Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 823 Member
    The bear is a cutey, but definitely not hanging out where he should be. Yikes!

    That is good to hear that your blood results are all good. Never fun waiting to hear, but try not to stress Paula!

    It's encouraging to hear about all of the weight loss reports! It definitely helps me to know that I can do it too. I really want to book a Dr. Appt before mine retires at the end of November. I will book it, then I will need to find a new one. I will truly miss him, he has been so good for me. I was hoping that I wouldn't be at this weight when I have my appt. So maybe I can drop a couple of pounds before then!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…good luck with e heart report and the rheumatologist! I always want those reports as soon as possible so I can move on with life….or deal with new meds or whatever the results require! I hope all news is good news! Wow, that’s quite the bear sighting! We get them often in MN during the summer months and always scary in urban areas with kids, dogs and people in general!😳

    Shari….glad you are finding the IF doable. My DH is doing well on it too and is looking for weight loss (after just 4 days) but it does take more time I told him, lol. Guys (my family anyway) are wired to want fast results and find it hard to be patient, lol! I am down another .4 lb this morning for total of 6.6 lbs! One of my sisters is “taking a break” from Keto she has been on two years. She had stalled in weight loss and is giving up and enjoying just eating what she wants for a bit. She is waiting to see how I do with this program and may join me in IF routine? I read that 10 weeks is the point in IF where you know it is sustainable and working etc. today I feel like I can do 10 weeks for sure!!

    DW..so good to hear your dog is feeling better! Nice to get a full nights sleep too!👍. My weight loss is not new either…was down 10 lbs from January try at 17dd C1-then C2. Took about 2-3 months then stalled. I just slowly gave up and gained back those pounds…all but 2 of them. Good luck…we are all doing our best!!💪👍❤️
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 955 Member
    DW, So glad your dog is doing better. It is not easy when one of our animals is ill. Congrats on the weight loss! Great motivation to keep going.

    Diane, I appreciate your insights on IF. I think the 10 weeks is indeed doable. I see the importance of doing the IF consistently. Today I did not follow IF, so I will plan to start again in a day or so. So nice for you to see scale numbers going in the desired direction!

    Shari, So sorry that your doctor is retiring. I cannot imagine having to give up my family doctor. But since she is considerably younger than I am, I think she will be around for a good while yet. I started with her in 1998 when she was not too far out of her residency. I sort of feel like I watched her grow up. I feel very comfortable with her.

    Well I am barely within my calorie range today, definitely at the tippy top of it! It was just a plain old funky day for me. I didn’t feel ill or anything, but I didn’t feel like myself either. I had zero motivation for dieting today, so I really didn’t diet. Ugh! I did log all my food and appreciate seeing the reality of my less-than-noble choices today. Tomorrow will be a transition day for me as I have plans to see some friends, and I know it will involve food. I will be careful but realistic tomorrow and plan to get back to my structured eating and wise choices on Sunday.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    I am pinching myself again this morning to see if this is real!! Day 34 on IF. I am down again on the scale! Total 7.2 lbs! Less than 3 lbs to hit my loss number last January/February. Hoping this continues and I don’t plateau out like I did then!! 🤞Yesterday I ate my egg scramble for lunch. Had a 120 calories ice cream bar at 3:00 with my green tea, instead of my Apple. And for supper left over homemade meatloaf with 3/4 cup mashed potatoes and small amount of peas and carrots. Was nicely full and still under calorie budget for the day. I was able to not eat after dinner…even when DH had small dish of ice cream at 7:30….so he says he won’t eat until 11:30 today instead of 11:00? He is not counting calories like I am…just eating whenever and whatever he wants in eating window…obviously going to be more flexible on evening cutoff…will see if he loses…likely he will because guys seem to lose much easier!🤔
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 955 Member
    Diane, Your super success is very inspiring to me, and it came at a time when I truly needed it, given yesterday's lack of motivation. Your meals from yesterday sound both satisfying and reasonable. Thanks!

    I had a great day today visiting with some friends from the church where I grew up. This was the first I have seen these folks since the onset of the pandemic. We remained outdoors as the weather was delightful. The leaves in that area have already changed to their fall colors, and it was just beautiful. When I got home I logged the food I consumed and didn't do as terrible as I thought it might have been. However, it was a long day, and I was exhausted from driving, socializing, and driving again. I don't think I should make a drive like that again for a while. I rested all evening but didn't eat! Happy about that. Looking forward to a normal healthy eating day with high motivation again tomorrow.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula, this will be my last detailed report on my IF earing. But here is my yesterday report on what I ate. It seemed like a lot to me, lol! We had friends over at 6:30 last night. Sat outside as weather was beautiful! We invited them to join us for dessert and decaf coffee. Which we served right away and ate before 7:00. Then we sat and visited for a couple hours, time flew by!! Neighbors and friends we have known since 2005 and they were aware of our IF meal plan etc. and on board to come have dessert before 7:00. Had a normal piece of apple crumb pie with a tiny 1/3 cup of ice cream on top for me. Did not break my calorie budget for the 11-7:00 eating time. Am down again .2 lbs on scale. Could hardly believe my eyes…expected from C1 experience to see a jump upward with a treat like that!! Other than cleaning the house in prep for their visit I did no extra exercise yesterday.

