“This DECEMBER I Will...”



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    PKM0515 wrote: »
    So after yesterday's "failure," something one of you said (I'm pretty sure it was Maddie) came to my mind this morning. In that spirit:
    • Every morning while I drink my tea, I will read 10 minutes of my book as soon as I read my morning devotional and check MFP. [There will be time for all of this; I drink a lot of tea. ;) ]
    • Every morning I will ride my stationary bike for 5 minutes as soon as I shower and get dressed for the day.

    I think I will put these statements on Post-It notes. One will go on the tea canister, and one will go on my bathroom mirror.

    I'm so glad I started participating in this group more! <3

    Awesome!! SO happy for you! You have now DONE the hard part & now you will reap the benefits!

    One whispered side note: remove the word failure even in quotes! You gained valuable information which (because you care) you used to make an improved plan!! That’s a SuCCESS❣️

    We must be kind to ourselves, I firmly believe, to lose & maintain our wt.

    We are all made of stardust!!! So completely lucky to be on this planet!

    Have a great day!!!!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    @PKM0515 your plan is awesome! The triggers that you hook to a behavior is what makes it stick. And the post it note reminder is a good idea, too.

    Today’s update:
    This December I will go to my basement before noon and work out or stay upstairs and do an exercise video.
    Dec 1 🥊 (boxing)
    Dec 2 🥊 and 23 min CS (classical stretch dvd)
    Dec 3 23 min CS
    Dec 4 🥊 and 🏋️ (Resistance machine)

    Go @nebslp!!! Boxing Buff Lady!!!!!!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @SummerSkier Does brushing after your nightly waterpik seem to be working better for you? Hope you hit on a good trigger...or tweak. I think many people spend most of our lives with tunnel vision. Getting sideways once in awhile helps awaken in us new ways of thinking (hopefully for the better ;) ).

    @77tes Your gratitude habit seems to be like the wave that ripples outward :)

    @MadisonMolly2017 Love the "checks"!

    @texasgardnr You are my inspiration to get the paper clutter out of the spare bedroom.

    I feel like I'm running a race with the clock and am losing. So then I'll think I should quit studying French because it is pretty pointless. But then I hear how good it is for my brain and I really enjoy it, so I'll keep it on my list. I think I need to get up earlier but that means going to bed earlier which is a killer thought :o so ???? I may have to tip a bit sideways until I figure this out! Or just bite the bullet and go to bed before midnight-1. January goal????
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    one addition to today:
    1. This December I will go to my basement before noon and work out or stay upstairs and do an exercise video.
    Dec 1 🥊
    Dec 2 🥊 and 23 min CS (classical stretch dvd
    Dec 3 23 min CS
    Dec 4 🥊 and 🏋️ (Resistance machine) and 23 min CS
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member
    12/1 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/2 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/3 = M 🌟, MV 🚫, R 🚫
    12/4 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    nice day @PKM0515 and @nebslp !!!! I got stars for tooth brushing yesterday also also tho I did not have the best day foodwise. shrug.

    @MadisonMolly2017 looks like you ARE keeping it simple this month! CHECK!

    I was thinking about what you wrote on racing the clock @nebslp and I think there are some days you just can't get it all done. You have been adding more training every day so something may have to give somewhere. Take your time. Your sleep hours seem to be pretty set in stone. I find that when I am going in the office and really want a longer run I get up earlier to do that. Not all the time and I don't end up going to sleep earlier.

    toothbrushing 3x (shamelessly copying stars!)

    12/1 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/2 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/3 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/4 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member

    Thank you! (Lol, who would have thought seeing stars would be so helpful! 💫 😉 )
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,002 Member
    @SummerSkier , hubby still gets the Grinch mask. It’s his trademark. 🤣

    December 4 - lots of planning for our socially distanced Christmas party! Long phone conversation followed by long chat on Messenger followed by an in-person chat.

