TEAM: Run Track Minds (January)



  • Bekah7482
    Bekah7482 Posts: 247 Member
    @AmyG1982 my goals this week are to increase water and to be strict to my diet. No cheat meals, no cheat bites. I just want to establish a solid foundation before allowing myself little treats.
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,428 Member
    Ok, holiday saeson is over, wife has had her birthday, back on the wagon again... I can do this!
  • doubleplay_643
    doubleplay_643 Posts: 152 Member
    Sorry, I forgot to log my weight yesterday. Can I change my weight in day to Mondays? It will be a lot easier to remember.

    Username: doubleplay_643

    PW: 198.0
    CW: 195.4
  • 33sandy1223
    33sandy1223 Posts: 55 Member
    Week: January Week 1
    Weigh-in Day: monday
    PW: 210.4
    CW: 208.2
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Username: sodonovan74
    Week: January week 1
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 162
    CW: 161

    Hey, we have your starting weight as 154, is that correct or should it be updated to 162?
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Hello! I am still trying to remember my way around the message boards on MFP. I have been a member for a long time, but took a break away for a few years. After a year of being home bound from the pandemic and also turning 50 this year, I figured it was time to work at this to get back into some sort of shape!

    Daily Post: Monday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: over by 200
    Exercise: no
    Day: I hate exercising when it's cold outside. I hate exercising inside even! But I will have to challenge this mind set and just get into it. I'll try doing some stretching this evening, but I was productive in other ways today, I just can't let that distract me from including some exercise.
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    AmyG1982 wrote: »
    I know a lot of you are already going strong but I’m just starting fresh today so I’m excited for the new week, new month and new challenge!

    I’m going to try and stay on top of things a bit better since we have a lot more members now. I’m going to try and do daily weigh-in reminders so we’re not missing a bunch at the need of the week.

    Anyone have any specific goals for the week? I’m going to focus on movement and water (I’ll add those to my daily check-ins too)

    My goal is to track everything and do daily check ins as well. I have been HORRIBLE with daily posting, and I have said that I was going to start many times, but this time feels different. 😄 We got this!
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    Ok, holiday saeson is over, wife has had her birthday, back on the wagon again... I can do this!

    Welcome back. 😄 We got this!
  • tlgale
    tlgale Posts: 894 Member
    Daily Post: Monday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: yes. 30mins on bike
    Day: had a really good day and not as many hunger pains which is great!
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    Daily Post: Monday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: No
    Day: I am feeling a little under the weather. Had a horrible headache Friday into Sat, felt tired all day Sat. Yesterday and today I am dizzy and just feel.... WEIRD. I recently traveled back from Arizona last Thursday so I have been quarantined since arrival back to Alaska. I did have to do mandatory testing Thursday so I am waiting my results. Hubby has to quarantine with me in case he was exposed. He is going crazy sitting here doing nothing, and his boredom is driving me mad 🤣 Pray for me!

    Hope you are all doing well. I will check back in tomorrow.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Daily Post: Monday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: No
    Day: I am feeling a little under the weather. Had a horrible headache Friday into Sat, felt tired all day Sat. Yesterday and today I am dizzy and just feel.... WEIRD. I recently traveled back from Arizona last Thursday so I have been quarantined since arrival back to Alaska. I did have to do mandatory testing Thursday so I am waiting my results. Hubby has to quarantine with me in case he was exposed. He is going crazy sitting here doing nothing, and his boredom is driving me mad 🤣 Pray for me!

    Hope you are all doing well. I will check back in tomorrow.

    Hope you feel better soon and that you both survive this time together lol
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Daily Post Monday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over
    Exercise: couple walks
    Day: good start, feel pretty good about the choices I made today. It’s hard to do much walking cuz we have a ton of snow but I’m trying. Might have to walk around the house to get my steps if it doesn’t get cleared soon.
    Water: 10/10
    Steps: 8168 (goal 10k)
  • Bekah7482
    Bekah7482 Posts: 247 Member
    Daily Post: Monday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: None
    Day: we did really well today. Stayed on our course with food
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Daily Post Monday (but it's Tuesday morning when I'm writing)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: nope
    Day: Had to pick my toddler up from daycare early because he had rosy cheeks (and daycares are hyper-vigilant during COVID). He cannot go back until Friday at the earliest due to their policies so was super stressed about having to take the unpaid days this week. (I'm a teacher and cannot use my personal sick days for family members. As a single mom, I have no other options). So, feeling stressed.
    Water: Only halfway to my daily goal
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    MelL1205 wrote: »
    Had to pick my toddler up from daycare early because he had rosy cheeks (and daycares are hyper-vigilant during COVID). He cannot go back until Friday at the earliest due to their policies so was super stressed about having to take the unpaid days this week. (I'm a teacher and cannot use my personal sick days for family members. As a single mom, I have no other options). So, feeling stressed.
    Water: Only halfway to my daily goal

    Oh no! Sorry this happened. COVID has everyone in a bind, I am afraid. Hope the little one is feeling okay.
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    I'll be eating light again today so I'll do my daily posting early.

