2021: Think Positively for a Better Year!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,953 Member
    The kids have single beds, so it wouldn’t really work for mom to stay in one of the kid’s rooms. I’m not even sure if he would be able to sleep in one of their beds because I think they may be smaller than twin size. I’m sure they’ll figure it out. I keep reminding myself it’s not my circus and they are not my monkeys! His wife is vaccinated. She is a director of nurses over a neuro ICU unit at a large hospital in a suburb of Houston. She’s currently working on her doctorate in nursing management from The University of Alabama, so clearly she’s a smart woman. I’m amazed that she hasn’t persuaded him to get vaccinated before now.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    I wonder how long it will be until my unvaccinated BIL gets it. His wife has some sort of long term illness although their kids are older - old enough to get themselves vaccinated in spite of their idiot parents should they be so inclined.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,953 Member
    Here is the cake I made for my friend’s birthday gathering tomorrow. The cake is lemon flavored with a lemon/orange buttercream frosting. I was pleased with how it turned out.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member
    Wow! What an amazing cake! Your friend will love it.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    What a gorgeous cake!

    And it would fit right in with my third quarter sunflower decorations. You may ship it up here now LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    I've got my packets laid out for the weekend. Time to get serious now!

    I spent 2 1/2 hours on hold with the IRS yesterday.

    CROM's for 990 was due 11/15/2020. I mailed it 11/10. That was the month my dad died and somehow I don't have the actual post office receipt. I do have the debit statement from my checking account showing the post office payment.

    Our marvelous post office didn't deliver it until 11/23.

    The IRS sent me a penalty letter. I responded with my debit statement and a note that the package should have clearly been postmarked BEFORE 11/15.

    I got a second penalty letter and an intent to levy property letter. Say what? We literally just got hundreds of thousands of dollars of penalties forgiven - without the IRS blinking an eye - for a large hospital system and you want to threaten to levy CROM's property for something that wasn't even late? (I felt like saying which do you want - traps, cages, or donated flea market donations?)

    So okay I'll just pay the $160 right? Hah

    I went to the online system and put in all our info. The session ended with a note that they'll MAIL me a PIN So much for that

    So I mailed a check. The address is a post office box so that's all you've got. So far the check hasn't made it to our account.

    So yesterday - with like one week left - I decided to bite the bullet and call.

    When you call you listen to a LONG message and then it just says "sorry we can't talk to you" and hangs up. Well, I was determined. I called over and over again and finally made it on hold.

    I'm glad I stuck with it. I got a nice young man who has a problem rescue cat that he and his wife are obviously much attached to and trying everything for. I found myself giving him advice and my phone number. Anyway while we were talking he made the penalty go away. YEAH!

    Anyway he told me I'd be getting a letter in 30 days saying the penalty would be forgiven. I started to laugh hysterically. It took him a minute but he finally got it.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member
    There’s nothing like the personal touch. I’m surprised it took so much to get that penalty waived. The mailing date fell right when DeJoy’s policies slow the mail to a crawl. It was all part of the scheme to slow down mail in ballots. Maybe the IRS needed a reminder about the whole mail fiasco? BIL mailed us homemade Christmas cookies on December 10. They finally arrived mid-January.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,953 Member
    Your persistence definitely paid off, sounds like you made a new friend/ally, and you got a good laugh out of the transaction! Not bad for your efforts.

    Thanks for the compliments for my cake. I would ship it to you if it wasn’t already spoken for, Maryanne! I’m always critical of my own work and I see a gap where I need another flower petal. I will see if I can fix that before I take it to the party. Friends are hosting a barbecue tonight for a group of about 12 people, then next week they are off to Chicago for their son’s wedding which was delayed a year due to COVID. They have been concerned about having to postpone again due to the rising case numbers but apparently the wedding will proceed. This is the friend that I went dress shopping with to select her MOG dress. She promised to show it to all of us tonight now that she has the actual dress back after alterations were made. The sample she tried on in the store was beautiful, and I’m sure hers will look even better.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    There’s nothing like the personal touch. I’m surprised it took so much to get that penalty waived. The mailing date fell right when DeJoy’s policies slow the mail to a crawl. It was all part of the scheme to slow down mail in ballots. Maybe the IRS needed a reminder about the whole mail fiasco? BIL mailed us homemade Christmas cookies on December 10. They finally arrived mid-January.

    The ebay package that went to Guam is still my favorite (all the seller and I could do was watch and chuckle).

    The weird thing with the IRS is that the mailing date is what matters. Clearly this package was postmarked before 11/15 so it was fine. But also clearly what's being input into their computers is the date it arrived.

    This young man commented that the computers make a LOT of work for them. He's definitely going places. Intelligently discussed with me the options they'd already tried with their vet, e.g.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Your persistence definitely paid off, sounds like you made a new friend/ally, and you got a good laugh out of the transaction! Not bad for your efforts.

    Thanks for the compliments for my cake. I would ship it to you if it wasn’t already spoken for, Maryanne! I’m always critical of my own work and I see a gap where I need another flower petal. I will see if I can fix that before I take it to the party. Friends are hosting a barbecue tonight for a group of about 12 people, then next week they are off to Chicago for their son’s wedding which was delayed a year due to COVID. They have been concerned about having to postpone again due to the rising case numbers but apparently the wedding will proceed. This is the friend that I went dress shopping with to select her MOG dress. She promised to show it to all of us tonight now that she has the actual dress back after alterations were made. The sample she tried on in the store was beautiful, and I’m sure hers will look even better.

    Since I started back on the wagon yesterday cake, no matter how mouth watering, is best looked at in a photo. LOL!

