This December I Will...



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Dec 25
    WHILE drinking my morning coffee,
    I STOOD on my wobble-cushion.

    Balance While coffee brewing: o:)o:) (+ extra) o:) (+ extra) o:) (+ extra) o:)o:)

    Very Small Bird (only four will sit around the table and one is a Little Old Lady) so not time to stuff it and put it in the oven yet.

    Son not due for maybe 2 hrs yet, and I don't pick up Mom for another 5 hrs (she will visiting with my brother's family in the earlier part of the afternoon)

  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,705 Member
    Morning all at least in my part of the world! I have been able to do fairly well with my few habits for December trying to think ahead for January I know exercise and food choices will play a role. I may also factor me time in there, reading, guitar I would like to get back to some photo work winter is a nice time of year for nature shots will see not sure yet it’s hard to look at what you want and decide maybe my habits should just be general the first month in.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,361 Member
    edited December 2021
    🎄🤶 Building Healthy Habits 🤶🎄
    🤶🎄🧑🏻‍🎄🎄DECEMBER 🎄🧑🏻‍🎄🎄🤶

    This December I will …
    ….. work on Christmas projects every day.

    Sat 25:
    😂 Everything is Christmas related 😂

    🌟Happy and Prosperous New Year 🌟
    🎄🤶🌟🎄To all my friends 🌟🤶🎄

    🎄Daily Habits tracked 25/25

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member

    My newest guitar that hubby got me for Christmas working on getting better at Proud Mary

    I’m checking in after my family’s Christmas visit, and what’s the first thing I see? A beautiful guitar! Just gorgeous, @snowshoe072! I’ve been playing the guitar for 6 years now and it’s changed my life. I always wanted to play but my previous attempts never stuck because I couldn’t stick with practicing an hour a day as I thought was essential. The more I learned about habits, the more I realized if I wanted to make my guitar habit stick, I needed to start small. I committed to playing 15 minutes a day every day and in a few short weeks I could see real progress. It’s pretty easy to find 15 minutes a day to do anything. It’s much harder to carve out an hour a day. What’s easy gets done.

    I am frightfully low on guitars. I only have three: A full size Fender dreadnought that I never play because I strongly prefer 3/4 guitars; a Taylor GS Mini, and a Little Martin. I want to get a Baby Taylor in 2022 and possibly an Oscar Schmidt.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    Dec 24
    WHILE drinking my morning coffee,
    I STOOD on my wobble-cushion.
    Balance While coffee brewing: o:)o:) (+ extra) o:) (+ extra) o:) (+ extra) o:)

    (falling behind on the doodling - will work on catching up before the end of boxing day - the original series was released as "30 days in March" [not 30 days over Christmas])

    @BMcC9, I think you’ve given me my January focus. I also need to work on balance and I have this wobble cushion as well as a wobble board. I have the equipment I need. I just need to put them to use!

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I like that we can pop in here when we want without any pressure. It’s a more relaxed kind of accountability than some of my other groups. Love seeing some of our UACers joining us.

    It’s good to see you here, BeeJay. I missed you when you went off for a while. I always like the detail you have in your posts.

    I couldn’t agree more with @MadisonMolly2017 and @TerriRichardson112. We should all pop in to say hello and with any updates we’d like to share on whatever schedule works with us. No pressure whatsoever. But if it’s helpful to post here every day, especially if you’re getting into the swing of habits, that’s fine too! And I’m glad to see so many UAC folks join us as well.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    edited December 2021
    I’m reposting 2 posts made by new members.

    From @NewStart81DW

    I am new to the group, trying to find a connection with others. I'm incredibly overweight, my relationship is falling apart, my kids are no longer connecting with me and I feel like giving up. I need some sort of positive help and support. I hope this steers me in the right direction.

    From @Workmandrums
    I'm new to the group! I've been making big changes, and am working on better habits, especially clean eating. Here for ideas, support, and accountability.


    I hope you both decide to join us and participate in our monthly challenge threads. For many of us, unlocking the power of habits has been life changing!
  • workmandrums
    workmandrums Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you! Looking forward to gaining more momentum and encouragement on my journey.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    edited December 2021
    And here’s my update! I had a great visit with my daughter and future SIL. Most of my daily habits got shuffled a bit as is often the case when there’s a change in our daily routine. But I did stick with my daily walking on my treadmill while reading and my December focus of using my “Happy Light” to bring more light into my life. My updated habit tracker is now:


    It was such a lovely, stress free visit! Having several meals prepared by a woman in town who has a side business delivering meals worked beautifully! I could focus on my family and not spend hours in the kitchen. Plus, I got to support a local business. Win-Win!

