Optimal October!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Thanks, Mihani...I found a Food for Life tortilla...of course not as delish as m TJs flour...but better for me. It is my one treat for the day.

    I did make rice to have with my broccoli...and a bit of low sod tamari...and a sprinkling of violife parm

    It was a good day...knee is feeling better...was eating way too much vital wheat gluten. HORRIBLE for me. Back to basics.

    Hope your night is restful.

    Love to all...hugs.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Morning plant people...

    Pretty much a repeat of yesterday...

    celery juice
    carrot/apple/ginger lemon
    tostada bowl...beans, corn, lettuce, tomato, onions (LTO)...cilantro, salsa
    steamed cauliflower, broccoli and carrots over jasmine rice


    Wishing everyone a lovely day.

    BTW, knees were a lot better during the night last night...only had to get ice packs once. Progress!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    Glad to hear your knees are feeling better, Magic. Your meals sound great!

    Today was good... meals same as yesterday with addition of a lara bar at lunch. Got a work project finished this evening working from home and feels good to have that done. Ready for a good night's sleep.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited October 2020
    GM my sweet plant people! bwfilmsmileys.gif

    Sticking so close to my plan...totally GF right now...which is helping a lot. Getting bored with my choices...but keeping it simple also keeps me focused. I did not ice at all last night. Woke up without pain.

    Sooooooooo...today will look like this: cauldronsmileyf.gif

    homemade celery juice
    homemade carrot/apple/ginger
    Taco Salad...may switch it up a bit and crisp up Ezekiel corn tortillas and make a salad...in fact I think I will do that...it might be something that will do for work tomorrow.
    Dinner is where it gets tricky...I am thinking GF pasta (Tinkyada) with sauce and steamed broccoli and cauliflower. (maybe add in some crispy tofu or chick peas)
    Dessert ... chocolate

    Making a Costco run...if they have those huge Asian pears, I might get a pack. They are sweet and full of water.

    Great job, getting your project finished, Mihani...and hope your sleep was totally restful.

    LOVE you guys! kvasthexa.gif

    PS Did not think I could substitute juice for breakfast...but I was desperate to find some relief...I never could do a complete juice fast. But this is working...so I will continue on. Next week, I will try to vary the fruits and veggies...but for sure keeping the celery juice. I do not believe all the hype,https://www.medicalmedium.com/medical-medium-celery-juice-movement.htm but I do think it IS helping. The end. witchyshoesmiley.gif

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited October 2020
    Well, the scale is going in the right direction...and I am feeling better...still can't do a lot...still have to ice after about an hour standing and doing stuff...but better than I was last Monday.

    Did not go to Costco...instead, went to Trader Joe's...picked up corn tortillas, lemons, limes, romaine, herb salad, scallions...and some Myoko's Lox cream cheese...plant based of course.

    Sister's bday is Nov 3...going over there for a breakfast...I am taking my own GF bagel and cream cheese...and juice. Home for election night.

    Today for lunch, making a taco salad...no meat of course...using beans. But it is a trial run for work. Putting it in Lock and Lock (QVC purchase)...and it should be ok to eat at my desk.

    Already made four celery juices...(I have a gizmo to vacuum seal in mason jars)...just about ready to go make my carrot/apple/ginger/lemon juice...

    I had been using my masticating juicer...but it takes so much longer. So now, using my centrifugal juicer...much faster (not as good quality)...but with the vacuum sealer, it does last...for four days.

    I almost gave this juicer away when my organizer was over...and it's so new. What a dope. So glad I kept it.

    That's it from here...nothing going on except what I mentioned.

    Wishing y'all a super peaceful day. witchyhatmagicf.gif
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Taco salad...

    Chopped iceberg, tomatoes, onions
    Retried beans
    Green chili
    Two corn tortilla...crushed

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hi Magic... you have me craving taco salads so I'll be having those next week! I'm doing romaine, peppers, zucchini, red onion, pinto or black beans, avocado, and salsa for dressing. You're doing great with your juicing and so glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Now that I'm thinking about it I'm going to look at some new salad recipes and try some new stuff every couple weeks. I love my regular salads with lots of veggies, but it would be nice to do something a little different once a month or so.

    I had a pretty good day just tired as I didn't sleep well last night. Going to relax and read for a bit and I'm sure I'll fall asleep early. It has been raining and cold all day.

