Downsizers - January 2021 Team Chat



  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    iradi8 wrote: »

    My scale goes up and down during the week. My weight can vary by almost two pounds from one day to the next. You're doing great overall!

    😊 Thank you @iradi8. It's so easy to get discouraged when the scale swings up. Weighing on Friday mornings helps though. It makes me think more bout what I eat (or don't eat) through the weekend. Just have to keep going and stay positive.😀 Happy weekend!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,609 Member

    Do you think this could be due to the big losses in the last few weeks? I am expecting a gain in the next week or two as I have lost over 12 pounds in 2 weeks. This usually happens to me.

    Yes, and no Linda. It's hard to say, because I had two off plan days this week, so I know my diet wasn't as on task as the previous two weeks, despite my workouts. Diet is everything. You can't outrun it, that's for sure. I'm still happy with my progress this month though. Although I am still 4 lbs higher than when I first started with the group.

    Thank you for always questioning and making me think it through. Your support here helps me so much.

    Hope everyone here has a great weekend!

    You are doing really good this month. You will be down those 4 pounds before you know it.

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post January 21
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 100oz
    Steps 9268
    Exercise 24 min Inc Dance Fit Video

    Got the rest of my steps in last night in a fun way. The kids had a disney movie on (The Little Mermaid) so we danced during all the songs. It was fun haha. Today is grocery shopping day and we are going to have my infant niece with us. I'm going to baby wear her in a carrier around all the stores so maybe that can count for exercise lol.

    What an awesome way to get your steps and you got to do it with your kids. A double win.

    iradi8 wrote: »
    Messages here have inspired me to start strength training. I have been wanting do, but for some reason I just had a hard time getting motivated. I have weight machines and dumbbells at home, so really no excuse. Lol.

    Yesterday and the day before I lifted weights. I did legs, back, biceps, abs one day and chest, shoulders, triceps and abs the next. I know it did some good because I'm sore today. It feels good to do it though. My goal is to lift weights four times a week. It will feel good to get stronger.

    So, thanks to everyone here who is sharing. Y'all all make a difference:)

    Good for you! Strength training is so good for you. I will be asking all of the strength trainers for advice once we get out of lockdown.
    363days wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 weigh in
    pw 169.6
    CW 169.8
    I'm thrilled to only have gained .2, which probably isn't a real gain. I'm going to try to not go crazy over the weekend so I can get consistent about losing weight. I actually lost 4 lbs this week after gaining it from a fun weekend - haha.

    I with you on reigning it in on the weekends.

    PW: 225.4
    CW 222.0 ( loss 3.4 lbs)
    LTD 47lbs

    Awesome loss!
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 6,825

    Quiet day yesterday with kids back in school. Workout for the day was only a stretching workout.
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 skinnytaste meal plan is free on her website. She posts the new one of Friday or Saturdays and has a grocery list with it.
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Food logged.
    Under calories for now . Will be back to 1200 next week.
    Drank 96 oz water.
    Lifted weights today working on form not weight.
    Slept 8 hours.

    Since it is so cold and cloudy here and I am not getting outside, I have decided to supplement with vitamin D3. I have been diagnosed with a deficiency previously so will take this until can get out in the spring.

    It was a bittersweet day. I went to Christopher & Banks since it is closing here and purchased clothes. Kevin had given me a gift card from there and I was saving it to buy spring/summer clothes. Used it today to buy a pair of shorts, capris, shirt and cardigan. Will miss the store but I miss Kevin so much more. I have considered dating again but realize that I won't find someone like Kevin. Not sure that I want someone different but feel very lonely now. Will think about dating and use this time to reflect and work on myself.

    Was off to a good start not overeating tonight but messed up with a second dinner roll and cookies when I got home. This is literally the only time that I eat bread and rarely eat sweets. Got to work on having just one and calling it good. Will try again. Repetition builds habits.
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    CHECK IN: Week 3 (Friday)
    🏋🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    🥤 96 oz. Water ✔️
    🍽 Under Calories ✔️
    💤 Sleep ✔️

    👣 STEPS
    FRI 1/22: 14,266 + 4,785 (weight lifting) + 8,900 (circuit training) = 27,951
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,921 Member
    Hello all;

    I'll pop back in and respond to posts. Right now a couple of exercise machines are giving me the evil eye... :D
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    edited January 2021
    Happy Saturday!!

