This August I will...



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Love your posts & your photos! Keep them coming!

    I have the opposite issue - I watch my protein grams carefully as kidney transplant team does not want me to eat more than 1.3g/kg of body weight. Max 1.4g
    Ideally probably 1.0g but I read older folks should eat 1.2-1.4g
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    I welcome pictures any time...related or random is fine with me🙂
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    I made my tracker & it’s already helped me. Will post it soon!!

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    Yup - great reminders so glad that yall posted about those trackers. I can't wait to start getting fancier with them.

    Maddie - I don't remember if we have had this conversation before but the granddaughter of the Barn where I keep Bandit was born with Wilms disease. As a baby she underwent multiple operations and had BOTH kidneys removed. So for almost 5 years she had to have daily dialysis. Last August, her Dad was finally approved to donate a Kidney and it happened. As you can imagine the road has been very rocky for the family. And the poor kiddo has continued to have off and on issues because well frankly she did not ever really use all her plumbing and I think it is not used to working correctly. sigh. Anyway, if you facebook you can look her up as Avalee's Avengers to see some of her story. I never did know about the protein but it makes sense as when I have a lot of it I can "smell" it in my pee so it must be filtered in the kidneys also. Or some part of it anyway.

    @nebslp thank you for the welcome!

    Well another day and off to run soon. Managed 20% protein again and still working on variety and inching those cals up to 1900. That's a bit of a leap for me so I decided to just do it gradually and not try to jump into the deep end too fast. I promise I will get there.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday gals.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    I hope you run was

    Yep, don’t wanna make the kidneys do more work than needed!!

    In fact, why would we want our bodies to have more fuel (food) than they need? This was a huge Ah-ha for me.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    In fact, why would we want our bodies to have more fuel (food) than they need? This was a huge Ah-ha for me.
    that's an interesting perspective for sure. I don't think we want MORE than we need (Ie I think a lot of supplements and vitamins are possibly ineffective and just marketing hype - not all but a lot) but in my case I am always looking to improve my energy. Esp now WFH I find that my motivation is less without other activity/people to bounce off of. So in my case I want to be that runner you see galloping down the road effortlessly eating up the miles. Right now I am the turtle scratching my way down the asphalt barely picking up it's feet. LOL. So, mixing up what I eat seems my next course.

    As far as the habit wheel, it dawned on me today that there are a lot of "things" I require of myself on a daily or weekly basis. So for August altho I started one in an excel spreadsheet with a list, mostly I am just adding more as I see what I do so it's really more of an eye opener this first time (except the few items which I am working on ) as far as what are all the things I do and are they necessary? Can I remove some and remove some stress and add more variety and FUN and EASY into my life.

    And this spring I have learned that sometimes if you wait and don't WEED everything all the time, there are most wonderful surprises. Like these volunteer petunias which I normally might have weeded from the bed before they had a chance to show me what they were.


  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    In fact, why would we want our bodies to have more fuel (food) than they need? This was a huge Ah-ha for me.
    that's an interesting perspective for sure. I don't think we want MORE than we need (Ie I think a lot of supplements and vitamins are possibly ineffective and just marketing hype - not all but a lot) but in my case I am always looking to improve my energy. Esp now WFH I find that my motivation is less without other activity/people to bounce off of. So in my case I want to be that runner you see galloping down the road effortlessly eating up the miles. Right now I am the turtle scratching my way down the asphalt barely picking up it's feet. LOL. So, mixing up what I eat seems my next course.

    As far as the habit wheel, it dawned on me today that there are a lot of "things" I require of myself on a daily or weekly basis. So for August altho I started one in an excel spreadsheet with a list, mostly I am just adding more as I see what I do so it's really more of an eye opener this first time (except the few items which I am working on ) as far as what are all the things I do and are they necessary? Can I remove some and remove some stress and add more variety and FUN and EASY into my life.

    And this spring I have learned that sometimes if you wait and don't WEED everything all the time, there are most wonderful surprises. Like these volunteer petunias which I normally might have weeded from the bed before they had a chance to show me what they were.


    My Ah-ha for maintenance came about 17 months in..

