Trimstones Team Chat - OCTOBER 2021



  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    PW: 220.3

    Hey there @ewilhelm2487 On the chart, you're listed as a Monday weigh your weigh in from this past week so I'm not sure why you're reporting in on Friday? Do you want to be switched to Fridays? Please advise...otherwise, you had a few more days until Monday for Week 4 of October. Let me know and hope you're feeling better...have a great weekend!
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member

    It's hard to get other family members on board.... what works for me is bulk prepping the some main meal parts such as the protein: chicken, shrimp, fish (varied seasonings or sauces), bulk prep carbs: brown rice for me and either seasoned rice for hubs and daughter and/or pasta (marinara or alfredo).
    * So they'll have the same protein, different carb, and we all get veggies (kids are usually okay with broccoli, carrots, corn, and greeen beans)
    Example of my daughter's fav: teriyaki chicken, white rice, steamed broccoli.
    * Usually they'll be 2-3 varied proteins for the week so they don't get bored
    * For snacks i rely alot on packaged items like string cheese, apple sauce, nut butter, will include whole fruits (halos, bannana, apples) and i will bulk prep ready-to-eat fruit bowls: cantaloupe/grapes, slice mangos, berries

    **Tip that helps me alot: if we're eating something not so healthy, I'll eat what they eat but a much smaller portion and fill up the rest with salad greens or steamed veggies & possibly a cup of sipping bone broth (fills & adds protein)
    - pre-packaged salads are a staple in my fridge (also i usually dilute store bought dressings with water or lemon juice to keep cals in check)
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member

    * Good idea: take a small thermos for your own drink... although chai toddies sound so yummy and cozy :)

  • DreaRN15
    DreaRN15 Posts: 453 Member
    PW 280.6
    CW 270.4

    Some water weight but I've figured out that I do great when I course correct. I just need to not have to course correct SO much!!
  • Arc130
    Arc130 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Saturday 10/23/2021 weigh-in
    PW: 202.8
    CW: 202.2
  • Waifer003
    Waifer003 Posts: 280 Member
    yukie86 wrote: »

    * Good idea: take a small thermos for your own drink... although chai toddies sound so yummy and cozy :)

    I ended up drinking a chai toddy as well - I altered the recipe quite a bit for all of us (skim milk, less sugar, less honey) and it was still amazing. Didn’t lessen the rum lol
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    edited October 2021
    Week 4 Wrap-up

    This week, I concentrated on Food Choices...I did a little better incorporating more fruits/vegetables into my meals. Was it perfect? No...this week, I ran into more stress at work than I have in several months. In most cases, though, my Plan B worked out, or I improvised and made good choices. I had a few fails, but I refused to beat myself up for being human. I lived too many years in "diet" plans that my me feel "less than" and I won't allow that anymore. WW wasn't too bad, but another group I was in made us say this mantra at the beginning that always left me feeling guilty and horrible. Didn't stay with that plan for long. I digress.

    My point is that this weight didn't come on overnight and it won't go away overnight. I have to find a way to live and allow myself to do so, WHILE taking off the weight slowly and consistently. I'm going to fall down, but when I do, I get back up. Nothing major went wrong this week, so to me, it was a win. No matter what anyone else says and no matter what the scale says.

    My portion control was good this week. On all but one day, my water intake was good. My walking/exercise was consistent and every day was over my step goal. I'm dealing with a little issue in my feet, but my swelling in my left knee and ankle are WAY lower than they were two month ago. I'm really happy about that.

    Tomorrow starts Week 5...give some thought today to how your Week 4 wrapped up...share your thoughts...something you say, might be just what someone else needs to hear. THAT'S what this group is about...hope you enjoying your weekend!

    Take care,
    Jessica :smile:
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    edited October 2021
    Missing 3 weigh ins this evening and stats begin early tomorrow morning. Please report in ASAP. Thanks!
      [*] @jennifersusanmcdougall
      [*] @ssssseika
      [*] @jenready

    • jenready
      jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
      Previous Weight 244.8
      Current Weight 245.3
    • Pupowl
      Pupowl Posts: 1,794 Member
      Saturday, October 23
      • Exercise: no
      • Knee push-ups: yes, 3x10
      • Net calories: 1260
      • Steps: 11.496 / 8.500
      Ramblings of the day
      Good morning team. I had a fairly busy Saturday. Started the morning with groceries and laundry. It's getting harder to drink my shakes now that it is so much colder. I sometimes really want some hot food. I also suddenly got sick of my quinoa & nuts salad so I really need to figure something out. I spent a big part of the day cleaning because my mom is coming over for a few days on Monday. I basically cleaned the whole second floor, so the bathroom and bedrooms. I had a build in closet that was overflowing a bit. Went through it and tossed 3 bags of old and too big clothes. I thought I ran a 3rd load of laundry, but I either forgot to press the button, or I pressed the wrong one and turned it off again. When I wanted to move it to the dryer, I realised it hadn't been washed at all! Thankfully I still have today for the last load and then I can get in a work out by trying to stuff the winter blanket into the bedsheet, which is always hell by yourself. :p
      Today I will clean the rest of the house. Happy Sunday everone <3
    • kcpond
      kcpond Posts: 661 Member

