This August I will...



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    August I wills 2 weeks in summary:

    Have added the variety to the menu now (mostly more protein type things but some other) and the last week all my logs have been over 1800 (so approaching the 1900 I planned) I am not sure that I am seeing a good bump in energy from this but I think it takes a little time so being patient. Mostly have stayed off the rollercoaster so far.

    Today is my Mom's birthday (she passed in 2014) so in the Jewish tradition (of which I practice very few sadly) I have lit a 24 hr candle and will let my brain bring up memories throughout the day.

    Thinking of you & your mom πŸ’žπŸŒΈπŸŒΊ
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    nebslp wrote: Β»
    @MadisonMolly2017 I like the things you put on your chart. I hadn't ever actually calculated BMI to the .1 but it might be encouraging to do so. TY for sharing your Happy Scale screenshots. It's inspiring to see how you (and others) were able to lose the weight and keep it off. I've used Happy Scale for 5 years or so but had to start over in January for some reason so lost all of my previous stats. Sometimes I think I'm the only one here who hasn't seen that downward trend yet. I'm a great maintainer though! I've been in a 10 lb range for over 7 years after losing about 15 before 2013. So I guess that's good news :D Right now I'm back at the top of the range, unfortunately, thanks to my stress levels in March and April. I usually hang in the lower/middle so this seems very high for me.

    @SummerSkier I think your plan to focus on what matters most is the way to go. And reading is a good goal because a feeling of inner peace should be top priority...This shouldn't be too stressful. When this group started we were focusing on one small change. Just one tiny thing! It seems the more you do that and are successful, the easier it is to add another one the next month. A lot of my goals are old ones, but tweaked in some way to make them better. Also, I wish I were more of a morning person but if I go to bed before 11, I just lie there for an hour and sometimes end up reading. Any time after 11, I'm out like a light! One more thing, I hope your hips and back aren't feeling any bad effects after yesterday's drive.

    I do find the BMI #’s to the 0.1 inspiring! They also remind me I am normal, and if I stay at this weight, all is good, or if I lose a little more, all is good.

    Congratulations on your sustained weight loss. I did quite a bit of research on this topic this morning for a post on another discussion. Looks like any of us who maintain any weight loss are rare & doing GREAT! We must not lose sight of that!!

    @SummerSkier I had the same question as nebslp - how are your joints doing? I find some stretches help & I splurged on an UltraVolt last summer & it’s a life saver for my muscles!! Highly highly recommend- worth every dollar
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    So along the lines of branching out..

    Tomorrow is my birthday. I made it 62 years!!!! unbelievable. My Mom always made a strawberry shortcake for dessert when I was a child. Each of us kids had our own preferred bday cake. My brothers was always a 7 layer chocolate or boston creme. I can't remember what my other brother and sister liked tho.

    Anyway today I thought I might get a piece from the store while I was shopping so I perused the slices they had cut. 1200 calories!!! OMG. I don't think so.

    This is what I came up with as my alternative which I can have multiple servings of

    Dessert shells 60 cal x 2 is 120 cals
    Fresh strawberries 9 cals/0z x 4 is 40 cals
    Cool Whip 2 tablespoons on top is 25 cals
    Halo top icecream (300 per carton but just using a small portion of ea) 200
    Total is about 400 cals rounding up AND it will be delicious and I won't feel like dog poo from an overdose of sugar when done. Plus I know exactly what is in it.

    Sometimes I really love finding alternatives which satisfy yet are not going to break the cal bank. Now granted the slice of cake at the store was "meant" to be 4 servings but seriously that thing would have been gone in one "gulp" sitting. The above recipe will make 3 servings and there is no opportunity really to go overboard but just the ability to enjoy.... and I enjoy making it myself pretty much. The strawberries looked so fabulous. Gotta love summer fruits and veggies. PS maybe I will take a photo of the cake next time I am in the store but seriously it was nowhere close to looking at tempting as this will. ;)B)


    Happy early birthday!!
    What a brilliant substitution solution!!! Yummy! I want this see the photo too!

    Substitutions are such an essential maintenance skill!! ❀️
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    shhh... dont tell anyone but sometimes my BMI is in the "low" range. I literally am not even 5''2" but I got NAILed at work last year when they did their little health thing because altho my weight was what it was they measured me at 5'3" OMG... Anyway, I have to laugh because I keep track of the yearly things and what am I most proud of for last year of everything? Why the waist measurement. ROTFLOL... Anyway I am a yo yoing so at yr 4 it's nice not to be going up and down and all around.

    Ladies thank you for remembering about my little traffic jam whine. I luckily avoided any major stiffness the next day with a run/walk. But mostly it's lucky I have a fairly decent car. I have taken to being a lot more intentional and thoughtful about my movements. When I get out of the car I no longer do it sideways but turn in the seat so I am facing the opening and get out squarely.

    Welcome to Sat and so happy that everyone is plugging along. And I agree with @nebslp that sometimes we just have to be flexible and what seems like a wonderful idea at first needs to change later on. I still like the line for :::UFO::: the best tho. B)

    bONcheckininEveryonehave a wonderfulweekendifyoucan
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Happy Birthday @SummerSkier!!!!!!

    We want pics of your β€œstrawberry shortcake β€œ!!! πŸ“ 🍰 🎁
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    Well the best part of the dessert was the strawberries. I guess my taste for cake is no longer as strong as it was. I used 2 of the shells but that was 1.5 too many actually. It's difficult to really see but this is a LARGE bowl .... very filling and had the right flavors for sure! I had a really nice low key bday. I finished the fence project and did my longest run ever (10 miles!) and was able to bounce back and still do 5 today no problem. How is everyone else coming along on their August I dos.....???


  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,004 Member
    edited August 2020
    @SummerSkier , happy birthday! I agree, strawberries are the best part of strawberry shortcake.

    My August goals are going well. I definitely did more than 2 hours of schoolwork per day last week. But only another week until the semester begins.


    BTW, I just started reading Atomic Habits by James Clear - it’s really great. I’ve also got a library hold on Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg. I’m pretty excited that my daughters are reading these books and one of my daughters is getting serious about her making healthy food choices.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    @77tes wow that is awesome that you are making such good progress with the schoolwork. Does the semester begin with in person classes? Your wheel is so very pretty! thank you for sharing and also the books. I haven't been doing much reading these days but I have a "list"... :)

    Well I am going to reevaluate my will do's for August for the rest of the month. I tripped over some furniture last night and heard that dreadful POP in my left knee. The good news is that I do not see a lot of swelling and I am weight bearing without issue. whew! Small favors. I have been injured before so I know the drill. I iced it pretty much all night long and I know the full extent of whatever I did probably will take a day or so.

    So this morning's "workout" was watering the flowers and yard and using my hand weights while seated and standing for a 30 minute set. There will be lots of ibuprofin (with meals) and ice and anti inflam salve as well. I believe I will be able to ride but that will be a test for much later today.

    Anyway, I have just told you ladies because I am trying to think of positive things to work on since there will be very little running or walking this week or perhaps for several weeks. And of course my plan to eat so many calories needs to be cut quite a bit. So we shall see where that leads today. I am pretty sure baseline will be around 1500 without cardio ex.

    SummerheyAtleastIcanwalksomewhat!!! :)

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    @77tes wow that is awesome that you are making such good progress with the schoolwork. Does the semester begin with in person classes? Your wheel is so very pretty! thank you for sharing and also the books. I haven't been doing much reading these days but I have a "list"... :)

    Well I am going to reevaluate my will do's for August for the rest of the month. I tripped over some furniture last night and heard that dreadful POP in my left knee. The good news is that I do not see a lot of swelling and I am weight bearing without issue. whew! Small favors. I have been injured before so I know the drill. I iced it pretty much all night long and I know the full extent of whatever I did probably will take a day or so.

    So this morning's "workout" was watering the flowers and yard and using my hand weights while seated and standing for a 30 minute set. There will be lots of ibuprofin (with meals) and ice and anti inflam salve as well. I believe I will be able to ride but that will be a test for much later today.

    Anyway, I have just told you ladies because I am trying to think of positive things to work on since there will be very little running or walking this week or perhaps for several weeks. And of course my plan to eat so many calories needs to be cut quite a bit. So we shall see where that leads today. I am pretty sure baseline will be around 1500 without cardio ex.

    SummerheyAtleastIcanwalksomewhat!!! :)

    Oh I’m so sorry to read this! After your 10 miler followed by 5 miler! πŸ… πŸŽ–

    Hoping your healthy body gets that knee back in shape pronto!! β›‘ 🦡

    There are lots of things you can do! Maybe a new hobby or revisiting an earlier one. If the knee will take it, you could do one @77tes did, prepping meals to freeze. Learning new (fast) recipes? I’m thinking something fun!

    Get well soon!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    My August β€œI Will” tracker

    My 10-day trend weight is the lowest it’s been since December 2, 2019 - 9 months ago -

    This is why I track averages etc. otherwise I could be discouraged right now :)

    How are your β€œI Will’s” going? Have you made changes or adapted your goals?

    My major change has been realizing I need to tackle protein first.

    And then realizing my sat fat has really increased from where it used to be. I will get back to 10% or so, but right now just putting a little star if I come in at 35 or fewer grams.

    Finally, I realized 2+ hours of daily exercise doesn’t work for my ankle :( and doesn’t give me enough time to pursue interests. Returned to 10K+ steps Daily (before heat hit)

    Monthly avg steps is well over 10K so all is good.

    I’d love to hear successes, tweaks, struggles...

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited August 2020
    @SummerSkier, lighting a 24 hour candle πŸ•― on their birthday is such a beautiful and meaningful tradition to remember loved ones who have passed on.

    Also.... 🎈Happy Birthday πŸ“to you!!

    I like your strawberry shortcake birthday treat idea! Totally yummy and definitely easy on your tummy πŸ˜‹. I agree the πŸ“s would definitely be the best part!

    One day I'll surprise you with pictures. I will figure it out lol one day.

    @77tes, your tracker is very pretty! I also love the colors that you are using. You are doing amazing with your I wills.

    @SummerSkier Oh, no..... your left knee. You do know the drill and did what needed to be done early on. Hope you recover quickly and can get back to running really soon. Hugs πŸ’

    @MadisonMolly2017, your tracker is looking great! I see the recent heat wave area.... it does affect things quite a bit. We are in one also 🌞.
    I like how you evaluate things and change them up as needed... well done!

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Thanks @texasgardnr !
    We’re getting the knack of opening & closing windows & timing walks better. My exercise is steadily going back up!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    My August I Wills will be focused on fun and creativity.

    I will read my book and/or color some every day. πŸ“– = reading a book for fun, πŸ“œ= coloring

    August 1: πŸ“–

    August 2: πŸ“œ
    August 3: πŸ“–
    August 4: πŸ“–
    August 5: πŸ“– πŸ“œ
    August 6: πŸ“– πŸ“œ
    August 7: πŸ“– πŸ“œ
    August 8: πŸ“œ

    August 9: πŸ“œ
    August 10: πŸ“– πŸ“œ
    August 11: πŸ“– πŸ“œ
    August 12: πŸ“– πŸ“œ
    August 13: πŸ“œ
    August 14: πŸ“– πŸ“œ
    August 15: πŸ“–

    August 16: πŸ“– πŸ“œ
    August 17: πŸ“– πŸ“œ

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    what awesome updates from Maddie and Marie! Now just need to see how @nebslp is doing. It's so nice to see that no one is giving in to the mid month slumps so far. Thank goodness for trend weights!

    Well yesterday I was just honestly happy that I was able to manuever around the house. I went outside but really was quite tentative to walk more than just around the block (maybe 10 minutes) And no swelling or pain so the IBU and ICE were working well.

    Today when I woke up the knee felt stronger and more stable (so I am classifying this as a sprain because that's what it feels like) and so before taking any meds I went out for a walk. Well I wanted to jog but I could tell that was not good so I ended up doing a nice 2 mile walk. Had to really swing my arms to try to get my HR over 100. But that's all good news to me that it is stable and I was able to WALK with a purpose.

    Since I am still in the honeymoon period of 48 hrs today will also be an IBU and ICE day with just some walking perhaps and riding my horse Bandit.

    We are also having the heat wave last week but it broke and our high was only 96 yesterday. ROTFLOL!!!

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Things are going well here. I haven't hit the slump yet. It usually appears right after the 20th of the month, but I don't think it will this month. The frequent activity here this month has been energizing...thanks, ya'll! I'm at least 90% successful at my "I wills", and I will post my chart in a couple days.

    @SummerSkier Take special care of that knee even if it's feeling better (which I hope it is)! Give it whatever time and TLC it needs for a few days for sure.

    @77tes I love James Clear's weekly emails but I haven't any of his books yet. I'll have to see if they've available at my online library. It looks like you're chirping right through August! Good luck to you as the school days approach. I know there's a lot of prep work before that first day.

    @MadisonMolly2017 Your tracker looks awesome! I agree that the daily average is much more encouraging than one single statistic. It's good to push yourself with exercise so you can find that sweet spot that works best for you. It's part of self-discovery and care.

    @texasgardnr You haven't missed a day! You must be really enjoying your goal and maybe it will be a habit you will continue forever.

    We're almost 2/3 into the month. Hard to believe, isn't it!?
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    I truly believe that energy begets energy and lethary begets lethary. So, we pump each other up here and the more we engage the better. I really am enjoying learning about all of you and hearing about your journeys.

    today's update. Well things are fine. My knee is in it for a long term recovery so I just am grateful for the things I can do. I am no stranger to injury unfortunately so I understand pushing to see the limits but also allowing for healing.

    I am going to skip the IBU today and see tomorrow how things are. I may still ice because that is easy and not harmful. Also on the to do list today is to do an internet search on the best way to "tape" the injury. I really like Rock Tape (a brand of KT) for my other knee and hip so what's another place taped? lol. Pretty soon I will be one big Rock Tape statue.

    I have never hears of James Clear but another thing to google between zoom meetings. And OMG I have ones at 9 930 10 1030 and 1 PM today!!! smh

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,004 Member
    @SummerSkier, so sorry that you hurt your knee. Take care and don’t get impatient. Glad you can still ride your horse while you are rehabbing. My classes are 100% online, but that means the class has to be pretty much all set up before day one, so lots of prep. Oh, and I can’t take credit for my housework plan which you mentioned weeks ago. I got it from the Flylady. And do look up James - he sends out lots of great stuff via his email.

    @MadisonMolly2017, I love the way you track your stats! And of course it’s beautiful! You are my tracker inspiration. ❀️

    @nebslp, I also find the end of the month harder. The energy seems to run out. Still I guess 20 great days and 10 or 11 mediocre days is better than 31 terrible days. Maybe that should be my I will for next month - only 9 mediocre days. 🀣

    @texasgardnr, so glad you are sticking to your goal of reading and coloring. My daughters keep me reading since we have a little book club (they both read really fast, so push me a bit), still discussing Austen is so much nicer than the daily diet of doom and gloom that most social media provides.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,004 Member
    Oh my @SummerSkier, that many Zoom meeting! :o . May the odds be ever in your favor 🀣
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    I truly believe that energy begets energy and lethary begets lethary. So, we pump each other up here and the more we engage the better. I really am enjoying learning about all of you and hearing about your journeys.

    today's update. Well things are fine. My knee is in it for a long term recovery so I just am grateful for the things I can do. I am no stranger to injury unfortunately so I understand pushing to see the limits but also allowing for healing.

    I am going to skip the IBU today and see tomorrow how things are. I may still ice because that is easy and not harmful. Also on the to do list today is to do an internet search on the best way to "tape" the injury. I really like Rock Tape (a brand of KT) for my other knee and hip so what's another place taped? lol. Pretty soon I will be one big Rock Tape statue.

    I have never hears of James Clear but another thing to google between zoom meetings. And OMG I have ones at 9 930 10 1030 and 1 PM today!!! smh


    You will love James Clear. I get his weekly 1-2-3 newsletter - fantastic!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    77tes wrote: Β»
    @SummerSkier, so sorry that you hurt your knee. Take care and don’t get impatient. Glad you can still ride your horse while you are rehabbing. My classes are 100% online, but that means the class has to be pretty much all set up before day one, so lots of prep. Oh, and I can’t take credit for my housework plan which you mentioned weeks ago. I got it from the Flylady. And do look up James - he sends out lots of great stuff via his email.

    @MadisonMolly2017, I love the way you track your stats! And of course it’s beautiful! You are my tracker inspiration. ❀️

    @nebslp, I also find the end of the month harder. The energy seems to run out. Still I guess 20 great days and 10 or 11 mediocre days is better than 31 terrible days. Maybe that should be my I will for next month - only 9 mediocre days. 🀣

    @texasgardnr, so glad you are sticking to your goal of reading and coloring. My daughters keep me reading since we have a little book club (they both read really fast, so push me a bit), still discussing Austen is so much nicer than the daily diet of doom and gloom that most social media provides.

    @nebslp & @77tes
    Consider two half-months!!

    TY regarding the teachers, @77tes!

    More later!!