Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, Congrats on your success with the 17DD and IF... a winning combo. Woo Hoo! You sure have some fun ways to exercise. I have never been much of a dancer. I injured my left knee when I was in 8th grade and didn't get proper treatment. That knee is deformed and not an asset for dancing!

    Shari, Nice to have a dinner out with friends! That is a very rare occurrence for me these days. The last time I was in a restaurant was July 2021 to celebrate a friends 83rd birthday. Well, at least I haven't been complaining about the saltiness of restaurant food lately! ;)

    MJ, My body is difficult in the morning too. Some days it takes me about 3 hours to feel somewhat "normal" because of the RA. Some days are better than others for me...and I have learned that getting enough rest is crucial.

    Diane, Thinking about you and your family. Hugs and prayers as always!

    We are on the western edge of the Nor'easter that has been in the news today. I think the snow here is just about over now. We got only 4 to 5 inches, not bad at all considering that areas to our east are seeing twice that amount and even much more. My day is off to an excellent start....egg white omelette with reduced fat feta cheese...very filling and satisfying. I am making turkey chili for supper, perfect for a snowy day. Beans are zero points on my WW personal as are the lean ground turkey and the canned diced tomatoes. I plan to make enough chili to last for a few days...so no excuses to stray from plan.....right? As they say in Fiddler on the Roof...."of course right!"
  • mjjdzhere
    mjjdzhere Posts: 26 Member
    Staying on it and feeling much more motivated. Stretching more and it has made a difference already. Find myself moving more and being more active - took a while to get here but finally! I do notice I get very tired early, and thinking I need to add more protein. Time to monitor more closely daily intake.
    I did buy a "body shaper" for dress for wedding. I can't believe I choose to gain 10 lbs a few months before the wedding but that is what I did. Now to make the best of it and keep with getting that weight off.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks for reminder MJ….Stretching is so beneficial…I need to get back into the habit/routine of doing it! I hope you have a wonderful time at the wedding!

    Paula…thanks for you prayers…much appreciated.
    DW…wishing you continued success on 17dd. You are doing great!
    Shari…good to hear you son is feeling better. Hope these Covid numbers continue to go down!

    Life here is getting busy! I have colonoscopy prep tomorrow and procedure Wednesday. My sister and her husband arrive tomorrow to stay a month with us. I will check in again in a few days…take care all!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    MJ, I stretch every morning and realize how important it is to me. I sometimes stretch before going to sleep but often and too tired and don't do as much at night.

    Diane, Good luck with the colonoscopy! Enjoy the visit from your sister and her husband. Sounds like fun!

    I had an excellent diet day again today both for WW and IF. I got a great deal of housework done and also spent time getting ready for our possible new dog, a 3 year old chihuahua mix. If all goes well, we might be able to have him here as early as Thursday. I have been scurrying to get all the basics for him, since I gave away everything after Jam died. I was able to order a bunch of things from Amazon with delivery expected on Wednesday and will get the rest from ShopRite when I do our curbside pick up on Wednesday. My friend will drive us to the shelter to meet this new dog on Thursday. She volunteers at this shelter doing marketing and promo for them. We are excited for sure.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    My DH is another that doesn't care to dance. He will dance a couple of songs at weddings, but that's about it. Maybe he will enjoy line dancing a bit more. I will see if he is up to it on Friday night. We can practice at home with YouTube.

    My big news is about my dad. He fell down a flight of stairs on Saturday night and refused to go to hospital, later that same night he fell going to the bathroom and then did concede to let an ambulance come and get him. He has 2 broken ribs, some stitches in his head, a cracked L3 and lots of bruising and swelling. Can't believe he is still alive after all of that. He had a CT scan and that revealed a tumour on his gallbladder so that will come be coming out. It is cancer. With only being allowed one visitor, my family asked that I be the person. So on Sunday I went to the hospital and he was being sent home. I had to get him dressed, humbling for both of us, and got him back safe into bed. I helped my mom out a bit as she has arthritis quite bad in her knees and she was pretty tired. Today DH will go and spend some time with my dad. My mom would like a break.

    My weight loss is not happening. I go down a bit and then right back up. No gains above what I have been, but I am really determined to see a loss stick this week. I have one successful day in a row. I hope to make it to two today.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, So sorry about your dad's fall. I remember his name from back in our Spark People days and will add him to my prayer list. How sweet of your DH to help out with visiting him. That is a big help for you and your mom. I hope you are able to take care of yourself too. When we assume a caregiver role, it can take a toll on us!

    I am off to a good start today. I am making a pork loin in the crockpot which will last us for a few days. I am feeling upbeat and energized....maybe related to possibly getting a dog this week. If all goes well I will eventually post a picture of him. I am excited and nervous....mostly nervous about our mobility issues and working with him to do his business outside. John assures me that we can handle this. i pray he is right!!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! Shari, prayers for your Dad! Diane, I hope everything goes well tomorrow! MJ, I’m glad the 17dd is going well! Paula, Such exciting news!
    I had an “ off” day yesterday because we went to Columbus and back but am doing better today. I did a huge shopping trip this morning because we are expecting quite a bit of snow over the next 2 days. Comfort foods were a temptation but I stocked up on healthy choices. Many schools have already closed for the rest of the week and the grocery was backed! Have a good evening!!
  • mjjdzhere
    mjjdzhere Posts: 26 Member
    Shari, praying for your dad, and your family. How hard it must have been for you at the hospital. Please take care of yourself best you can.

    Paula, so much fun, a dog! What a lot of excitement. They become such members of our families. Hoping I develop the habit of daily stretching like you.

    Dw, Great on picking those healthy choices. Makes it so much easier when the pantry and fridge are stocked to set us up for success.

    Diane, hope the news with colonoscopy is all good.