    Hopefully the wedding will go okay I get concerned but then remind myself that so far we aren't seeing vaccinated folks among the hospitalizations and deaths.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,953 Member
    I think they are most concerned about their grandchildren who are too young to be vaccinated. They were supposed to be in the wedding party, but their parents were considering leaving them at home with their nanny, who was scheduled to travel with them to the wedding. We will find out tonight what they’ve decided to do.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member
    Delta infects much faster. A friend told us a friend of her’s attended a wedding with 65 people. Her husband was sick the next day. The rest of the family (5) was sick within days, all testing positive for Covid. Someone came to that wedding infected and exposed everyone else. This family was vaccinated but I’m sure there were people there who weren’t.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Delta infects much faster. A friend told us a friend of her’s attended a wedding with 65 people. Her husband was sick the next day. The rest of the family (5) was sick within days, all testing positive for Covid. Someone came to that wedding infected and exposed everyone else. This family was vaccinated but I’m sure there were people there who weren’t.

    Like the unvaccinated teacher who infected 12 of her students after removing her mask to read to them.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,953 Member
    The birthday party was a lot of fun. We had a delicious meal and lots of fun storytelling and jokes. We were also saying goodbye to the husband of our dear friend who died from cancer 18 months ago. He is finishing out clearing out their home here and is moving to a new home on a lake in Indiana, which is halfway between his 2 grown children and all of his grandchildren. The cake was a big hit and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

    Our hosts are leaving on Thursday for their son’s wedding. Their grandchildren will not be in the wedding party. Their mother just didn’t feel it was safe enough for them to attend. The wedding venue is not requiring any additional safety measures beyond what the bride and groom have already required of their guests. The bride is a bit of a germaphobe and so all 200 guests were required to be vaccinated and send in copies of their vaccination cards with their RSVPs. There will be masks available while indoors and hand sanitizer at every table. Probably about as safe as it’s possible to make it in this day and time.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member
    Good for the bride for choosing healthy behavior for her wedding day. I was a bit shocked guests had to send in copies of their vaccine cards. Most of us would take our guests at their word. On the other hand, who wants to be the bridal couple who’s wedding becomes a super spreader event. I hope it’s a beautiful wedding.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    edited August 2021
    Multiple this by the number of months it has - and does - go on and think about what we could do with the money -

    The refusal of many Americans to be vaccinated has imposed financial costs on the rest of us. For example, in an analysis last week, the Kaiser Family Foundation estimated that the hospitalization cost of treating preventable Covid-19 in unvaccinated patients during June and July alone was $2.3 billion -- with the costs "borne not only by patients but also by society more broadly."
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member
    I was watching one of the morning shows Friday. They were interviewing the CEO of Delta. Their employee have until a date in the fall. Employees that don’t get fully vaccinated will pay an extra $200 a month for their health insurance. Sounds fair to me. Who knows? Maybe a financial penalty will convince some of those are reluctant to get vaccinated.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I was watching one of the morning shows Friday. They were interviewing the CEO of Delta. Their employee have until a date in the fall. Employees that don’t get fully vaccinated will pay an extra $200 a month for their health insurance. Sounds fair to me. Who knows? Maybe a financial penalty will convince some of those are reluctant to get vaccinated.

    My one colleague immediately sent a firmwide email on this. It's a start!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    You can't make this stuff up. De Santis fund raising web site selling anti vaccination merchandise to Dr. Fauci's utter dismay:

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    Very very gray day here. We're to get the watered down remnants of Ida starting tonight (pun intended). Tomorrow's one of my days to feed; guess I'll get a little damp.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member
    We’ll be getting Ida rain on Thursday. We’re probably the only place in MA that hasn’t had tons of rain the last couple of months. I thought we’d get rain yesterday. The skies were very dark and we could hear thunder. We ended up with just a few sprinkles.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    5 states have lost 1 in every 500 residents to Covid-19: Michigan, Ohio, Florida, South Dakota and North Dakota

    1 state has lost 1 in every 376 residents: NJ
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    The advantages keep coming:

    Vaccination reduces risk of long Covid, even when people are infected, U.K. study indicates

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    edited September 2021
    Today is day 4 of sticking to the plan and my spreadsheets.

    I've got the next 3 days food laid out. This weekend I'll put together 7 days.

    So - so far so good. (Too many so's????? LOL!)

    Today is packet day. I had wonderslim high protein pancakes for breakfast (with 1/2 banana mushed in), optavia beef & garden vegetable soup for lunch. Dinner will be wonderslim spicy cheese & pasta (not all that spicy which for me is great). Then in the evening a salty snack and a sweet snack (probably wonderslim chocolate cake - LOVE that).

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    Beautiful sunny day today.

    I decided to take advantage of the weather, and the relative safety of going out, and a little room in the one freezer and go to a grocery store I don't usually visit and stock up a little. E.g DH LOVES Marie Callendar scalloped potato and ham casserole and I can only find that a couple places.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member
    Wild weather last night. We had 4 alerts between 11 and 2:00 am. Tornado was possible. One did touch down in a town 25 miles away. The rain was a total deluge. Surprisingly, we didn’t even lose power. Lost sleep with the alerts but kept the power on.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Wild weather last night. We had 4 alerts between 11 and 2:00 am. Tornado was possible. One did touch down in a town 25 miles away. The rain was a total deluge. Surprisingly, we didn’t even lose power. Lost sleep with the alerts but kept the power on.

    Wow that's scary but I'm glad you have power and no tornado. There was a tornado here in Maryland.