Mission Slimpossible - October 2020 Team Chat



  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 691 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh-in week: Week 2
    Weigh-in day: Mon
    Previous Weight: 195.0
    Today's Weight: 194.6
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    @davidji82 Great loss! Two miles is quite an accomplishment! Keep it up!

    @Cornanda Big number for you, too! Woo hoo! Rock on!

    @trooworld You are kicking tail on that bike, girl! You deserve a gold star!

    @GretchenReine Welcome back! It looks like you had a good week. I know it's frustrating to start over, but you will be back to where you were before and surpassing it soon!

    @TeresaW1020 When you sleep on your back, it might help to put a pillow under your arm. This will keep the passive weight of your arm from pulling on your shoulder while you sleep on your back.

    @davors19 I hope you have a better week next week!

    @mss9675 Nice loss! Keep at it!

    @cherrymajoni Holding steady is an achievement too! Way to go!

    @Firefly743 CONGRATULATIONS! You made it to Two-riffic Town!

    @itsmegina What a great attitude! You know what you need to tighten up next week to see the scale move. :)

    @apple852hk Messing up my sleep schedule will mess with my weight loss too. I hope you get back to a more normal schedule soon.

    @gharvey2753 I'm sorry you're struggling. What is going on?

    @adhmrh Enjoy your staycation! Sounds like a great opportunity to get some fun movement in!

    @AustinRuadhain Banner weigh-in! You are killing it!

    @Jactop I'm doing a low-carby thing-ish. I'm in fat-burning ketosis, and it seems to be working, but I really don't like labels. The fact that I'm doing IF, and that's a label is bugging me a bit tbh.
  • anido1
    anido1 Posts: 35 Member
    Username: anido1
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW: 151
    CW: 151

    Didn’t exercise as much last week and tried to stay at my calorie goal. Of course, my weekend eating was off track as always. Glad I didn’t gain any but motivated to get back on track this week so I can continue losing. Have some weekend plans that include lots of eating so I have 5 days to make sure I watch it😬
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    Holy tofu! I’m a Jekyll/Hyde, too! Do so good all day with lovely, healthy choices…then 8pm hits and I can easily finish off an entire bag of chips and a family size bag of candy. It’s so hard to change that habit! If you find the secret, please let me know ASAP!
    @Jactop @vegan4lyfe2012
    Me 3!!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,647 Member
    @Katmary71 Sending huge hugs your way. That sounds absolutely awful!

    @AustinRuadhain What an awesome weigh-in result! Go you!

    @trooworld Thanks so much! I have sent you a PM with my email address.

    @Jactop I know we're all different, but I usually find that I feel more "snacky" in the evenings on the days where I haven't really eaten enough earlier in the day. Especially enough protein. I have tried the IF thing, but the days where I skip breakfast I'm a snack monster in the afternoon/evening, so it just doesn't work for me. I'm not sure what you eat or when, but it might be worth playing around with meal timings etc. to see if it helps. I also have a cup of herbal tea in the evenings where I want to keep eating - it seems to help. I use a sleepytime blend so it has the added bonus of helping me off to sleep!

    @buniphuphu You are such an inspiration - I love seeing the results of all your hard work paying off! Congrats on 25 lbs gone - that's amazing!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That sounds really painful! I'm glad you went and got it checked out though. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!

    My day yesterday didn't go as planned. I let hubby serve dinner & dessert and the portions were...large. So I well overate. But it's only one day, and I'm back at it today with some healthier choices and a renewed determination!

    People who get up and exercise early in the mornings, what is your secret to success? I have tried and tried but I am really not a morning person so when that alarm goes off, I just can't drag myself out of bed! I have tried putting out my workout clothes the night before, disabling the snooze function on my alarm (which just resulted in me going back to sleep and ending up late for work), planning a fun workout that I actually want to do...what can I do to convince myself to get up and do it?!

    Day 27: Monday 19 October
    1. Log calories eaten: Yes - 15/27
    2. 20 mins exercise: No - 14/27
    3. Record a calorie deficit: No - 12/27
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,135 Member
    @TwistedSassette Why do you have to work out so early in the morning? I'm a night owl and I just can't do mornings. Nothing says we HAVE to get our exercise in so early. As long as we are doing it...it doesn't matter when. My favorite time to get exercise in is around 2pm to 3pm. No matter what time, it still nets you a non-zero day :smile:
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 691 Member
    @TwistedSassette I've been skipping breakfast fairly consistantly. I'll try eating more in the morning and see if that helps. Thanks for the tip.