    Most of you know that I’ve become a big fan of BitGym, the immersive tour app for cardio machines. It’s made me enjoy exercising more. It also piqued my interest in VR (virtual reality) and how I might use VR to exercise. Santa brought me an Oculus Quest 2 and oh my…. am I enjoying it! I’ve become a huge fan of Beat Saber, which is insanely fun! But it’s more than that….the hand and arm movements required to slash the approaching cubes give me a great workout and are a good counterbalance to all the walking and elliptical cycling that I do. Plus, since I have trouble using my left arm and hand, I have no doubt that daily use of Beat Saber (as well as other VR games) will improve my coordination and strength on my left side. Might even improve my guitar playing!

    I really thought VR was just about violent shoot-‘em-up games. Yes, that’s an element, but there’s so much more. It’s a great way to be more active and tour the world virtually. I watched a 360 degree video about scaling the summit of the Matterhorn and it was mesmerizing. I felt like I was there!

    If you’re not familiar with Beat Saber, here’s the official video:

    Thankfully, they have an easy level that is more my style.

    Hope you are all doing well and are staying safe. Here’s to a better 2022!

  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,705 Member
    @themedalist welcome fellow guitarist I find it most helpful to try to play everyday or every other. I don’t read music but am working hard on chords of various songs by memory better then Prevagen lol!! I struggle with my bar chords but keep at them they say someday you’ll just get them I wonder when that day will come.

    I have the luxury of living close to the music store that works with the Gibson Bro, I too would like a Taylor or a Martin but a little out of my price range at the moment. I do enjoy my Oscar Schmidt it’s a fun piece to play.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Dec 28
    FINALLY caught up on my 30 days of Doodles challenge (days 18 (Dec 23) => day 23 (Dec 28) in one fell swoop. Started Dec 6 23 for 23 so far!)

    B) = done on the day :| = caught up after-the-fact

    WK1 (mon=>sun) B)B)B)B)B)B)B)
    Wk2 (mon=>sun) B)B)B)B):|B)B)
    Wk3 (mon=>sun) B):|B):|:|:|:|
    Wk4 (mon=>sun) :|B)
    Day-by-day Doodle themes:
    • WK1 - M electronics (cell phone / earbuds / laptop);
      T paper-based (banner / paper scrap / coil-spine notepad);
      W sweet treats (doughnut / ice cream cone / cookie);
      Th unicorn (unicorn toy / gem-stone / lollypop) ;
      F around the kitchen (coffee mug / frying pan / stand mixer) ;
      S magic (crescen moon / crystal cluster / potion bottle);
      Sn self-care ( candle / claw-tub / wine glass);
    • WK2 - M mental self-care ( journal / pencil / pen-holder cup ) ;
      T on the desk ( globe / highlighter / washi tape );
      W florals (blossom / vine / leaves );
      Th stationary ( envelope / push-pin / paper clip );
      F home electronics ( tv/ gaming controller / big chair ) [done on Saturday];
      S home decor (potted plant / lamp / wood-grain picture frame );
      Sn fitness activity ( water bottle / barbell / bathroom scale) ;
    • WK3 - M Vegetables (bell pepper / broccoli / carrot ) ;
      T Celebration (balloon / cupcake / wrapped present); (done next day)
      W Into the Wilderness ( pine tree / mountains / camper van ); (caught up)
      Th Dinner date (flower vase / wine bottle / table for two); (done late)
      F Tea Time (tea bag / boba tea / tea kettle); (done late)
      S Fresh Fruit (watermelon slice / lemon slice / strawberry); (done late)
      Sn Getting ready ... ( blow dryer / hair brush / hairspray ); (done late)
    • WK4 - M ...For Date Night ( eye shadow / makeup brush / mascara tube) ; (done late)
      T Comfort Foods (bowl of mac 'n cheese / fries / slice of pizza ) ; (all caught up!)
      W ;
      Th ;
      F ;
      S ;
      Sn ;
    • Day 29 & 30 -
      M ;
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Dec 29
    30 days of Doodles challenge Started Dec 6 24 for 24 so far!)

