Optimal October!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Just had another carrot/apple/ginger/lemon...truly the ginger is so important...it cuts the richness of the carrot juice...it was not quite 16 oz...more like 10

    It's now 4...so nothing til I get home...and that will be a baked russet in the microwave. When I am home, I bake them in the oven, now that summer is in our rear view mirror.

    Lulu loves to share the potato...I think I will always steam some broc and cauli...she love love loves both of those.

    Nothing going on here...but I am staying focused.

    Anyway, that was my update. Later, dollies.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Hey @magic71755 - I am so happy that your pain has subsided. That is great news!

    I have had a good plant-based day:
    B-green smoothie (broccoli, blueberries, spinach, cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper, flax meal, hemp hearts), mango and apple slices
    L-turnip greens, navy beans, tomatoes & green chiles; steamed carrots, turnips, beet & mushrooms; steamed pumpkin & jicama plus diced fresh apple
    S-1/2 apple & cashews
    D-chopped salad (romaine, bell pepper, radish, celery, grape tomato, roma tomato); homemade dressing (cucumber, onion, avocado, red wine vinegar, ume plum vinegar, diced ginger); steamed beet & jicama; goji berries & smidge of almond butter
