Mission Slimpossibles - Team Chat SEPTEMBER 2021



  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Daily goals :
    Date: 09/01
    Username: murdog3t
    Log food: yes
    7000 steps: yes
    45 min exercise: yes
    30 min walk: yes
    Below 20g carbs: yes
    Below 20g sugar: yes

    4 minutes planks
    30 sec full plank X2
    30 sec forearm spider plank x2
    30 sec right side plank x2
    30 sec left side plank x2

    45 min isometric exercise
    45 min ( 2. 0mile with dog 🐕 walk & mother in-law)

    Strike sugar:
    8/30: 15g
    8/31: 14 g
    9/1 : 15 g
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,114 Member
    edited September 2021
    @TeresaW1020 - Yes, we were laughing about the rain out. I think with the weight bounces- it's a bit of both for me- my bod + me wanting to reward myself. I'm glad your first day learning the job was fun. Fingers crossed for the scale tomorrow.

    @jan110144 - I weigh daily and I like it. You're right, it helps when you get an "upwhoosh" on weigh in day.

    @dawnhill1266 - hey- nice loss! Great way to start!

    @renaegry - wow- you attacked all aspects of your plan- Good work!

    @trooworld - I didn't know you meant stopping WW. I thought you were concerned that you would let some good habits go because you've done it in the past. Switching things around a bit is much different than stopping! In 2018 I did WW for just over 6 months and I lost 7 pounds. :( It had worked for me in the past- not sure what I did this time, but I couldn't justify the fees for that slow of a loss. (and then I put on a bunch of weight after quitting, and then I joined this group and started going in the right direction!) I'm going to try the Chipotle chicken recipe. I will get you the chimi recipe tomorrow.

    @leonadixon - glad to see you and also to hear you and your daughter are doing well.

    @coolscience181 - Yay you on your loss!

    @tammymccrady6278 - Welcome! How hot is a Canada heat wave?

    @murdog3t - Wow- nice notations on your work- way to be accountable!

    Well, last night, I slept like poopies. I'm going to stop talking about it on here, maybe it's giving me a complex? In the past when I've had a run like this, eventually it goes away on it's own. Usually about the time I feel like I can't stand it anymore.

    For any other insomniacs- I've had some success with body scanning/relaxation breathing- basically starting at your toes and checking your whole body for tense areas, then trying to relax them. Last night when I got up, I listened to a free sleep story on YouTube. It was quite relaxing, but might take some practice for it to work better for me. It definitely keeps your mind off all those pesky thoughts that can pop in during the night.

    I forgot to mention that this weekend is going to be a dessert-a-palooza around here. We are celebrating 2 birthdays. I have a plan to manage this. I also realized that I did not buy enough veggies at the store last week, which affected my overall intake. I remedied that today. So, I think I'm gonna chalk this one up to "one of those weeks" and move on.

    I also think it's time to stop my break from tracking my food and I will join in that challenge starting on Tuesday. I'm not going to go on a binge over the weekend, but I don't plan to track birthday cake either.

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited September 2021
    @jan110144 I weigh every day and put it in the Happy Scale app, which will also give a running average that helps on those days when the scale goes up or won’t budge at all. You could always do that and record the average for your weigh-in day. :)

    @dawnhill1266 Yayyy for a great first week! Just be patient with yourself and keep on doing what works for you. :)

    @trooworld Yeah, I know you won’t give up. I would harass the heck out of you if you even tried! :p

    @leonadixon So sorry about your knees! I haven’t heard of that medicine. I hope you can find relief soon. <3

    @tammymccrady6278 Welcome to the team! Just jump in and make yourself at home. You will find that we can be quite chatty. ;)

    @Cornanda I sure hope you can start sleeping again. Sounds like you have a couple of good techniques. Have you heard about mouth taping? It seems there is this whole thing about how much better it is for our sleep and health to breathe out of our nose and people are actually taping their mouths shut when they go to bed. I don’t know about all that! :o Have a good weekend and enjoy the birthdays and yes get back to tracking. :)

    Hi Team! Today was a good day. I had a long staff meeting where we talked a lot about different things but mostly how we can do a better job at being a closer-knit group. We are very close but full-time jobs for most of them and family life have pulled us away and we are going to take steps to fix that. I cleaned today and this evening is my ladies Bible study. Food was OK, but I had baked beans for dinner, so my sugar was higher than normal. We will see what the scale says in the morning! :)

    1. Log Food 100% (Cal 1400 or less, Protein 95+ grams): Calories were a little high and protein was high
    2. No Sugar (less than 5 grams of added sugar): 27.5 natural sugar and 20.8 added sugar
    3. Exercise (BOD program and/or 30-day challenge, church cleaning):Just did my weekly cleaning today.