      10/18 - 7,489
      10/19 - 2,118
      10/20 - 6,831
      10/21 - 3,758
      10/22 - 6,250
      10/23 - 4,128
    • jessicakrall8
      jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
      edited October 2021

      Captain's Challenge

      Week 5 Focus - Water Intake

      This week, I'll be focusing on water intake. Many months ago, I started backing off from diet soda. I didn't have a grand plan of any kind, just to drink less. I wanted to increase my water intake and work on strengthening my kidneys/bladder performance. I've never been the kind of person to just drink anything when not eating, so by backing off of diet soda, I'd be able to have a capacity for more water...trying to do at least 64 oz a day. I notice that when I include an occasional diet mountain dew, I just struggle to hit that 64 oz mark...therefore, cutting the diet dew, makes room for one more bottled water. I still use crystal light to flavor it, but lately I can drink a plain water without too much trouble. It's been a slow transition but it's much better than it was a year ago! I'm down to a diet dew once a week or less...sometimes I go a month without one.
      • What did you learn in week 4?
      • What was your struggle?
      • What was your triumph?
      • So, what will your focus be for week 5?
      • What are your concerns about your choice?
      • What is a mini goal in relation to it?
      • What do you hope to achieve overall?
      • How will THIS focus help you in planning?

      Hope to hear from you on this leisurely Sunday. Take time to do something kind for yourself today. YOU DESERVE IT! You are the best YOU there is!!

      P.S. Are you closer to getting your t-shirt?!!

    • minstrelofsarcasm
      minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,348 Member

      You can now find the October Week 3 Results in the Announcements and Results thread!

      Here's a sneak peak of how your team did...

    • ssssseika
      ssssseika Posts: 112 Member
      Hi, all!
      Sorry for the late post of my weight...
      Please add it if it is not too late...

      Username ssssseika
      Weigh in day Friday
      PW 163.5
      CW 161.5
    • jessicakrall8
      jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
      ssssseika wrote: »
      Hi, all!
      Sorry for the late post of my weight...
      Please add it if it is not too late...

      Username ssssseika
      Weigh in day Friday
      PW 163.5
      CW 161.5

      I updated your weight @ssssseika and I'll ask the MODS to switch you from NWI (no weigh in) to LWI (late weigh in). Please send me an email if you forget to post or know you'll post late for whatever reason (sick, out of town, vacation, etc.) and I can get it excused if I know in advance. Unfortunately, the stats have already been posted. Hope you're having a great weekend! Great loss this week!
    • izzyred9400
      izzyred9400 Posts: 945 Member
      Well done to top 3 @DreaRN15 @CasandraW @KHill875 & everyone else who made their goals even though they weren't rewarded on the scales!
      My team challenge for week 5 ;
      Week 4 I was meant to look at my macros & eat less fat.However the week went from bad to worse,then showed up on my weigh in.
      I struggled to stop unhealthy snacking.My only triumph was getting to the gym twice & I also had a swim.
      My focus for week 5 is to try & stick to set meals with no snacking inbetween.Seen as how I ate all the snacks in my cupboard this week it shouldn't be too difficult 🤣
      My mini goal is to drink more water hoping it will distract me from snacking.I hope to keep to my plan.Hopefully my mind is focused to stick with it.
      My other triumph this week is finding that my house keys I lost were still in my gym bag from the week before !! They had gone down a hole in the lining.I'm such a klutz but glad I found them.Thanks to @ncfitbit & @ GSAllumbaugh for your sympathy!
    • ncfitbit
      ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
      @izzyred9400 So glad you found your keys! I think after you lost your keys I realized I couldn't find my new, prescription sunglasses. It wasn't until I picked up my knitting bag that I hadn't used for several days that found that's where I had put them so maybe it is good to retrace our steps from the whole week!
    • izzyred9400
      izzyred9400 Posts: 945 Member
      @KHill875 I can relate to your struggles to feed the family just one meal.Especially difficult if your children are younger & not too keen on veggies.I made the mistake when mine were younger of giving them different meals to mine & my husband.So I ended up cooking different meals & at different times.I got better at adapting more traditional meals & hiding veggies in them.For example grating onion & veg to add to chilli mince.Fruit kebabs on a stick were always popular.Chicken & tuna wraps were a healthy lunch we could all enjoy.Good luck,its hard work to please everyone.Do you finish off children's leftovers ? I know I did,a good tip I learned from WW meeting was to put washing up liquid on leftovers to stop temptation !
    • ncfitbit
      ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member

    • jessicakrall8
      jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
      CONGRATS to all the winners for the all who had all who all that experienced stress and still kicked butt...and to those who posted to the group to try and encourage someone else. As a team, we're getting better at that and it really makes me proud...
      Jessica :smiley:
    This discussion has been closed.