This August I will...



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Trackers RULE!
    My lowest weight since 7/7/20. The next day inexplicable jump of 1.4lbs. Happened in 2019, too. Now I truly believe it is how my body deals with heat.

    I’m going to continue, possibly with lower deficit over time, as long as I don’t start feeling tired or too hungry. Mostly I want to continue out of curiosity. What changes in body shape will occur with another 3 lbs, 6,lb, 10? Will my ankle feel even better with a handful fewer pounds?


    Have a BLAST today, friends❣️❣️❣️

    The world 🌎 is wondrous!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 that's pretty cool I your scale tracking your BMI for you? I had a little hand held device I used for BF and BMI (Omron) and I was upset that the age did not go over 60 As if old people like me don't want to stay in shape!!! the nerve!!!!

    Anyway, congrats on continuing your drift downward. I DID at one point get below what I was confortable with (I was just starting maintenance and I got the frigging FLU in Jan 2018). Mostly the changes were really in the butt and boobs and they were not good. I was surprised that I was happy with my legs which I have struggled to accept all my life. Usually the cellulite on thighs for me is the last thing to go. So I drifted back up a few pounds and just sort of stay here. As I said I don't weigh daily anymore as the scale just messes with me too much. But I do log my meals and I do keep an eye on my activity per my watch. And I stay here on MFP. I think you can't just abandon EVERYTHING and hope to maintain but if you can do say 2 or 3 of the things you can be ok. I am not a perfect maintainer by any scope of the word. Which is why I focus on STAYING off the rollercoaster of deficit, bingy, deficit, bingy...
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    I think you are a perfect maintainer. We can want to be too perfect.

    On one of my apps, I have it set to compare my current weight to my starting weight. It helps me keep perspective ie forever as we maintain, we are also keeping off the weight we lost. Quite the victory.


    1. All Time

    Oh, I used to have an Omron, too. Now, I calculate my BMI!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member

    The last year
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    The last 90 days
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 (Maddie)

    what a wonderful perspective to put on things. So often that little bump we all get in maintenance is a terrifying thing and it causes us to start a roller coaster instead of being SO PROUD of what has been accomplished already. That is why for the first time in my life (that I can recall since maybe 12 yo) I was thrilled to think I was actually LOWER than I wanted to be and did not need to lose weight. After almost 50 years of constantly waking up and thinking you are not "fit" or "thin" etc it was very freeing. I think it was easy for me as I don't have any types of EDs etc... We had a true anorexic in high school which scared the crap out of me seeing her a skeleton so I knew I would never let myself go down that path.

    For my August I will I have also put a few things which I like on the list:

    here is one for everyone to contemplate? I sure wish I had been better at this all my life - a mouth full of crowns now which are aging.... sigh.

    floss/waterpik 2x per day in addition to brushing - I have horrible teeth so just putting this down makes me not be lazy about doing it after eating.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Yes! I have no ED tendencies either. Thank goodness. I do know students who have suffered from that - a horrible disease.

    I do find the perspective of these graphs very helpful to me. I do find - especially earlier in maintenance- that my brain would try to tell me I was still fat. This graph really helps, as does BMI... resets my brain.

    I am going to go lower now. I see that I actually do have more to lose.Slowly. I am excited to get to the point where you are!!

    Yes! Regarding dental care. One of the guys who began the habit change work, BJ Fogg, uses flossing as an example. I found his approach worked for my flossing...

    Commit to flossing just one tooth. (Reduce threshold to action & recognizing that getting out the floss etc can be a sticking point (haha) This Really works.

    Another example is a non exerciser who every day got in his workout clothes, drove to gym, worked out NO LONGER than 5 mins - even if he wanted to - and drive home every day for a week. (Establishing habit) then extended his exercise time.

    Good stuff!

    And speaking of things that are difficult ...
    I still Need a new bra - wire is poking me !!!!

    I Carefully put tape measure away somewhere organized 🤣 cannot find it 🤣 Time to make a map of my Creative Nest drawers again!!

    So don’t know the size to order (size on current bra is invisible now)

    Find tape measure. Said that for 2 weeks. Didn’t really look hard... (hate shopping)

    But now I hate being poked MORE than I hate shopping... SO I’ll look for 15 mins for cloth tape & if I can’t find it, I’ll use a piece of yarn & then measure it with ruler (which I do have located lol)

    Order bra TODAY & a tape measure haha

    If bra fits, order a second & place size on card in drawer where I store them.

