Food...control...the endless loop



  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,763 Member
    I agree with everything PAV wrote above. Good sleep is such an important part of weight management. Thank yo for the reminder, Creamtea.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,214 Member
    Gym this morning. Usually that guarantees ravenous hunger for most of the day. Today was a bit easier thus far. I had my usual breakfast and had a couple of Wasa crackers around 10 am. It seemed to hold off the desire to eat until lunch time.
    And I tried to be more mindful of the crazy eating when not truly hungry. I wish my internal hunger meter functioned normally! My hunger tends to be mental more than physical 😵‍💫
  • Creamtea42
    Creamtea42 Posts: 285 Member
    I wish this too Yooly….. emotional side is soooo hard!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,763 Member
    I think I'm finding a reasonable groove. I'm not tracking lately - but my lifestyle allows me a reasonable option to eat from the same menu options that I've created over the past few years.

    Only problem is are the problematic mini binges. No big binges lately - and the weight seems stable this year - but no loss - because of those little spurts of eating bad things. I'm not "accidentally" eating too much or having extra calories sneak in. It's those donuts and dumb snacks of no doubt about it wrong food.

    This does still feel like a bit of a win. It might be a step on the road towards slow weight loss and sustainability?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,156 Member
    Step #1: stop the bleeding from the gushing wound!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,319 Member
    edited May 30
    I'm struggling a bit at the moment. Not because I'm finding it hard to stay disciplined, but because I'm finding it difficult to find a good balance. My life has narrowed to the point that whenever someone sggests doing something fun (going out for lunch/dinner, going shopping and maybe also stopping for coffee and a piece of cake, going on holiday etc.)...the very first thing I think is: That's really going to screw up my calories/my weight trend/my eating routine....

    I really hoped never to become that boring, obsessed person who never lets their hair down, never throws over the traces, never just does something spontaneous....that refuses the second beer (or even the first), that never orders dessert...or fries...or suggests going for ice-cream....

    I know there are other ways to treat yourself other than eating/drinking, but eating/drinking socially is a fun thing to do, right? But I'm constantly saying no...and life feels like it's passing me by while I'm trying so hard to always be little miss perfect.

    Of course - as was inevitable - the insidious little voice (you know the one!) started up in my head is too short to always be on the hamster might be dead a little... I know it's a dangerous voice, but it also does contain a grain of truth, and some times the things it whispers are so intoxicating....
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,214 Member
    But listening to that little voice leads to pants that don’t fit and unhappiness. Perhaps try to be careful most days? Cause surely every day and every meal won’t require sacrifice….
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,156 Member
    Most days is good.
    Balance is hard
    Some is needed
    Everyday out.... I don't see how
    Measured.... maybe
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,156 Member
    Translation. Look: doing nothing doesn't make sense. BUT. Making food THE focus like many many people do? Sitting at a table for 3 or 4 hours at a time (yes, that IS a thing in some places.

    I don't know. I can't say I have the balance. Or that it is easy. But it is a balance that has to adjust with your weight stability at least come up ahead.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,319 Member
    Most of the time I'm fine....stay within my calories while eating food I like, do enough exercise and NEAT to make the numbers work...all fine and dandy. But it it as the cost of very rarely doing anything fun, indulgent or spontaneous....which most of the time I don't mind, but just once in a while it can really hit you how much your life has narrowed.

    In case you're wondering, I'm not being obsessive about running a huge deficit. I'm still plugging away at TDEE-100 calories. But even with 15,000 steps a day and tons of gardening that still only allows me about 1500 calories a day and they don't go far when someone says 'shall we go out for dinner? or shall we open a bottle of wine?
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,319 Member
    PS I do know how childish and self-indulgent that makes me sound! First world problems.....
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,156 Member
    Is it maybe throwing out of routine? For example I got sidetracked into going for pizza slices when I wasn't hungry yet. And yeah. It definitely annoyed me. Because I would have eaten a couple of hours later and probably NOT pizza slices. Of course I COULD have ordered only one slice. Or "gone for company" and only order a coke zero. But yeah... I got my two slices and a pop anyway!
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 1,343 Member
    edited June 1
    Nodding as i read through. Think these issues come and go and i think it is important to recognize when/how things are an issue.