    B) = done on the day :| = caught up after-the-fact

    WK1 (mon=>sun) B)B)B)B)B)B)B)
    Wk2 (mon=>sun) B)B)B)B):|B)B)
    Wk3 (mon=>sun) B):|B):|:|:|:|
    Wk4 (mon=>sun) :|B)B)
    Day-by-day Doodle themes:
    • WK1 - M electronics (cell phone / earbuds / laptop);
      T paper-based (banner / paper scrap / coil-spine notepad);
      W sweet treats (doughnut / ice cream cone / cookie);
      Th unicorn (unicorn toy / gem-stone / lollypop) ;
      F around the kitchen (coffee mug / frying pan / stand mixer) ;
      S magic (crescen moon / crystal cluster / potion bottle);
      Sn self-care ( candle / claw-tub / wine glass);
    • WK2 - M mental self-care ( journal / pencil / pen-holder cup ) ;
      T on the desk ( globe / highlighter / washi tape );
      W florals (blossom / vine / leaves );
      Th stationary ( envelope / push-pin / paper clip );
      F home electronics ( tv/ gaming controller / big chair ) [done on Saturday];
      S home decor (potted plant / lamp / wood-grain picture frame );
      Sn fitness activity ( water bottle / barbell / bathroom scale) ;
    • WK3 - M Vegetables (bell pepper / broccoli / carrot ) ;
      T Celebration (balloon / cupcake / wrapped present); (done next day)
      W Into the Wilderness ( pine tree / mountains / camper van ); (caught up)
      Th Dinner date (flower vase / wine bottle / table for two); (done late)
      F Tea Time (tea bag / boba tea / tea kettle); (done late)
      S Fresh Fruit (watermelon slice / lemon slice / strawberry); (done late)
      Sn Getting ready ... ( blow dryer / hair brush / hairspray ); (done late)
    • WK4 - M ...For Date Night ( eye shadow / makeup brush / mascara tube) ; (done late)
      T Comfort Foods (bowl of mac 'n cheese / fries / slice of pizza ) ; (all caught up!)
      W Night at the Movies (ticket / popcorn / soda ) ;
      Th ;
      F ;
      S ;
      Sn ;
    • Day 29 & 30 -
      M ;

    WHILE talking on the phone,
    BALANCED on my wobble cushion o:)

    Starting Dec 20 -
    Balance Practice Done:
    o:) (yes) - 8
    :( (no or not sure) - 2

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I don't think I have managed to hit on the right trigger / reward combo for the Daily Doodle. (was kinda letting the "Atta girl!" verbal or gesture reward never really pick up steam, then hit a big stretch of "didn't get to it today" and noticed no clear trigger-cue to get back at it).

    This is gonna be even more key when I try moving into January's exercise diversification (adding in some functional strength and flexibility work) while "heading back to the [home]office for a standard 7.5 hr day in front of a computer monitor.

    Any suggestions?
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    @ayakhensani wrote:

    “I barely drink any water and I've heard that not only is drinking alot of water good for you but it aids in weight loss”

    I am moving @ayakhensani‘s post to our December discussion thread. I know we have many new members joining our group. Please don’t create a new discussion thread for your comments, questions, or introductions and instead post them in the monthly thread.

    Ayakhensani, I think drinking more water can help with weight loss, especially if water replaces higher calorie sweetened drinks. This would make a terrific goal for January…. Developing the habit of drinking more water. We could help you with that!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    I don't think I have managed to hit on the right trigger / reward combo for the Daily Doodle. (was kinda letting the "Atta girl!" verbal or gesture reward never really pick up steam, then hit a big stretch of "didn't get to it today" and noticed no clear trigger-cue to get back at it).

    This is gonna be even more key when I try moving into January's exercise diversification (adding in some functional strength and flexibility work) while "heading back to the [home]office for a standard 7.5 hr day in front of a computer monitor.

    Any suggestions?

    Unfortunately, @BMcC9, trial and error of triggers, cues, and the habit itself is all part of the process. Are you enjoying the Daily Doodles? Or is it just OK and sometimes another stressor that you feel you need to accomplish because you said you would? I ask because we always have to get something in return for the habits we are working on. Sometimes it can take a while to get that something, but there has to be something at some point or we won’t stick with it. If this is something you want to do and get enjoyment from and just haven’t found the right trigger/cue, is there some other cue you might use? Or maybe boost the reward?
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    edited December 2021
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    I don't think I have managed to hit on the right trigger / reward combo for the Daily Doodle. (was kinda letting the "Atta girl!" verbal or gesture reward never really pick up steam, then hit a big stretch of "didn't get to it today" and noticed no clear trigger-cue to get back at it).

    This is gonna be even more key when I try moving into January's exercise diversification (adding in some functional strength and flexibility work) while "heading back to the [home]office for a standard 7.5 hr day in front of a computer monitor.

    Any suggestions?

    Unfortunately, @BMcC9, trial and error of triggers, cues, and the habit itself is all part of the process. Are you enjoying the Daily Doodles? Or is it just OK and sometimes another stressor that you feel you need to accomplish because you said you would? I ask because we always have to get something in return for the habits we are working on. Sometimes it can take a while to get that something, but there has to be something at some point or we won’t stick with it. If this is something you want to do and get enjoyment from and just haven’t found the right trigger/cue, is there some other cue you might use? Or maybe boost the reward?