    So a couple of days ago the scale went up 2 lbs and no food differences to account for it. Discouraged but resigned. However, today both 2 lbs gone along with an additional pound. With the wedding marking the weight goal this weekend, I have been watching so closely. Planning on splurging the weekend, then right back to it.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    My dad did okay yesterday. He is resting which is what is needed. He has an ultrasound booked on Thursday for his gallbladder. DH will take him since he will need help to get around and quite possibly getting gowned and then dressed once again.

    I am so excited that you found a dog Paula. I look forward to seeing a picture when you have one to post. And a name of course!

    I have not been having any success with weight loss. I have to drill a little harder to discover what I am still not getting right. The goal I set is coming up in four days and I have half a pound to lose. Seems easy, but I have been trying and it's just not budging.

    Have a good day all!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Back from colonoscopy. One polyp removed and sent in. I had a suspicious ColoGuard test that required this colonoscopy…so still keeping my fingers crossed until results in a week.

    Paula…I am sooo happy for you and John getting a new doggie. I know you will both love him and he will be a very lucky little guy to be part of your family.🐶😍

    Shari…so sorry about your dad’s falls….how scary for everyone! He is fortunate to have you and DH taking such good care of him. It’s very hard as our parents age and we start being the caregivers. Hope he is better each day 🙏🏻

    MJ…scale woes…I hear you! I am stuck up/down 1-2 lbs, too. Hang in there!💪

    DW…good luck with the predicted snow storm….congrats on stocking up on healthy foods!

  • mjjdzhere
    mjjdzhere Posts: 26 Member
    edited February 2022
    atgoal -praying for your results. It is hard to wait. Be kind to yourself.

    I hit the goal for before the wedding. Taking a few days off as out of town for wedding and planning on celebrating this weekend. Then back at it for the next 30 day goal. It felt good seeing that number on the scale today and jeans are looser.

    Praying for all to have a good weekend.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! MJ, have a wonderful weekend and congrats on hitting your pre-wedding goal!! Diane, prayers for good results!! Paula and Shari, I hope things are going well!!
    After an entire day of rain, we finally started getting snow around 6pm yesterday and it's been snowing ever since. There doesn't seem to be that much on the ground except where its drifted. I am happy to stay home!!
    Salt intake is so frustrating! Even though I know why the scale jumps up a couple of pounds, it is still hard to see and hard to be patient while the extra water gets out of my system! I hope you are all doing well!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Just a quick check in tonight. It was a busy day. We brought Buster home late this afternoon. It is already like he has been here forever. I am more than amazed. I am attaching a photo of Buster sitting next to John during our "meet and greet." ovcf3l3m5qgs.jpg
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome Buster!! I am so happy for you and John!!
  • mjjdzhere
    mjjdzhere Posts: 26 Member
    Buster is adorable! Congrats!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Thank you so much for posting a photo Paula. Buster is a very smart looking dog and adorable. Those eyes!

    My weight remains stubborn. No loss in sight. I am going to reduce my caloric intake goal down 100 calories to see if that will help. I am doing well not eating after 6pm. I don't even get hungry, I probably never did. It was craving snacks, I still crave snacks, but recognizing that I am still full from dinner is the ticket to not giving in.

    Have an amazing time at the wedding MJ.

    Praying for good results Diane.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…what a cutie!! I am so happy for you and John and Buster! What a lucky little guy to find such a loving home!🐶❤️

    PS…Received a call and my results came back early and were benign. Feeling very blessed, thanks everyone for your prayers! Have a great weekend all!😍
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member

    Shari, You are doing so well following your plan….so frustrating that your weight has stalled a bit. I am hoping that you will be pleasantly surprised by a weigh in very soon. It sometimes happens that way.

    MJ, Congrats on making your goal!! Looking forward to hearing all about the wedding. Best wishes for a blessed marriage for the bride and groom!!

    Diane, So glad you got good news from your colonoscopy…..good for another 5 to 10 years????

    DW, Ugh on the sodium in food! I have complained about this for years. I try to buy low sodium/no salt added/etc. items whenever possible, but some foods are just chock full of sodium and alternatives are not typically available. It is so not good for us in so many ways.

    Thank you everyone for saying such nice things about Buster. He was named Buster in the shelter…not sure if they named him or if that was his name when he was relinquished by his owner. It seems to fit him so we kept the name….and he knows his name and comes when called. John and I are on top of the world with him. He is one of the reasons I haven’t posted more here lately. I seem to be spending as much time with him as possible. He is so full of love and is quite entertaining too. I am convinced he lived in a good home before being given to a shelter (reasons aren’t known). Our meal schedules and choices are a little off as we adjust to Buster’s schedule but nothing major. So far he goes outside to do his business (as opposed to Jambo who I paper trained from the time we got him at 10 or 12 weeks old). I contemplated trying to switch Buster over to paper training simply because of my and John’s limited mobility, but I am not optimistic that I can succeed at that. I have been managing to take him to our unfenced back yard on his leash, and so far I am able to handle that. I will see how things go.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! Diane, I’m so happy about your good results! Shari, hang in there! I’m sure things will turn around soon! MJ, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! Paula, I’m so happy that things are going well with Buster!
    Today I saw that Dr Mike has a new book so I ordered it. Hopefully I will have a book report to share by the end of this week. Have a great week!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I caught up with everyone's news. This morning I am trying to decide if I should take a sick day or not. I had some food poisoning on Saturday night and struggled through the night with throwing up. Yesterday I felt okay but was running to the bathroom. I couldn't even think of eating and just sipped water. I stayed in bed as laying down felt the best. I haven't eaten yet and although I am up, I don't know if I have the energy reserves to work. I think I might log and see what it pressing and then decide. I am leaning to taking the day off. I need to work on my mindset- which at the moment is afraid to eat.