    December 5 - wrapped a present for my daughters.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member
    12/1 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/2 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/3 = M 🌟, MV 🚫, R 🚫
    12/4 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/5 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    Well we are on a roll so far guys.. I am finding it easier to get that 2nd and 4rd brushing in when I just do it right after I waterpik instead of giving it it's own special slot. Still feel some resistance to the extra 2 minutes tho. Let's just see how the whole month goes.

    Happy Sunday:

    12/1 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/2 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/3 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/4 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/5 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Rest day yesterday since I was gone all day and everything was out of sync.

    Happy Sunday morning! May your days be merry and bright!⭐️

    Great job to our star collectors😁 I like seeing all the 🌟 first thing in the morning❣️

    @77tes looking forward to what’s on the Christmas agenda today.

    @MadisonMolly2017 Let’s not get carried away by putting “buff” next to my name just yet🙀 but I do enjoy boxing even more than I thought I would. Thank you❣️

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,002 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    December 6 - wrapped a present for my husband.

    First week of December
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited December 2020
    @77tes Very pretty tracker!

    1. This December I will go to my basement before noon and work out or stay upstairs and do an exercise video.
    Dec 1 🥊
    Dec 2 🥊 and 23 min CS (classical stretch dvd
    Dec 3 23 min CS
    Dec 4 🥊 and 🏋️ (Resistance machine) and 23 min CS
    Dec 5 Rest day
    Dec 6 free weights (very few icon choices here) o:)
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Hi all! Enjoying reading everyone’s plans and progress !

    1. My goal for this month. This December I will do something active each day.

    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal- mark my activity in my journal each night.

    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit - do my activity after supper during the week and first thing in the morning on the weekend.

    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible) each day!

    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? Arm pump and journaling.

    9. What help do you need from us? Encouragement!

    10. What does success look like to you at the end of December? Everyday with activity.

  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member
    12/1 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/2 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/3 = M 🌟, MV 🚫, R 🚫
    12/4 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/5 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/6 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟

    Have a great week, everyone! 💖
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    12/1 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/2 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/3 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/4 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/5 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/6 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,002 Member
    December 7 - I ribboned my SILs gift.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    GRACE + eating one MINDFUL MEAL + under 2100 calories daily (began 12/7)

    GRACE= Guided meditation, Reading, Artmaking, Chat, Exercise

    Dec 1 GRACE 🌟 MINDFUL🌟
    Dec 2 GRACE 🌟 MINDFUL🌟 <2100 🌟
    Dec 3 GRACE 🌟 MINDFUL🌟
    Dec 4 GRACE 🌟 MINDFUL🌟
    Dec 5 GRACE 🌟 MINDFUL🌟
    Dec 6 GRACE 🌟 MINDFUL🌟 <2100 🌟
    Dec 7 GRACE 🌟 MINDFUL🌟 <2100 🌟

    Hopping on the gold star 🚂❣️❣️
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member
    12/1 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/2 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/3 = M 🌟, MV 🚫, R 🚫
    12/4 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/5 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/6 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟
    12/7 = M 🌟, MV 🌟, R 🌟

    I'm glad I've got company in the galaxy! 🌟 😉

    I have to admit, I'm struggling with the reading. Mostly, I think it's trouble focusing. Also, I would prefer to be reading a "real" book rather than a digital copy, although I'm so thankful my library offers digital options.

    Yesterday I almost didn't read, but decided to at the last minute. I used to enjoy reading SO much, and I want to recapture that feeling! Forgive me for babbling and thinking/analyzing "out loud." 📚 💙
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    I do like the starry look here! I see a trend starting <3

    @PKM0515 If you're having trouble sitting down to read, you could try audiobooks and listen to them when you aren't sitting and your hands are busy, like when cooking or cleaning or sewing, etc. But sometimes it's nice to just sit and relax with a good book. Audiobooks has helped me read lots of books I wouldn't have made the time to sit with, so it's a good option for me. BTW...I like it when people think out loud :)