Step It Up September 2021 Challenge

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
It's been a long slog. Dang it, Rona! GO AWAY! :rage:
Such a trying 10 years year and a half. Whew!
But what can ya do? Other than follow the guidelines to fight this stupid virus ;) and try to make it through the best that you can, you can Step Up your efforts to achieve your health and fitness goals. Whether or not that sounds exciting to you, you can agree it's something to do, and time will pass anyway. Might as well accomplish something. :smirk: :

So buckle down and renew your fight for your goals another month, whether it be weightloss, increased fitness, or overall better health, let's Step Up the drive to hit those goals this month.

We got this!


  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Ok, I need a hard reboot. No cntrl/alt/del for me; I’m unplugging and powering back up.

    I have been plugging along at this since Jan, when the increased threat of severe COVID in overweight/obese people scared me straight. In order to not discourage myself right off the bat, I committed to a keto diet, increased exercise and set my first weigh in day as Feb 15. Felt pretty good at that weigh-in and went back to regular weigh ins at least weekly. Well somewhere around May my enthusiasm started to wane and weight loss became painfully slow. Yadda, yadda…I need a reset.

    So Sept 1, I am resetting my MFP baseline to current weight and measurements and gauging progress going forward without looking back. I will take advantage of the fitness improvements I’ve made and redouble my exercise efforts.

    September has always seemed like a month of new beginnings. Let make this happen!
  • Starlee777
    Starlee777 Posts: 5 Member
    I'll give it a go. My doctor just told me that I have high triglycerides so I'm looking to drop the carbs and drop the sugar lower than what I currently am at. He also told me I have high blood pressure so same thing goes for that as well drop the weight. I'm starting to feel like I'm a mess LOL. Not taking any more doctors calls LOL but seriously these doctors calls maybe just the kick in the butt that I needed.
  • natedoglara
    natedoglara Posts: 27 Member
    I am restarting today and looking for others to take journey with and help ease the process
  • zeke449
    zeke449 Posts: 25 Member
    I am with you on this!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Shifts, hotel food - I am not gonna lie, goodly folk, I was a little trepidatious stepping on the scales this morning and setting about myself with body fat callipers and tape:
    As always a lot of these measurements are imperial except for the callipers (which are easier to read in mm)... What can I say - it's how the UK does things, it's where I live - if you need to convert I believe Google is your friend here.

    August ➡️ September
    Weight: 10st 11.5b ➡️ 10st 9lb ✅
    Callipers 32mm ➡️ 25mm ✅
    Waist 39in ➡️ 37.5in ✅
    Hips 40.5in ➡️ 39.5in ✅
    Body Fat % 41.9 ➡️ 39.1

    Happy with that as I actually took my August measurements well inside the month.

    Off to play golf over the next two days and plan is Treadmill on Friday and Spin Bike on Saturday with some Qi Gong Tai Chi on Sunday.

  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    After a beach week I weighed in Sunday to keep myself honest. As of this morning I dropped what was gained so starting Sept with a clean slate. My fav spin instructor left my gym so need to switch classes.

    I have been aiming for 3 hours a week of activity all summer but will up that 3.5. An extra half hour doesn't seem like much but I need to see if I can maintain that before going to 4.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 846 Member
    I am continuing to proceed forward with my good eating, and tracking my food. Next, I will charge my Fitbit and start adding additional steps to my day!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    edited September 2021
    Slight change in my plans - I think two days in a row of schlepping about after disobedient golf balls (lord I lost so many yesterday on the back nine) but more to the point my knees yesterday were so painful after not having played for well over a month (and I am doing two days in a row, heaven help me!).

    So Friday will be a rest day (and send me good vibes folk - I find out if this short term contract that has changed my life will be extended) and then I am doing the 10m and 20m Qi Gong Tai Chi program on Sat and Sun. I think getting some of that healing chi flowing round the body will set up up for the tready and next week's efforts.

    Fresh groceries being bought on Sunday and back to decent home cooking.

    I have also decided I am completely overhauling my meals and recipes - but the MFP options and tabs are so damn flakey half the time - but l will prevail! A lot of my meals etc were back before I was diagnosed as a diabetic (and the amounts of carbs are eye-watering!) so time to completely ring in the changes with low carb alternatives I have developed.
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member

    Carbs 27
    Cals 1342
    Steps 15362
    Exercise 42 min cardio

    Ok then! My excitement for the day was getting one of those little hand-held milk froth er’s so I can turn my 1oz of skim milk into foam for my bastardized version of cappuccino. It’s the little things…
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Hi Everyone ... Our Covid test came back negative YAY... I still can not smell... Everything I eat still tastes very salty like the Ocean... We went on our 1st walk yesterday after not being able to for 2+ weeks ... it felt great being out there but I was nauseous almost the entire time ...we walked 141 minutes and 5.94 miles ... I have been dealing with migraines the past few days ... I plan to take this month off from weighing in and not going back on Keto until next month ... Wishing everyone the very best :)
    I hope you feel better soon!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    Hi Everyone ... Our Covid test came back negative YAY... I still can not smell... Everything I eat still tastes very salty like the Ocean... We went on our 1st walk yesterday after not being able to for 2+ weeks ... it felt great being out there but I was nauseous almost the entire time ...we walked 141 minutes and 5.94 miles ... I have been dealing with migraines the past few days ... I plan to take this month off from weighing in and not going back on Keto until next month ... Wishing everyone the very best :)
    I hope you feel better soon!

    Thank you so much @Ringbearer2 ...Nice to see you again :) I hope you are doing good :)
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 thanks, I am well. Still recovering from my trip to the US where I ate (and drank) all the stuff I can’t get in Germany. Net gain of 2.2 pounds, but worth it for the lobster 😀


    Carbs 51
    Cals 1459
    Steps 15,342
    Exercise 3.7 mile brisk walk
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I just want to gripe that my low-carb wraps are now four-fiddy at the store, so I ain't payin' that! Ridiculous. I guess I won't eat them for a bit. :rage: Deli-meat/cheese rollups are fine but sometimes a girl wants a wrap! :joy:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    September Goals!!!
    food - 5 days poverty and 2 days maintenance per week
    exercise - month 3 p90x/3 - do all the workouts (including abs which I have a tendency to skip)
    alcohol - reduce, it's just adding calories with no nutritive benefits, replace with protein shake or some other form of extra protein
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I just want to gripe that my low-carb wraps are now four-fiddy at the store, so I ain't payin' that! Ridiculous. I guess I won't eat them for a bit. :rage: Deli-meat/cheese rollups are fine but sometimes a girl wants a wrap! :joy:

    I either buy crystal farms mozzarella cheese wraps or I buy Joseph's lavish wraps /pita bread at Walmart
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member

    Carbs 27
    Cals 1520
    Steps 8235 😖
    Exercise gardening, I guess

    Husband messed up my plans by coming home from work at lunch—we had a nice afternoon at the plant store but I can’t do my workout when he’s home. Oh well. Big hike tomorrow.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Two good days and two that were over calorie goals. I was my own saboteur this time by having chips, ice cream and beers between those overage days. But I met a girlfriend out that I hadn’t seen in years so I’m okay with a little water weight because of it. Trying to get back on the wagon today through the long weekend. Good luck everyone!