May, Time for fun in the sun. Enjoy it ladies



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Had an Echo Cardiogram today. I have a murmur...have had it forever...but my doc wanted to see if anything was going on there. He should get back to me in a day or two.

    Sara's second interview for the Principal position was today. She said it went really well. It was In-Person. She made them laugh, so I know they liked her!! When she left her interview, the VP for the school she is interviewing for was the next one to interview. She should know by Friday. Got my fingers crossed.

    Gotta walk tomorrow!!!

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Chris - fingers crossed for Sara!!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    edited May 2021
    Thank you, Karen. Sure hope she gets it. I'm going to stress eat the rest of the week and she isn't going to eat at all...that's how we handle situations like this. :D

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Chris sending positive thoughts for Sarah. I love teachers!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Highest weight: 248
    April ending weight: 185.2
    May goal weight 179.2
    Ultimate goal weight: 148

    May 1: 185.2
    May 7: 187.0
    May 14: 187.2
    May 21: 187.6
    May 28:
    May 31:

    My doctor said I gained 3 pounds in 30 days and that was expected with the new med. My A1C was so much better so I’m feeling better and will work harder. She said my body would adjust and to keep up the exercise and be very careful with my diet. She also said it was okay to rejoin PF just wear my mask and wipe down everything. I want to go back for the strength training and toning. I will continue to walk outside that will reduce my time inside PF. She reduced my dosage on another medicine which is always a good thing. I can’t just focus on the weight, I have to look at my overall health. Diabetes is no joke and I’m determined to get my A1C under 7 as well as reach my weight loss goals. I’m going to finish the month strong and enjoy my vacation and come back ready to focus. Also plan to start swim lessons again. Unfinished business and great exercise. 😀

    Sorry for the length of this post but I had to share with “my sisters in weight loss and health!” 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    My calla lilies and hydrangea are both doing well this year. Here’s a gift after that long post.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    edited May 2021
    @KAR1959 I love them. Please write long posts often so I can see the calla lilies and the rest. I bet you don't even have to bring those calla lilies in for the winter! I am glad to hear that you should not be putting on more weight due to your new meds. So frustrating when you are working so hard.

    Chris my fingers are crossed.

    Still taking my Libby Lu for bike rides with me. She seems to enjoy them. I bought two new clematis plants yesterday of the same variety. Then dug one large hole and planted them together. Not getting any younger and I want instant blooms! Muahahaha

    My mom left for Arizona yesterday. We had breakfast together before her plane departure. Then I spent the rest of the day in the garden and one ride with Libby. My brother is coming for a visit in June. He is bringing his Canadian girlfriend with him. I wonder where this is going. They have been dating for a couple of years. I am scared he will move to Canada. Guess I should get a passport.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Good workouts - 47 minute walk - 2.44 miles and 44 minutes on Recumbent Bike - 10 miles. Also an hour in the yard watering and weeding. I think that counts as well. 😀😀😀🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

    Shelly wait until I post pictures of your lilies. They are full of buds just waiting to bloom. I think it will be next week as we are going to hit the 90s for the first time this month. Cant wait to see them.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Kathy - I agree with you 100%. The scale is really only a part of the story. I know we obsess about that number but there are so many other things in play. Glad you have a great doctor who is giving you perspective. And am so glad that you are feeling better and your A1C is good. Now that's a really important number :)

    I will be very interested in what you think about rejoining planet fitness. Jim and I have been talking about it. It's so hard to know what to do isn't it? I do think a lot of the people that live around me are not vaccinated which makes me nervous. I am vaccinated so that helps, but just because your vaccinated does not mean you still can't get it. I don't even want COVID in a minor sense.

    I went back to our new office yesterday to unpack my stuff. 1st day back cents COVID really so 14 months at home. We moved to a smaller more contemporary office which I do like. They are changing the seating model so I will go into a cubicle instead of having an office which I've had for 20 years. Fundamentally I don't mind, I just think it's gonna be a real adjustment for me with the noise volume. I'm typically on about 6 plus hours of phone calls a day. Many confidential so I have to figure out spaces to Have privacy. I was very happy to see a meditation Room in the new office. We no longer have a gym which is a real bummer. It was so nice to have a free full gym where you could exercise during the day. I see people walking the parking lot so I'm gonna need to bring sneakers and socks and keep them in
    my space.

    It's going to be a real challenge to squeeze in exercise on the days I am in the office. I'm gonna try to do 2 days in the office if it flies with my boss. I was not able to really do any exercise of merit yesterday. I left the house at 6 and by the time we had dinner and I did a few things here I crashed. But it will get better :)

    Also love the flowers! Beautiful! Just planted mine...will post when they are in bloom!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Sara is on the District Agenda to be approved Wed by the Council!!! I am so darn proud of her!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    Sara is on the District Agenda to be approved Wed by the Council!!! I am so darn proud of her!


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    edited May 2021
    Thank you, my friends! They are coming over for dinner this evening...just when the scale went down!!! :D Mexican food, cheese cake, loaf cake, Tillamook ice cream... :p

    Beautiful flowers, Kathy!

    Karen, hope your new office arrangement works out. Sorry about your work gym. That sounded really cool!!!

    Shelley, keep us posted on your brother's girlfriend...they should move down here to be closer to you.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Oh my gosh, Congratulations to miss Sara! She is so darn great! Chris I don't think they would like Wyoming. Canada is beautiful. I need a passport!

    Kathy I love to see your lilies bloom. I am so envious. Mine are just getting going good. Won't be blooming for a while.

    Paula you will have to post photos of your irises. I so love them.

    Karen good luck with finding workout time. It can be a challenge.

