WaistAways - Team Chat SEPTEMBER 2021



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    PW 227.2
    CW 223.4

    Whoa girl.. way to go!! Congrats
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    @PlaneMonkey Really inspiring to see how well you maintained over the summer. Congrats on the good work and looking forward to watching you work towards your next goal.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    edited October 2021
    PW: 289

    Great job, John! That's 7 pounds gone this month. :smiley:

    And Ellie! @ellz_runs you have kicked more than 10 pounds into the void in September.
    bonnie_red wrote: »
    @jugar I don't know if I missed my name on the reminders (it's quite possible, I'm really tired) but my starting October weight is 163.8 (just weighed myself after getting home from traveling). You all are so inspiring!
    You are right - I already had a starting weight for you from your sign-up, but it is great to have an update on it. Raring to go!

    For anyone new - whenever I enter your weigh-in to the spreadsheet, I mark your post here with the "Insightful" thingy, just so you can verify that it is done, and I can be sure I did it. No one else should mark anyone's weigh-in post with that reaction please!

    Wow Yinka! @YinxFed - that is an ambitious challenge. I'm not sure I could do 137 of any of those things every day. It is a great reminder of how that number is much too high. Thanks for bringing that challenge to our attention :heart:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Heading into the last day for this week's weigh-ins!

    Due Saturday:

    Remaining Friday weigh-ins:


    Don't forget that I will be doing the tallies extra early on Sunday, so everything has to be in by the end of the day Saturday wherever you live. Thanks!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    The October chat thread is OPEN! Please continue to weigh in and chat here, but go ahead and post your introduction on the October thread, state your goals for the month and get ready to go!

    October this way -
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    WOW! You have some gorgeous ideas happening, and I am sure you will be resplendent, smiling, and champagne bubbly! The candy canes on the shoes are adorable. And guess what? Your day's work was worth double overtime. Don't forget - if you keep up your weight loss like this month you might have to nip in those dresses in 77 days!

    I imagine you are heading out to dinner soon - your diligence in choosing ahead and adjusting your day's food in consequence is a great example to all of us. I always forget that restaurants have their menus online and you can actually do this! Of course, I have not been to a restaurant of any description in a very, very long time.... Have a great time! I'm still hoping your trip eastwards will happen sometime so that we can meet up again, and this time with @bowens1973 too!

    I had one of those double-edged sword days today. The workshop I went to was utterly abysmal. My partner in the endeavour was equally disappointed - this was one useless day, and we had been expecting some inspiration, results, and good development of our nascent duo. Instead, we got nothing, banality, and more nothing. Some of the other participants were interesting, but the leader hardly gave us any time to get to know one another. The "exercises" were all about "being in the moment" in a way that made it impossible to actually try out any new ideas, or to share anything useful at all. BUT, the good side was that I came home (we left an hour early and will not go back tomorrow) and wrote down 2 pages of ideas for a workshop that would actually be productive, useful, and enjoyable. I will work on this and propose something to the organisation that offered the disappointing one, and maybe will get to teach again. I have missed working with other artists and I think I have a lot to offer to those who are exploring their ideas and want to do so with artists from other disciplines. A fire has been lit! And the other good side of this sword? I walked for 2 hours, fast, peeved, and burning lots of calories. Angercise as Amber @Terytha named it sometime last year! It is good stuff.

    So I hope everyone has their plans for October in hand and starting to figure out what you need the most from yourself. Dig deep! October is a great time to firmly hold to the things you'd like to accomplish this year.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    @evangsimmons170 WOW! Thanks for sharing ... love all the details and special touches to honor the close to Christmas date. So exciting!

    @jugar At this point we really aren't sure when we'll get out to visit the Ontario and Quebec family that way... we are going as far as Manitoba next week to see my Dad but no further (for now). You know I'll definitely be looking you up when we get out to Montreal to see my brother though!! :)

    Super bummed your workshop was such a bust but it would be great if it truly is the catalyst to you having a new outlet to teach in!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Final exercise report for the Sept challenge:

    17 minutes yoga + 18832 steps (thank you 18 holes of golf!)
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    Morning Team! Here's my Sunday weigh in:

    PW - 185.6
    CW - 185.2

    More later ... Yx
This discussion has been closed.