    Saw this cool quote yesterday and thought it was very accurate!


  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 219 Member
    edited September 2021
    Well to answer a question from above a Canada heat wave is 35 to 40 Celsius with the humidity. It is the humidity that kills me lol.
    Today ended well with me coming home from work and my husband cooking me a wonderful salmon fillet dinner. He is a chef and has been enjoying some of the recipes I have been finding on here to help with my journey. I also forgot to tell people that my weigh in day is Saturday.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Austin here! The week has gotten away from me, but things are going reasonably well: I am teaching more this year, and have been super busy getting a bunch of new stuff done. I am determined not to neglect my health, so I am definitely doubling down on diet & exercise this month. It's going to be a challenge, as I have two camping weekends this month. I have started thinking about how to manage food for that (I'll at least get plenty of exercise).

    September Goals:
    🟢Food on plan & logged - all good choices today
    🟢45 min exercise (6x/wk) - 35 min walk, 36 min elliptical machine
    🟢Meditation (daily)
    ⚪Martial arts (daily) (will do this after I hit send on this)
    🟢No trigger snacks
    🟢Strength training (3x/week) - done! #3 this week

    Sleep is not on my list, but I have my eye on that. I have been running short, though I did well last night, for a change. The key is "in bed by 10:30."

    I love the No Sugar Challenge and am going to go jump in there.

    @tammymccrady6278 - Welcome to Slimpossibles! 🎉

    @leonadixon - I am so sorry to hear about your knees! Maybe your doctor can cough up more info about what is going on with your medication, and what might be helpful. 👐🏽

    @Trooworld - The Tonal Gym looks really spiffy. 😮
    I am, again, inspired by your phrase for the year. CHANGE HAPPENS. It sure does. We can't avoid it. We can only help decide what the change will be!
    And yes, this is the time of year when it can be more challenging.

    @renaegry - Annoying about the time of month, but it sounds like you are doing great on food & exercise! 👐🏽

    @dawnhill1266 - Woohoo! Great loss! 🎉

    @jan110144 - Very smart of you to weigh yourself more often if it keeps you sane! 💡
    Total aside: the horse in your profile photo is gorgeous.

    @GabiV125 - Hurray for the great weigh-in!

    I am with @askewcr in loving your graphic and the slogan!
    New Day
    New Month
    New Goals
    Let's go get it!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @leonadixon Sorry about the news about your knees. Have you ever tried acupuncture for them? I have occasional knee pain and acupuncture helps me tremendously. Congrats on the loss!

    @coolscience181 Congrats on the loss, well done!

    @tammymccrady6278 Hi and welcome! Yay for the heatwave passing. You are lucky to have a chef at home! I love salmon.

    @murdog3t Looks like a great day!

    @Cornanda Yes, I mean to go rogue and quit WW! That's how I feel about my loss with them. I lost like 20 lbs in 2020 with WW and then 9 lbs since January 2021. I'm not liking paying the monthly fee for that lol. I hope you like the chipotle chicken recipe. Sorry about your sleep. I know you know I struggle with it, too and can't seem to find anything to help. SOMETIMES it helps me to listen to sleep stories on the Headspace app. I'm glad you found something that helps somewhat. It sounds like you have a challenging weekend ahead. I wish you luck.

    @TeresaW1020 LOL! I appreciate that. Congrats on the loss!

    @AustinRuadhain Nice to "see" you! That's good you are thinking ahead about the camping trips. Yeah, I'm excited about the Tonal gym. Change can happen good or it can happen bad, it's up to the individual to make of it what they will! :) Yes, I am challenged right now, but I hope to CHANGE it in the right direction!

    @davidji82 I see that consistent loss, well done!

    Hi all. I'm so glad for the weekend. May it not be a weakend! The only challenge I have is a dinner at a friend's on Sunday but I think she plans on making chili, which is diet-approved.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 397 Member
    Good morning all!

    It's a beautiful day! Getting ready to clean and mop. Had a pretty good day yesterday. It will be a good day today as well. We made the wake up list. B) Let's go get it!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Continuing to enjoy our spectacular weather after a long, hot spell. So refreshing.