    Thanks! I’m so glad you joined our group!

    BTW Do you use Happy Scale trend app
    I just noticed it tells me Best Weigh In per month. I’m considering using THAT as my metric... why focus on highest or average? I’m going to mull this over. It still will stop run away weight gain...which is my only concern!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    hi again. yes I have used happy scale before. Not current since I haven'y been weighing tho. Its a great tool and I like your idea!

    as far as the bra. Do you need underwire? I have never been comfortable with that. I also find exact sizing never seems to work. Here is what I use under work clothes. Not for running etc. I am probably a 34B so I order medium, but I love the support and stretch these provide PLUS they are comfortable yet hold you in for moving around. Some of the others even with wire I found I tended to fall out of... ug.

    Here is an idea of how it looks on me.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    hi again. yes I have used happy scale before. Not current since I haven'y been weighing tho. Its a great tool and I like your idea!

    as far as the bra. Do you need underwire? I have never been comfortable with that. I also find exact sizing never seems to work. Here is what I use under work clothes. Not for running etc. I am probably a 34B so I order medium, but I love the support and stretch these provide PLUS they are comfortable yet hold you in for moving around. Some of the others even with wire I found I tended to fall out of... ug.

    Here is an idea of how it looks on me.


    Thanks a bunch!!! I likely don’t need an u set wire -just always did LOL
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    THANK YOU @SummerSkier !!!!!
    Just what I needed!

    Found tape Measure!!! (In sewing table Hahaha)

    Measured & bought one of these & another of same brand I have now!

    TY TY TY❣️
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    Here’s my messy tracker☺️

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    @nebslp I adore your tracker! And some great ideas on there. Left/right balance is really quite a cool item. And your bedtime is LATE LATE LATE... I am normally in bed just after 9 PM. Of course I get up early to run before work. Thanks for posting that. I am always looking for ideas.

    I have started to think tho since this is the first month I am trying this that some items are already automatically tracked by other methods and so for next month (and yes there is always a next month to start thinking about!) I might drop some of those type things and look at the ideas you and the other gals have on yours.

    Maddie, I meant to comment about your habit forming notation above. Quite interesting. As far as flossing I mean once you pull it out, why just do one tooth. My dentist would always accuse me when I said I was a lazy flosser or 'exactly which tooth is NOT important to you?" hahahaha... But sometimes taking those first step(s) really are half the battle. I mean I would never get out of bed in the morning if the siren song of my coffee did not call me. Well that and the kitties.

    Off to bed. I hope I can MOVE in the morning. sigh. Got trapped (literally) in an hour long traffic jam just when the police closed the highway AND the intersection at the highway so we in my car 90 minutes vs 30 driving home. My back and hips are already complaining.


    ps still waiting on some updates from
    @texasgardnr (Marie)
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    so almost midway thru the month. I think I might need to "declutter" my tracker. I am feeling a little overwhelmed with trying to just do all the things. Whoever was it was just going to read and enjoy themselves this month has the right idea. I decided to highlight 4 items in my tracker as "the ones which matter" and make those high priority. The others will let the chips fall as they may.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    I generally don’t track any that are successful habits.
    Ideally, you track ONE habit.

    So on my current tracker:
    The priority is:
    1) Not eating too much protein*
    2) Daily Exercise
    3) Wt in the 150’s
    4) Calorie deficit

    With 1 being my new habit that I am focusing upon. (Although when I began July 27, not going to 160 was my top
    Priority #3 & now #4 is well under control)

    So yes they shift around as we ascertain what needs our attention now!

    Also, nothing magical about a month. I constantly reassess & problem
    Solve, as I can tell all of us do here!

    When I have protein under control, I’ll do some research & see if sat fat really does need to be lower or not.

    The other categories are simply motivational for me :)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 I like the things you put on your chart. I hadn't ever actually calculated BMI to the .1 but it might be encouraging to do so. TY for sharing your Happy Scale screenshots. It's inspiring to see how you (and others) were able to lose the weight and keep it off. I've used Happy Scale for 5 years or so but had to start over in January for some reason so lost all of my previous stats. Sometimes I think I'm the only one here who hasn't seen that downward trend yet. I'm a great maintainer though! I've been in a 10 lb range for over 7 years after losing about 15 before 2013. So I guess that's good news :D Right now I'm back at the top of the range, unfortunately, thanks to my stress levels in March and April. I usually hang in the lower/middle so this seems very high for me.

