WaistAways Team Chat - August 2020



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Pearl4686 wrote: »
    @jugar I love your veggies! Makes eating them so much more exciting when you've helped 'create' them. Excuse my ignorance, but what are the purple things? They don't look like aubergines...

    They are aubergines (eggplant) - the Asian kind. Not the pale ones, but dark and very delicious. The one in the photo was a twin - two legs, and looking rather like a fancy mathematical symbol or something. This is the first year I have succeeded in getting any aubergines at all. Usually I just get lovely plants with no fruit on them at all. This variety seems more willing to put up with our climate.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    I hope everyone has had or is having a good Wednesday! I had a mixed bag of a day. There was a lot of frustrating uploading of sound files (grrr). I executed a rescue operation involving the re-potting and fixing up of a bunch of African violets that had belonged to my mother-in-law and were slowly being killed by my son. I gave a few of those to a lovely older lady who used to be a friend of my mother-in-law. Then I helped my taller half put very large sheets of rigid insulation through the table saw, and tried to re-stake and cheer up my tomato plants after last night's heavy rains and wind. They might need more help tomorrow!

    Thanks for the exercise minutes - I'm trying to keep up better this week with getting them recorded, so keep them coming! Now it is time to get ready for Thursday --- :mrgreen:

    overdue -

    due Thursday -
  • tobeme3
    tobeme3 Posts: 22 Member
    My goodness what a day @Jugar and what a lovely rainbow of veg/fruit (tomato).

    My day was alright. Under my calorie goal so far and felt inspired by the panoply of people's rainbows that I kicked it up a notch.

    Red pepper, yellow pepper, cucumber, tomato. Zuccini, carrots and garlic.And the remainder of yesterday's bean salad, so kidney beans, chick peas, celery, red pepper, parsley.

    Got my 10000 steps (cycling and steps) today. No alcohol.
    Yesterday, because of weather did this video at home (at home step workout) was surprised how much I was sweating. Had to do it twice and top it up. If anyone wants to check it out:


    Well, off to watch a little movie, then sleepy time.

  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 555 Member
    @micki48 steps today: 6,000
    Also, swam at the pond for 30-minutes after doing a lot baking and cooking so cooling off was very much appreciated before supper.
    Off to bed. More soon!
  • deniners2
    deniners2 Posts: 875 Member
    Jesus there's a lot of chat going on in here!... I live in Scotland, west Central belt.

    Welcome to the group! Yes, there is a lot of chat.
    Speaking of Jesus, one of my favorite pastors is Alistair Begg. He's Scottish, but he's been in America (Cleveland, OH) for 40 years after marrying the girl of his dreams.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Will I never find the perfect coffee? D:
    I've tried so many, they all just don't taste as good as the stuff I bought in a random gift shop that one time. I've apparently been ruined for all coffee now.

    Oh well.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,294 Member
    eggfreak wrote: »
    PW 151.5
    CW 149.5
    LTD 43.5

    Woohoo! Look at you in the 140s. Way to go Sylvia. 🎉👏🏼👊🏻👟 Hard work pays off.

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,294 Member
    I never got back on to post last night. I also forgot to finish my logging, but I did it today. Was over my calories by 18 calories, so no biggie. I was able to get over 10,000 steps for the third day in a row. I exercised by taking a leisurely walk. I count it as exercise, although I wouldn’t say it was “shower worthy exercise “ except for the heat and humidity. My rainbow wasn’t as colorful yesterday. I forgot to eat a lot of fruit. Although, my Soycatash, from Trader Joe’s, at dinner was very colorful.

    @jugar those little 🍆 are so cute. I might even try those kind. My garden is limited because I never got out for plants because of the pandemic. I do have cucumbers 🥒 I started from seed. Beautiful plant, tons of flower—one little cucumber 🥒😢. Come on bees 🐝.

    J is sleeping. I’m catching up here, but need to go get some steps or exercise minutes soon.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy We had that storm here in N.C. around midnight. Big boomers and tons of rain.

    Hope you all make it a great day. 🤗👟🌈👏🏼
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,294 Member
    tobeme3 wrote: »
    My goodness what a day @Jugar and what a lovely rainbow of veg/fruit (tomato).

    My day was alright. Under my calorie goal so far and felt inspired by the panoply of people's rainbows that I kicked it up a notch.

    Red pepper, yellow pepper, cucumber, tomato. Zuccini, carrots and garlic.And the remainder of yesterday's bean salad, so kidney beans, chick peas, celery, red pepper, parsley.

    Got my 10000 steps (cycling and steps) today. No alcohol.
    Yesterday, because of weather did this video at home (at home step workout) was surprised how much I was sweating. Had to do it twice and top it up. If anyone wants to check it out:


    Well, off to watch a little movie, then sleepy time.

    Thanks for sharing this video! Just finished it and I am also sweating. It was a good workout. Got some steps in. Nice to have something that gets my heart rate up a little more than Pilates. Not knocking Pilates at all because it’s fantastic for your core strength. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,294 Member
    Happy birthday @Missymouse75 !!💫🎉🎂🎈
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Hi loving catching up reading everyone's chat on here, my first week on the group.

    Would it be ok if I changed my weigh-in day to a Thursday? I've weighed this morning at 12st 1.6lb's (169.6lb) - it's actually my Birthday today and I am 0.6lb of a lb heavier than I was this time last year - yes could be worse but to be honest considering I've been "dieting" everyday it could've been a lot better!!

    Anyway onwards and downwards, goals for the upcoming week are proper accurate tracking, getting steps in and controlling wine consumption which doesn't help with extra calories and then leading to extra snacking!!

    Hope everyone else is having a great day xxx

    Hi @Missymouse75 ! Actually, you are not on this team! You are with team WeightNoMore, so I'll make sure they know you are coming and want to change your day to Thursday. Here is the link to their team chat thread:


    Head on over there, and they will be more than happy to see you! I am sure they have been wondering where you are :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Hello all - sorry I have been AWOL today! It turned out to be a super busy day, and tomorrow looks similar.

    I'm definitely going to try that workout video - if 2 of you liked it, it has to be good! Thanks @tobeme3 and @micki48 for the quality control.
    Terytha wrote: »
    Will I never find the perfect coffee? D:
    I've tried so many, they all just don't taste as good as the stuff I bought in a random gift shop that one time. I've apparently been ruined for all coffee now.

    I am crazy about perfect coffee too. Since March, I have been ordering online from cafe-vrac.com and I have never been happier! They have wonderful coffee, reasonable prices, and the shipping is super fast. Their English site is northern-coffee.ca Their dark roast blend and the India Mysore Golden Nuggets (in the dark roast) are my 2 faves so far. I was not crazy about the ESPlosive or the Tanzanian Peaberry, but the other 2 are wonderful. They have a lot of choices. Give them a try! If you try either of the ones I like, and you don't like them, I'll buy them from you :smile:

    Foodwise, today was not as great as yesterday, but not a bad disaster. I'll try to plan better tomorrow!

    FRIDAY is our crazy big weigh-in day! So here you go - heads up everyone!

    And still waiting for:

    See you soon!
  • thinfairy2020
    thinfairy2020 Posts: 10 Member
    pw: 121.5
    cw: 120.4
This discussion has been closed.