    Well sadly I am up this week by 2.2 Lbs. BUT. According to my scale even if my weight has gone up this week my body fat percentage has gone down. It went from 44.3% to 43.9%! So I know the extra weight is not from fat but from water! I just hope I can continue on with my workouts and that I will be able to come in with a loss next week. I’m just happy that my soreness is finally starting diminish. Still can’t sit properly or wash my hair right but it’s coming along lol.

    I did finally take my measurements which I was refusing to do since last August. I am up anywhere from 3 to 5 cm all around. And these aren't even my lowest measures. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Previous (Aug 2020) / Current

    Chest - 103.4 / 108
    Waist - 103.4 / 106.6
    Hip - 107.2 / 110
    Thigh - 55.4 / 58.8
    Calf - 35.8 / 37.4
    Arm - 29.8 / 32

    Let’s see how those change as I continue my strength training.


    Username: mari_moulin
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Weigh in week: 3
    Previous Weight: 196
    Current weight: 198.2🤦🏻‍♀️


    Sunday - 9,657
    Monday - 17,178
    Tuesday - 18,930
    Wednesday - 10,283
    Thursday - 16,138
    Friday - 15,499

    Saturday - coming 🔜
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Check in January 22
    Logging - yes
    Exercise - yes
    Steps - 14507

    Well, I didn't make the smartest decision and I bought a bunch of cider which I drank. I have essentially given up drinking, but had the bright idea to get some. I was very challenged to then binge eat as well, but I was able to not do that. Alcohol does not work for me. It makes me want to binge eat and I tend to overdo it...

    I imagine my weigh in on Monday won't be great, but that's okay. Frankly, I don't drink very often anymore. Probably one time every month or so? But it is never a good thing.

    I did do a lot of steps yesterday so maybe this will offset the drinking calories. Not sure.

    Anyway, other that binge drink session, things have been going well.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,609 Member
    Food logged.
    Under calories for now . Will be back to 1200 next week.
    Drank 96 oz water.
    Lifted weights today working on form not weight.
    Slept 8 hours.

    Since it is so cold and cloudy here and I am not getting outside, I have decided to supplement with vitamin D3. I have been diagnosed with a deficiency previously so will take this until can get out in the spring.

    It was a bittersweet day. I went to Christopher & Banks since it is closing here and purchased clothes. Kevin had given me a gift card from there and I was saving it to buy spring/summer clothes. Used it today to buy a pair of shorts, capris, shirt and cardigan. Will miss the store but I miss Kevin so much more. I have considered dating again but realize that I won't find someone like Kevin. Not sure that I want someone different but feel very lonely now. Will think about dating and use this time to reflect and work on myself.

    Was off to a good start not overeating tonight but messed up with a second dinner roll and cookies when I got home. This is literally the only time that I eat bread and rarely eat sweets. Got to work on having just one and calling it good. Will try again. Repetition builds habits.

    I have been taking vitamin D for many years. The doctor put me on it to help with my mood in the winter. You will know when the time is right to start dating. My cousin lost her fiancé in Afghanistan. She recently did a podcast were she touched on dating after losing someone. I can send you the link if you would like to hear it. It is long but it is amazing. Messing up is ok as long as you get back to plan.
    I think it is great you are working on form. It is so important.

    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 skinnytaste meal plan is free on her website. She posts the new one of Friday or Saturdays and has a grocery list with it.

    Thank you!

    Happy Saturday!!

    Well sadly I am up this week by 2.2 Lbs. BUT. According to my scale even if my weight has gone up this week my body fat percentage has gone down. It went from 44.3% to 43.9%! So I know the extra weight is not from fat but from water! I just hope I can continue on with my workouts and that I will be able to come in with a loss next week. I’m just happy that my soreness is finally starting diminish. Still can’t sit properly or wash my hair right but it’s coming along lol.

    I did finally take my measurements which I was refusing to do since last August. I am up anywhere from 3 to 5 cm all around. And these aren't even my lowest measures. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Previous (Aug 2020) / Current

    Chest - 103.4 / 108
    Waist - 103.4 / 106.6
    Hip - 107.2 / 110
    Thigh - 55.4 / 58.8
    Calf - 35.8 / 37.4
    Arm - 29.8 / 32

    Let’s see how those change as I continue my strength training.


