This December I Will...



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Dec 31
    30 days of Doodles challenge Started Dec 6 26 for 26 so far!)

    B) = done on the day :| = caught up after-the-fact

    WK1 (mon=>sun) B)B)B)B)B)B)B)
    Wk2 (mon=>sun) B)B)B)B):|B)B)
    Wk3 (mon=>sun) B):|B):|:|:|:|
    Wk4 (mon=>sun) :|B)B)B)B)
    Day-by-day Doodle themes:
    • WK1 - M electronics (cell phone / earbuds / laptop);
      T paper-based (banner / paper scrap / coil-spine notepad);
      W sweet treats (doughnut / ice cream cone / cookie);
      Th unicorn (unicorn toy / gem-stone / lollypop) ;
      F around the kitchen (coffee mug / frying pan / stand mixer) ;
      S magic (crescen moon / crystal cluster / potion bottle);
      Sn self-care ( candle / claw-tub / wine glass);
    • WK2 - M mental self-care ( journal / pencil / pen-holder cup ) ;
      T on the desk ( globe / highlighter / washi tape );
      W florals (blossom / vine / leaves );
      Th stationary ( envelope / push-pin / paper clip );
      F home electronics ( tv/ gaming controller / big chair ) [done on Saturday];
      S home decor (potted plant / lamp / wood-grain picture frame );
      Sn fitness activity ( water bottle / barbell / bathroom scale) ;
    • WK3 - M Vegetables (bell pepper / broccoli / carrot ) ;
      T Celebration (balloon / cupcake / wrapped present); (done next day)
      W Into the Wilderness ( pine tree / mountains / camper van ); (caught up)
      Th Dinner date (flower vase / wine bottle / table for two); (done late)
      F Tea Time (tea bag / boba tea / tea kettle); (done late)
      S Fresh Fruit (watermelon slice / lemon slice / strawberry); (done late)
      Sn Getting ready ... ( blow dryer / hair brush / hairspray ); (done late)
    • WK4 - M ...For Date Night ( eye shadow / makeup brush / mascara tube) ; (done late)
      T Comfort Foods (bowl of mac 'n cheese / fries / slice of pizza ) ; (all caught up!)
      W Night at the Movies (ticket / popcorn / soda ) ;
      Th Bedtime (alarm clock / bed / sleep mask);
      (Dec 31) F Traffic ( car / traffic light / stop sign);
      S ;
      Sn ;
    • Day 29 & 30 -
      M ;

    WHILE coffee was perking,
    BALANCED on my wobble cushion
    Starting Dec 20 -
    Balance Practice Done:
    o:) (yes) - 10
    :( (no or not sure) - 2
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    @BMcC9, I love what you wrote:

    “This 30 Days of Doodles was meant to be a way to start to break the dam of resistance, and not let my "inner critic" talk me out of even trying.”

    I don’t have experience silencing an “inner critic”, but I have loads of experience doing things at what others would perceive as at mediocre level, only to have loads of fun along the way. Because I’m mildly handicapped, I’ve never been able to do any physical activity at the same level as someone who has full use of their arms, legs, hands, and feet. If my standard was “I must excel at this”, I would have never finished a half marathon nor picked up the guitar. I find joy in the PROCESS of doing things and in learning most of my limitations are self-perceived.

    Which brings me back to your doodling project. You’re exactly right…every bit of daily doodling breaks the dam of resistance and hopefully through holes in the dam some sunlight and joy will seep through. Inner critics are fun-suckers. They raise such unrealistic expectations that if we listen to them, we will never move forward. I wish you continued success in putting a muzzle on yours. :)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    And here’s my completed December habit tracker. Both the “happy lamp” amend BitGym are firmly entrenched habits and both are helping bring more light in daily. Didn’t use the lamp on the 29th, not a biggie.

  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,197 Member
    Final December Habits post!

    ✅ I took on too many habits. 🙈 🤦🏼‍♀️

    ✅I will be better with my new paper tracker for January-December 2022 🖋✍️📝

    ✅ Continued focus on keeping the iPhone out of the bedroom will embed as a habit soon and will confirm to improve my sleep 📱😴

    ✅ Reaching my 10,000 steps each day is non-negotiable. I need some really achievable mini-habits to lead to this success. 👟🚶🏼‍♀️

    ✅ I need more focus on my protein macro 📊 & will continue this in January.

    ✅ Focus on organizing and preparing the house and our life for the holidays was a great focus and helped me feel more in control and less stressed 🎄

    ✅ I read 86 books in 2021! 📚 Success with this in December helped me achieve this as I was lagging.

    Dec 18 😴👟❌🎄📚
    Dec 19 😴👟📊🎄📚
    Dec 20 😴❌📊🎄📚
    Dec 21 😴👟❌🎄📚
    Dec 22 😴👟📊🎄📚
    Dec 23 😴👟❌🎄📚
    Dec 24 😴❌❌🎄📚
    Dec 25 😴❌❌🎄❌
    Dec 26 ❌❌❌🎄❌
    Dec 27 ❌👟❌❌❌
    Dec 28 😴❌❌🎄📚
    Dec 29 ❌❌📊❌ 📚
    Dec 30 😴👟📊🎄❌
    Dec 31 😴❌❌ 🎄📚

    Thinking about January now and will report there. 🥰