemz Posts: 494 Member
    @Katmary71 Yoga can be so incredibly healing for the body and heart. My advice when delving into yoga is treat it like a buffet. Try it all, keep what you feel connected to and leave what you don't. There are so many flavors and aspects to yoga that it's totally fine if you're not "into" everything yoga studios may offer. And don't be afraid of modifications - everyone's body is built differently and our yoga postures will not all look the same. Every person's yoga practice should be personal and express what we and our unique bodies can do. I just ran into so many students who tried so hard to "look like the person next to them" and ended up getting so frustrated. And don't worry about the spiritual explosion - I've studied it but never seen it happen (although yes it is possible). What is more likely to happen is emotional "eruptions" as feelings rise to the surface during a session. Have a good cry and then you'll be fine :)

    I too have grown very, very fond of our Fit2Fat team! Even though I'm not able to actively post every day here - I do look forward to reading every single post each day. Thank you Team!! <3
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,161 Member
    @trooworld Regarding horror…yes, I’m talking to you, too! I have not read any of Joe Hill’s books, but I’ll be picking up Heart Shaped Box later this week from the library and I’ll let you know if it scares me. I think the book that affected me the most was SK’s Tommyknockers. I read it when I was 16 and had nightmares for about a year that my teeth were falling out or that my bottom jaw would lock while my bottom teeth were in front of my upper teeth and the only way I could get my jaw back in place was to force it and break all my top teeth. I have very lucid dreams and those were the worst!

    @raleighgirl09 Oh no! Your poor mom! And you…since this will mean more for you to help with. At least that’s how it’s been since my mom broke her femur last September. She still hasn’t healed. Hugs to you!

    I got some happy news this morning…I’m going to have another son-in-law! Hunter’s boyfriend proposed to her while they were in Chicago yesterday. She cannot wipe the smile off her face. It’s so sweet. Now if only her older sister would stop being a brat and trying to put a damper on it. She thinks it’s too soon and is really voicing her opinion in a very selfish way. I tried talking to her and suggested she and her husband should go on some double dates with them to get to know him better. Plus, they aren’t planning to get married for about a year. Prayers, please!

    44.5 hours until the cast comes off…but who’s counting, right?
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Yayyy! I know you can't wait for the cast to come off!!!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Good morning, Slimpossibles!

    Yesterday was on track foodwise, and I got some project work done. Looking to keep up the momentum today.

    @MommaGemz and @Katmary71 - The conversation about yoga inspired me to squeeze in some Yoga with Adriene this morning!
    And @MommaGemz - it is so interesting to hear you talk about things coming up as people practice yoga. It happens in martial arts as well, especially when doing breathing and meditation work.

    @trooworld - Woohoo to having such a good day! 👍🏽

    @raleighgirl09 - Oh, oh, oh. What a week. What a lot to manage. I hope that your mom is improving. 👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽

    @GretchenReine - SO sorry about your tough week. And a big yay to your great weigh-in and that LTD of over 8 pounds! No worries about not checking in so much. We are just glad to hear from you and glad to see you in action! 👐🏽☺️

    @bethanie0825 - SO glad you chose staying in the group, tracking or no! ❤️

    @Katmary71 - I am so with you on this being such a great group! ❤️

    Tuesday Check-In
    Food: all on plan, measured & logged!
    Water: on target
    Exercise: indoor platform stepping, 54 min
    Steps: met goal
    Arm: weights done
    Abs: done
  • MommaGemz
    MommaGemz Posts: 494 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Oh absolutely with martial arts as well 👍 Any activity in which one is physically moving energy around, and incorporating inward-looking practices, increases the occurrences of emotional issues rising to the surface. Which is good - if someone knows that it's a possibility.

    @raleighgirl09 Wishing you and your Mom a better week! I am so sorry you're going through such a rough time <3<3
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @raleighgirl09 Prayers for your Mom, sounds like a lot is going on right now.

    @GretchenReine Nice losses! I usually do both weekly and monthly, I'm a little off my game right now but still make a bullet journal checklist for exercise. I'm trying really hard to journal every night which is a lot for someone who gets bored real fast! The weekly goals and boxes to check off with the bullet journal is the longest I've ever journaled by a long shot, I love checking the boxes, it's just not as fun right now because my goals aren't as easy due to my injuries.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congratulations to your daughter and your future son-in-law, how exciting! OK, now I have to reread Tommyknockers! I had to laugh at your nightmare, the only horror thing that scared the hell out of me was the movie The Entity based on a true story of a woman being harassed by a poltergeist. I was in Tahoe and had been practicing blowing smoke rings while I watched it (smoked back then), I dreamed I was being chased by poltergeists through smoke rings and they kept pulling at my limbs. I refuse to watch that movie again! Ah, the other movie was Amityville Horror, I read those books too, it's these "based on true stories" ones that get to me.