    Planted a rose bush today. And some annuals. Gave away 2 baby rhubarb plants and an arm full of rhubarb. Then baked a strawberry rhubarb pie from scratch. Sorry, I don't think it ships well. :p Then I gave another neighbor a pink and a white bleeding heart plant. I even planted them for her. She is not well. :'( Then cleaned all my tanks and did 30 gallon water changes. I still had time to watch a show and eat a slice of pie.

    Will post a photo of the new trellis Rocky made for my new clematis. It rained some here. But a lovely day all the same. No workouts for me today.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Worked on the small bed the large rhubarb is in. There was some crab grass taking over the half without the rhubarb. Will have to finish eradicating it tomorrow. I plan on planting shallots in it. Yummy It was a great day.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    I almost forgot to mention. I have tiny grapes growing in teeny tiny clusters on my grape vine. I bought it two years ago at a farmers market. It was a small grape vine. The lady was very nice and said the plants were grown right here in Wyoming. And that they are sweet table grapes. Guess I will finally find out. So excited to see them grown. Got to get a chair and go watch them now. Bye all, be back in the fall. Muahahaha

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Bwahahahah! Thanks, Shelley, so funny you are! You made my morning!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris it turns out I must thin some of the tiny clusters to allow for others to do their best. So tomorrow while sitting and watching them I will also be plucking some. So sad to have to cull the unlucky ones.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Shelley - Perhaps this will be you soon lol! One of my favorite episodes!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Karen while it. Would be great fun. And some exercise to boot. And that was one great series. My husband still calls me Lucy at times. I can't drink wine. Comes back up every time I tried.

    Great video.

    aka Lucy
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Karen while it. Would be great fun. And some exercise to boot. And that was one great series. My husband still calls me Lucy at times. I can't drink wine. Comes back up every time I tried.

    Great video.

    aka Lucy

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Kathy, I have a note on my calendar that it is your birthday that right?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!

    Love you, my friend. <3 Have a wonderful day!!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    @PaulaKro Muahahaha, you crack me up. Hey I am getting a cell phone. My house number is no good now. I might have to post and have you call me when I lose the darn thing! That was such a wonderful show. And I can't explain how I ever posted such a horrible paragraph! Sheesh.

    Still giving Libby bike rides. She is really liking them. And I am turning into Chris. Exploring new areas around my block and getting a little turned around at times. But since there are a couple of main streets on either side of a 4 block radius even I can't get to lost!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Highest weight: 317 (2013)
    Ultimate goal weight: 135 (2021)
    May 31st goal weight: 148

    April 30: 153.4
    May 1: 151.7
    May 3: 152.4
    May 10: 156.0
    May 17: 154.2
    May 24: 154.0
    May 31: Hoping to break even this month

    My weight may not go down this month but it is redistributing. There seems to be a sweet spot in the 150's which is not too fat and not too saggy. Beyond that, the skin drapes on bones. That's the point it's passing now.

    With minimal padding from fat, if the skin isn't stretched between high points and the excess gets sucked in around the innards. They could do anatomy lessons on my body. It cracks me up.

    Less weight will be much easier on my joints. And hopefully the excess skin can be removed later. But it's a little scary. Maybe everything feels a little uncertain and scary right now.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Highest weight: 192.2 (2005)
    April ending weight: 147.4
    May goal weight 144.0 Adjusted 05/03
    Ultimate goal weight: 130

    May 01: 147.8 at 7:00 a.m.
    May 03: 145.6 at 5:30 a.m.
    May 10: 147.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...what Paula said!!!
    May 17: 147.0 at 5:30 a.m.
    May 24: 146.8 at 5:30 a.m.
    May 31:

    I'm not sure what happened to me last month, but it CANNOT happen again. I was doing really well then BAM!!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    Sara is on the District Agenda to be approved Wed by the Council!!! I am so darn proud of her!


    Congratulations to your daughter! I’m sure it’s well deserved! 💪🏾

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    @PaulaKro I am sending you a virtual hug. I tried to visualize the innards being the sucking point.....nopey nope nope.

    Chris I still like your weigh. I should be so dedicated.

    Got all the grass that was making its home in the garden out. YES. So tonight I can walk the kids or bike with Libby. Both sound good.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Chris - so excited for Sarah!

    Paula - we are twinning again. I s a swear my body wants to be between 162-164. She finds her way back there consistently. I look so thin in the top (almost too thin say a few friends), but the bottom is where I carry my weight. What to do besides win the lottery and hire a plastic surgeon lol. Hang in there girl!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Highest weight: 248
    April ending weight: 185.2
    May goal weight 179.2
    Ultimate goal weight: 148

    May 1: 185.2
    May 7: 187.0
    May 14: 187.2
    May 21: 187.6
    May 28: 187.2
    May 31:

    About what I expected after birthday celebration and no walking for 2 days.


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Kathy it always comes back on so easily. And I swear it takes forever to get it off again! Grrrrrrr

    Karen I have always been envious of people who look thin on top. People will see your photos and never guess you struggle with weight. But I guess finding clothing can be a pain. Hang in there you got this.

    I am planning my next concrete project. I want to put a border around the three plants we put on the island last year. With that new arbor and trellis. And dig all the grass out and put in either rock or bark. I will post before and after photos when we get to it.

    (154.4) B):#
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    KAR1959 wrote: »
    May 1: 185.2
    May 7: 187.0
    May 14: 187.2
    May 21: 187.6
    May 28: 187.2
    May 31:

    About what I expected after birthday celebration and no walking for 2 days.

    Kathy it always comes back on so easily. And I swear it takes forever to get it off again! Grrrrrrr

    (154.4) B):#

    Me too. At the beginning of this month, it felt like my weight would easily drop into the 140's. But instead it's a fight just to keep it below 155. All I had last night was a handful of peanuts and today it shot through the roof! Ugh....