    How might I make maintenance easy?

    Brainstormed a bunch of things. Tried them.
    Made adjustments.

    One thing I did was Really Think about the minimum number of things I can track/do to maintain.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited August 2020
    @themedalist, Sounds like you are doing well with Garage Band work!
    I'm right there with you that it is always a good thing when we get back to some project or activity from the past that we are trying to learn about or do, and we find that we actually remember things even though its been awhile! Good for you!

    @SummerSkier, Thanks for the reminder... I really should post my August 'I Will' before I get too far behind 🤣 .

    I like that you do a "my day in photos" !! I love our hummingbirds also. The photo of the thundercloud was truly amazing! I like clouds too! I sometimes go outside just to look at the clouds. I often step outside just to see what the moon is 'doing' tonight and the rest of our night sky. We can miss so much beauty if we are not intentional about looking for it.
    I also liked the butterfly enjoying your rose bush. And your volunteer petunias!

    You are doing great with your protein intake. Well done!

    @MadisonMolly2017, I really enjoyed looking at all of your habit trackers. They are so beautiful and creative. I especially liked the picture of the big tree that slipped in! And also what looks like plant roots! Beautiful!

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Thanks @texasgardnr
    I am an extreme tree lover & the Ive been photographing roots on banks a lot since discovering Van Gogh’s painting of them (now thought to be the painting he was working on just before he died.)
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Here is my tracker for August! I made a copy of a doodly sketch I did while on the phone LOL. Then copied some graph paper over it.

    Tracking & Goals:
    Protein - up to 105g ok, dr. prefers 85-93g
    Fiber <33 per dr.
    Sat Fat - just tracking at this point
    Calorie deficit: > 0
    AW: challenge point pts. Shooting for 110 unless/until I feel it’s harming my ankle.
    Ex bike mins: new exercise for me, just tracking minutes currently
    Steps > 10K
    BMI < 24
    Wt < 160

    When scale started going up - I switched my “I will” to having a calorie deficit.


    Hopefully, I’ll still buy the bras! 🤣
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited August 2020
    In June my habit was to read a real book just for fun. I posted for 20 days and then stopped for some reason.

    I wrote at the end of July: "July was more difficult for me. And I bailed on posting. Or figuring out a healthy habit to work on. I also forgot to keep reading for fun. That is unbelievable that I did that, but it probably is a symptom of my physical health struggles this year catching up to me, most noticeably especially this month. As I certainly enjoyed that reading."

    After thinking about it and also realizing some things, I decided to make my August "I Will" habit reading for fun, again, and also get back to coloring. I even let that slide when I was feeling overwhelmed or in pain.

    I'm going to continue to read The Annotated Sense and Sensibility because I am enjoying both the story and learning or having a better understanding of many things. I am also going to start reading it during the day because I had fallen asleep while reading it too many times in June, and then did it twice this month already 😴.

    My August I Wills will be focused on fun and creativity.

    I will Read my book and/or color some every day. 📖 =reading a book for fun, 📜= coloring

    August 1: 📖

    August 2: 📜
    August 3: 📖
    August 4: 📖

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    In June my habit was to read a real book just for fun. I posted for 20 days and then stopped for some reason.

    I wrote at the end of July: "July was more difficult for me. And I bailed on posting. Or figuring out a healthy habit to work on. I also forgot to keep reading for fun. That is unbelievable that I did that, but it probably is a symptom of my physical health struggles this year catching up to me, most noticeably especially this month. As I certainly enjoyed that reading."

    After thinking about it and also realizing some things, I decided to make my August "I Will" habit reading for fun, again, and also get back to coloring. I even let that slide when I was feeling overwhelmed or in pain.

    I'm going to continue to read The Annotated Sense and Sensibility because I am enjoying both the story and learning or having a better understanding of many things. I am also going to start reading it during the day because I had fallen asleep while reading it too many times in June, and then did it twice this month already 😴.

    My August I Wills will be focused on fun and creativity.

    I will Read my book and/or color some every day. 📖 =reading a book for fun, 📜= coloring

    August 1: 📖

    August 2: 📜
    August 3: 📖
    August 4: 📖


    I am very sorry you are facing these challenges & pain.