    @Cornanda Sleep! It is so important for me in terms of exercise and healthy eating. I have reached the age where getting up in the middle of the night to go potty is no longer optional. Usually, I can go back to sleep. When I can't, I seem to wake up with all sorts of thoughts going on and struggle to turn them off. I have found that melatonin is helpful for going to sleep, but have not found any real solution to waking up and not being able to go back to sleep. BTW ... I also have the pattern of bouncing back up after a nice loss for a day or so before dropping again.. I tell my self that it is my body showing me a preview of things to come :smile:

    @AustinRuadhain Good luck with your camping trips this month. Most of all have fun and just make the best choices possible. AS you said, you will be getting lots of exercise so that should go a long way to making up for any calorie excesses.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks so much for all you positive comments and support

    @dawnhill1266 Oh yes! Would love to be able to recycle those first couple of weeks over and over again. Motivation is so much easier when I see progress on the scale.

    @coolscience181 - Nice Loss!!

    @tammymccrady6278 A husband that cooks a nice salmon dinner for you ... definitely a keeper!!

    @murdog3t Very impressed with your planks (particularly side planks!) I have had to give planks up because of shoulder issues. I miss doing them; they are a great core exercise.

    The next two weekends will be challenging for me. Tomorrow will be gone on a day trip (from 7 to 7) with two meals out. The next weekend will be a Fri-Sun trip with friends involving hotels and meals out. My goal is to make the best choices I can under the circumstances and enjoy the time with friends. I need to always remind myself that this is not about being a diet. It is about living and enjoying a healthy life (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). What is important is eating a healthy diet on a consistent basis, not always being 'perfect' and 'on plan' at all times.
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 219 Member
    Yay for the weight loss guys. Every ounce counts. I weight in tomorrow fingers and toes crossed lol…I’ve stayed the same for a couple of weeks. Sure would be nice to see a drop.
    I’m working this long weekend so no plans for me….😏. I’m night shift Saturday and Sunday and always struggle with what to do with my food. Saturday I’m up all day so I have my meals and snacks. I lay down about 5 then at work for 11. To stay awake I end up being hungry with no option but to use sundays calories then I eat mondays calories Sunday night. I’m off Monday so I stay up to enjoy the day. I always end up over …is this ok? Any thoughts?
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member

    Username: murdog3t
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW : 160
    CW : 157.8

    Daily goals :
    Date: 09/02
    Username: murdog3t
    Log food: yes
    7000 steps: yes
    45 min exercise: yes
    30 min walk: yes
    Below 20g carbs: yes
    Below 20g sugar: yes

    4 minutes planks
    30 sec full plank X2
    30 sec forearm plank x2
    30 sec right side plank x2
    30 sec left side plank x2

    51 min isometric exercise
    45 min ( 1.58 mile walk with dog 🐕)

    Strike sugar:
    8/30: 15g
    8/31: 14 g
    9/1 : 15 g
    9/2: 5G
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 311 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 263
    CW: 262
    LTD: 38
  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    Username: TheGlwUp
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 8/27/2021: 219
    Weigh in for 9/3/2021: 218
    Weigh in for 9/10/2021:
    Weigh in for 9/17/2021:
    Weigh in for 9/24/2021:

    Happy September everyone!
    Welcome to our new members!

    Sorry I haven't been able to be active in here lately.
    I have been extremely busy the past few weeks. I have had some amazing blessings, success,
    and a lot of stress. I am so glad to put a lot of the stress behind me. I am committed to making
    this month my Self Care September, and really focus on putting me first.

    I haven't been exercising for almost two weeks, because I ended up with a muscle strain (hopefully) after walking for an hour outside. I don't know if it was because I didn't stretch before walking, but the next morning I woke up with a sore and huge bruise on the back of my leg. I am going to the doctor if the bruise is still there next week. I am going to start back exercising tomorrow and take it easy.

