WaistAways Team Chat - August 2020



  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Hey friends, reading everyone's posts, it really brings home different people's journeys, be it parenting, dieting or just life. We each have our own struggles and ups and downs but hopefully we grow stronger through them. Hang in there!

    I didn't log today as we ate out and I was ravenous after a long walk. Ate a lot of bread so I'm sure I was over but also went to a class after + my walk so I may have just evened out. What was good, was that I didn't go with the 'I ruined it, I may as well have desert etc' attitude as I have done in the past. So just moving on and carrying on...

    Wishing you all well and strong 💪💪💪
  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    My rainbow today:

    R watermelon, red bell pepper
    O carrots, cantaloupe
    Y pineapple
    G green bell pepper
    B blueberries
    P purple onion, grape juice
    B/W black beans, potatoes, vidalia onions

    I only slept about 3.5 hours last night (yay insomnia 😒) so I had a cup of coffee this morning and ever since my stomach has been really unhappy. I'm not going to get the workout in I wanted to but I'm going to try to still meet my step goal. Less than 2000 to go....

    I'm sorry to hear you're having a tough time @Terytha, I completely understand the desire to isolate. Kudos to you for still checking in though 😊 hope you're feeling better soon.
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 555 Member
    @Micki48 Steps: 3,2500 (waaaayyy too much rain and heavy wind today - let's hear it for the incoming Tropical Storm).
    We have a large amount of potatoes so, I blanched them and froze them so we can use them during the winter. Perhaps family will be able to visit by then...there's always a chance!
    I made a lovely rainbow brekky with red, orange, and yellow peppers; green zucchini, red tomatoes, and egg with a bit of cheddar cheese and a slice of homemade zucchini bread. It was yummy and had so many veggies I felt pleasantly full for most of the day!
    Almost time to sleep. I'm hoping to get a good walk in tomorrow, after the rain settles down.
    sleep well!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    I took a fabulous photo of my rainbow of veggies that I picked in the garden this morning, but it won't upload! I'll try tomorrow when our connection isn't going through a bad storm...

    HEADS UP! Tomorrow's weigh ins - first thing in the morning, right???

    @Mandiv2020 (hope you're with us!!)

    Off to the shower. I just pedalled the exercise bike through an episode that was constantly stalling due to our internet issues. Finally I gave up and just kept on pedalling. Now I'll hop in the shower and then into bed.

    'Til tomorrow, all -
  • tobeme3
    tobeme3 Posts: 22 Member
    Yesterday was terrible in terms of sticking to my goals.

    Today I am under my calorie goal. Was going to go out and do 10000 steps but the rain has not let up, and just as I was going to go out now, it started really pouring.

    So found an indoor step video for 10000, will do that now.
    I'll post my steps at the end of the week.

    My rainbow for today, not much of a rainbow, but it was tasty, healthy.

    R red peppers, kidney beans
    G celery, parsley, basil
    B/W chick peas,

    I made a nice bean salad.

    On to tomorrow, hopefully, we will have some nicer weather. Drank 8 cups of water today and didn't drink.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,294 Member
    jguldi11 wrote: »
    @ells_runs I didn't see your original post but I hope everything is working out okay. Sending virtual hugs your way 💞

    I love the idea of a rainbow food challenge. My rainbow for today:
    R watermelon, strawberries
    O Cantaloupe
    Y garlic? It's kinda yellow lol
    G green pepper, scallions, mint leaves
    B blueberries
    P grape (juice), purple onion

    I went to a restaurant with friends and planned my meal ahead of time and did not stray from it. I chose a Korean beef and vegetable grilled skewer and ahi tuna as an appetizer. I even made room for 1 glass of wine. I don't care for red but chose that anyway so that I would be less likely to drink it quickly and to avoid ordering more, and it worked!

    I completed 30 minutes of yoga, @jugar not sure if that can be converted to steps? It was a very gentle practice, I took it easy as my muscles are very sore from yesterday's workout.

    I'm a few steps short of my daily goal so I'm going to walk around the house until that's met. Tomorrow I'm in the office and I'm going to have to really push myself to be physically active, but I may go to the gym after work.

    What a great day you had!!! Congratulations.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,294 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    @micki48 Hi Michelle! May I join the Fitbit steppers group, please? My goal for August is to get to at least 8,500 steps a day. Do you need my Fitbit name?
    Have a great day!
    Thank you :)

    Absolutely! Glad to have you join us. We’d love to have your Fitbit user name so you can join our challenges there, but a note to everyone else, you do not have to have Fitbit to join the team step challenge. You still need to report your steps here either daily or at the end of the week. (By Sunday)

    When I’ve recorded or steps on the spreadsheet, I mark your post “insightful”

    Thanks! I'm westcoastsister2@gmail.com on Fitbit. I was so thrilled to go over 10,000 steps yesterday. I will post all my steps for the week on Saturday night if that works for you. This is going to be fun!

    I sent you a friend request. :smile:
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,294 Member
    Tuesday Check in

    Walked 40 minutes with a friend (gorgeous day after the storm pulled out).
    Logged all my food and stayed under my calorie goal.
    Steps so far 10,600.

