Food...control...the endless loop



  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,214 Member
    Nope - either lost my rumble long ago or never had it. I’ve been overweight most of my life though. I firmly believe most of my bad relationship to food is due to lack of emotional control.
  • Creamtea42
    Creamtea42 Posts: 285 Member
    Hi Yooly,

    No rumble too?!

    The complex emotional stuff certainly derails me here too & far too often.

    I’ve been quite alarmed as have been totally focusing & concentrating on this area this last few weeks - been able to limit some /most damage this week and so am pleased with that - progress? Perhaps.

    Some thought put in & Ive been aghast at how swiftly it happens from the event / stressor and my reacting - it’s like a quick bang” & before any thought has passed, my body is at the fridge, with my head in & my arm reaching in - and then there’s been a “ what am I freakin’ doin’ again?” moment that has caught it going any further so far…

    Like said in post- this emotional self sabotage - think trying to reduce that has to be one of my main motivator as to why I came back to this community.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,319 Member
    edited April 14
    @Creamtea42 you can re-train your rumble! I never had one either - for years and years I ate pre-emptively because I feared the rumble so much, and in the end I feared I'd killed it off forever....but after several weeks of deliberate delaying my meals until I felt genuinely hungry, it came back with a vengeance.

    Now I finally know - from genuine personal experience - that hunger comes in waves. Ignore the first wave of hunger (even if you feel slightly nauseous and sweaty) and after half an hour or so of discomfort it goes away again for at least a couple of hours...and the second wave of hunger (in my experience) is no more intense than the first wave. When I realised that hunger has a pattern of behaviour - and that 30 minutes of moderate discomfort wouldn't kill me! - it was a real breakthrough moment for me.

    Nowadays I try to listen to my body's cues and only eat when I'm genuinely, truly hungry.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,156 Member
    Hmmm complicated and not enough time.

    By the time rumbling uncontrollable eating is more likely than not. Have to catch subtle cues (such as thinking about food or candy bars a bit more than normal--usually cross validate with logging to confirm--more often than not, yup, I should be eating something.

    But the non hunger related? Crap, I still can't stop munching while on the phone! At least I don't have lunch on top!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,763 Member
    No rumble in ????? a very long time. That was dieted away somewhere before my teens. :(
  • Creamtea42
    Creamtea42 Posts: 285 Member
    We must all have a rumble as is part of digestive process; peristalis hasn’t stopped - or I’d burst! …biology - the release of the hunger hormones, the digestive juices released in stomach, but Yooley, Laurie - we must be deaf to it ?
    hoping it’ll return, like it has with you Bella….

    So the no rumblers - do you time eat?
    Bella - you show such fortitude - I know, as Pav has hinted at - when have too large gaps & get that nauseous & dizzy feeling, I eat & have a tendency to eat too fast & then overeat before I know it.

    Stuff to work on!
    Going to stop snacking - again - do 3 meals a day & experiment with timing!

  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,214 Member
    I’m usually very good with meals and eat on a regular schedule most days. My problem is snacking grab and go in between or after. Again, most days are okay but if I’m anxious, worried, tired,stressed…. All bets are off. I’ll just pick up handfuls of stuff without experiencing any hunger. And nothing seems to fill the void. Just pure craziness!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,319 Member
    edited April 15
    @Creamtea42 I confess to being a bit too self-disciplined at times....

    I have almost entirely stopped snacking in between meals, because in my case that was where most of the damage was done. I found myself skimping on my meal calories in order to give me more calories for snacking, and as a consequence the overall quality of my diet declined, and I found I was hungrier than ever because of the greater amount of empty calories I was consuming.

    So I gave myself a pep talk and decided to cut out snacking completely.

    When it comes to weight management, I'm better with an all-or-nothing approach. It's when I try to moderate that things go awry. So if I tell myself NO EATING BETWEEN MEALS that's something I can do without too much stress and effort....but if I gave myself permission to snack if you're really hungry/snack if it's a special occasion/snack if your next meal might be delayed/snack because it's the weekend/snack because that cake looks sooooo good/snack because it's a healthy treat/snack because there's a Y in the day of the week.....well, then I'd go completely to pot and before I knew where I was I'd be back to skimping on my proper food to fuel that snack habit...

    Five days a week I have 3 meals per day, and two days a week I have a large brunch and then a light dinner (still experimenting to see if a 2-meal day is a good strategy for me or not). If I'm hungry between meals I drink a glass of water or have a cuppa and keep myself busy until the hunger goes away again. By the time the meal is ready I'm properly hungry and I enjoy and appreciate my food so much more than I did when I was simply 'topping up' an already half-full stomach.

    I roughly eat by the clock, though if I'm busy I can push back meals by an hour or two without noticing any appreciable difference in my hunger.

    On a 3 meal day, my schedule looks something like this:
    6am: get up and have a mug of tea then take Norman out for a long walk
    9am: breakfast (usually porridge) with another mug of tea
    1pm-ish: Lunch (usually a bowl of homemade veggie and bean soup)
    6pm-ish: Dinner (usually my biggest meal of the day - always a protein-rich meal).
    Once dinner is over that's all my eating done until breakfast the next day. No late night snacking, EVER!