    @SummerSkier I think your plan to focus on what matters most is the way to go. And reading is a good goal because a feeling of inner peace should be top priority...This shouldn't be too stressful. When this group started we were focusing on one small change. Just one tiny thing! It seems the more you do that and are successful, the easier it is to add another one the next month. A lot of my goals are old ones, but tweaked in some way to make them better. Also, I wish I were more of a morning person but if I go to bed before 11, I just lie there for an hour and sometimes end up reading. Any time after 11, I'm out like a light! One more thing, I hope your hips and back aren't feeling any bad effects after yesterday's drive.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited August 2020
    I read everyone's posts since my last post here. Great exchange of ideas 👍!

    As far as maintaining- I have been in maintenance for several years now. I have learned that I do best with a 'range' weight since being in maintenance. Any ups and downs in my weight that occur for many reasons do not cause me any worry about them as long as I am in my 'range'. I also only weigh at the beginning of the month so that I can observe the long term trends that go on with me.
    Occasionally during the month, if I know that I am getting myself in trouble, I will weigh in and adjust my eating according to what I see going on. I usually know what and why it is going on, but seeing it on the scale makes my brain recognize it and I get back on track quickly.

    My August I Wills will be focused on fun and creativity.

    I will read my book and/or color some every day. 📖 = reading a book for fun, 📜= coloring

    August 1: 📖

    August 2: 📜
    August 3: 📖
    August 4: 📖
    August 5: 📖 📜
    August 6: 📖 📜
    August 7: 📖 📜
    August 8: 📜

    August 9: 📜
    August 10: 📖 📜
    August 11: 📖 📜
    August 12: 📖 📜
    August 13: 📜

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    August I wills 2 weeks in summary:

    Have added the variety to the menu now (mostly more protein type things but some other) and the last week all my logs have been over 1800 (so approaching the 1900 I planned) I am not sure that I am seeing a good bump in energy from this but I think it takes a little time so being patient. Mostly have stayed off the rollercoaster so far.

    Today is my Mom's birthday (she passed in 2014) so in the Jewish tradition (of which I practice very few sadly) I have lit a 24 hr candle and will let my brain bring up memories throughout the day.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    So along the lines of branching out..

    Tomorrow is my birthday. I made it 62 years!!!! unbelievable. My Mom always made a strawberry shortcake for dessert when I was a child. Each of us kids had our own preferred bday cake. My brothers was always a 7 layer chocolate or boston creme. I can't remember what my other brother and sister liked tho.

    Anyway today I thought I might get a piece from the store while I was shopping so I perused the slices they had cut. 1200 calories!!! OMG. I don't think so.

    This is what I came up with as my alternative which I can have multiple servings of

    Dessert shells 60 cal x 2 is 120 cals
    Fresh strawberries 9 cals/0z x 4 is 40 cals
    Cool Whip 2 tablespoons on top is 25 cals
    Halo top icecream (300 per carton but just using a small portion of ea) 200
    Total is about 400 cals rounding up AND it will be delicious and I won't feel like dog poo from an overdose of sugar when done. Plus I know exactly what is in it.

    Sometimes I really love finding alternatives which satisfy yet are not going to break the cal bank. Now granted the slice of cake at the store was "meant" to be 4 servings but seriously that thing would have been gone in one "gulp" sitting. The above recipe will make 3 servings and there is no opportunity really to go overboard but just the ability to enjoy.... and I enjoy making it myself pretty much. The strawberries looked so fabulous. Gotta love summer fruits and veggies. PS maybe I will take a photo of the cake next time I am in the store but seriously it was nowhere close to looking at tempting as this will. ;)B)

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    @texasgardnr Your tracker looks great! You are definitely keeping up with your goal this month.

    @SummerSkier I hope you're finding today a reflection of good memories. You must be so grateful for having your mom make you your special cake for your birthday while she was here. I like that you're holding her memory special by making one for yourself. Family important. It would have been so easy to buy to ready-made cake, but I know all about the 4 serving "gulp" sitting! So kudos for you for being true to yourself and doing the what's good for you. I hope you have the very best birthday ever tomorrow. And enjoy that cake!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    @texasgardnr i don't know about the rest of the kiddos here but I personally would like to see some photos of the "coloring" you are doing!!!