Downsizers - January 2021 Team Chat



  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Weight check in = Jan. 25
    PW - 311.8
    CW - 309
    LTD = 56

    Check in for Jan. 25
    Logging - yes
    exercise - yes (walking)
    steps - 8518

    I am having real trouble sleeping with the APAP. Usually I can manage 5 hours, but last night after 2.5 hours I was up and couldn't sleep. I cleaned. I cooked. Then I went back to sleep in the morning for a few hours. I hope this improves.

    Made more of my lentil soup/stew which I find really good so that's a bonus.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,527 Member
    Sunday Check In
    Steps: 4,629 ✅
    Tracked: ✅
    Sleep: ✅
    Water: ✅
    Healthy snacks: ✅

    I am truly shocked at my steps yesterday as I really didn’t do much. I guess doing the few chores I had to do added them up. I forgot a couple of things at the supermarket so I am going to attempt to walk to Farm Boy and back. I don’t like walking anywhere in the winter as I am afraid I will fall but the sidewalks look clear.

    Weight is up a little over 3 pounds but I was way over on my sodium for a few days. I will be drinking lots of water the next few days. Hopefully, it is gone by Friday and I have a loss again.

    I did give in and have chocolate again but I love @iradi8 suggestion about the lock box. I am having hubby lock them up when he gets home.

    Have a great Monday!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,527 Member
    Username: Beautyofdreams
    PW: 156.1
    CW: 156.5
    LTD: 66.9

    Gained 0.4 pounds from last week but this number is more realistic for me than the previous week. Am back to lifting weights after too long off. This limited access and the extra people using the gym from college break has made it difficult to get in. At least college break is over now.

    Congratulations to @lindamtuck2018, @Tazaria87 and @Megan_smartiepants1970. Your consistency, dedication and work are showing.

    Food logged.
    Under calories(will miss this week of extra calories tomorrow).
    Drank 96 oz. water.
    Slept 8 hours.
    Lifted weights for 50 minutes. Still working on form today. Will start adding back weight on the next session.

    Hi again! I just entered your weight in the spreadsheet and you actually have a loss. Last week your current weight was 157.4 and this week it is 156.5 giving you a loss of .9 pounds. I want to make sure this is right so can you confirm?
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    CHECK IN: Week 4 (Sunday)
    🏋🏻‍♀️ Exercise ❌
    🥤 96 oz. Water ✔️
    🍽 Under Calories ❌
    💤 Sleep ❌

    👣 STEPS
    SUN 1/24: 2,216

    * Had a terrible day yesterday. Binged on popcorn, cookies, anything I saw, I ate. No exercise and little sleep last night because I felt awful for it. Today I'm fasting to get a clean start for the week. I expect a heavy gain this Friday. Hopefully I did not undo the entire month in one weekend.
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post January 24
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 100oz
    Steps 4265
    Exercise Rest Day

    We spent the day at my parents house. My mom just bought herself an instant pot so I've been making dinner with it on Sundays to help show her how to make stuff. Last night I made roast with potatoes and carrots and then you use the liquid after it cooks to make a gravy. It turned out soooo yummy.

    Today I have my nieces again so my workout will have to wait until late, but I'm sure the kids will keep me active haha. It's gonna snow all day today so my son's preschool even got cancelled.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,227 Member
    Morning All.... Still not feeling my best.... My nose is plugged and I have no energy what so ever.... it has been raining so I have been sleeping a lot .... Thank you for all the congrats ...greatly appreciated
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,227 Member
    Would the following people please post their steps ...I will be zeroing them out at the end of the day..Thank you

    @scribb 1/22 & 1/23
    @363days 1/22 & 1/23
    @azkunk 1/17-1/23
    @draby2011 1/19-1/23
    @Sripalbhansali 1/17-1/23
    @Z1ORtza 1/17-1/23
    @eaturpasta 1/18-1/23
  • mszoueb
    mszoueb Posts: 155 Member
    edited January 2021
    Awesome loss! Maybe you can look for healthy, low calorie recipes of the meals you are getting from the service. Then when you decide to cut back ordering you have some go to recipes. Walking and strength training videos are all valid forms of exercise. You are doing really well this month and you should be proud of yourself.

    Thank you and sounds like a good idea. It has crossed my mind about going down to 5 days then would give me more freedom if I wanted to do something else within calories at the weekend but, with being early in losing again it's probably best if I stick with the structure for now, and then gradually go to 5 days per week and so on and so forth. I'm really excited that I only need to lose one more pound and I'll of hit my first stone lost mark.. another 6/6.5 to go after that but, it's exciting to think I could potentially lose near another stone by end of April time at a minimum of the 4 pound per month.

    If I really start to struggle then I do have the option of using the extra 360 calories I guess and according to MFP still lose a pound a week at my current weight. You're doing really well too :)
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 573 Member
    This step challenge is really motivating. I was close to my 10,000 steps last night, but I was not going to make it. So, while my husband, my daughter and I were watching a TV show, I walked around the perimeter of the living room and kitchen until I hit 10,000. They think I'm crazy. Ha!