    I read the thing on one of the threads about 'moderator' or 'abstainer' and I think we can move back and forth and inbetween.

    I can moderate a stack of eggs in the fridge, but apparently not the new freebie package of croutons this week... weird...

    So, for me...
    -- is it a special occasion and I can enjoy that extra drink or dessert, sure, just watch overall cals, maybe bump up to maintenance or even a few extra beyond, not often.... not a big deal.

    but can't stop/resist, then it goes on my no go zone as long as i can't resist. I have not found a way to moderate my way thru that kind of thing, and have not been able to do intuitive eating.

    That 'can't seem to stop, it calls my name' dynamic took a long time and lots of practice to ease off the unrestricted post-dinner eating... and it gets worse when i am stressed.

    when I struggle that way.... and eat out with others, if i give in to the goodies, then it continues, intenslye later, back home...

    Frequency of event(s) too... can't tell you how often people want me to join them in treats and holidays. Could eat extra all year long... So thought to enjoy on truly special/infrequent occasions...

    But, it gets hard to say no, and have to say offers to share whatever thing ____ are less frequent now because they don't want the things I order now... and they really don't want to do other things than eat at the treat/feast places either... there are some 'healthier, farm to table' type places I would love to try...
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 1,343 Member
    Sorry, that was a bit of a ramble from several comments... i wish there was a magic wand, and none of this was even a thing :D
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,156 Member
    But so true.

    And... not necessarily bad. Absolutely a bit sad. But not necessarily bad.

    We are not hanging out with the same group we were going out for drinks with when we were 20, are we?

    I mean we hook up with one or two of the peops from that group once in a while, right? We might even go out to have a drink with them those few times a year. And they may have none if they are recovering alcoholics or one or two or three or more if they are still at it. But it's not a twice a week and three times on the weekend thing anymore is it?

    Yeah. It does make me sad and I do miss the company of a bunch of people we regularly used to go out to feast together as you say. And we are talking AYCE most of the time so not "light" fare!

    But then again I am the one making the choice to go out and do other things. Or not do them for that matter.

    You know.

    My internal dialogue 10 years ago was: if I don't change something -- by the time I get to retire I won't be able to do anything other than watch TV and drive out to eat--cause I'm almost at that stage now.

    Weight loss has tremendously improved the quality of my life these past 10 years. And by the looks of it, if I do reach the normal retirement age it may prove to have been a primary factor in helping me get there!

    So yeah... trade-offs may have to be made. Not all the time. But definitely some of the time.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 1,343 Member
    edited June 1
    Ikr! autonomic eye blinks and poof, time flies.

    Never ever thought I'd be eyeballing senior/kiddie meals! Lol
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,214 Member
    I finally took some control of my eating habits at 70yo. Lots of wasted years not being able to do whatever and be who I wanted. My doctor believes in better late than never - and says I’ve likely added years to my life.
    Of course the obesity left plenty of scars and damage on my body but life even with restrictions is better.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 1,343 Member
    @Yoolypr - ty, hope doc is right!

    In my mind's eye, i feel maybe 30-40s-ish, and want to hold off progessive declines from age as able... otherwise, i might still be feasting! Lol :D
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,156 Member
    Actually Yooly you have the incentive to keep up with your boy as you're flying around! And I know you appreciate how much easier it is to get around and travel now that you're lighter!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,214 Member
    Thankfully the old boy is slowing down a bit so I don’t have to run so hard to catch up. Traveling is definitely much easier and more pleasant. I still can’t get over fitting (pretty much) into airline middle seats or having many inches of slack on the seat belt. Everything about being lighter is a big plus!