    Menu about the same as every other day this week. Seems to be working for me so I'll stick with it for a while.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Good evening, Plant Tribe. Today I started a new regimen: I weighed, measured and placed in glass Pyrex my food for today and tomorrow. I also appropriated a shelf just for my food, since my husband and son are lacto-ovo vegetarians, and I fall more on the vegan end (though today I had a slice of string cheese, and man, it tasted weird!)

    I'm now eating 6x a day, I just find that my blood sugar drops down so low that I'm exhausted by 4 p.m., and there is too much good life to live for that! (I may have mentioned my fasting blood glucose is 73...so I'm the very low end..)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited October 2020

    Hello, plant-based friends!

    Your new regimen sounds great!
    String cheese -- ooh, that would seem strange to me, too, at this point! I think it seemed strange years ago, when I had it in the house for my son pretty often.

    I am with you -- I am going to need a taco salad sometime soon. I hope you sleep better tonight! I hope you have found something to read.

    Your menu is inspiring me. I need to make a juice. I haven't done that for a while, and carrot/apple/ginger/lemon juice is lovely.

    I am currently reading through Dick Francis -- many re-reads and some I missed back when I discovered his books (their books, actually; was a husband-and-wife team). On the health-related front, I am reading Fiber Fueled by Will Bulsiewicz and Breathe to Perform: 3 Simple Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress, Improve Energy, and Peak Athletic Performance by David Bidler.

    I have a couple of projects I am behind on, but I am about to go get some exercise. I'll go to bed early and get up and catch up! (Mihani -- my Panda Planner is growing on me. I got the simplified "2.0" one.)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    Good morning! I think I fell asleep too early because I got up at 2:30 and even though I've tried to go back to sleep my mind is working overtime and I can't seem to get back to sleep. So I finally got back up about 3:30 and having some tea and will eat some oats with blueberries, chia seeds and for a special treat I'll mix in some vanilla almond milk yogurt. I guess I'll go to the office early and hopefully get out a bit early. I need to make a grocery run this evening.

    Oh, Austin, I forgot all about the Dick Francis books. I only read a couple some years ago. I will have to put those on my list! Right now I'm onto the second of the Percy Jackson books. Young adult fantasy/adventure. I am getting a kick out of them, pretty humorous and easy reads.

    Shred, I thought I would miss cheese so much when I went from veg to vegan. After this long the idea of cheese sounds pretty gross. I hope your new regimen works out well for you.

    Something smells dicey in my fridge and I have no idea what it could be since I don't have a lot in there but I am going to clean it well tonight and see if I can find the culprit. Friday nights aren't quite as exciting as they used to be.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Ay ya ya Mihani. Hoping today goes fast and you get back on a smoother sleep schedule. My sleep, too, sucked last night. 😖

    Happy Halloween 🎃👻🎃 lovelies!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited October 2020

    Hello, all!
    Maybe it is the season change, as I, too, had less-than-great sleep last night.
    I hope we all catch up tonight!

    I am with you on cheese sounding unappealing. I have actually found some other foods more challenging than I used to. The longer it is since I ate bacon or sausage, the less appealing the smell is when my husband and son splurge and have some.
    The Percy Jackson books are great fun! I have not read them all, but I have enjoyed the ones I read!
    This made me laugh out loud! I hope you solve the dicey fridge mystery tonight!
    Something smells dicey in my fridge and I have no idea what it could be since I don't have a lot in there but I am going to clean it well tonight and see if I can find the culprit. Friday nights aren't quite as exciting as they used to be.

    @magic71755 - I still need to remember to make a taco salad! Yours sound so yummy!

    Shred, how are you doing today?

    I am off to make progress on projects, but maybe after some coffee. I was up early to take my husband to an appointment and am still sleeeeepy!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Love love the graphic, Austin! 🎃🎃🎃
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    On the topic of cheese...I do use some of the plant based...not a ton...but to flavor things. NOW, back in the day pre plant power...I could just eat cheese straight, just like all of youzzzzzz, I'm sure. I don't do that with the plant based cheeses. At least not so far.

    Pot luck today...I made a vegan pumpkin bread...however, I am not eating anything from the potluck. Brought three juices and my taco salad. I usually bring a lot more to eat...but did not today. Hoping the juices help to curb my appetite.

