“This DECEMBER I Will...”



  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member

    I love your December goal and corresponding reward! 🎄 🎶


    I'm so enjoying the gift of time in spite of the sadness of 2020. It IS a process of discovery. Some goals had to be put on hold due to COVID (gym, exercise classes, volunteering), but that's okay. I'm enjoying local nature trails, bird sanctuaries, etc., and I'm starting to listen to music again.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    Maybe...just maybe, I don’t need a new I Will this month...dare I say it...

    Perhaps you are overwhelming yourself with so many. I find sometimes that I need to take a hard look at all the "habits" and things I do on a daily basis and if I want to fit more in than perhaps some of them "have to go"

    @nebslp remember if it's not working adjust adjust adjust and find a smaller way to make improvements!

    off to the barn. Perhaps more later.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited December 2020
    1. This December I will go to my basement before noon and work out or stay upstairs and do an exercise video.
    Dec 1 🥊
    Dec 2 🥊 and 23 min CS (classical stretch dvd)
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Even though at first glance that this seems to be a simple copy/ paste from November... it is not!! Because of what I have learned and also what I have accomplished last month some things have definitely changed!!

    1. My goal for December: I will continuing working on (gently 💖) taming my buddy Paper Tiger 🐯. I am still focusing on his known home: the File Cabinet, and his not so secret hideouts: the Banker Boxes beside said file cabinet, as well as last month's now much smaller chair pile.
    For a little diversion I will continue give some time to keep discovering those additional places where he has become nearly (🌿🐯🌳) invisible. Although these are becoming more scarce because of November's finds. I will still be more aware of my quest to discover them while I declutter or clean this month.
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: I will decide the night before which which file or folder or space that I will start with in the morning. I will write it on the clip board.
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: I will begin first thing after I have made my cup of tea while straightening up the kitchen. Or after I start the laundry after the kitchen is straightened up.
    4. How often will you do your new habit: only 4-5 times a week during December.
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit: smile as P. Tiger grows steadily smaller.
    6. What help do you need from us? Just don't let me lose my iron as I undertake this much less stressful, and definitely not as overwhelming an endeavor as it was in November. Apparently I was able to hang on to my marbles during November, but I realize that irons and socks are also fair game for our group 🤦‍♀️ . So I need to be more vigilant 👀.
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of this month: I will be even that much more closer to having only papers that are important. Both drawers of the file cabinet are already beginning to look attractive once again because they both are definitely not stuffed full any more!! Soon the banker boxes will have another use, and the space around the file cabinet will be clear once again. The nearly invisible hiding places that Paper Tiger has discovered will become even less inviting for paper to remain there comfortably.

    Thanks everyone 💖

  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member
    edited December 2020
    I really prefer tracking on this thread even though I said I would do it on paper. Please forgive me. 😳

    12/1 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/2 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟

    This method is so much easier and doesn't create paper clutter. I'm having issues with Microsoft Works, so I can't use Excel (I made an attempt this morning).

    Hope you're all doing well with December, Day 2!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Even though at first glance that this seems to be a simple copy/ paste from November... it is not!! Because of what I have learned and also what I have accomplished last month some things have definitely changed!!

    1. My goal for December: I will continuing working on (gently 💖) taming my buddy Paper Tiger 🐯. I am still focusing on his known home: the File Cabinet, and his not so secret hideouts: the Banker Boxes beside said file cabinet, as well as last month's now much smaller chair pile.
    For a little diversion I will continue give some time to keep discovering those additional places where he has become nearly (🌿🐯🌳) invisible. Although these are becoming more scarce because of November's finds. I will still be more aware of my quest to discover them while I declutter or clean this month.
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: I will decide the night before which which file or folder or space that I will start with in the morning. I will write it on the clip board.
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: I will begin first thing after I have made my cup of tea while straightening up the kitchen. Or after I start the laundry after the kitchen is straightened up.
    4. How often will you do your new habit: only 4-5 times a week during December.
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit: smile as P. Tiger grows steadily smaller.
    6. What help do you need from us? Just don't let me lose my iron as I undertake this much less stressful, and definitely not as overwhelming an endeavor as it was in November. Apparently I was able to hang on to my marbles during November, but I realize that irons and socks are also fair game for our group 🤦‍♀️ . So I need to be more vigilant 👀.
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of this month: I will be even that much more closer to having only papers that are important. Both drawers of the file cabinet are already beginning to look attractive once again because they both are definitely not stuffed full any more!! Soon the banker boxes will have another use, and the space around the file cabinet will be clear once again. The nearly invisible hiding places that Paper Tiger has discovered will become even less inviting for paper to remain there comfortably.

    Thanks everyone 💖


  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,002 Member
    Dec 2 - ordered my sister's present. Shhh
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited December 2020
    @MadisonMolly2017 thank you for starting us off for December! I love your picture of your wreath! Thank you for sharing it with us 💖, especially since it is one of your recent art projects. Looks like you got December's GRACE habit all planned out!

    @SummerSkier great dental health habit goal! I love my water pic also 😁!! Have you used an electric toothbrush? I have used one for years. PS: I love timers 🤩 🤣. Your tom cat is probably most happy to have 'his' sink back 😏 . BTW Savannah is a gorgeous kitty!