    AND I can feel your happiness with your “I will” shining through your post. Good for you for your reflecting & inventing an “I will” that will bring you joy!!

    Both reading & coloring, I find, transport me to a place of not worrying, helping me rise above my troubles.

    Recently, I’ve found random, improvisational stitching on fabric or previously “doodle-painted” paper SURPRISINGLY stress reducing. No pressure. And as I stitch, images appear & I can build on those.

    Life is such a grand journey!

    All my best,
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hi, just checking in for the week. I'm on top of the early morning water because I made a few tweaks to my method. Now I get out my coffee cup and fill it with tap water. I drink it while the coffee brews and can't put my coffee in my cup until the water is gone. Works perfectly! If I just get out of my chair and get busy it's easy to get my morning steps in. I've logged my food every day so far. I moved my vitamins to the bathroom and that made it almost impossible to forget them :smile: I filled out my planner every day and have made my goals chart with an extra section for one time a week tasks. Mondays is work in the basement day, Tuesday is clean my bathroom, Wednesday is work upstairs day, Thursday is laundry day and Friday is work on unfinished sewing projects. I added a daily goal of shutting off my iPad every night by 11:15. The result of that is I'm in bed by 11:30 and getting up a little earlier which makes my mornings longer :smiley: and I get more accomplished. I have been walking and working outside almost daily but I need to do my inside workouts regularly like lifting and classical stretch. Better put that on my planner, right!? I have but it's easy to ignore :neutral: So that's a wrap!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @themedalist It's great to go back to something you enjoyed and find that you still enjoy it and maybe even more because you feel more accomplished than when you started the first time. My granddaughter and I played around with Garage Band a long time ago but haven't given it much thought lately and I never really understood how it worked. Good luck working around the iPad obstacles.

    @SummerSkier What did Bandit think about the Fig Newtons??? Animals can often outsmart humans. They make us think outside the box! I love horses but am scared to death of them. I seriously have a mini panic attack whenever there isn't a fence between me and them.

    @77tes I love your Grasshopper and the Ants theme for your chart! That's perfect for this time of year.

    @texasgardnr I often find that I do great on keeping up with my chart until the last week of the month. Not sure why. I hope you're enjoying your book, and maybe you'll share some of your coloring with us??

    @MadisonMolly2017 I didn't answer your intro question about what I love about August. I think it has to be those few, brief cool spells after the awful summer heat and humidity that remind me of crisp, cool Fall days. We've had a week of that and it's been wonderful. Now next week.... :neutral: back to the dog days of Summer.

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017, thank you for the encouragement 🌸.

    You wrote: "Recently, I’ve found random, improvisational stitching on fabric or previously “doodle-painted” paper SURPRISINGLY stress reducing. No pressure. And as I stitch, images appear & I can build on those."
    That is a very creative way to do stitching. It sounds like fun with a built in surprise factor also. Good for you!

    @nebslp, Thank you for your update! You are doing awesome, and especially in finding creative ways to remember to do your habits! well done 👍🏵.

    Yes! I am enjoying reading my Jane Austen book. Hmmm, maybe sometime I'll tackle learning how to post a picture. Which will involve learning how to get a picture off the phone and onto the desktop where I post on MFP. or download the app onto the phone only for picture posting purposes. Currently I do not have anything on the phone that wants me to communicate with it like email or forums/groups for example because I do best with a real keyboard. But there are times that I've wanted to post a picture 😄.

    My August I Wills will be focused on fun and creativity.

    I will Read my book and/or color some every day. 📖 = reading a book for fun, 📜= coloring

    August 1: 📖

    August 2: 📜
    August 3: 📖
    August 4: 📖
    August 5: 📖 📜


  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    @nebslp Bandit HATED the fig newtons. LOL. He acted like I had poisoned him and put his nose in the air and wrinkled it. Needless to say I did NOT need 1000 calories x 2 of fignewtons in my house so they stayed at the barn for them to enjoy it.

