Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Hello!!! Glad to see everyone here and running happy!!! Becky, so very glad you found us! And so glad to meet you westrich!!!!

    Got my run done this morning for my C25K. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me! :D My legs were so slow and tired - oh yeah, I did leg work yesterday!! LOL, so I did my short run this morning. I should probably have run a little more after that but I ended up walking. I did upper body strength today. My kitty was a little monster this morning. She is always underfoot and into everything (she is not a kitten, just the most wild cat I have ever had, and I have had eight in my adult life). When I work out she is always there watching and engaging me in any way that she can, but today she was a heathen! :D She was pulling my hair (which is very long) and biting my ankles, so I can't say it was a great workout but hey, it was better than nothing!

    I put my name in for a lottery for a half marathon that is in November - this will be the third year for this half (they have had a full for years). I figured I would get in since I did it the first two years, and got word last night that I did get in. So I need to get on track with my half training, haven't done any kind of distance like that since April and I have a long way to go. But with my 5K and vacation coming up, I might not be able to start it until the 1st of September. Oh, and the elevation gain on this course is insane, so I will need to start doing a lot more hill repeats.

    Okay, have a terrific day everyone!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,053 Member
    Yay!! Becky, I did not realize that was you! Welcome.. Good Morning. Already Wednesday. Here in NC, we have been getting a lot of rain with this tropical storm coming our way. Today will be indoor fitness for me.. Some Core Workouts, a little cardio and then yoga. Hopefully, between the rain storms, I can get out and fertilize my Organic Garden. I have some zucchini that are on steroids', that I need to pick. I never grew before and never saw them so big. I spent a lot of time earlier today trying to input some of my breakfast foods on the new Spark site. Not as easy as this one for sure. I have been putting most as custom entries.
    I was thinking about adding a new thread here, like on SP, for entering our running goals and recording the mileage. What are your thoughts on this? Got to go start my Fitness. Wishing all a fabulous day.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Hello!!!! Yes, this week is going so fast isn't it? I can't believe it is already Wednesday. Felt weird not checking into SP today. Sharon, sure, I think that would be cool to add the thread for goals and mileage!

    I walked today, changed up my route a bit. I know most of the streets and places around here, just have to be careful as there are no sidewalks, no shoulders and lots of traffic so I don't want to be on very busy streets. I should have started earlier as it wasn't as hot earlier but it was past 7:30 am when I started so already hot and muggy. When I hot home I did my strength - full body today, it went okay for the most part. I have hypermobility but have had the tightest hip abductors lately, particularly on my left side. I noticed today it is better, so whatever I am doing, I need to keep it up!!!

    We had pizza from a local place today for lunch, so hard to track that, I have to really guess, and then I am going to a BD gathering for a guy who is part of our original running club - he is 78 today and is having a small gathering at a local bakery - that will be tricky, lol. After that I am headed to Nashville to pick up my bib for the 5k this weekend.

    Take care and run happy!!!!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,053 Member
    Good Morning All!! Hi Gloria.. How exciting for this 5K coming up this weekend.. Have fun. Sounds like you have a great workout routine too. I have tight hips and hamstrings and the Yoga has really helped. Thanks, I will try to start the August thread later today. Trying to get out early for my run this morning.
    I had a mishap yesterday.. I was making my Organic Lemonade and the heavy glass container I make it in slipped out of my hand at the refrigerator and fell hard on my right bottom leg hitting the bone. It swelled up a lot. Quick thinking of getting ice and elevating as soon as I cleaned up the mess on the ground. Thankful the heavy glass did not break. One of those glass milk containers like you get from the farmers.

