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  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening,

    I’ve puttered mostly around home today after my walk. In about 45 minutes, I’ll go to a crochet/knitting group. We are making hats to be given to kids in December.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    I hope things work out with you and your hubby.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening,

    Other than my morning walk and a quick trip to the grocery store, I’ve puttered around the house. Not much else.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    As usual I walked early this morning. A little further than usual. Then Malia spent the morning with us. She’s come a long ways in the last 3 years, a much better person.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good afternoon

    I’m in earlier than usual because I probably won’t have time later.

    I walked early this morning as usual. Then we went to church. After church the kids we’re going to a pumpkin patch. They had lunch at the church before they left. I was asked to cook it. Everything was bought before hand. All I had to do was put everything in the oven.

    It was a lunch of grease! Not something I would have chose, but it was easy. It was Dino Bites Chicken and Tatertots. Lots of FAT! I watched serving size and still ate within my calorie range, but I’m hungry. I have just a little over than an hour for supper. I CAN do it!
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    I walked early this morning. Then I took Mary to PT. I also got my blood test done. I saw the results. It looked mostly good. My potassium was at the very bottom of normal range. I haven’t heard from the doctor yet.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    I took Mary to a doctor appointment this morning. I heard from my doctor. I double one of my medications. It’s what I figured she would do.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    It’s been a busy day! First I walked early this morning. Then Tops. I was Loser of the Week, with .9 pound loss. Then we came to town and did our TOPS Walk, about 1.5 miles, for the TOPS anniversary.

    I came home and puttered for awhile, then we had lunch. This afternoon, I took Mary to PT. Tonight we have church.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea you're doing great with your walks. We did our TOPS walk last Saturday. Their was only 3 of us as the rain scared people off. We were lucky no rain while we actually walked.

    I am truly sorry for being MIA so much. I do feel bad that I have not been able to make it in as much as I normally do. Life has been busy with school and other responsibilities. My weight is definitely suffering due to it as well. I definitely need to find a better life balance. But so far has not happened. I find myself tired and not wanting to do anything during my rare down times. Today I planned on going for a walk but went to Church, made cabbage soup, did dishes, laundry and then slept most of the afternoon. On Friday I left class an hour early fir a hearing appointment and found out that I have traumatic hearing loss. Not sure what caused it as to my knowledge I have never experienced anything to cause that issue. Now my hearing will be monitored yearly. Also had a birthday party Friday night for my cousin and drank to much but did have fun. Saturday morning was rough from the night before but kept my commitment to my foster TOPS group and helped with their bazaar. Purchased a few things and also received something's as gifts. Tomorrow I will miss part of my class as I have a dentist appointment and couldn't make it work for after class.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    Do the best that you can! You have a lot on your plate.

    We hat a table at the Rarly Christmas Bazaar on Saturday. Our chapter got some good exposure, a couple possible members, and made about $68. We’ll have another table at a bazaar in December. Our main goal is exposure. Below is a picture.

    This week and next we have a bunch of doctor appointments.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    Tomorrow, Robert has an appointment with eye doctor. It’s a check up on his eye surgery he had a couple weeks ago. I assume all is good.

    I forgot to mention that I saw my 2nd bear this morning on my walk. This one was closer than the first one this year. I calmly talked to him that he was in my way and he needed to get out of my way. He then disappeared into the bushes. Bear will avoid people if they can.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    At TOPS this morning, I was Loser of the Week and Loser of the Month.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Monday, Week 1, Day 1
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Awesome job with the wait loss!

    Thank goodness for a long weekend for me. Was able to find time to stop in and say hi. I have 4 days left of class. Friday is my graduation day. Hopefully will have a placement by then but if not oh well. Will just have to keep job hunting I guess.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    I hope things went well with you graduation and you have a job.

    Not much going on here. I’ve been crocheting hats. Our church ladies have been making hats for the town kids.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I finally had some time to drop in. Here is the latest of what's going on in my crazy life.

    So last Thursday afternoon I went for an interview for my placement and got the job in the spot. On Friday we had our appetizer challenge which my group placed 4th out of 4. But everyone seemed to really like our pinwheels we made. Let's just say I am addicted to them so it's a good thing they are a little pricy to make for my budget.
    dfhteone0hls.jpg Also Friday I graduated from the program. Friday night I partied alot. Saturday I didn't get out of bed till noon, then got my bus pass renewed and worked on raking leaves. Sunday was Church and house work and then hanging with friends. Monday was shopping for work. Tuesday was my first day of work and it went well. Got done early and had to hang out at McDonald's and did a little shopping for 2 hours waiting for my ride to my meeting. Today was my day off so I went to a TOPS meeting with a group I have never been to and found out I stayed the same this week. Tomorrow is back to work for 2 days. See you all on Saturday if I make it in. Oh yeah Hubby and I are separated but living under the same roof which is making life more difficult. But no other choice at this time.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    Congratulations on finishing your course and getting a job.

    We are at our son’s home for the holiday. We’ll be going home probably on Sunday afternoon.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had an awesome day!

    Thank you for all your wonderful comments and support.

    Bea - Hope you had a safe trip both directions.

    Worked Thursday and Friday. Got to learn how to pack parts of the meals on Thursday as well as bring lots of food home. The boss seemed pleased with how I did and gave me lots of encouragement along with encouragement and instructions. I don't know if that was partially because the girl that got hired the same day as me quit with lots of complaints about him or not. In Friday we had no supervisor as she took the day off and the boss was only there for a short time as he was running behind and then had to be off site for a commercial. We were supposed to work till 5 pm but got done by 2:30. After work on Friday hung out at my friend's for a few hours and got some attention from a male friend that was there that I am kinda interested in. My son spent the weekend. So on Saturday got some exercise walking to do errands and he treated me to breakfast. In the afternoon I cleaned up leaves for my side job as snow was predicted to start today. Then hung out at my friend's till dinner time. Today went to Church and then did a few things before taking a nap. I have started doing diamond art which I may or may not be addicted to. My Son and I are planning to live together when I move out as it's the only way I can afford it. Looking for a place to live is frustrating as I am not making enough hours to save for an apartment. My share for first and last would have to be at least $1450. But have asked my boss for more hours so we'll see what happens. All I can do is work hard, pray and keep the peace at home. When it comes to the ex I never know when he is going to run hot or cold. I hate having to walk on eggshells but I refuse to go to a shelter and take a spot someone who needs it more might need.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    We had a good Thanksgiving. The roads and weather was great. There was only a light dusting of snow. The rest of the time was sunny.

    We did a little Black Friday shopping on Saturday. It’s just as good and all the crazies are home and the lines are short.

    I’m glad that things are working out for you.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yes it sucks that my ex can not man up and be supportive. While I worked Monday and Tuesday he did nothing in the house. I think he doesn't believe I am leaving even though I keep saying I don't know how he will take care of the place when he won't do anything except watch tv, play on his phone and smoke weed and cigarettes. It's not like I ask a lot. Just do dishes and laundry, as well as cook dinner on days I work. With where I work most nights it's just heating up stuff that I have brought home on Mondays and Thursdays. I have started going through stuff and packing slowly. I have figured out that it will take me about 3 months to save enough to move out. Also that gives me enough time to get the ex his ID that he lost a few years ago and get him his own bank account so I can get off his disability check. I had asked the boss for extra hours on Friday and I am now also working 3 - 9 pm on Wednesdays. This starts next week and will give me the opportunity to learn the cooking aspect of everything. I am glad they believe I can manage that. I am so looking forward to the new challenge to prove myself. Today was TOPS and I lost 2 lbs. Couldn't believe it. Such a wonderful surprise!