    LOL, please Jim, let's not repeat 2020. Glad you saw the scale go down this week to reflect all of the work you've put in! I love the graphic. So very true:)

    Sorry to hear that. Take care. We'll be here when you come back:)

    With the meals, at least if you decide to stop the service, you'll have ideas for how much to eat and different meals to eat that you can make. I can see why you feel that with the money you pay for it that you don't want to have to buy more foods. I hope you'll give the company feedback on that. Any exercise is worth doing. It doesn't always have to be intense:) Nice loss this week.

  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member

    1/23 = 2,788

    so far so good for today regarding food.....
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 884 Member
    Steps 1/24: 11,580
  • Case0099
    Case0099 Posts: 38 Member
    CW 212.6
    PW 213.2
    LTD 32.4
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    @lindamtuck2018, you are correct about my previous and current weight loss. I copied the wrong number from my notebook.
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 I have a medical emergency and need to discontinue with the group. Thank you for everything you've me all. Good luck on your goals.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    DawnCumm wrote: »

    1/23 = 2,788

    so far so good for today regarding food.....

    I lied, wrong date:
    1/22 = 3,166
    1/23 = 7,549
    1/24 – 2,788

  • mszoueb
    mszoueb Posts: 155 Member
    edited January 2021
    iradi8 wrote: »
    With the meals, at least if you decide to stop the service, you'll have ideas for how much to eat and different meals to eat that you can make. I can see why you feel that with the money you pay for it that you don't want to have to buy more foods. I hope you'll give the company feedback on that. Any exercise is worth doing. It doesn't always have to be intense:) Nice loss this week.

    Thank you, yes I've provided various feedback to them on their posts.. it does seem they do take them on board to create meals from my and others suggestions but, yet to see an improvement on vegetables portion increase etc.

    Yesterday after some discussion with a family member I decided to go down to 5 days a week for next month starting next week. I can always go back up to 7, stay on 5 or do own thing after next month. Within the conversation it contained some valid points about cost, giving a break from the meals so not having a repeat of the some of the meals previously had two days prior to the weekend. Also, gives chance to start to bring back homemade meals in a healthy way in small steps.

    Whilst I was fine with going for another 7 days a week for a month for the set structure and whatnot, I am also conscious of not becoming long term dependent on a service in way for example how you have to look at food as syns on SW or points on WW and leaving that system. Of course the meal prep service is more my way of thinking with being calorie focused but I hope that sentence point made sense..I will need to still be mindful and measure for calorie counting so I don't overeat the work done before the weekend.

    I think it's just a case of seeing how I feel towards the end of each month on what I go for and work from it. It's great that I still have focus and determination above all else, weight loss journey is going good so far this year.
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    I am sorry that I have been missing over the last few days.

    PW 213.5
    CW 214


    1/22 - 10,458
    1/23 - 6,182
    1/24- 4,340
    1/25 - 10,026
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,527 Member
    lelbarou wrote: »
    Weight check in = Jan. 25
    PW - 311.8
    CW - 309
    LTD = 56

    Check in for Jan. 25
    Logging - yes
    exercise - yes (walking)
    steps - 8518

    I am having real trouble sleeping with the APAP. Usually I can manage 5 hours, but last night after 2.5 hours I was up and couldn't sleep. I cleaned. I cooked. Then I went back to sleep in the morning for a few hours. I hope this improves.

    Made more of my lentil soup/stew which I find really good so that's a bonus.

    Awesome loss! Have you tried calling the place you bought your APAP from? Maybe they can make an adjustment. I hope it gets better for you. You have been making lots of different soups. I really got to start making soup and freezing some of it for lunches. Do you make extra to freeze?

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post January 24
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 100oz
    Steps 4265
    Exercise Rest Day

    We spent the day at my parents house. My mom just bought herself an instant pot so I've been making dinner with it on Sundays to help show her how to make stuff. Last night I made roast with potatoes and carrots and then you use the liquid after it cooks to make a gravy. It turned out soooo yummy.

    Today I have my nieces again so my workout will have to wait until late, but I'm sure the kids will keep me active haha. It's gonna snow all day today so my son's preschool even got cancelled.

    You just gave me my next meal to make in my instant pot. I think taking care of 4 small children will burn a ton of calories.

    iradi8 wrote: »
    This step challenge is really motivating. I was close to my 10,000 steps last night, but I was not going to make it. So, while my husband, my daughter and I were watching a TV show, I walked around the perimeter of the living room and kitchen until I hit 10,000. They think I'm crazy. Ha!

    LOL, please Jim, let's not repeat 2020. Glad you saw the scale go down this week to reflect all of the work you've put in! I love the graphic. So very true:)

    Sorry to hear that. Take care. We'll be here when you come back:)

    With the meals, at least if you decide to stop the service, you'll have ideas for how much to eat and different meals to eat that you can make. I can see why you feel that with the money you pay for it that you don't want to have to buy more foods. I hope you'll give the company feedback on that. Any exercise is worth doing. It doesn't always have to be intense:) Nice loss this week.

    Keep that motivation going. It is great you are finding inventive ways to get those steps done.
This discussion has been closed.