TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (February)



  • everydaywechoose
    everydaywechoose Posts: 270 Member
    edited January 2022
    Weekly weigh in Sunday for everydaywechoose
    PW 148.6
    CW 147.5

    Daily report for sun Jan 30
    log yes
    under no
    exercise yes

    @loseit3136 Megan, welcome here! We are happy you are here too! I'm sorry that you had such a difficult month. You taking the step to find this group is awesome! Be proud that you are reaching out. We are a supportive, nonjudgmental group of people. We all have challenges, and hopefully this is a step to help you sort out your challenges and find that this helps you get into a better space. I found myself in a similar mental space awhile back, spinning in the same circles and not getting out of the self impossed traps. I find the mini accountibility challange that this group offers, helps to keep me focussed. What else has helped is making 'mini healthy habits'. So, for this I pick some easily achieved thing that I can easily do on a daily basis and physically make a chart to see your success. I do this 'thing' for a whole month. The next month you pick something else. It could be 10 min to 'tidy' up each day. I picked a song each day and sang it to myself:), another month I wanted to take 10 min before getting out of bed each morning to think about 10 things that I was appreciative for. It really does not matter what it is, just that it's something you have been wanting to do. The charting part is important, because it reinforces that yes you did it. I found after 3 months of doing this I kept doing some of these 'habits' as they became second nature and I started to feel more wins.

    As I'm writing this I realize I need a 'feb' healthy habit. ...ummm I'm going to take today to think about that. I'll get back to the group tomorrow with my healthy habit for the month. If anyone else wants to join, I'd love to hear what your 'mini healthy habit' is for Feb, and how you are charting it.
  • JenKindo
    JenKindo Posts: 418 Member
    Reposting because I messed up my previous weight -

    February Week 1 weigh in
    Username: Jenkindo
    Weigh in day: Mon
    PW: 190.6
    CW: 190.6
  • maryc11
    maryc11 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi everyone! I am here. Hoping to be more active and consistent with my participation this month.
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,982 Member
    edited February 2022
    Weekly Roundtable Discussion: WRDinspired by @everydaywechoose (Thank you, Dee!)
    So let’s make some 'Mini Healthy Habits’!!

    This doesn’t sound like it should be too difficult!! Please share your ‘mini goal’ and how you will chart your progress!

    (Click on “Spoiler” for examples)
    … making 'mini healthy habits'. So, for this I pick some easily achieved thing that I can easily do on a daily basis and physically make a chart to see your success. I do this 'thing' for a whole month. The next month you pick something else. It could be 10 min to 'tidy' up each day. I picked a song each day and sang it to myself:), another month I wanted to take 10 min before getting out of bed each morning to think about 10 things that I was appreciative for. It really does not matter what it is, just that it's something you have been wanting to do. The charting part is important, because it reinforces that yes you did it. I found after 3 months of doing this I kept doing some of these 'habits' as they became second nature and I started to feel more wins As I'm writing this I realize I need a 'feb' healthy habit. ...ummm I'm going to take today to think about that. I'll get back to the group tomorrow with my healthy habit for the month.

    If anyone else wants to join, I'd love to hear what your 'mini healthy habit' is for Feb, and how you are charting it.
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    Monday Jan 31 (week 1 day 2)

    Track: Yes
    Under Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes Insanity
    Water: yes
    I felt a little stronger doing insanity and however those ab workout kill me. I am also getting better the stretches. Everyday I am getting stronger. I also took pictures of me today and compared to last week and I could see a small difference in less than a week. Let’s go!!
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    loseit3136 wrote: »
    Hello! I am Megan. I have about 5-10 pounds to lose; I am just not feeling my best, physically and, more importantly, emotionally and mentally. The weight isn't really the issue; it's the healthy choices that lead to the gains. My goals for February are to stick to whole foods (salt, fat and alcohol really get me down and usually make me feel AWFUL, migraines and some really serious bloating) and to get outside each day, which can be a challenge in the snowy, freezing area where I live. This has been a hard winter, between the stress of Covid, my work (I am a teacher and I can honestly say January was the toughest month of my career). I am very happy to be here.

    Megan, I’m not a teacher but trust me when I understand how tough it is to have a tough career or month. As a nurse I feel everyday I go to work as a chore. I used to love to go to work and now I dread it. Some days it’s better than others. And unfortunately I have rewarded my body with junk that patient’s families bring in. Aka donuts, cookies, cakes, etc. I would look at them and say today is a rough day and I think I deserve it. Or the days I would drink alcohol to cope with the horrible day I had. That mentality got me where I am.
    But honestly, even though are careers are tough, we have to look ourselves and say we can do this. And say no to the things that we think bring us happiness but really doesn’t. We can do this!!
    I really hope February brings you more joy and gains than January.
  • ashleymullo6195
    ashleymullo6195 Posts: 145 Member
    Hey hey am back, starting February as
    Starting weight - 143lb

    Want to keep it up and get to my goal
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,702 Member
    Monday 31 January
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,702 Member
    Hey hey am back, starting February as
    Starting weight - 143lb

    Want to keep it up and get to my goal

    @ashleymullo6195 Welcome back! 🙋‍♀️
  • LiveLaughLove1969
    LiveLaughLove1969 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi everyone. Excited to be back. Can anyone help me with finding the star to save this page. All I have is a flag and I have to do a lot to try and find the page lol
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,982 Member
    Hi everyone. Excited to be back. Can anyone help me with finding the star to save this page. All I have is a flag and I have to do a lot to try and find the page lol

    It is a flag now, so you’ll click that flag at the top to “bookmark” the group😊 ..and once you’re in the community you can always find us again either at the bottom of the initial community page OR by clicking your profile picture. There you’ll see a drop-down list to include “bookmarks”
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,982 Member
    Mon, Jan 31 (Wk1-D2)
    Net Calories: 1081
    2 day running total: 1774
    2 day average: 887
    Steps: 10122 Steps
    Water: 66oz
    MUAC: Yes/Yes/Yes
    Sun-Sat: 🟢🟢🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘 Yes🟢 No🛑
  • cassique
    cassique Posts: 164 Member
    I am so happy to be part of the group.

