Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    CSEGUIN2 wrote: »
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Do not like tea of any sort so I don't think that would work for me.

    I have never had ratatouille. Probably because it has eggplant and I am not a fan of it.

    Today has been very productive! The snow is almost gone 😒 even with how cold it is out. Finished reading chapter 1 in my studies. Answered the questions, and took the quiz at the end to see how much I knew. 50% is not great but at least I know I need to study more even if I think I know it lol. Still have online material to look at so that might be the other secret. Raiders are playing tonight so I know I won't get much of anything done tonight other than maybe some crafting.

    What are you studying?
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member

    I have decided on holding off on the tea diet for a little while. I love my homemade mochas but so much sugar and calories from the Swiss Miss hot chocolate defeats the healthy lifestyle purpose.

    There is a company called Jordan's Skinny Syrups that creates a zillion different flavors of syrups that you can put in any type of drink. Every syrup is 0 sugar, 0 calorie and 0 carb. Last week, I bought a bottle of spiced cranberry and a bottle of white chocolate mocha.

    The cost is awesome! They give frequent discounts too!

  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    By the way, I apologize for being so absent lately. I work hard and for peanuts. Today, I ordered myself a few more bottles of skinny syrup to reward myself. We roommates are going grocery shopping tomorrow. I am told to create a list. So, I create a list of what we really need, only to be "scolded". I most likely may stay home.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Frugal - I have started studying Fitness and Nutrition. I am sorry the roommates can be so hard to deal with at times. I definitely hate living with roommates. Hubby can be bad enough at times.

    Mom update: She is now in ICU on a ventilator. She declined so quick this morning they almost didn't get it done in time. They did lose her for a brief time during the process. Also it was not liver that was failing it was kidneys. This is typical for her when in hospital.

    Today has been a hard day. But just did what needed to be done in the house to help keep me busy. Most of my workouts were done before the news. But got my rebounder out and jogged to help try and clear my mind this evening.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Mom update: Might not make it through the night 😢.

    Today studied and worked out. Played some cards, crafted and did chores as well. So tired.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    I said a prayer for your Mom.

    I still do not know what you are studying?

    Today, I sorted through email, did 2 loads of laundry, allowed my Crock-Pot to cook dinner, drank a few mochas, then went into my basement to go through some totes only to find a furry pair of winter boots and a brand-new toboggan that I had totally forgotten about!

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Thank you Frugal. I am studying Fitness and Nutrition.

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Unfortunately this is my last Mom update as she passed today at 3:30 pm EST 😢. We were able to see her as they knew it wouldn't be long. We had to be masked, gloved, and gowned. But we got to touch her, see her and talk to her. It was really hard to realize that this time she was not coming back. I would have like some private time with her but would not ask my siblings for that as I was trying not to be a problem to my brother. I hope that someday they realize I am not who I was before.

    Anyways this morning got up and dressed. Tried to do my studies but just couldn't seem to concentrate and felt very tired. Cuddled with Hubby on the couch then went back to bed. Got up, had breakfast, and some exercise. Still tired so skipped my main workout. After lunch went to work and was there for 30 mins before the call came. Not sure how much the plan will be stuck to for the next several days. But I promise to at least try everyday.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Thank you everyone for your condolences. Your support means the world to me.

    We had some snow today but it was enough for a light dusting. It made me feel like Mom approved of how her children were working together. She loved when it snowed and expecially the big fluffy flakes which we did have.

    I am struggling with accepting that I just don't have the energy to do my exercise and studying. I want to workout and study but my body says sit and chill. Due to this struggle I am also struggling with the feeling of letting myself and Mom down. I promise you I know that taking care of me is most important. For me exercise is part of that but I just can't seem to do it. I also have had little sleep in the last 24+ hrs. I just can't seem to turn the brain off.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    🌨️. Woke up to snow and a good amount of it. Struggled to get moving but did. Mom knew I needed movement and sent the snow. She knows that I will shovel as I can't stand dangerous sidewalks. Plus I just love the snow. So that was my exercise and it felt great to have a purpose to get me moving. Funeral service has been planned and photos found for the video. My Son has decided that he is going to serve at the funeral to honor his Nana because he said that's what she would have wanted. I am so proud of him and will tell him so afterwards. Tomorrow is a day at home. Not sure what I will do outside of ironing dress shirts and trimming Hubby's beard and hair. My sister has been turning to me for lots of advice with the funeral. It feels great to be needed by her and to help her. I hope this is a start to a new relationship with her. But if not I will enjoy the time she is allowing me to be so close.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    I don't know what to say. If you need to talk, message me.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Thank you Frugal. I am doing pretty well.

