WaistAways - May 2021 Team Chat



  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 190 Member
    Well done!!! The soreness will be gone in a day. We had it too.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,275 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    I got vaccinated today!!

    My arm hurts a little now, but the needle itself was so tiny I didn't feel anything. Overall I'm about as sore as I'd be after lifting some heavy weights, so not really that bad at all.

    I've been advised to abstain from pregnancy for 4 weeks. :lol:

    That's great - I had the same reaction. My arm felt like I had been doing one-arm deadlifts, rows, and flys for a bit, but it did not last long. I'm looking forward to the second one and to have it all done with. And yeah, bummer about the pregnancy!!! It's your anniversary, after all :lol:
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Hey! I’m just stopping in to say hi. Still trying to get rid of this stubborn virus. Sounded like a bullfrog this morning when I woke up then it gets better until the sun goes down. Closer I get to bedtime the more annoying it is. Oh well. It will be gone soon.

    Not much accomplished today except dinner. I cooked chicken on the grill with I marinade I made. It was yummy. Tried two new recipes. Also smashed crispy potatoes.

    Hopefully I’ll feel up for Pilates in the am. None today.

    So glad to see @evangsimmons170 back to join us. It’s been crazy. But hurray for your better health, a new job, and a remarriage on the horizon. Congratulations 🎉
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    I got vaccinated today!!

    My arm hurts a little now, but the needle itself was so tiny I didn't feel anything. Overall I'm about as sore as I'd be after lifting some heavy weights, so not really that bad at all.

    I've been advised to abstain from pregnancy for 4 weeks. :lol:

    Me too :D

    My arm is fine at the moment - I'm aware I got jabbed but it's not uncomfortable. I did feel the injection but it wasn't painful; deliberately looked away and the nurse did it quickly. I suspect the sore arm/head will kick in later; probably just in time for finishing work. I hope not though as I want to get a walk or run in this evening.

    Kirk (the unwell cat) is at the vets awaiting an ultrasound of his bladder. He's urinating well, but the last sample still had blood in it. I want an explanation, but I'm hoping it's not stones again - if it is, this implies it's the really bad kind because he's on specialist food which ought to dissolve the less-bad kind. :(

    I hope you're feeling better soon @micki48
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,275 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    I'm behind on my nagging, so I'll get that out of the way quickly :grin:

    Wednesday weigh-ins:

    I hope you are all as surprised as @KellyBgetsfit !

    I am having some weird digestion issues, probably caused by my reckless abandon over last week when I ate many things I usually avoid for good reasons. Reason was definitely not happening :grimace: I am sure everything will settle back down soon, but while it's happening it is sure easy to eat less... Today is a perfect day for making the rhubarb pie I still have not made yet! I will not be tempted by it in the slightest. Rhubarb compote or sorbet maybe, but certainly not pie. :smiley:

    Enjoy the Wednesday!
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @YinxFed - you’re looking great in your new shirt!
    @ellz_runs - glad to have you back!
    @terytha it’s so fun to go through your closet and get rid of things. It feels productive and rewarding!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I'm making crockpot pulled pork for dinner today.

    I realized as I was dumping assorted things in that this is what I like about cooking. Look up a recipe, realize you don't have most of the ingredients, randomly replace or remove as needed. Plus add whatever else you like. What I'm actually cooking looks nothing like what I based it off of, ingredients-wise. But it will still taste good.

    Today's sauce: ketchup, soy sauce, red wine vinegar, maple syrup, garlic, mustard, paprika, liquid smoke. Wish I'd had tomato paste to thicken it but I forgot to buy some. Oh well.

    Pork is fun too because you think it'll be terrible for calories and then 50% of it cooks off, leaving you with much more reasonable numbers.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Oh @Steph1498 I can totally relate. It’s all you can do to deal with the situation at hand. Eating under stress or duress still gets me too. What a scary call to get. I’ve been on that end too. My son broke both his elbow one skateboarding and one snowboarding. And a concussion at a trampoline park that was caught on video and made me nauseous watching it. So so glad your daughter is feeling a bit better. Take it slow. With an injury like that it needs some time to heal.

    @planemonkey What’s past is past. You’ve got this. It is so hard when we are pleased with where we are even when we are not done losing. Hang in there. It sounds like you listened to your body and did just what you needed.

    @Terytha Your BBQ sounds great!! Like you, I use recipes as guides from which to do my own thing.

    Spent quite a few hours outside today. First in the garden then with my granddaughter having water fights. It was a scorcher today. We had tacos for dinner. Now I’m listening to the noisy birds as I sit on my screened porch. My mat is out but no Pilates done yet today.

    My son and daughter have submitted 6 and 2 applications respectively today. Praying something good turns up fast. My husband half jokes that we will add a big addition so they can all live here. 🤪

    I am finding logging on Fitbit to be more work since I am not used to it. So back to MFP. I need to get myself back in a losing mindset. However, my birthday is coming up on the 8th and I will have cake. I know it. I’ll go get it myself if I have to. Strawberry creme. Mmmmm. Then that’s it. The following week I have to have a biopsy on my tongue. I have what looks like a wart on the side, but it’s new so my dentist will remove it. I have to admit, I’m a bit nervous. He told me it will hurt. I want to call back and ask how often he does this? I may want someone with more experience. Such a baby, I know.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,275 Member
    The cake sounds amazing, but the tongue thing might put a damper on eating for a couple of days! Everything on the tongue hurts, but luckily, they heal really fast too. You are probably right to check on how experienced your dentist is, though - oral surgery is a specialty and maybe he has it, but maybe he doesn't. Check up on him! I have had several eye surgeries, and I am ridiculously picky about who does them - that is certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Make him fill out a job application to be allowed to work on your tongue!

    I hope your kids have luck with their applications, too - or you'll have to put them on the building crew. Get on that mat, now - pick one of the short bedtime routines :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,275 Member
    Quick update on weigh-ins -

    still due today:

    Due Thursday:
    @bowens1973 - you can give a Thursday update if you want to!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,275 Member
    There is a lovely and encouraging thread you might want to go read.


    The comments are from people who have had success - add to it if you have (most of you have!) and get some inspiration if you are struggling.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Username ashleycarole86

    PW 245.8
    CW 245.4
  • AshenMoon
    AshenMoon Posts: 157 Member
    No change for me this week! Hopefully that's a good thing haha :-)
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