    I have successfully lost weight with MFP in the past but when I went into maintenance I found myself obsessive and a little too white knuckled about it so I had to back off the calorie counting. Part of the weightloss was also due to going through a divorce and the calorie counting and fitness was a way to focus my energy away from the bad stuff that was happening. But it was bordering on obsessive so I had to back away.

    Things settled I was able to keep the weight off without tracking and finding my happy place until I had a lifestyle change. All good things, but still enough to throw off the norm I had established. And the weight had climbed to the highest it had ever been since I was 8 months pregnant (20 years ago)--and of course like everyone else, 2020 lockdowns didn't help and also my walking buddy (my dog) passed away. So I am back. I have been logging since 1/1/22 (stating weight 168.8) And I am already down about 8 pounds and 2 inches in the waist.

    February Starting Measurements: 161lbs 34.3

    Food goals: Track food daily.

    However, I will not focus strongly on calories, I don't want to get back into that frame of mind. I want to be more focused on keeping my meals in balance. I have been drawn to 2Bmindset and I want to keep that as a rough framework. Mostly vegetables, FFC with between 40-50% carbs, 20-30% protein. I will log all of this but not get carried away with accuracy.

    However, anything that doesn't fit into those categories I will be a lot more accurate about in my tracking. My wine, and snacks and non water beverages.

    Movement gools: I bought a jump rope and a hula hoop. For the month of February I want to try and get in 1000 jumps a day (not necessarily all in one shot but spread throughout the day). And Hula hoop 5 minutes a day--at least building up to being able to do that by the end of the month.

    Strength Goals: This month I am doing Beach Body Job1. I hate doing workout videos but I can commit to 20 minutes every morning and I need some sort of structure for strength training. It is also not a bad way to start out my mornings.

    Size goals: My goal is to be 155 by my birthday which is 2/22. So I will say 153 by the end of the month.

    Looking forward to reaching my goals with the rest of bigbutttheorists!
  • everydaywechoose
    everydaywechoose Posts: 270 Member
    Welcome @cassique, @melissan84, and @LiveLaughLove1969 . So happy to have you with us.
  • everydaywechoose
    everydaywechoose Posts: 270 Member
    Daily Report for Jan 31
    log yes
    under no..haha but close
    exercise yes

    My healthy habit challenge for Febuary is to write in my personal journal daily. It could be brief, but just jot something in there.
  • loseit3136
    loseit3136 Posts: 17 Member
    melissan84 wrote: »
    loseit3136 wrote: »
    Hello! I am Megan. I have about 5-10 pounds to lose; I am just not feeling my best, physically and, more importantly, emotionally and mentally. The weight isn't really the issue; it's the healthy choices that lead to the gains. My goals for February are to stick to whole foods (salt, fat and alcohol really get me down and usually make me feel AWFUL, migraines and some really serious bloating) and to get outside each day, which can be a challenge in the snowy, freezing area where I live. This has been a hard winter, between the stress of Covid, my work (I am a teacher and I can honestly say January was the toughest month of my career). I am very happy to be here.

    Megan, I’m not a teacher but trust me when I understand how tough it is to have a tough career or month. As a nurse I feel everyday I go to work as a chore. I used to love to go to work and now I dread it. Some days it’s better than others. And unfortunately I have rewarded my body with junk that patient’s families bring in. Aka donuts, cookies, cakes, etc. I would look at them and say today is a rough day and I think I deserve it. Or the days I would drink alcohol to cope with the horrible day I had. That mentality got me where I am.
    But honestly, even though are careers are tough, we have to look ourselves and say we can do this. And say no to the things that we think bring us happiness but really doesn’t. We can do this!!
    I really hope February brings you more joy and gains than January.

    Thank you so much for this thoughtful comment!! It means so much!
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I posted this in the January group, but not sure if it should go here too??

    Jan 31
    Logged - yes,
    Under yes
    Exercise running and yoga

    Feb 1
    Logged - yes
    Under - yes
    Exercise - biking, and waking through really deep snow to work!!

    Monday weigh in 179.3
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    Tuesday Feb 1 (week 1 day 3)

    ✔️ Track: Yes
    ✔️ Under Calories: Yes
    ✔️ Exercise: Yes Insanity-Cardio power & resistance
    ✔️ Water: yes
    So I’m proud of myself today. I actually did less modifications in insanity. Insanity is no joke, he really exhausts you.

    Oh and I know I said I was gonna do weigh in at Saturday but can I change it this week to Friday. If that’s ok.
  • kristiekay1962
    kristiekay1962 Posts: 322 Member
    Jan. 30
    track: yes
    under: no
    water: 8 glasses
    exercise: 32 min.
    steps: 9025

    Jan. 31
    track: yes
    under: no
    water: 8 glasses
    exercise: 32 min.
    steps: 15887

    Monday WT: 190.8

    Just trying to stick with tracking and exercising right now. I have ended up back working the floor as a CNA at our facility. After 5 years being a Recreation Assistant, it is not easy, the last two days running up and down the halls, answering lights and taking care of residents is hard on my back and legs. My plans for February are to reduce calories in and increase exercise. Good night team TBBT.💞😍😴💤

  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,702 Member
    Tuesday 1 February
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Well, whaddya think? Is Phil going to see his shadow this morning? 😊
This discussion has been closed.