    @MadisonMolly2017 (Maddie) that is very interesting about the random stitching. If I were extremely religous I would say God was guiding your hands. But I am not so I am going to say that is one of most creative and artistic things I have read about recently! wow.

    @texasgardnr (Marie) so happy to hear than you are giving yourself permission to have such a low key and enjoyable month. August is my and my late Mom's bday month so typically I tend to stress about it overly. That is also part and parcel of why the no buying thing this month. Because... well... stress amazon buying is not a good thing on a budget. ;) as far as pictures I post from a computer mostly when I am typing longs comments like this one. I have a MAC tho so a PC might be different. On the Mac I just put the picture on my desktop and then I click the little picture icon about the window here (where are the font options are) and tell it I want to add a photo from my desktop when I click on choose files. Today's photo is a snapchat photo of my bang trimming job which I am proud of. Thank the goddess snapchat takes 30 years off my face. LOL. It's also quite easy on the phone ap but again typing....

    An update on my August I will. So far so good. I have not yet seen the desired INCREASE in energy but I have learned patience is important as we age and things don't just go SNAP anymore in any direction. Except of course the scale which can rise magically several pounds for no particular reason and is why it currently sits in the corner facing the wall. HAHAHAHA.. But I have slowly increased cals a bit and am trying new things for meals. A pain to log but more fun to have more variety and choice. I also added a task to my list yesterday which is hard for me because I am NOT a phone talker but I decided that I should call family and friends at least once a month if they don't check in with me. Texting and emailing is good but not enough right now as WFH I have only work contact mostly and a few neighbors in passing.

    SO yesterday I called a friend in Md to check on her as she lives near Salisbury and lost power with the storm. She actually was a very VERY close friend and travel companion and confident for my Mom so I enjoy talking to her and she actually loves it when I ask her questions about my parents that I was way too immature and self centered to ask when they could have answered. It's enlightening. Of course it's going to be her perspective but still. I want to thank all of you for sharing your lists and I don't know where the idea came from to add phone calls but it was definitely here!


  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Thanks @SummerSkier, about how to insert a picture. Ha! I never paid attention to those symbols that I don't use. I discovered the symbol to insert a link when I posted the introduction to our Declutterfest, but acted like everything else was invisible 😃.

    Nice picture with the sparkles, and your bangs look amazing!

    I'll google how to get a picture off my phone and onto my desktop. I love macs and all things apple, but my husband needed PC for his programs for work back in the day, and so we've stayed with it.

    My August I Wills will be focused on fun and creativity.

    I will read my book and/or color some every day. 📖 = reading a book for fun, 📜= coloring

    August 1: 📖

    August 2: 📜
    August 3: 📖
    August 4: 📖
    August 5: 📖 📜
    August 6: 📖 📜

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @texasgardnr It's a pain to have to learn new things sometimes, but so great when you get it figured out. Good lucking with the picture posting. I need to learn how to do a collage so I can post more than one at a time. Someday.

    @SummerSkier Very nice pic (love the sparkles) and cute bangs! You did a good job. I am supposed to get my hair cut next Tuesday. It's in a 2 chair building and one of the stylists and her family tested positive for COVID over a week ago. I heard today my gal tested positive, too, so I'm waiting for a phone call to see if she'll cancel. Or I will call her to see what's going on. Pretty sure I'll cancel. Guess I should have gone sooner before it hit our little town of 800.

    I've been doing so well until yesterday when everything fell apart. I was busy in the morning and left the house without cleaning up the bathroom and taking my vitamins. Then when I got home I forgot that I had decided Thursday was to be my laundry day so I had to do that this morning. I did 0 exercise and didn't even log my food. It's my pattern to get off track when I have to go somewhere in the morning. So I'm making today a better day even though I just realized I didn't get my 1100 steps in this morning. I got up at 6:30 and read for a couple of hours, then it was coffee time :/ UGH!!! Time to turn this day around! I did take pictures of 3 pillows that I made and plan to use those for my Etsy shop once I open. Time to get moving! I will exercise today. I promise! Now I have to!!!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Sometimes we need those days!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    It’s time to celebrate each of us! Which of your many strengths & qualities are you most proud of?