    @PKM0515 YaY for you tacking on some movement and reading to your med taking habit!! I like how you are starting the new ones out tiny and not overwhelming yourself! Do you know what you want to read yet 😊 ? Look at you go with your new habits. I like your tracker here, very bright!! I'm all for less paper clutter 😄 but I'm thinking that I may try a paper tracker this month. I can always recycle in January. Or keep for a while in my old Flylady routines binder that I still use at times.

    @nebslp Look how your November habit led to an exercise plan! You go girl 👍💪 .

    @77tes I love your goal of doing something to prepare for Christmas each day! What a fitting goal for December 🎄 . And I am sure that your tracker will reflect the festivities and Christmas preparation going on at your home 🎁 . Can't wait to see!

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    My goal for December: I will continue to work on (gently 💖) taming my buddy Paper Tiger 🐯 who is still lurking in and around the file cabinet, and also still playing hide and seek with me 🌿🐯🌳 trying to become invisible. I also will not forget my habit of keeping up with the daily influx of paper so as not to lose any ground during the potentially busy month of December 🎄.

    December 1 & 2 🌿🐯🌳 junk mail and other easy miscellaneous papers.

  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member
    I realized something this morning. For me, the intentional movement and reading are rewards in themselves; I feel so good when I do them. I do not feel that way about taking my medicine although I'm glad when I do it. The "emotional response" is different. Just thought I'd share this moment of "self-realization." 💡 😉

    (@texasgardnr -- "Snowdrift and Other Stories" by Georgette Heyer)
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    Good morning and so nice to see everyone's updates. @77tes you are going to absolutely KILL the holiday season this year. What a great idea!

    @texasgardnr that paper tiger is no match for you! I expect a road trip to my house after Covid for you to tame all of my paper tigers of which there are many. LOL. Yes I have used an electric toothbrush for years. And I think my issue is that I love the water pic so much that I use it more than the brush. LOL. But 2 days I have managed 3 brushings per day so on the way and still working how to make it an automatic habit. AM and Noon are easy but it's the nighttime one I am having trouble finding a good "slot" for. It will come I a sure.

    @PKM0515 yes the movement feels good. I guess that's why I run in the mornings first thing after coffee. And I am most impressed that you are realizing how these habits effect your mood and outlook.

    @nebslp HURRAY!!!! 2 days down. I agree with tg in that your small Nov was a wonderful way to kick off your Dec goal.

    Got up WAY too early today but slept well so not complaining. MFP on my phone has been awful lately so getting on the computer to keep up. And I see a LOT of really important comments in some of the other threads which I need to go back and read some more (move it, clutter). And we have a NEW thread on FOOD habits which I love the idea!!!!!

  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member

    Thank you! (And if I lived anywhere near TX, I'd be taking a road trip to pick up Savannah. 💞)
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,002 Member
    December 3 - long conversation about how to do a socially distanced Christmas party. And ordered fun Christmasy masks. A grinch for my husband. 🤣
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,002 Member
    Remember my gratitude reminder of my bedside mirror from last month’s challenge? Well, my husband just told me today that he really likes it. He says it reminds him every night to be thankful. That’s so wonderful!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    @77tes perhaps you should rethink the grinch mask afterall. That is very cool!

    So tonight I had a lightbulb moment because I will admit even only at day 3 that I knew my habit to add brushing my teeth in the evening was going to be difficult. Anyway, I suddenly realized that I had to let go of the thought that I had to wait until I was absolutely done eating before I could brush. duh. It's so engrained since childhood that brushing your teeth is a sort of "closer" to a meal that I never allowed as that I could just do it after I did the water pik in the evening also. And yeah there will be a few things eaten after but compared to not brushing at all I think it's a reasonable accommodation. It's funny how if we can just turn things a little sideways and let go of preconceptions that we can change our lives.

    @pkm0515 hope you had a great day and we love having you track right here too! and sorry but Savannah is really not up for a new owner. ever. I love her. I only offer because well I knew none of you were close by.... B)


  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    1. This December I will go to my basement before noon and work out or stay upstairs and do an exercise video.
    Dec 1 🥊
    Dec 2 🥊 and 23 min CS (classical stretch dvd
    Dec 3 23 min CS

    Lots going on here but am busy decluttering tonight and no time to chat. Can’t believe the week is almost over ... again! You’re all doing great!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Same as Nov + eating one meal mindfully.
    Dec 1 ✅
    Dec 2 ✅
    Dec 3 ✅
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member
    12/1 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/2 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/3 = M 🌟, MV 🚫, R 🚫

    (The afternoon sort of went downhill. 😒)
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member
    So after yesterday's "failure," something one of you said (I'm pretty sure it was Maddie) came to my mind this morning. In that spirit:
    • Every morning while I drink my tea, I will read 10 minutes of my book as soon as I read my morning devotional and check MFP. [There will be time for all of this; I drink a lot of tea. ;) ]
    • Every morning I will ride my stationary bike for 5 minutes as soon as I shower and get dressed for the day.

    I think I will put these statements on Post-It notes. One will go on the tea canister, and one will go on my bathroom mirror.

    I'm so glad I started participating in this group more! <3

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @PKM0515 your plan is awesome! The triggers that you hook to a behavior is what makes it stick. And the post it note reminder is a good idea, too.

    Today’s update:
    This December I will go to my basement before noon and work out or stay upstairs and do an exercise video.
    Dec 1 🥊 (boxing)
    Dec 2 🥊 and 23 min CS (classical stretch dvd)
    Dec 3 23 min CS
    Dec 4 🥊 and 🏋️ (Resistance machine)