    I hope you all crush your goals for September!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @tammymccrady6278 How nice to have a chef for a husband and especially one that is willing to make your healthy meals and support you on your health journey. Working a weird schedule is hard and I don’t have any advice. Except maybe doing a lot of pre-planning and pre-tracking to keep yourself on track. :/

    @AustinRuadhain There you are! <3 Glad to have you jump onto the no sugar challenge! :)

    @trooworld Have a great weekend! B)

    @jan110144 You are going to into the weekend with a good mindset. No weight problem ever stemmed from a holiday, celebration, or weekend getaway. You are totally right that it comes from what you do consistently. So have a great time with your friends! :)

    Hi Team! Today was an OK day. I went to work and cleaned the church and sprayed all the doorways for these stupid Joro spiders that are super scary looking and are taking over Georgia. Hubby found several webs around our house today too. I’m praying for winter!! I didn’t bring food to work and then got really hungry and ended up eating 3 packs of fruit gummies that were in the nursery. I know better! I came home and went and did a good workout to help minimize the damage. I made chicken legs for dinner, but I don’t really like them. My mom and hubby thought they were great. :)

    1. Log Food 100% (Cal 1400 or less, Protein 95+ grams): Calories and protein were ok but carbs were super high due to fruit snacks and pasta salad for dinner
    2. No Sugar (less than 5 grams of added sugar): 18.1 natural sugar and 4.3 added sugar
    3. Exercise (BOD program and/or 30-day challenge, church cleaning):Shaun T Let’s Get Up, weights and toning. It was great!
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 219 Member
    Went for a great walk with my puppy and ended up getting some great flowers from my neighbor. I finally walked over 6000 steps for the first time. Yea!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Good evening!

    A quick Friday report after getting back from an evening of service work. A Boy Scout friend of my son's has a project where he has gathered donations of old laptops. We are helping clean them up, get them working, and set them up as Chrome Books. They will be given to kids heading off to college (financially challenged, often first generation college students). Such a cool project! But I am a bit cross-eyed after spending 3 hours doing system diagnostics.

    Fortunately, I got exercise in earlier in the day (planning victory!).

    Downside, I grabbed some of my son's protein bars for dinner. Okay on calories and plant-based, but not on added sugars. No more of those. Better planning tomorrow, for sure. And a wake up call for my camping trip next week!

    September Goals:
    🟡Food on plan & logged - logged but those protein bars were not great choices
    🟢45 min exercise (6x/wk) - 49 min brisk walk
    ⚪Meditation (daily) (not yet)
    ⚪Martial arts (daily) (not yet)
    🟢No trigger snacks
    🟢Strength training (3x/week)
  • Firefly743
    Firefly743 Posts: 133 Member
    ***Weigh In***
    PW: 234.6
    CW: 234.4
  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    Username: bgame4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 135 lbs
    CW: 136 lbs
    LTD: 5 lbs
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 219.6
    CW: 220.4
    LTD: 27.6
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @jan110144 That's a great way to look at this journey. I wish you luck!

    @tammymccrady6278 I would think if it averages out to be under, you are okay? Sounds like a great walk.

    @murdog3t @davors19 @TheGlwUp @Firefly743 Congrats on the well-done losses!

    @TeresaW1020 You too! <3 Ick about the spiders.

    @AustinRuadhain That does sound like a good project. Yay for early-day exercise!

    Hi all. I'm going to boxing class this morning and then walking later in the day with a friend. I had a slight gain this week (+0.8 lbs) but I'm hoping next week will be better. I'm not going to focus on the scale on a daily basis as I have been, instead, I am going to focus on better habits.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 219 Member
    Username Tammymccrady6278
    Week 1
    PW 230
    CW 229.7
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,114 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 172.8
    CW: 174.3
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,114 Member
    Happy Saturday all!

    Thanks for all the support on my sleep issues. Appreciated. Today I read this article and found it interesting. Also interesting are the comments.....they reflect what you have said..... lots of people have sleep issues.... it's a part of life as you age.

  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Daily goals :
    Date: 09/03
    Username: murdog3t
    Log food: yes
    7000 steps: yes
    45 min exercise: yes
    30 min walk: yes
    Below 20g carbs: yes
    Below 20g sugar: yes

    4 minutes planks
    30 sec full plank leg lifts X2
    30 sec forearm plank x2
    30 sec right side plank x2
    30 sec left side plank x2

    53 min isometric exercise
    68 min ( 2.24 mile walk with dog 🐕)

    Strike sugar:
    8/30: 15g
    8/31: 14 g
    9/1 : 15 g
    9/2: 5G
    9/3: 7g
  • cherrymajoni
    cherrymajoni Posts: 41 Member
    Hi every apologies for late log had a hectic week.

    PW 251.8lbs
    CW 251.2
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 4,007 Member
    September week 1
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 212
    CW: 212
This discussion has been closed.