    Wishing you all a Wonderful Day!
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Haven't posted here in ages! This week I haven't run as my guide is on vacation but I've been averaging roughly 10K/week so far as I run before work. No races planned in my neck of the woods but once those are a go again it'll be fun to get back into.more serious training
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Another 5k for me today. It went much better than i thought. My legs for once did not feel tired , and breathing wise as good as can be expected.I felt good after i was done with stretching. My balance has improved a lot since i started yoga, i can tell when i stand on one leg to stretch :D
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good Morning! I’m plugging along. I’ve been opting for the treadmill and Elliptical for now. It seems to be less stress on the hip. Not the distances I’d like but it’s better than nothing at this point. Everyone seems to be doing great! The first 10k race I ever ran is this weekend. Looking back, that was one of the best races I ran. I loved running that distance. It was the 1st time they added that distance so there weren’t a lot of runners. I did place in that race. In fact I placed almost all the time in that race. Miss those days. It’s almost the weekend! Everyone have a great day and keep moving!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,053 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hi Amybg1. Nice to meet you.
    Great job jennypapage. Happy your 5K went well. I really think Yoga helps with so much.
    Goria, I just set up the August Goal Thread.
    I just start a August Goals thread if, anyone wants to participate. For me, I found it keeps me focused and more motivated to keep a record of my miles. I am hoping to get 1000 miles this year.
    I pay myself $1 for each mile run. Great way to save money for running shoes, clothes and races.

    Wishing al a great Day.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Hello All!!!! Glad to see you Amy! And Sharon, yikes, I am sooo glad you are okay!!! That could have been bad. Becky, maybe not the distance you want but you are still doing it, I am always inspired by you. Jenny and Sharon, yoga, I do love yoga, yes. I was doing hot yoga at a studio for quite some time and now that is not an option for me but I miss it a lot. Right now I am in a pretty good routine with my strength training, but I want to add yoga too. Sharon, your idea for the $1 per mile is awesome! I remember back in the day when I ran 1,000 miles a year, not so much anymore but maybe I will again, we will see.

    Last evening I went and met up with the Fleet Feet group. We just walked and it started to rain (and lightning) but we ended up with four miles, pretty much soaked. There was a big softball tournament fundraiser to benefit the local pet rescue and our running friend organized that, so we walked over there to check that out. I stayed up way too late and then didn't sleep well at all so I am kind of tired today! I did do my last C25K before my race, just a mile. Then I walked and then did Pilates.

    Everyone have a wonderful day!!!!!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,053 Member
    Good Morning All! Happy Friday..

    Gloria, thanks. I am so grateful that the swelling got down and not much pain at all. Today, just a little tender.

    I actually got slightly over 7 hours sleep. For me, that is not often. I am lucky if I get 6. Got a late start with my indoor fitness but had fun doing Gilad's Lord of the Abs- Abs on Fire Cardio followed my my Yoga Challenge with Sarah Beth- day 5/7. She can be found on you-tube and these are only 15:00 long. I also did my Hip Opener Yoga after that. Much needed on these runner legs and hips.

    I plan to continue my 13.12 streak on Saturday's. Since I trained for a Half in May, I just hate to lose the stamina on those miles. And running only 3 days a week it gives me a couple of days for recovery.

    Wishing all a Wonderful Weekend!

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! I was supposed to pick up my race packet on Wednesday but the weather was bad so I went today instead. The race is at 8 am so it will already be warm but there is a chance of rain - and if it does rain, that will help a lot! Today is my rest day. I am going to NC to the beach on Sunday so today I am just getting things ready and picking up around the house. Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Hey all..Today was supposed to be yoga day, but i'm going on vacation tomorrow so i decided to do my run today instead. Was a bit tough cause i was busy around the house yesterday,lifting and dragging things up and down the stairs so my legs were a bit tired.But i did it ,7km yay! I have my running gear packed so hopefully i can squeeze in 2 runs during my vacation :) ''See'' you all next week!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,053 Member
    Good Morning All!

    Way to go on your run Jennypapage.. Have a wonderful vacation.

    Hi Gloria! Thinking of you. Hope you had a great race this morning.. Have a fun time on vacation. Hopefully the weather will be perfect for you. Sure wish I could go. I need some Beach Therapy!

    I ran 14.12 miles this morning.. I ran my 13.12 and decided to do another 1 mile. Our power was out earlier this morning, so I am glad I woke up earlier with my alarm clock. Power was out for about an hour.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Hello and happy Saturday! Jenny, enjoy your vacation! We are vacationing this week too. I always run on my vacays and I will try to do some other things too if I can, maybe bike or kayak, we will see!!!

