Trimstones Team Chat - OCTOBER 2021



  • Arc130
    Arc130 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Hope everyone has an amazing Tuesday...I'm just hoping work is peaceful boss has a tendency to talk "football" for hours on end, a subject which I couldn't care less it annoys me. Even with my headset on, I can still hear the droning on about it...VERY ANNOYING! But, what can I do?! I digress...

    Just packed a nutritious lunch and I'm gonna carry on...thank God for jazz music and ear pods! :smile:


    @jessicakrall8 Thanks! I hope your Tuesday goes well too. I'm also not one for talking sports. I might watch some games of various sports, but am not so into it that I talk about them. Plus, good on you for packing a good lunch!
  • Arc130
    Arc130 Posts: 1,143 Member
    @Waifer003 Good job getting back in control!

    @GSAllumbaugh Happy Tuesday!
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 556 Member
    Hi hope everyone is doing well. I love popping on and seeing all the updates and check ins.
    @jessicakrall8 I’d also take your workplace. I like NFL and try to catch a game or two every week. Going to a Raiders game was a highlight of our trip to Vegas. I can see how it would be draining if it’s not your thing though. That’s me when people are talking non stop about the newest movie. I just don’t watch many.

    I’ve been really focusing on self reflection lately. With my middle child away for treatment I feel like I’m finally not living in survival mode. It’s been survival mode most of the time since I left my EX in 2006. There have been many positive things that have happened. There have also been a lot of negative, just one after another after another.

    I realize I haven’t let myself fully process all the things that have happened, I find myself feeling sad a lot over the past month as I look back and allow myself to really acknowledge and feel what’s happened.

    The past couple days have been good and I feel a weight lifting. I’m trying hard to acknowledge and accept the hard and difficult. For those in the therapy world, I’m working on radical acceptance.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    ugh, I feel like absolute garbage right now. Headache, sore, swollen throat, chilled, and my skin hurts. I must have caught something going around the school. Our school isnt requiring masks this year, so a lot more germs spreading around. It isnt covid at least, I get tested for that 3+ times a week.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 556 Member
    @angmarie28 I hope you feel better soon.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! @Pupowl - I hope you have a better day today! @izzyred9400 - don't beat yourself up! Today will be a better day!! @jessicakrall8 - I wish I worked at your office - I LOVE football (and all other sports) and no one I work with cares - maybe we could swap! How do you feel about Nebraska and working at an advertising agency???

    Catching up on my steps - my weekends are full of sports watching so I need to do better with my steps!
    Friday, 10/15 - 4,589
    Saturday, 10/16 - 2,152
    Sunday, 10/17 - $1,971
    Monday, 10/18 - 7,908

    Hey @GSAllumbaugh Not sure how I'd do with Nebraska weather...used to live in MinneSNOWta (no typo) and hated the "true four seasons" UGH...I was not meant to deal with cold, snow and lots of wind...I like my southern sun and humidity! :smile: Advertising sounds exciting though...I'm in the IT department of an international shipping company...I handle Logistics systems issues as well as EDI transactions (electronic data) issues. LOVE IT! Just don't care for the politics, but as you know, that's in any office, to some extent. I'm hoping that someday I'll be able to work 100% from home...

    Please clarify your steps for Sunday, 10/17 before I record it incorrectly...thanks!!
  • Waifer003
    Waifer003 Posts: 280 Member
    angmarie28 wrote: »
    ugh, I feel like absolute garbage right now. Headache, sore, swollen throat, chilled, and my skin hurts. I must have caught something going around the school. Our school isnt requiring masks this year, so a lot more germs spreading around. It isnt covid at least, I get tested for that 3+ times a week.

    Ugh 😩 - I hope that whatever this is passes quickly and you start to feel better soon.
  • Waifer003
    Waifer003 Posts: 280 Member
    CasandraW wrote: »
    Hi hope everyone is doing well. I love popping on and seeing all the updates and check ins.
    @jessicakrall8 I’d also take your workplace. I like NFL and try to catch a game or two every week. Going to a Raiders game was a highlight of our trip to Vegas. I can see how it would be draining if it’s not your thing though. That’s me when people are talking non stop about the newest movie. I just don’t watch many.