    R tomato sauce, tomato
    O carrots
    Y banana
    G green bell pepper, lettuce, cucumber
    P purple onion
    B/W black olives

    Hope everyone is doing ok with this storm. It was relatively minor for us with a lot of rain and that's about it. Then, it cleared out and it was a beautiful day. Hugs to those having a tough day. Hope tomorrow is better for you. Take care all.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    @Terytha glad you checked in here; weird stressful times for sure and your job certainly sounds stressful too. Glad you had fun with your hair at least - although how did you botch it?

    Barely any rain from that storm, I could give up the garden, but will go out and water my tomatoes now...(picked a full bowl of them yesterday - like candy). We did have strong winds - branches down and our screenhouse (which was ugly and a pain to put up anyhow) blew down and bent. To the dump. I'm starting out fine with my food in the morning and lunch but then by evening, tired, I'm reaching for easy and not so healthy choices, even though I've got them prepped right there! Today I'll do better, grilled a whole platter of rainbow veggies Monday night and they are going to be my supper tonight. My week to be physically in the office - not much exercise/steps happening. Weigh in tomorrow - would love to reach the next level down but not sure I'm going to make it.
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Yesterday was good... Did all of my exercise 40 min aerobics in the morning - 20 min pilates and my LBF app, which ends up as 15 min of calisthenics... total steps was 8034, lol I had to walk in circles to hit my goal of 8k.... But I was in bed by 8pm to read my book for an hour or so before sleep... Yeah, I go to bed early, but I get up at 5.30... I really like my 7+ hours of sleep...

    Dinner was super yummy yesterday, it was Tuscan Herbed Chicken - So it was a spicy linguine with Chicken.. it had tomatos in it, but I omitted that, I don't like cooked tomatos.. Shouda put broccoli in it, but didn't think of that till I was eating it... LOL That was my last meal from Every Plate, this week we start Hello Fresh meals.. So tonight is Figgy balsamic Pork Loin..

    Hubby went to the grocery store yesterday, and picked up some grapes for me.. my goodness, they were so crisp, they were like little bits of candy, so sweet and crisp... Yummy..

    I'm not very good on the color thing, because during the week, I tend to eat the same things.. Breakfast is Shredded wheat with almonds, walnuts and pecans, Lunch is an apple (or grapes) and a hard boiled egg, although today it is string cheese, because I forgot to boil eggs yesterday.. Then dinner is whatever is from the meal box... Then after dinner, I have a snack which is normally a sugar free fudge pop, but last night it was grapes and a fudge pop, because I had plenty of calories left...

    The scale was my friend this morning, so I am happy about that...

    Hope you all have a wonderful day !

  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 555 Member
    CW: 183.2
    Finishing up laundry then off for a swim!
  • BaileyCat88
    BaileyCat88 Posts: 39 Member
    It is going to be another beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest. I know some of my friends back east are either dealing with rainstorms or heatwaves. I hope everyone survived the storms with no damage. I'm blessed to be living here near the mountains & forest. It'll be a great day for a long walk after my chores are done.

    I'm on Day 5 of starting over after a long, long period of having thrown in the towel. Plus working from home during a rainy spring was not kind to me. It feels great to have new resolve and know that I am kicking butt again! The scale budged today!!!

    Thanks to everyone for adding me to your group and for the support. I'm having fun with the step challenge "Workweek Hustle" and I don't think I ever had 2 days over 10K in a row! I just hope I won't let you all down when it comes time for my Friday weigh-in.

    Also, a BIG shout out to all of your doing the "dry August". You rock. I really need to do that, but I'm starting over so my goal list is already a challenge. A dry month will definitely be in my future.

    Smiles, everybody. Have a great day. :)

    PS @Terytha I think your hair looks amazing!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,294 Member
    @BaileyCat88 So glad to have you join us. I’m sure you’ll have a great weigh in. Don’t worry you won’t ever is appoints us. We are here to cheer on your successes and lift you up if you have a tough week.🙂

    @Terytha I like the color of your hair. It’s so rich and daring.

    Some days are more colorful than others. I love hearing about what everyone is eating.

    Took a slow leisurely walk with the little one for about an our. We went to the Bog Garden near our house. Fed the mallards 🦆, saw fish, a turtle 🐢 and a blue heron.

    I’m hoping to do pilates when J naps.

    I’ll check back later.

    @jugar needed another row on the step challenge. I added a row but have not yet checked to see if the formulas carried over.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    I was trying to do a gradient and it came out weird and uneven.

    I think the only one bothered by it is me though, so I'll leave it until the red washes out, bleach the rest and dye over it/quote]

    LOOKS FABULOUS! how fun!!
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @jugar I love your veggies! Makes eating them so much more exciting when you've helped 'create' them. Excuse my ignorance, but what are the purple things? They don't look like aubergines....

    @Terytha glad you're feeling better <3 !

    My day was ok. Lots of walking but no workout (too tired). Stayed withing calorie goal but didn't eat very healthy as was out most of the day so mostly sandwiches. The scale is up :s , I know I shouldn't weigh daily as it tends to wear me down, but I'm so curious every morning...
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