    If I had gone to Costco to pick up Asian pears, that would have been a good addition.

    8 1/2 hours to go. HAGDE!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited October 2020
    Checking in...6 hours to go. I ate half my salad...I used refried beans instead of pinto beans...richer and gave the salad more body. So tasty...bite of lettuce, tomato, tortilla, cilantro...and refried beans. YUM

    Other half around 4.

    Still have a carrot juice to go.

    Goal is kinda to reset my taste buds...too many helper processed plant based foods...

    Tonight, I will have a baked potato when I get home...share with Lulu.

    Back to work. I will say, I feel so much better in just these few days that I have cleaned up my diet.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    2 hours to go...I ate my salad in two parts. That worked out well.

    Have one more carrot juice to drink...maybe later.

    Baked potato when I get home

    Today was a real test for me because work is where I have my most problems. The salad worked out perfectly and I didn’t get any luxe or any comments from my boss so I’m guessing it’s OK for me to eat my salad it’s in a round lock and lock Tupperware kind of thing.

    Anyway I just wanted to check in let you know that I’m doing great today today is day four of two juices a day and two meals a day so I talk to you later love you guys
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    Austin how are your projects coming along? Is your husband's recovery going well? I agree about things not smelling or looking appealing anymore. I realized some years ago that I don't even really see meat as food anymore. It's like my eyes just naturally pass right by those options on a restaurant menu or at a potluck.

    Doing great there Magic! So glad juicing is making you feel better. I use vegan cheese sometimes, mostly in recipes where it's just a little shredded Daiya, but not as often as I used to. I didn't care much for nutritional yeast when I first went vegan but it grew on me and now I love it so I mostly use that when I want a cheesy note.

    I discovered the dicey odor in the fridge was a small container of cauliflower that I had forgotten. Broccoli and cauliflower smell disgusting when they go bad.

    It has been a good week of NO snacking. No pretzels or crackers at the office. Haven't changed anything else and down 3 pounds this week. Thinking it's cutting out the salt from the snacks. I feel better without all the flour and sodium.

    Today's plan...
    B - ezekiel toast, apple, smidge of natural PB
    L - taco salad!
    D - leftover cooked veggies from the freezer stash, brown rice, cheezy chickpeas
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    I spy taco salad in Mihani's menu...yes!

    Well, girlies...for whatever reason, my knee exploded into major pain last night. I am thinking it might be my tennis shoe has worn down a bit. I buy new so very often, cuz the least amount of wear is reflected in the pain in my knees.

    Luckily there is a Skecher outlet by me, next to Trader Joe's. I will see about stopping there tonight after work. They have a deal where you buy one, you get second half off.

    I have a boat load of good tennies to donate. Very little worn.

    Today, one meal...frozen, cuz I just can't afford standing too long to fix meal...and three juices. I'm desperate as you can see. Will put in another call to ortho guy after the election. I do have an appointment with oncologist 11/12 and she has ordered blood tests. I feel relieved about that.

    WTG, Mihani...on passing on all the carby treats. I so get that. The baked potato after work, really helped ...I may do that again tonight.

    Later, my sweets.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member

    Good morning, sweet plant-based friends!

    I am so sorry your knee has been hurting more. It sure sounds like you are doing all the right things for it. I think all that juicing sounds super great, too. It is great that you are feeling better after just a few days of cleaner eating!

    Baked potatoes are such a great, satisfying food. love how easy it is to batch bake them, too, Do you have a favorite kind? I get sweet potatoes and Yukon/golds for my son quite often, in addition to russet potatoes. I will get a stack of sweet potatoes and cut them into thick slices and then bake them all. Baked sweet potato slices warm up really well, too.

    Wowzers! What a great week you have been having food-wise, and how gr4eat that you are seeing results in how you feel and on the scale!

    My projects are coming along. I have a stack of things I want to do today, but first I need to run a couple of errands. We have an elderly cat that is only persuaded to eat very soft, liquid food, so I go to a special pet store for him.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Hello my sweet plant people...

    Austin...such a cute graphic...good luck with the kitty...and your projects.

    I have had my carrot/apple juice and celery juice...had my amy's frozen plant based meal...one carrot apple to go...I did bring a second Amy's...hoping I do not need it. Baked potato after work OR nothing...but beddy bye.

    back to work...

    ps pain has subsided...thankfully.