    Username: mari_moulin
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Weigh in week: 3
    Previous Weight: 196
    Current weight: 198.2🤦🏻‍♀️


    Sunday - 9,657
    Monday - 17,178
    Tuesday - 18,930
    Wednesday - 10,283
    Thursday - 16,138
    Friday - 15,499

    Saturday - coming 🔜

    Just curious how long water weight lasts when lifting weights. It has been years since I have done it. Is it just like water weight from sodium? Will drinking extra water help? Sorry for all the questions. Every time I see someone posting about measurements I end up wanting to take my own but get lazy. It is good you body fat is decreasing.

    lelbarou wrote: »
    Check in January 22
    Logging - yes
    Exercise - yes
    Steps - 14507

    Well, I didn't make the smartest decision and I bought a bunch of cider which I drank. I have essentially given up drinking, but had the bright idea to get some. I was very challenged to then binge eat as well, but I was able to not do that. Alcohol does not work for me. It makes me want to binge eat and I tend to overdo it...

    I imagine my weigh in on Monday won't be great, but that's okay. Frankly, I don't drink very often anymore. Probably one time every month or so? But it is never a good thing.

    I did do a lot of steps yesterday so maybe this will offset the drinking calories. Not sure.

    Anyway, other that binge drink session, things have been going well.

    I remember from therapy as alcohol being a trigger for binge eating. I only will drink on occasion but it does make me hungry. You have a couple of days before weigh in. You are usually on point with your calories so I am sure it will average out over the week. Awesome steps!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,609 Member
    Friday’s Check In
    Steps: 3,211 ❌
    Tracked: ✅
    Sleep: ❌
    Water: ✅
    Healthy snacks: ❌

    To much red today. I spent most of my day on the phone. There was a family situation so I had lots of calls. I missed lunch and snacks as I totally lost track of time. After my husband got home we did some work on the bunk beds. It is going to take most of today to finish it as the directions are useless. I am terribly out of shape as I ended up with 51 zone minutes on my Fitbit and it all came from working on the bunk beds. Covid numbers are starting to drop here. Maybe soon the pool will open and I can work on getting fitter.

    I am soon going grocery shopping. I should hit my steps today. I never hit my sleep goal on Friday nights. I go to bed a little later than usual and I have to get up early to get things done before groceries. I have been reaching my water goal but I want to increase it further this week. We will see how it goes.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 1/22: 12,177
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member

    not sure I sent this previously 1/21/21 steps = 2,264
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    Happy Saturday!!

    Well sadly I am up this week by 2.2 Lbs. BUT. According to my scale even if my weight has gone up this week my body fat percentage has gone down. It went from 44.3% to 43.9%! So I know the extra weight is not from fat but from water! I just hope I can continue on with my workouts and that I will be able to come in with a loss next week. I’m just happy that my soreness is finally starting diminish. Still can’t sit properly or wash my hair right but it’s coming along lol.

    I did finally take my measurements which I was refusing to do since last August. I am up anywhere from 3 to 5 cm all around. And these aren't even my lowest measures. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Previous (Aug 2020) / Current

    Chest - 103.4 / 108
    Waist - 103.4 / 106.6
    Hip - 107.2 / 110
    Thigh - 55.4 / 58.8
    Calf - 35.8 / 37.4
    Arm - 29.8 / 32

    Let’s see how those change as I continue my strength training.

    Just curious how long water weight lasts when lifting weights. It has been years since I have done it. Is it just like water weight from sodium? Will drinking extra water help? Sorry for all the questions. Every time I see someone posting about measurements I end up wanting to take my own but get lazy. It is good you body fat is decreasing.

    I imagine it’s only during the time you are feeling sore. I started workouts on Monday and soreness started on Tuesday. I was very bad Wednesday and Thursday but by Friday it started getting better. I’m still sore today but nowhere near where I was only a couple of days ago. My weight spikes to its highest on Thursday and started creeping down on Friday. I think water weight from sodium comes off faster but with strength it’s only very bad first week you start then your muscles get used to it and they rarely get sore again unless you really change things up again. Drinking water during this period I is very important. It helps with the healing and eventually evacuating all the extra water.
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 576 Member
    1/22 Steps 7,241

    I was going to take it easy yesterday to give my feet and knees a rest because they hurt. Yesterday evening, my daughter and I did 20 minutes of intense dancing with Wii Fit Dance. It was so much fun. I was sweating and my heartrate was soaring! I felt good afterwards even though it was supposed to be a rest day:)
This discussion has been closed.