    Saturday food: I had my egg scramble for lunch (I started cooking at 11:00 ate about 11:20) which I calculate as 320 calories, a 1/2 large honey crisp apple for snack with tea about 2:30, snacked on (1-3 at a time) nuts from bowl on counter during the day total about 1/8 cup, a plain 6oz home cooked burger with ketchup on bun for dinner at 5:45…no sides (early because we planned on our guests arrival) and my pie dessert with neighbors.

    I feel very satisfied on the food I am eating for meals and snacks. Yet I am almost always under 1395 calories everyday except on our trip across country. My body seems to be liking this new plan….the only time I am really “hungry” is about 2 hours after I wake and I want breakfast…but that hungry feeling I am strong enough to resist in morning where I was unable to resist treats after supper before. I visualize fat burning off my tummy when I feel that morning hunger burn…and get busy doing some cleaning, laundry, chores and it goes away. Some days I all of a sudden realize it’s 11:30 or noon and I could have eaten at 11:00 but forgot the time.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member

    My tracking since starting IF
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Oops…guess it. Didn’t go back to Sept..start date but is much the same. Red is when I went over budget mostly on the road trip.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 955 Member
    Diane, Thank you again for sharing your meals and insights. I was easily able to apply IF today and will plan to do so tomorrow as well. The morning is easy for me. I could easily wait till noon to eat, but evenings are more challenging. I am considering a 12 - time span since I am not much of a morning person or morning eater to begin with. As long I have morning coffee (black), I am good to go. I continue to be amazed at how easy it is to track my food on Loseit. It even has ethnic (Eastern European) foods, which I enjoyed yesterday. I also like how it tells me how many more calories I am can for the day and still be within my allowance. Silly as it is, I appreciate that compared to doing the mental math myself!!

    Shari, Happy Thanksgiving. I think you celebrate tomorrow, right? Hope you have a great day.

    I feel so much better today, having rested up from yesterday’s trip “back home,” as we say. I have lived here in this city over 42 years, yet back home will always be back home I guess. I am very much on track and feeling satisfied. My meals for the week are fairly well planned, including crock pot beef roast, which will be a real treat for DS.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Glad you are feeling better Paula. And glad you are enjoying the Lose It app. I have found so many odd foods and it is easy to add your own foods to the list too. I have used calories on packages and figured out what I use in certain go to foods so I can easily put in the food tracker, like 1/2 small avocado on toast with one slice of Oscar Mayer ham etc…and it’s all free! Can’t ask for more than that😎
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, Shari! 🍁🍁🍁
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 955 Member
    I had another good day, busy with chores I felt up to doing and getting a lot done. I made a pot roast in the slow cooker with carrots and potatoes. It was soooo tender and delicious. Glad that I bought 2 and have the other one in the freezer to make down the road sometime. I already have my "to do" list ready for tomorrow and have given myself a lighter work load since I got so much done today. I hope to spend the extra time catching up on some reading.

    Hope the week is off to a good start for everyone!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 305 Member
    Hi Everyone! Happy Thanksgiving Shari! It sounds like everyone has been doing great with IF!! I was doing great but then hit a patch of snacking....it was within my calorie range but for me, the time I eat things really does make a difference! Today I learned that I might need to hand out awards at our dog gathering at the end of the month, so I need to get back on track quickly!! Thankfully my dog is back to normal and was able to attend his class tonight. I hope to have more to report tomorrow! Have a great evening!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 823 Member
    I missed a lot of news in the few days I missed checking in. I have been off my routine, but back to it now. We had a lovely Thanksgiving, albeit quiet. We still have restrictions in place in regards to home gatherings. We pushed the boundaries to have two of our single boys over for dinner. We were only allowed to have one other household, but I think we will be okay!

    We had a full weekend that included building our greenhouse (I haven't taken photos yet), we enjoyed a night out at a dinner theatre with free tickets from friends that couldn't go, and yesterday we had a turkey dinner. I haven't tracked my food in a few days so that is priority number one today.

    I was super tired when my alarm went off, so I decided to take an extra half hour. Now it's time to get to work! Thankfully it's just a walk up the stairs.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 955 Member
    Shari, Glad most of your family was together for Thanksgiving. I am curious about the monitoring of the restrictions regarding gatherings. Is it on the honor system or could someone report a violation, etc. ? Congrats on building the greenhouse! Sounds like such a huge project. Will look forward to the photos when you have them posted.