    Last night and the night before I was able to sleep better once I went to bed. Waking up feeling a little more normal is nice. More snow! Woohoo I got a little exercise in shoveling. Today's calories not all that great but that's ok I will not worry about it right now. Will get back on track schedule in a few days hopefully but we will see what comes next. Tomorrow is weigh day. I refuse to skip it to help keep me accountable. I have never missed a weigh day and won't start now. Not sure what it will show as I ate a whole big bag of chips for a snack today. It will be what it will be. Not looking forward to the next two days. Lots of people, lots of tears are on the menu. I am strong and will get through the next two days the best I can.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    As I work from home, the weather does not bother me. Not even an editor stresses me out. My editor is so awesome. When I worked at the cafe as a barista, my work days were so stressful. I am happy that I quit.

  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    I had an appointment this morning. Luckily the roads are not too bad. Afterward, a friend gave we roommates money for lunch! A very kind man. One roommate and I had Subway. The other roommate had KFC. I ate half of my sub and am saving the rest for tomorrow.

    For dinner, I prepared myself tuna salad sandwiches. The roommates fended for themselves.

    I have been spreading myself thin with work. I write for 5 different websites. I have decided to focus on maybe 2 websites.

    My landlord is having our whole kitchen remodeled as soon as the snow is not so messy.

    Be safe and comment soon.

  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    I am very disappointed. Yesterday, I had to make a video for an Executive Assistant to CEO job opening. A few hours ago, I was contacted that I did not make the next phase. I have 2 other job prospects in the fitness and nutrition field to take on and always have my writing jobs to fall on. So, I should not worry. I am not going to lie to you... I did say a few choice words to my laptop screen though. LOL

    This evening, a roommate and I placed all of our kitchens items from the bottom kitchen shelves into boxes. We found out today Maintenance is beginning to remodel the kitchen on Tuesday. The rest of the kitchen items can be stored away over the weekend.

  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    I am having a mocha! I have a ton of work to do today. I need to get my tiny little butt in gear!

    I cannot wait for dinner! I have homemade Crock-Pot vegetable soup on.

    Let's get this team rejuvenated! Our members are not active. Do you know of any person that we can invite?

  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    For lunch, I prepared grill cheeses. Myself, had leftover potato soup too.

    My roommate and I argued today about fairness. She is so mean. She hates when I give my opinion. Yet, I have to listen to her opinion.

    The other roommate is at Sam's Club. I asked her to pick up a no sugar Swiss Miss hot chocolate, but if not available not to worry.

    Whatever you do, don't buy bubly sparkling water! I am a Polar Seltzer Original drinker and have the seltzer shipped to me. However, I was out. We were at the grocery store and I thought bubly would taste good. I chose cherry and peach. Total yuck.


    This morning, I got out one of my favorite mocha cups. As a child, I always wanted to travel to England. However, now I am too afraid to fly. A few years ago, I saw this tourist cup at a thrift store. I absolutely love it.


    Have a blessed day. Many hugs to you.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Prayers to all who need them. I have done my best to catch up on everyone's posts.

    I am slowly getting back to feeling more normal partly because I have had more normal things to do. Mom's apartment is about half sorted and packed. Lots have and is coming to my apartment. Did not plan to bring so much home LoL. Mom's cat was taken to her new forever home 🤞. If not there are a couple other people that would like to take her. I am hoping to be back participating more over time. I have missed you all so much and appreciate all the support I have received.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    We do have a hard deadline of the end of February. But I don't think we will need that much time. We have gotten a lot done already. We are just lucky she had already moved to an apartment so not as much stuff to go through. I have been practicing saying no to taking things that I don't really need. Still bringing way more than I ever thought I would. Who knows maybe I will part with more over time.

    I am so glad to be back! I am hoping that I will slowly get back on track each day. Got an update on Sadie this morning with a photo. She seems to be liking her new home so far. She has a favorite human there already.

    Today was weigh in. Gained a couple of pounds but not worried. I know I can lose what I have gained. My Son managed to have a great loss. Not sure how he did it but still very proud of him. Today's sign that things are starting to get back to normal was I got up with my alarm and got things done instead of going back to bed.

    Tomorrow my brother is helping me move bins if not more from mom's to my apartment. Depends on if it is raining or snowing. I am so grateful that we are all getting along better. To bad it wasn't when Mom was alive. Better late than never I guess.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day. My brother helped me move a bunch of bins, the freezer and all the frozen food among other things. I also got lots of things at home done, some exercise and studying. I can't believe it's been a week since Mom's funeral. Time seems to be flying by. I got an email from my school today checking in on me as they have not had correspondence from me in 3 weeks. So I am doing my best to refresh my memory of everything so I can send my first exam in.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    More snow all day. Stayed in. Went through my Mom's craft bins. Didn't get rid of much but have a lot of projects and yarn. Tried studying this morning and started to fall asleep so went back to bed. It has been a sad and happy week. My uncle passed away, then an ex co-workers father passed away and my cousin and his wife had there baby. Got some more dishes and laundry done. Even played cards with Hubby for a bit.