    On a 2 meal day, my schedule looks something like this:
    6am: get up and have a mug of tea then take Norman out for a long walk
    11:30am-ish: brunch (which will be about 60% of my total daily calorie allowance and protein-rich)
    6pm-ish: Dinner (usually light, maybe soup or a jacket potato with tuna salad.
  • Creamtea42
    Creamtea42 Posts: 285 Member

    Hi again Bella! Cheers for your insight….

    I’ve tried the 2 meals a day, but did not succeed with that trial & noted would trigger some binge tendancies.

    The valuable lesson for me there was that I also could not feel the stop button to recognise that I was satiated & so enough / stop.

    Now I’m consciously having to question each meal at mo; is getting a tad too obsessional here …I have to ask all of the physical & emotional aspects of every morsel - the Hungry, Thirsty? Bored? Upset?

    And this can make it the situation worse. Some days, every hour on the hour, I could just eat & eat - it can make no sense whatsoever.

    Currently, have time & space to think & do … and Diabetic Nurse Specialist is around the corner & I so want to see if I can get my HbA1c down further!

    I think my nutrition is good now. Like you, I try to follow a Med style, but lower carb, with plenty of veggies, protein rich & have full fat.

    I’ve started tapering down the steroids now and in approx 6 weeks, will be free of them.

    Day 1 of trying to eliminate the snacks - succumbed already & had 15g cashews!

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,763 Member
    You all are inspirational. I've given myself allowance to get through this moving stuff around thing...which should be done this week. And then will give weight loss another go. NO SNACKS. That would serve me well. Good to just break the psychological addiction! When I'm busy I can go the day without eating. When I'm not. Not so much :)

    Where did you'all say you bought that self-discipline stuff I hear so much about?????
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,214 Member
    Where did you'all say you bought that self-discipline stuff I hear so much about?????

    Sadly mine comes from the discount dollar store. Poor quality and breaks easily!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,156 Member
    Creamtea42 wrote: »
    I’ve started tapering down the steroids now and in approx 6 weeks, will be free of them.

    Steroids are powerful. I mean: powerful. Any progress or even just holding the line is good stuff in their presence!
  • Creamtea42
    Creamtea42 Posts: 285 Member
    Cheers @PAV8888 - that is true; Bods said to give myself some slack too re skew-wiffed appetite, the T2 and risk of gaining weight again 🙄
    It is weird - and reflects my denial - that over the years my increasing weight has never been discussed in clinic before, or by my GP … though has always been the “elephant in the room”, I am sure! Though sInce losing a good amount … (have I mentioned the so far running total of 44lbs - probably only a zillion times 🤣🤣🤣) it is no longer a taboo subject and my GP, the Bods and nurses all say something about it!
    …..When I'm busy I can go the day without eating. When I'm not. Not so much :)………
    Where did you'all say you bought that self-discipline stuff I hear so much about?????

    Yes! … and if you find the shop that sells the discipline .. can you let me know- will buy the shop out!

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,156 Member
    edited April 16

    Either @Creamtea42 's body is having conversations with her--possible in my world! :smiley:
    Or I need "emergency--what sort of English is this stuff they speak in England?--translation" maybe by @Bella_Figura ...

    Or I am just missing something! :blush: --probably the likeliest issue. I mean I keep trying to figure out what sort of BRASS you gals are all wearing in varying sizes that requires frequent refitting as weight goes down... so there IS that!!! :wink:

    But who is "Bods" later on referred to as "the Bods" :wink:

    I am anxiously awaiting clarifications!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,319 Member
    edited April 16
    Bods are people...often used to denote officialdom....(and often interchangeable with the word numpty/numpties, especially when said bods are inefficient or incompetent). Bods is more neutral, numpties is more negative.

    ..e.g. I spoke to the bods down at the benefit office....the legal bods are checking all the paperwork at the moment....the bods at the hospital are still doing lots of tests...

    Also used of course with regard to actual bodies...e.g. I saw plenty of hot bods down at the beach this morning....
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,763 Member
    I'm liking this "bods" thing! Haven't heard it used like that. Only the "plenty of hot bods" usage. I'm going to introduce it to my life. I love you bods at MFP :)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,156 Member
    edited April 16
    So would @Creamtea42 's "bods" be her doctor? Inquiring minds and all that! ???

    (Thank you @Bella_Figura)

    And yes, meaning #2, we're all on board re the "hot bods" under construction! :wink:

    AHA! Contextually we conclude that BODS = DOCS! 'cause Ms Tea saw her rheumatologist and kidney specialist and they both gave her the "all-clear" for her Catalonian adventure!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,319 Member
    Yep, docs would definitely come under the umbrella of bods....
  • Creamtea42
    Creamtea42 Posts: 285 Member
    edited April 18
    Hi all,

    Hope your day yesterday was better than mine!
    Was day of over eating & I know why. Awful nights of insomnia built up to it.

    But slept last night with aid of OTC sleeper & feel stacks better for it.

    Line under, issue dealt with, new day.

    Edit: needed to rant this out - ta for reading 🤬😂
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,156 Member
    It is funny... get enough sleep... more likely to see scale move down (at least for me), hr variability increases, higher chance of lower resting hr (again for n=1), better decision making. short of sleep... less good decision making.... keep eating to stay awake... need I say more! :neutral: