Daily Check In



  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Happy Wednesday! Well, I just signed up for my 3rd Half Marathon for 2021, in December. So now I will be racing Oct. Nov. and Dec. Yay!! So exited since I have been running 13.12 every Saturday. Wish I could find more locally. I will look for some in Jan. and Feb 2022 and I am signed up for Tobacco Road HM in March- deferred from this year.

    Got my Cardio, strength, toning and yoga done this morning. Want to get outdoors to finsih up some landscaping and mulching.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Sharon sunshineyourway
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Sharon, you’re doing so good! Hopefully Covid won’t have an impact on your races.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,211 Member
    Hey!!! I’ve been having a great time, lots of stuff to do here! My training planned said to run today but I felt I needed a day off, plus I am off schedule and didn’t want to run in the morning after running the evening before. So I walked the beach today. Hopefully my legs and feet will be okay tomorrow to run! Beach walking uses such different muscles, I’m afraid l will be sore!! So I need to get myself out in the morning for sure, gotta make myself do it!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good Morning. TGIF! Did not have a chance to post yesterday. After my run I wanted to work in my Organic Garden. I have about 7 Organic Red Sweet Peppers, and did not have a chance earlier this week to put my handmade covers over them. Well, a few of them have signs of being munched on. I did put neem oil on them and and finished making more of those covers. Will cover them today.

    OMG! It is going to get hot this weekend. Triple digits. I have a 14 miler tomorrow, hope to get out around 6:30 am to get it done.

    Thanks Becky. This running schedule is really working out well for me. On training, I hate to start all over, so I have kept up the 13.12 mile streak since May and 2 5K's, 2 days a week. I am going to see if I can send you a friend request on here if you want to hook up.

    Gloria, thinking of you. It is so cool seeing you running at the Beach. I have a HS acquaintance/friend who lives there. He use to be on our HS Track team way back when. He bikes now since he has had injuries and can't run anymore. He rides the same course.

    Many schools in my County are having to close due to Covid. We had a mask mandate in effect since last Friday. I wish people would take this seriously.

    Someone on FB posted a real good article between the difference of zero drop shoes and the higher 12 mm drop. What benefits they both have. I will try to copy and paste when I find it again. I have been participating with Run the Edge Challenge and the Runners World Coach Jenny Challenges. Both keep me motivated since. I do not have anyone to run with during the weekdays. I love running in the morning getting out anytime around 7 -7:30 am. Most running groups are in the evenings. Hubby and I enjoy our time together watching movies etc..

    On FB I am known as Sharon Sunshine Sou if you want to hook up. Wishing all a wonderful Day!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Happy Saturday! 14.50 mile run done early this morning.
    I Plan a relaxing weekend indoors. We are having a heat wave here in NC.
    Have a Wonderful Weekend!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    edited August 2021
    Back from vacation. It was quite warm but i managed to get 2 runs on a track. Today i went out for my 3rd run of the week, and it felt good to be home doing my familiar route again. I think next sunday i will increase my distance .Its been a while since the last tim, so i'm feeling ready.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,211 Member
    Hello!!! We are back from our beach trip. It was wonderful! That is the first time we have been to Carolina Beach. There was a lot to do! Sharon, how cool that you have a friend there who was a runner! Mostly I walked the beach, a lot! I didn't always turn my Garmin on. Plus we did a lot of sightseeing and that was even more walking! I walked so much and with my running, I was feeling like I was getting worn out. At first I was running on this short path around the little lake there but then I got brave and started running down 431, which was awesome. On Thursday I ran from Carolina Beach to Kure Beach. I did stop and take some pics along the way so not a straight running deal but still I am pleased. I might have to tweak this plan though...it has me running FIVE days a week. I used to be able to do that, not so sure that is wise these days. It has me running FOUR days in a row, so I am definitely doing some adjusting this week. We will have to see how things go this week though, we are due for some stormy weather over the next couple of days and it might not be possible to get outside. I probably should have tried to run this morning actually but I needed the rest day.

    Sharon, where I live, there is no mask mandate anywhere and schools are closing down by the dozens. It is crazy.

    Jenny, it was quite warm where I was too, but where I live, once this storm passes in a couple of days, we are going to have some awesome weather!!!!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good Morning! Welcome back Jenny and Gloria. Sounds like you both had a wonderful time. Jenny, so cool you found a track to run on. Gloria, so happy to hear you had an enjoyable time at Carolina Beach. Very fun place. Sounds like a good plan to tweak your running schedule Gloria. I cut my running down to 3 days a week and it really works great for me. Do what is good for you.

    This morning I completed a fun Gilad 45/45 split cardio followed by Hip Opener Yoga. Too hot to work outdoors, but I will water my plants soon.

    You would think that people would wear a mask if they want their kids back in school. Such a shame that many are now closing due to Covid numbers rising. It is very bad here and the hospitals are filling up. Can you imagine if you have an accident or heart attack and can't get into a hospital because it is full of unvaccinated Covid patients? I am glad I don't live in Florida anymore and my son is out of school. I feel for those parents, especially kids 12 and under. I heard there is now another variant. So scary. I do know one thing, since all this happened and I have been wearing a mask out anywhere I go, I have not gotten sick at all. That is why I kept wearing it after my two vaccinations.

    Got to go. I will be running my two 5K's Tuesday morning. Temps will still be hot so I hope to get out no later than 7 am. Have a Wonderful Day.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,211 Member
    Happy Happy Monday! It's such a lovely day, though I know we are likely to see clouds and rain for the most part due to Ida. I did my training run this morning. Todays plan was the 5 minute warmup, 10 minute of running and then another 10 minutes if I "felt good" and then the five minute cooldown. I like this plan because it gives you the option to keep going but it isn't required. I always try to do the extra time. The pace it recommends is very slow and I tend to end up being a little bit faster - I always start out slow but usually will have negative splits. For the warmup and cooldown, it is a slow run or walk but I am already running so slowly that I end up walking the warm up, usually I run most of the cool down. I walked a bit after that, and then I did lower body strength.

    Sharon, on the heel drop, I wear zero drop shoes. I alternate with a pair that have 4mm drop. I went to zero a few years ago for two reasons, one I am a heal striker, and supposedly the zero drop would help me land mid-foot. Nope. I am still a heal striker! Now they say that is probably not such a bad thing. The other reason is that I needed more of a minimalist shoe for my bunion. I wore the zero drop shoes to NC last week and didn't take my other pair - I usually alternate between the two. But for a week I wore the Altras and then this morning I put on my Sauconys with the 4mm drop and ooooh, those felt weird at first. I may transition to only the Altras once this pair of Sauconys retires (they are new so it will be a while).

    Otherwise, I am going to the store to get some stuff so we can resume eating at home again after a week on the beach. It's not so hot today because of the clouds from Ida, right now the dew point is 74 and the heat index/feels like is 88. We are going to see a big drop in humidity after Ida passes and it should be very pleasant running weather. I was out a while ago and saw some trees with some hints of color - kind of shocked me because here in middle Tennessee we have a LONG way to go before fall is here....makes me wonder if it will be an early winter or something!!!! Y'all, I am NOT a winter person so I hope not!!!;

    Well, gonna head out, I am having a late cup of coffee and then headed to Publix!!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,211 Member
    This is a great article! Thank you for sharing it Sharon. I currently wear Altra Escalante which is a very lightweight shoe with a zero drop and moderate cushioning. I have tried the Altra Torins but feel they have too much cushioning. You would think that with me having RA and issues with connective tissues, the cushioning would be better for me, but nope. I haven't tried the new version of the Saucony Freedoms yet but I have heard that they are different and so I don't know if the new model will work for me. It has gotten hard to find shoes because the running shoe stores around here don't carry the ones that I typically wear. I just started a brand new pair of Freedoms and I just ordered a brand new pair of Altras so hopefully I will be set for a while.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    You are welcome. I liked the article because it addressed both low drop and higher drop. I love the Escalante's but I also do wear the Torins for longer distance. I have high arches and the Torins feel a little more narrow in the instep giving me a bit more support. I tried the Paradigm, but they just feel very heavy and clunky. I am more a mid to forefront strike when I run. My Chiropractor told me that would help me with my lower back, hips and knees, taking pressure off of it. I use to over pronate running heel to toe and it is now totally corrected.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,211 Member
    Hello!!! It is raining raining raining here. I keep thinking it will stop but nope! It is a nice rain, probably very runable, but for now I am skipping it. I think that today will be a rest day. I could have done indoor cardio or strength but on Friday (which is my usual rest day) I am hoping to go hiking so this might just work out for me.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good Morning All! Enjoy your rest day Gloria.. I think that rain is coming our way this afternoon remnants from Ida. Be safe..

    Thinking of you Becky and All.

    I plan to do indoor cardio, strength & toning followed by Yoga. Lots to do indoors today. Looking forward to somewhat cooler temps after today.

    I did start a November thread for all to post your running miles goal. I plan to stick with 100. Trying to get up to 1000 for the year.

    Wishing all a wonderful day.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,211 Member
    Hello! It was a good rest day and a good day for doing it, it rained all day and I just had a nice calm and quiet day. Worked on some crafts. The rain is gone and it was a pleasant 74 degrees when I went on my run this morning and the dew point was down to 69. With a nice breeze of about 4 mph, it felt very nice to run. I did my training plan, then walked a little. After that I did upper body. I am feeling tired today. I think I didn't sleep the greatest and I am having some joint pain, especially in my hips. While I was walking I had a bad dizzy spell. I hope I am not going to have a flare up of EDS. Anyway, I am not going to worry about that, it is just an odd thing.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    It was a beautiful day here. Got out and walked and then came back and hopped on the Elliptical. The Elliptical seems to help my hip. Went for my pre op and Spoke with someone from PT. I’m feeling a bit better about things. He doesn’t recommend long distance running but he did say running is ok as long as I don’t do it everyday. I’m good with that. It’s hard for me to not be able to get out and run at all right now so even if I have to do a Wog again, I’ll be happy. I hope everyone is having a great week!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Hi all,

    Running went okay this week..5k on Tuesday and another 5 today. It is starting to get colder in the mornings ,making it harder to decide what to wear, and my motivation to go outside is lower. I'm dreading the winter, the rain and the minus temperatures. Right now i'm in the process of converting one of the bedrooms into my workout room. So my treadmill will go in there, my yoga mat and all my massaging equipment. It's looking pretty good so far :)
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,211 Member
    Becky! I am so glad to hear that the PT person said you will be able to run. Maybe not long distance, but I know how important it is for you to run and how much you miss it, so just knowing you will be able to do some makes me happy for you!

    Jenny, do you live in a very cold climate? We run year round here but it is a pretty mild climate. I think the coldest I have done is 14 degrees and once when the feels like temp was about 5 degrees. We will go out in pretty much anything except ice and lightning. I remember half marathon training one day and it was like an eight miler in 33 degree weather and pouring rain. That was so unpleasant and it was muddy too. I do have a treadmill, I avoid using it at any cost (I really need a new one but hate to spend the money). Most people I know prefer running in the winter but for me, with my joint and connective tissue issues, it is a mixed bag. My body tends to be so stiff when it is cold and I really struggle more in the winter. But somehow I always make it happen. The past few years most of my running would be in the dark during the winter because of my job, this year that won't be an issue!

    Today I did my "long" run and it was 50 minutes of running plus a five minute walking warm up and a five minute walking cool down. It was so pleasant this morning, about 70 degrees with a 65 degree dewpoint and a nice wind from the north of about 6 mph. It felt amazing!
    My pace for the 50 minutes was so very slow but I am so proud of it because I did indeed run the whole time and didn't walk at all. Slowly but surely I am getting my endurance back. Breathing wise I felt it was fine, my legs did feel a little tired though. After that I did 30 minutes of Pilates. My arms and core are a little sore from yesterday's upper body workout but overall I feel good. My BFF asked me to run with her this afternoon - I do not feel up for that but I haven't seen her in at least a couple of weeks so we need to catch up - I hope she will walk more than run - but if we do run, it will be one minute run one minute walk intervals.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! It is hard to believe it is already Thursday!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Gloria yes , i live in the Netherlands, and we get about 1 good month per year in total. Most of the time it's cold and rainy. I would say the average temperature most of the year is between 5 and 15 degrees celcius. I run in the mornings , so it's pretty cold. Right now it's around 13 degrees in the morning when i run, but it won't be long before it drops to single digits.

    Congrats on your long run! Every minute counts no matter the speed, that's what i always tell myself. 3 years ago i pushed myself to get better and faster and was disappointed when it didn't happen. Then i got injured and couldn't run for months. Now what i do is, check with my body. If i feel good i push myself, if not, then i don't. Eventually i will get better, i know it.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited September 2021
    Happy Friday! We finally have some beautiful weather here in NC. Temps were in the high 50's and the highs will be in the low 80's. Sure wish this weather will stay for awhile. It should be nice like this Saturday for my 13.12 mile run. 4 weeks until my Race 13.1. Can't wait. Just hoping for no hurricanes and no heat wave.

    Becky, everything sounds great with your upcoming Surgery and PT. It won't be long now.

    Jenny, WOW. I had no idea you lived in the Netherlands. I have heard it is beautiful. Weather here in NC is very mild, so I have been able to run during the Winters. Although, it took time getting use to it after living in Sunny Hot Florida for over 20 years.

    Gloria, way to go on your long run. Sounds like you had some pleasant weather after the storm. I hope no more dizzy spells.