    I'm a fan of the snooze button too so morning exercise is a habit I need to ease into. I start by forcing myself to get up 5 min earlier and do something (usually my stationary bike while still in my pjs) then keep increasing the time. At some point I start to regret that I didnt get up earlier so I'd have more time for a longer workout. The biggest hurdle is getting started.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 691 Member
    Did you notice that your weigh in and mine were exactly the same!?! Same PW and CW! Crazy!
    That's cool. Fingers crossed that we can both rein in our late night snacking and have a good loss this week

  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,647 Member
    @TwistedSassette Why do you have to work out so early in the morning? I'm a night owl and I just can't do mornings. Nothing says we HAVE to get our exercise in so early. As long as we are doing it...it doesn't matter when. My favorite time to get exercise in is around 2pm to 3pm. No matter what time, it still nets you a non-zero day :smile:

    That is true, I don't have to work out in the mornings, but I have a tendency to not do it in the evenings either. My problem is that I work 7am-4pm. My son goes to bed at 8pm. So the only time I have with him is ~4:30-8pm (and weekends), which includes his bathtime and dinner. If the weather is ok for a swim or a walk, I can take him with me so I get some exercise in that way. But lately it's been stormy & awful so that's just not really an option. After he goes to bed, I find that I'm just exhausted, or haven't had dinner yet, or have to pay bills/clean the house/other chores and before I know it, it's bed time or I'm late to bed again and haven't done any exercise! I really think that morning exercise would suit my schedule better. Then if I get to swim or walk after work that's just a bonus. The really stupid thing is that because I have my alarm set so early in the morning and keep snoozing it, I'm not really getting any extra sleep that way! I really want my exercise done in the mornings so it's out of the way and sets the tone for my day. I just can't seem to convince my sleepy brain/body to get out of bed and just DO it!

    I am convinced that part of my problem is that I don't get enough sleep, so I always just want 5 more minutes even though I really know that's not going to help. It's a vicious kind of cycle - get up late, late for work, late leaving work, less time after work, still try to get things done, late to bed, not enough sleep, and so on around and around. Tonight, I will aim to get to bed on time and see if a good night's sleep can actually get me to get out of bed and do something!
  • miriammuhindi
    miriammuhindi Posts: 22 Member
    PW 226 pounds
    CW 224 pounds
    Ltd 4pounds
    Weigh in Tuesday’s
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    @Jactop Are you eating enough protein and drinking enough water?

    @buniphuphu Wow, fantastic! You know, I tried IF and I just couldn't get used to not eating. I hope you can. Many people love that lifestyle and can do it and it seems to work really well for a lot of people. Thanks re: the biking!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 It was, it was really peaceful. And that was just one part of the gardens, there was another part that had a waterfall that was also nice! I almost got the peach zinger, I think I will try that next. I hope your appointment with the specialist goes well.

    @TwistedSassette Can you reward yourself for working out? Or, can you allow yourself to do something if you work out, like for me, sometimes I will only listen to a certain podcast if I ride the spin bike. It's my "reward" for riding. Do you work from home? Can you squeeze in a workout during a break while working? That's what I do. ;) I don't do it first thing in the morning, I have to have my coffee and computer time.

    Hi all. Well, I didn't do so well on my goals yesterday: I had a really busy day both at work and in my personal life. I kind of pushed all my goals to the side to get things done. I also ate half a bar of Tony's Chocolonely chocolate, so there's that. :( I hope today is better.

    Calories: over/under: under
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: ----
    - rate my hunger on a scale of 1-10 before I eat - not accomplished
    - track 90% of food intake - 70% accomplished
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night - not accomplished
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day - 50% accomplished
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day - not accomplished
    - put my utensil down between bites - 100% accomplished
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything - 100% accomplished
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal - 100% accomplished
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow:
    - ride the spin bike
    - rate my hunger on a scale of 1-10 before I eat
    - track 90% of food intake
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day
    - put my utensil down between bites
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited October 2020

    Monday Check-in
    🟢Food on plan weighed & logged
    🟢/🟡 Calories in the "Green" (I think this was actually green, but my fitness gadget was not registering. On reflection, I think I believe the sweat over the gadget!)
    🟢Workout: 45 min+/6 days-wk (over an hour of platform stepping)
    🟢Over 10K steps
    🟢Only the one planned snack, no trigger foods
    🟢In bed by 12
    Today's plan -- more of this!

    Since you are loving Celestial Seasonings teas, I will chime in and say I love all of their fruity teas, especially Apple Spice.
    Hurray for checking in and owning up that you didn't hit all your goals yesterday, and yeah, chocolate happens sometimes. I know you are back on it today!

    I think @trooworld 's question/suggestion is BRILLIANT:
    Or, can you allow yourself to do something if you work out, like for me, sometimes I will only listen to a certain podcast if I ride the spin bike. It's my "reward" for riding.

    Who else does this? How do you build in extra fun to your workouts?