    @MommaGemz Thank you for your response on yoga. I've had to modify a lot but so far the main thing that gets in the way is having a couple levels of my back fused so some of the spinal exercises I have to modify for that and for my nerve pain. I'm ok not looking like others, especially doing it at home. I'm used to being at "war" and ignoring my pain and got better at embracing it the last 18 months, it's ignoring what didn't seem to be a big deal at first that got me in so deep as I'm so used to having some level of pain. Anyhow, I'm embracing it for sure and love your description better than going slow! The instructor in the video I did today has intros to different types of yoga so I'll check them out eventually too. Thanks!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    Wednesday check-in
    Calories- over
    Exercise- earth energy meditation, hip hop, Fitness Marshall, arm cardio, stretching yoga, arm weights, Kundalini beginning yoga, foam rolling
    Water- awesome, have a cup of Candy Cane Lane I'm drinking right now and had 125 oz or so of liquid

    Cardio 30 minutes- done
    Weights/abs- done
    Yoga- done
    Recipe- none
    Steps- 12,000

    OK, I'm still doing a little better, I'm about a 6-7 pain-wise which is AMAZING! I haven't felt this good in months and it's scaring me! I want to run around the house but don't want to make myself worse so I'm listening to mellow music. So far the only things different are vitamins and my new yoga. I started new supplements yesterday but they haven't had a chance to kick in plus still have to change my diet so I should feel pretty awesome soon! I'm not eating too hot, it's not awful food but it's over calories and stuff that I won't be able to eat in a couple days. Like bean burritos in the air fryer, yum! I really hope beans will be reintroduced without a problem, they're my favorite protein aside of salmon. Heck, unless my guy visits Friday or I get invited to pizza night at my brother's house Friday is day 1. I didn't budget for this so I'll get what I can at Trader Joe's and Sprouts Friday and go from there. I managed to drink my coffee without sweetener today, it's not as good but @AustinRuadhain was right, without cinnamon it's fine. I don't have my usual brand which DOES taste good with cinnamon but it doesn't matter. Drinking my tea without sweetener too, now I just have to cut sugar from salsa (what the heck?) and salad dressings. I'm out of peanut butter so no honey cinnamon peanut butter tortillas in the air fryer. Geez, if you're doing an anti-inflammatory diet Worchestershire Sauce hits just about every bad category! The more I read the more I can't eat so I'm not going to read anymore and keep eggs and nightshades for now, I'd be really bummed not to be able to eat the cherry tomatoes and peppers I'm growing after all these months of nourishing my plants.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Thank you so much! I have done a better job of making sure I log into MFP every day but getting used to checking the groups still takes some getting used to. LOL

    @Katmary71 I think having a weekly goal to get me to the monthly might really help me. Getting back on my game is the hardest part. I know making everything the habit takes a couple of weeks. I'll get there. Eventually. One day at a time.

    Good morning everyone! After a nice chat with a running friend of mine yesterday, where he reminded me that the worst part about skipping workouts/runs is the regret afterwards, I made myself go for a walk yesterday even though I had just about talked myself out of it. I wanted to go to the gym but my daughter was on the phone with her best friend and hadn't talked to her in days and didn't want to get off the phone. It was raining outside but it had let up, so...we improvised...I made her get off of the computer and let her talk to her best friend while we walked for almost a mile and a half in the rain. It was only sprinkling at this point. At least I get Day 2 of my streak in. This morning I worked on my spreadsheet and filling in all of my charts so I could see where I stood with my goals.

    July Update:

    Goal - 7,500/day
    Current - 154,070
    Remaining - 8,715/day for 9 days to hit goal

    Goal - 1.00/day
    Current - 19.58 (yes, that's really a number)
    Remaining - 1.27/day for 9 days to hit goal

    I think it's doable as long as I keep my head in the game and make myself put the work in...even on the weekend...which is really the most difficult time for me (and a lot of other people).

    Have a great day y'all!!! <3
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I hope you like Heart Shaped Box. Please let me know!!! I haven't read Tommyknockers, now you make me want to get it from the library, I'm going to see if it is available so I, too, can have nightmares about my teeth falling out lol! Congrats on the new son-in-law, that's great happy news! One more day, eh? But who's counting. ;)

    @AustinRuadhain Woo hoo to you as well for having a great day!!! And thanks again for that website link for Joe Lansdale. It was very helpful. I haven't decided yet which book I'm going to start with but I think it's going to be The Bottoms or the first book with Hap and Leonard (Savage Season) because they sound like interesting characters!

    @Katmary71 The Entity scared the hell out of me, too! What a dream you had!!!