    Sharon, come on to the beach, it is not too far from you!! Once Henri gets further north the riptides should not be so bad and I do expect it will rain some but I think I will still get a lot of outdoor time. I think showers and storms are expected pretty much daily but it is the beach, I kind of expect it. I will have plenty to do indoors too, just in case.

    5K went great! It was raining cats and dogs in the morning when we left for Nashville and when we got there it was still going. But about 30 minutes before the start it quit. Honestly, I would have welcomed some light rain as the humidity is so nasty here, but it was fine. It was at the Nashville International Airport on a renovated runway that they just completed, so almost (not 100%) flat. I had kind of set my goal to finish in under 40 minutes and I did that. I wish I could do another C25K now and work on pace - I don't know if I will ever get back to my pace from a few years ago but there is still plenty of room for improvement. If I could get down to 35 minutes that would be terrific. But now I need to get started with half marathon training.

    I am going to try to check in periodically while we are away - not sure if it will be daily or not but I should be here some!!!!

    Run Happy!!!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Good job Gloria, I'm glad your race went well. Your time will improve over time for sure!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Thank you Sharon! This morning I am starting half marathon training. I wanted to do a five minute time trial to start. I got out and did my warm up and did my five minutes, then a cool down. Pace for five minutes was okay. Then I did some 1 min run 1 min walk intervals for a short distance just to get some exercise before we got on the road. My training plan calls for a run tomorrow, not sure if or how I will do that but I am ready to start my training!!! Take care all, have a great day and run happy!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    I hope you’re having a nice time at the beach Gloria. I’ve taken a couple of days off from exercise and it did make a difference. Today my exercise was going up and down the stairs putting things away. I can’t take more than 1 thing at a time right now so I did get a good workout plus I did the bike peddler. Not the kind of exercise I want/need but it’s what I can do. I’m hoping for walking tomorrow before I go in for tests at the clinic. Yesterday’s food wasn’t great. I passed up appetizers and fries but I did get my pc of pie that I’ve been wanting all summer. Back at it today now. Sharon, I hope things are ok for you with all of the rain going on. Take care everyone!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,053 Member
    Good Morning All! Happy Monday.

    Have a great vacation Jenny and Gloria.

    Jenny, nice to get that run in before vacation.

    Gloria, NC should be pretty nice now. Hope you have a wonderful time. Sure wish I could get away. The last time we went, we took Mom to Emerald Isle. Real close by to Carolina Beach.. How exciting about starting your HM Training. Sounds like a great plan.

    Becky, thank you. We had our share of much needed rain. Thank goodness no flooding where I am here in Raleigh. Our electricity went out early Saturday morning. No winds or rain, heard it was branches from a tree that fell. Glad my alarm clock was set about 40:00 earlier or I may never had gotten out. In this heat I have been trying to get out no later than 7 am. Hope all goes well with your tests at clinic.

    It is going to be extremely hot this week here in NC.. I will try to get out before 7 am on my three run days. I saw some days the lows will be around 91 degrees! Unbelievable..

    Getting ready for some Cardio and Yoga. Have a Wonderful Day and Week!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Stopping here for just a minute, this day has been go go go, but I did get my run in. It was on a full stomach and in the evening so hot and humid. My training plan called for a five minute walk, a 20 minute run and a five minute cool down. I did okay on the running pace, the plan calls for very slow and I was faster than it said I ought to be - but that was even with walking for a minute after the first ten minutes.

    I will check in try to check in later this week.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,053 Member
    Happy Tuesday. I got out early for my run this morning. I ran my 2, 5K's.. Speed run 5:00 fast/ 2:00 easy with repeats. My pace is so much slower. I will just be happy if I can get my time for a 5K around 30:00 and below. I think my best time was 27:00 back in 2014.
    Gloria, great you got a run in. Sounds like you did great. Enjoy Your vacation.