    Today was a good day for me. It is good that I had a light “to do” list, which I did accomplish. But I wasn’t in the mood to do much more. I tracked all my food and am well within my range. I feel quite satisfied at the moment and am ready to relax till it is time for bed. Tomorrow John and I get our flu shots. Will be happy about that.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 823 Member
    Covid restriction monitoring is on the honour system. That's why it isn't working. Most people are not following the mandates. You can report a violation, but I haven't heard of fines being given out.

    I need to get out and take some photos of the greenhouse. It's not pretty to look at since we made it out of stuff we found around the property. Except for the plastic. We bought that. It held up in some pretty strong wind yesterday. We were really happy about that. Now it just needs to survive the winter.

    My diet has not gone well. I tracked my food and was over yesterday and I am sure that was the case on Sunday and Monday too. At least I tracked. I will track, then eat today. That should help. My next goal is to be met on November 6. I have no time to lose as time seems to pass quite quickly.

    DH is getting a Covid test today. He has a runny nose and sore throat. Most likely a cold, but we need to check it out. I told him his guard must have been down to catch anything. We should get results tomorrow morning. I want to get the flu shot. I will wait for DH's test results and then get that booked.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Shari…good luck with your husband’s Covid test! Hope he does not have it! We are hearing about too many people we know, including family, or acquaintances that are getting breakthrough cases of Covid. No one so far we have been in direct contact with. When Covid first hit we knew no one who ever had it…now after almost everyone we know having had Moderna or Pfizer and about 5-6 months out that is no longer the case….people we know and talk to by phone or someone in their family etc are contracting it. 🤨. Glad we got the booster but wondering how long that will help us??? We are masking in all public places except if we elect to eat in a restaurant as we did on our migration south. Is seldom, and we keep 6’ apart.

    My weight bleeped up yesterday by .4 lbs but is right back down that .4 today so my body and my scale must be normal, lol. With steady downward trend so many days I was hoping my scale was accurate!👍😎. My DH is not seeing a loss yet and is really wanting some proof diet is working!!🤞🙃

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 955 Member

    Shari, Hope your DH doesn’t have Covid, but better to find out asap. I applaud you for tracking even if you know/think you are over your range. I do that too, as a form of helping myself face reality (at least that is what I tell myself, and I think it does help to get me back on track).

    Diane, I heard on the ABC evening news today that it is ok to mix vaccine boosters, and for those (like me) who had the J & J, getting the Moderna or Pfizer booster has even more favorable results. Encouraging. I also heard elsewhere that it is recommended to wait at least 2 weeks after getting the flu shot before getting the booster. Since I just had my flu shot today, I will wait at least 2 weeks before inquiring about the booster shot.

    I weighed in today and am down almost a full pound, but since it is not a full pound, I am counting it as only .5 pound. I am pleased however since I had a few “days off” over the past few days. It tells me that even when I stray I don’t do all that bad….well, except for today. I started out strong but by evening decided I was going to have a drink. I had a can of Clubtail Margarita. This was the first time I tried this, and it was great. I searched for nutritional information but really couldn’t find it online. I just know it was a lot of carbs from how good it tasted. But now that I had it I and don’t have anymore (I bought only one can), I don’t plan to indulge in that anymore. But I must say, I loved it. I have always loved Margaritas, and this was really a great guilty pleasure. My food choices were all on track, healthy and nutritious. So I am telling myself I didn’t do too much damage.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 823 Member
    DHs test results came back negative. He just has a cold. I am super happy about that. My nephew had COVID and it was deemed a breakthrough case. He is okay from what I know.

    I am hoping too see a downward trend on the scale soon. I have been pretty consistent, which is great, just not until I lose what I need to lol.

    I am a fan of Margaritas too Paula. I don’t recall the last time I had one though. Might have been before the pandemic.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 955 Member
    Great news about your DH Shari! Glad your nephew is doing ok.

    I had a good day for eating today. I wasn't very hungry which sometimes happens when I am stressed out. With me and stress I never know what will happen with my eating. The good news is that I got the report of the blood tests that my rheumatologist ordered as far as I can tell they are fine. His office hasn't called me, and I think they would have if there was anything to worry about. The bad news is that I haven't heard yet from the electro physiology cardiologist whose lab results (that I received) suggest some elevations that could be indicative of a kidney problem. His office hasn't called me so far, and it is about a week since I had the blood work done. I am hoping that his interpretation of the elevations is that they are not all that significant. I am partly looking at this with a "no news is good news" approach so I am not planning to call his office, at least not yet.