    @GretchenReine I think that's doable too, good luck! You can do it!

    Hello everyone! I have to get a lot done before 10:00 a.m., which is when my Comic-Con International programming starts. I have attended the convention in-person in year's past but due to COVID, it went virtual this year. It's free to "attend" and has something for everyone, if anyone is interested: https://www.comic-con.org/cciathome/2020/thursday I definitely want to do a YouTube video before 10 and I have to run some errands. Have a good day, everyone!

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: over
    Exercise: walk
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: YouTube video, eat what is on the menu for dinner, 2 bottles (26 oz) of water
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,161 Member
    @Katmary71 – I’ve read Tommyknockers twice. Love it! I have never seen The Entity…but now I’ll have to find a copy to watch. I love horror – my physical media collection is about 1,450 DVDs & BluRays. I’m always on the lookout to add to it. P.S. I love Candy Cane Lane tea, too! It’s like we’re twinsies!

    @trooworld – I am looking forward to reading it. You definitely need to read Tommyknockers…and then let us know if you have any nightmares!

    22 ½ hours to go!
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    I finally caught up on reading all the posts while riding my stationary bike so it took me a while to catch up. We have such a great group. Lots of inspiration here. All of you who push through pain, injuries and other obstacles inspire me to suck it up and get moving.

    @GretchenReine thanks for the reminder about making smaller goals to achieve a bigger one. I always have an all or nothing attitude but get better results when I work on taking baby steps

    Thanks for all the book recommends so I know what NOT to read lol. I'm the biggest chicken. I used to see ghosts when I was a kid and was a teenager before I was brave enough to venture down our dark hallway without dragging one of my sisters along
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hello- Today is vegetable Thurs. I'm grocery shopping tomorrow, so I'm trying to eat all the veggies snippets up that are left. Also hoping this helps my weigh in tomorrow.

    @raleigh_girl - thinking of you......
    @vegan4lyfe2012- congrats on the engagement!
    @Katmary71- I'm with you- so grateful for this group!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 and @trooworld I absolutely loved Tommy Knockers! My nightmares came from Pet Semetary! OMG I loved that book so much!!! I couldn't put it down...and then...I couldn't sleep!

    @Jactop I'm the exact same way. My bestie does weekly ones and suggested it. I think it's worth a shot. I tend to get down on myself when I can't hit every goal every time. This month I'm doing better than I have in the past.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,026 Member
    Forgot to say I'm with @Jactop !!!!! No scary books for me! :#
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @GretchenReine Good for you for getting in a great walk and not letting the rain slow you down! I love a good spreadsheet. :grin:

    @trooworld I hope you enjoy Comic-Con. Years ago we had some friends who talked us into going to Dragon-Con in Atlanta. I didn’t know anything about it at the time but let me tell you that I saw some VERY interesting people!! ;):grin:

    @MommaGemz Water retention is annoying but you know that it will all wash out. Drink a few more glasses of water and stay the course. :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I can’t do horror anymore. When I was a teenager, I loved it but now it makes me very anxious. I have hard enough time with a really violent show. I hope all goes well with you getting the cast off. :)

    @Jactop I’m a big chicken too! It wasn’t until I was a grown up that I would sleep with my hand or foot of the edge of the bed. I knew there weren’t monsters, but I also knew I wasn’t taking any chances. :D

    @gwamajtw91 The scale is a fickle device. The other day I did amazing and was sure I would be down the next morning, but I was up almost a pound. Last night I drank two glass of wine and ate more than usual and was down a half pound. This is why I did a weekly average now. You will lose big next week! :)

    @Cornanda I grocery shop on Mondays and often will make a sheet pan dinner on Sunday so I can roast up all the leftover veggies. Maybe we should start the Happy, Sappy Book Club for all us horror wimps. :D

    Hi everyone! Sorry I missed posting yesterday. I honestly can’t even remember why. :grin: Today, I went into work for a while and cleaned the offices. I realized that I hadn’t cleaned it since last March when we shut down for Covid. Our poor bookkeeper made a comment that the place was really looking bad. Ooops! :D Fasting is going well although I have been slacking a little on the duration of my fast and need to step up my game. I was going to fast longer today but I had two glasses of wine last evening and I’m always so hungry the next day. Guess I might need to lay off the wine for a few weeks. :'(:p
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member

    @Jactop I’m a big chicken too! It wasn’t until I was a grown up that I would sleep with my hand or foot of the edge of the bed. I knew there weren’t monsters, but I also knew I wasn’t taking any chances

    I thought I was the only one lol. I'm still not comfortable letting body parts hang over the side of the bed and if I haven't outgrown that fear yet I'm guessing it's not going to happen.

    I'll join the Happy Sappy Horror Wimp Book Club
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