    I’ve been really focusing on self reflection lately. With my middle child away for treatment I feel like I’m finally not living in survival mode. It’s been survival mode most of the time since I left my EX in 2006. There have been many positive things that have happened. There have also been a lot of negative, just one after another after another.

    I realize I haven’t let myself fully process all the things that have happened, I find myself feeling sad a lot over the past month as I look back and allow myself to really acknowledge and feel what’s happened.

    The past couple days have been good and I feel a weight lifting. I’m trying hard to acknowledge and accept the hard and difficult. For those in the therapy world, I’m working on radical acceptance.

    Hi Cassandra,
    I’m glad you’re taking some time to contemplate things and process your emotions. It’s amazing what the stress of keeping it all bottled up does to your mind and body. Hang in there and know that we’re all here if you ever want to let some of it out in a supportive place.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,794 Member
    Steps for Tuesday, Oct 19: 11.970 / 8.500
    No proper check in today from me, sorry. Will be back tomorrow.
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited October 2021
    Arc130 wrote: »

    What a beautiful cat! Also, what is that board game, it looks interesting!

    It's called Targi. It's fairly new to us, but we've really been liking it. You're supposed to be a nomad collecting salt, pepper, and dates and turning them in for other things before the "robber" makes it all the way around the cards on the outside. It looks complicated, but it's not hard to set up and fairly quick to play.

    Do you play board games?
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    Morning all,I didn't have a good day yesterday.I was supposed to go out walking with a friend.When she called for me I couldn't go as I couldn't find my house keys !! So I was stuck in all day & gave into my unhealthy snack cravings in the evening as my husband went out.He caught me snacking too lol.So hopefully I won't do it again & get back on it.So cross with myself.
    Got to get some more keys cut today no idea where I've left them 🤯

    This used to happen to me! The last straw was when I couldn't find them right before I was leaving for the airport and had to figure out how to get there at the last minute. This was before Uber and taxis are unreliable where I live so it was very stressful. Since then I rely on my Tile device. I have one on my keys and one in my wallet and I can call them from my phone and vice versa because I misplace my phone a lot, too. As long as you're within a few hundred feet of them it's really good at finding them.

    Hope you find your keys soon. I know how frustrating that is!

  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    Weigh-in Day - Wednesday
    PW - 243.8
    CW - 245.9
  • Arc130
    Arc130 Posts: 1,143 Member
    edited October 2021
    angmarie28 wrote: »
    Yesterday was miserable, I tried to go hope early sick, but my boss wasnt answering the phone, so I was stuck at work, got home and my dog escaped out my window (he is smart and knows how to open it and occasionally likes to sneak out it) I found him and then went home and made dinner, then right to bed I was so freaking sick. Not 100 yet, but I feel so much better today thank goodness as it is my daughters birthday, so we have big plans after school. my diet is on hold today and tomorrow for Birthday fun, and back on track for Friday.

    I'm glad you found your dog. Not something you needed when you're sick.
    It's awful that you weren't able to leave early from work too. It sounds like you're on the mend now though. It's tough being under the weather!

    Happy birthday to your daughter!
  • Arc130
    Arc130 Posts: 1,143 Member
    ncfitbit wrote: »
    Do you play board games?

    @ncfitbit I rarely play board games these days. Just don't have the people for a game. Some games I still play once in a blue moon are Apples to Apples, Pictionary, and Scattegories, but they all need at least 4 people.
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    A quick check-in:
    10/18 - 8283
    10/19 - 6021

    * HUGS* to those that have been through a rough couple of days this week. Keep at it -this too shall pass.

    @Arc130 - a special shout-out to you for taking the time to read posts and comment, so nice and thoughtful of you :)
This discussion has been closed.