    Daily Post: Monday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: None
    Day: Still not 100%. Still having some sinus/dizziness. Taste is impaired. Waiting for results. Laying low today. Have a great day everyone.

    Hubby was permitted to go to work but I have a feeling if my test comes back positive they will put him on a quarantine. My test from Thursday came back negative so they made me test again yesterday since I am still showing symptoms. There are more bugs going around than just COVID, so it is possible it's something else, but they quit testing for flu and all the other things around here. Lol

  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    MelL1205 wrote: »
    Had to pick my toddler up from daycare early because he had rosy cheeks (and daycares are hyper-vigilant during COVID). He cannot go back until Friday at the earliest due to their policies so was super stressed about having to take the unpaid days this week. (I'm a teacher and cannot use my personal sick days for family members. As a single mom, I have no other options). So, feeling stressed.
    Water: Only halfway to my daily goal

    Oh no! Sorry this happened. COVID has everyone in a bind, I am afraid. Hope the little one is feeling okay.

    Thanks @CrystalEssex ! He's totally fine - no fever, acting normal. They over-reacted, but were justified to do so. I just wish they would tell me if he's actually clear to return on Wednesday so I can plan for my own students.
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Daily Post: Tuesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: 1 calorie over
    Exercise: 6K walk
    Day: Considering it’s the first full day of lockdown AGAIN here in England, I’m pretty good. Just need to concentrate on getting that daily walk in, so am happy I managed today.
  • Ucf954
    Ucf954 Posts: 5 Member
    Jan Week 1
  • tlgale
    tlgale Posts: 894 Member
    Daily Post: Tuesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 30mins on bike
    Day: good day. Had lunch out with a friend and made a healthier choice then I would have before :)
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Great work everyone! Love seeing all the checkins happening :)

    The following people are overdue for their Monday weigh in:

    Friendly reminder that the following are due to weigh in tomorrow:
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    MelL1205 wrote: »
    Thanks @CrystalEssex ! He's totally fine - no fever, acting normal. They over-reacted, but were justified to do so. I just wish they would tell me if he's actually clear to return on Wednesday so I can plan for my own students.

    That's frustrating. My husband was cleared last night to go back to work (being exposed to me 😆) . I lost taste somewhat today, so we tried to call back today to let them know that my symptoms progressed. No one answered after calling the main line and the on call line so at 8am my husband's boss said "I have an email saying you're clear, come in". At 930, he got a call saying he had to go back home. Lol. I completely get it. I think we are all rolling with the punches here. Glad he isn't sick.
  • Bekah7482
    Bekah7482 Posts: 247 Member
    Daily Post: Tuesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: None
    Day: today was a day. Baby was rough, hubby came home to me and baby crying, been kinda out of it since. Was under calories but did have a handful of cheez-its. Not a huge deal considering i kinda wanted to say *kitten* it and order doordash
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Bekah7482 wrote: »
    Daily Post: Tuesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: None
    Day: today was a day. Baby was rough, hubby came home to me and baby crying, been kinda out of it since. Was under calories but did have a handful of cheez-its. Not a huge deal considering i kinda wanted to say *kitten* it and order doordash

    I’ve been there, it’s so hard. I hope tomorrow is better for you!
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Daily Post Tuesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over
    Exercise: couple walks
    Day: was really hungry today (often happens when I first stop eating junk lol) so I’m over but I ate pretty healthy stuff so I feel pretty ok with that
    Water: 8/10
    Steps: 8,645
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    AmyG1982 wrote: »
    Daily Post Tuesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over
    Exercise: couple walks
    Day: was really hungry today (often happens when I first stop eating junk lol) so I’m over but I ate pretty healthy stuff so I feel pretty ok with that
    Water: 8/10
    Steps: 8,645

    The first few days are the worst. My thing is if I make it a few days, I tend to want to "celebrate" and then I go back into the vicious cycle again. Ugh. So hard! Glad you're doing well overall! You got this girl!! 💪
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Daily Post Tuesday (though I'm posting on Wednesday)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over (by about 50, so close!)
    Exercise: one short walk
    Day: Stressed... wanted to eat so much more. Glad I was able to use restraint.
    Water: about 3/4 of the way to my goal
    Steps: under 3k
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Missing weigh ins for Monday from:

    Please make sure you log your weight before end of day Saturday so you get counted for this week! Even if you’re not happy with the # on the scale, it’ll help with building habits and accountability. :)

    Due today:

    Happy hump day! (Tho I totally thought today was Thursday so I’m mourning tomorrow not being Friday haha)
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    JAN Week 1
    PW: 120.4
    CW: 115.0


    Disclaimer: 😆 I went on vacation and gained 5 lbs. So this is actually only a 2 lbs loss after loosing the 5 lbs I gained (was 122 when I got back) And I have been feeling under the weather. Regardless, I will TAKE IT 💪. Motivation for next week!
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