    I have always wanted to get into drawing / painting, but tend to be way too hyper-critcial of my efforts. Then years would go by before I would try again. Then I tried oil painting, (with photos or calendar images as the models) and was doing not badly (and then got pregnant and had to stop the classes / stay away from the fumes and turpentine etc .... my son is now going on 30 ... ) I was less happy with an experiment in watercolor painting 10(?) years ago - because of what my sister had been able to do - and I didn't stick with it past one semester of classes.
    I have a good eye for composition (as shown by my photography) but I would LIKE to make my own compositions. It's the getting the "what's in my head out the end of my fingers" disconnect of ambition vs current skill level.
    Five more days, and I can go back to look over the whole month at once. Then pick some other "just do it" set or virtual art class or something.
    This 30 Days of Doodles was meant to be a way to start to break the dam of resistance, and not let my "inner critic" talk me out of even trying.
    This is actually part of a bigger reset attempt to be less "defeatist" when I can't "already do something (that I never really already had the skill-from-practice for)" It applies to drawing, sewing clothes (the kinds of clothes most suited to me are not the boxy "good for beginners Sew-in-an-afternoon" styles), upper body or core strengthening (do what you enjoy!! And I enjoy the brisk-walking cardio exergame I have been doing for more than a decade!)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Dec 30
    30 days of Doodles challenge Started Dec 6 25 for 25 so far!)

    B) = done on the day :| = caught up after-the-fact

    WK1 (mon=>sun) B)B)B)B)B)B)B)
    Wk2 (mon=>sun) B)B)B)B):|B)B)
    Wk3 (mon=>sun) B):|B):|:|:|:|
    Wk4 (mon=>sun) :|B)B)B)
    Day-by-day Doodle themes:
    • WK1 - M electronics (cell phone / earbuds / laptop);
      T paper-based (banner / paper scrap / coil-spine notepad);
      W sweet treats (doughnut / ice cream cone / cookie);
      Th unicorn (unicorn toy / gem-stone / lollypop) ;
      F around the kitchen (coffee mug / frying pan / stand mixer) ;
      S magic (crescen moon / crystal cluster / potion bottle);
      Sn self-care ( candle / claw-tub / wine glass);
    • WK2 - M mental self-care ( journal / pencil / pen-holder cup ) ;
      T on the desk ( globe / highlighter / washi tape );
      W florals (blossom / vine / leaves );
      Th stationary ( envelope / push-pin / paper clip );
      F home electronics ( tv/ gaming controller / big chair ) [done on Saturday];
      S home decor (potted plant / lamp / wood-grain picture frame );
      Sn fitness activity ( water bottle / barbell / bathroom scale) ;
    • WK3 - M Vegetables (bell pepper / broccoli / carrot ) ;
      T Celebration (balloon / cupcake / wrapped present); (done next day)
      W Into the Wilderness ( pine tree / mountains / camper van ); (caught up)
      Th Dinner date (flower vase / wine bottle / table for two); (done late)
      F Tea Time (tea bag / boba tea / tea kettle); (done late)
      S Fresh Fruit (watermelon slice / lemon slice / strawberry); (done late)
      Sn Getting ready ... ( blow dryer / hair brush / hairspray ); (done late)
    • WK4 - M ...For Date Night ( eye shadow / makeup brush / mascara tube) ; (done late)
      T Comfort Foods (bowl of mac 'n cheese / fries / slice of pizza ) ; (all caught up!)
      W Night at the Movies (ticket / popcorn / soda ) ;
      Th Bedtime (alarm clock / bed / sleep mask);
      (Dec 31) F ;
      S ;
      Sn ;
    • Day 29 & 30 -
      M ;

    WHILE coffee was perking,
    BALANCED on my wobble cushion o:)

    Starting Dec 20 -
    Balance Practice Done:
    o:) (yes) - 9
    :( (no or not sure) - 2

    (got both completed early in the day, as I had my Booster shot this morning, and who knows whether a reaction will kick in later in the day or not)
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,361 Member
    edited December 2021
    🎄🤶Building Healthy Habits🤶🎄
    🤶🎄🧑🏻‍🎄🎄DECEMBER 🎄🧑🏻‍🎄🎄🤶

    This December I will …
    ….. work on Christmas projects every day.
    I’ve been packing Christmas up until next year.
    ☃️❄️Wishing all my friends❄️☃️
    ☃️ A Happy and Prosperous ☃️
    ☃️❄️🌟☃️ New Year ☃️🌟❄️☃️

    🎄Daily Habits tracked 30/30

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    For the first 5 days of Jan, I will be finishing off the 30 Days of Doodles AND setting up a habit-tracker for the rest of the month. I think I found a suitable pre-made Google spreadsheet type that is designed to make use of emojis (you choose your own)

    I seem to do better when I make things more like a "game" (eg every morning I pre-log while playing "Go For The Green" (making sure my day stays right up at the top of the "green" calories to eat before exercise. (I am not a heavy-duty high-calorie-burn exerciser type)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Well done, @TerriRichardson112 on Daily Habits tracked 30/30 days! Bravo!