    Building in something that makes exercise extra rewarding can be so effective, at least for me! I have had long periods when I allowed myself to listen to an audiobook I love only while working out. Suddenly, I can't wait to get out walking! Currently my rewards for evening walks are conversations with my husband and seeing the outdoors at night. And I can burble at you about how much I have fallen in love with evening walks with my husband. Every night we see the one or two geckoes that now visit the ceiling of our front porch (I now leave the light in the early evening on to attract bugs that the geckoes eat!). Night before last, I saw a meteor, a really bright one, in our slightly cloudy urban sky. I came home and checked, and it was a leftover bit of Halley's Comet! A few days before, I spotted a five point buck running across the street. All little things, but all unexpected joys that I watch for and only get if I for for that hourlong walk each evening!

    Hmm. I have also sometimes used workouts to listen to audiobooks and podcasts about health and fitness, as a way to keep myself excited about, interested in, learning about nutrition and fitness.

    Brilliant weigh-in! Congratulations!

    With a little one, I think exercises are a huge challenge. I hope that getting to bed early helps shift that rhythm or you!
    Like you, I find that doing exercise in the morning is helpful. Currently where I am on that is doing just a bit -- 10 minutes or so, to at least get that mental boost (yay! I did something this morning!).

    @Jactop @TwistedSassette @vegan4lyfe2012 @gwamajtw91 and, and almost everybody?!
    What a great conversation about late-night eating.
    I'll bet I could pay more attention to sleep, as per Jactop's comment!
    Everyone has to figure this one out for themselves, for sure. For me, one key is eating enough fiber. So for me, dinner usually includes a huge salad.
    And I have to have eaten enough, overall, that I am not crazy hungry at bedtime.
    And then I have a "no eating after the dishwasher has started" rule for myself. I turn out the light and walk out of the room and say "done for the day" to myself.
    And I also have to get trigger-y foods like candy out of the pantry. When I started losing weight. I sat down my husband and son and talked about how scared I was about the direction my health was going, and then explained that they could help me tackle this if they would be willing to go without ice cream in the freezer for a while.

    Drop the label if you don't like it? I just love that you keep working at it and tweaking and figuring out what works for you. Your consistency and determination inspire me, week after week!

    Oh, and thank you for this: "Two-riffic Town!" I was wracking my brains for what a term was for that, and couldn't think of it.

    Since buniphuphu reminded me, I will say CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN for making it to Two-riffic Town! That is a huge accomplishment! Yee hah!

    I love that you owned what's so and analyzed where things went wrong! And a big yes to the power of keeping extra food off the plate as an easier route to staying on track!
    My day yesterday didn't go as planned. I let hubby serve dinner & dessert and the portions were...large. So I well overate. But it's only one day, and I'm back at it today with some healthier choices and a renewed determination!

    Hurray for staying even last week!
    If the weekend is going to be a challenge, is there a way to make slightly better choices, food-wise or exercise-wise, to have it be a victory in some way? Weekends can be so tough, when there are big social/food events.

    Thank you for the congratulations! And yeah, it wasn't just avoiding pie, but I was super sure that if I started eating pie, I could totally toast the work I had been doing.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,586 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Whatever makes you feel better is less gross! I had to make some gross decisions with the bone graft material for my fusions.

    @TwistedSassette I was never a morning workout person then on vacation last year my only chance to work out was if I went with my uncle in the mornings. I continued doing it when I got home, basically you're out-of-it so by the time you can question what you're doing you're already partway through.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited October 2020

    @AustinRuadhain Girl that is a fantastic weight loss!! Did you try to lose that much in one week? :)

    Hey there! No, I did not set out to lose a crazy amount of weight in 1 week. I am sure it will be back to normal next week. I just went from slacking food-wise to back-on-track eating and added some extra exercise. So I think it was the bump you sometimes get from making a bi change, and I think I ate a salty dinner the night before the previous weigh-in (bad planning!).

    The big change was cutting back on sweets. I gotta say, it's annoying that I can't eat more sweets, but I truly cannot do that. I had been indulging in extra fruits, including dried fruits. All that seems" like it should not be so bad, but I can't get away with it without consequences. My weight went up and some of my inflammation issues flared up. So I am back to eating mostly veggies and limited fruit, almost none of it dried. I had a dietician tell me I was the most carb-sensitive person he worked with, and I keep wishing it weren't true, as I love sweets. I just love being healthy more.

    Your train ride looks gorgeous, by the way!
    My son was a big fan of railroads for a couple of years, and we did trips on some trains. The Eureka Springs & North Arkansas Railroad was the prettiest, if you ever make it that far west:
    The Illinois Railway Museum is amazing, too: https://www.irm.org/
    This reminds me that I should take a look at our stack of train books. I need to declutter...!
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