February 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @polskagirl01 - I am so saddened and angry about what is happening in Ukraine! My thoughts and prayers are with all the people of Ukraine and your friends and their families! Are you concerned at all that he might try to come into Poland?

    Thanks to all. At this point I'm not concerned for us personally. I won't get into the politics of it, but for now it's our friends and their loved ones who need prayer & assistance. Where we used to live was a bigger city and closer to the border, and I'm somewhat sad that I'm not there to help with so many people coming in.

    @polskagirl01 You are all in our thoughts and prayers this week. It's all just so mind-bogglingly crazy.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @shanaber Those dips can cause me to feel like I am falling if I don't expect them. That could have been it. I'm just glad you are relatively okay. How is the tendon today?
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    2/1 – 7.04 miles
    2/2 – 3.11 miles
    2/5 – 3.15 miles + 9.2 miles
    2/7 – 5.18 miles
    2/9 – 5.12 miles
    2/10 – 3.21 miles + 3.19 miles
    2/11 – 5.14 miles
    2/15 – 5.31 miles
    2/16 – 5.16 miles
    2/17 – 4.09 miles
    2/18 – 5.15 miles
    2/20 – 10.01 miles
    2/21 – 5.20 miles
    2/23 – 5.84 miles
    2/25 – 5.70 miles
    Total – 91.11 miles

    Another rainy morning so I waited until lunch and the rain had cleared out and there was mostly sunny skies and a bit windy. I got in 5.70 miles. Before I walked 3.10 on the treadmill. Planning on a hiking day tomorrow. The section we are doing crosses a branch several times. There has been local flooding with all the rain that we’ve had. I hope the branch crossings will be doable.

    Yay for good report from the heart surgeon @quilteryoyo!

    Would love to have you join Run the World team @Aine8046! We need another warm body or two!

    @katharmonic, @Scott6255 and other Brooks shoe wearers - what is with the new shoe laces? I broke out a new pair of Ghosts and unless I double-knot them, I can't keep them tied!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @Tramboman Maybe we should have Chipmunks Day instead of groundhog day.

    Be careful on the trails tomorrow. Hopefully the streams in the mountains will be done by then, but if they are up, take lots of precautions. I don't want to hear about a high water rescue involving you.

    @marisap2010 Great running. Seeing sandhill cranes is very cool. Great that you played golf too. Sounds like you are having a great vacation.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    @polskagirl01, I hope your friends in Ukraine stay safe.

    I ran the same route as yesterday, but twice. Hubby’s friend did not join me due to some construction to oversee at their house. I started late because I wasn’t sure if he was going to join or not, and it was HOT. There were a few shady spots though, such as the bridge on the trail below. 2.66 miles today. 55 day streak.

    Uff, hate running in the heat - you are my hero! I signed up for a half marathon int he and of April and hope it will be still cool enough...
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @Aine8046 - Your can join the Run the World Challenge at this link
    Once you have joined you can connect to Strava where it says 'APPS' at the top of the page.

    We also have a MFP Monthly Running Challenge group on Strava if you want to join. I tried to send you an invite but it didn't find you even using your Strava name...
    Thank you for the link!
    PS Strange you could not find me - several people from this group did...
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @Aine8046 - Your can join the Run the World Challenge at this link
    Once you have joined you can connect to Strava where it says 'APPS' at the top of the page.

    We also have a MFP Monthly Running Challenge group on Strava if you want to join. I tried to send you an invite but it didn't find you even using your Strava name...
    Is this the one?
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @Teresa502 not sure which ones you have, but the last pair of Brooks (Ghost13s) I bought the laces were fine. Some of the round ones in the past have kinda sucked, but the flat ones usually work pretty well.

    @marisap2010 Top Golf ⛳ 😁 I've only been once, but it is a blast!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    @Teresa502 not sure which ones you have, but the last pair of Brooks (Ghost13s) I bought the laces were fine. Some of the round ones in the past have kinda sucked, but the flat ones usually work pretty well.

    @marisap2010 Top Golf ⛳ 😁 I've only been once, but it is a blast!

    When I went to Top Golf, I was happy to not fall into the net at the end of the platform.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Feb goal: 100 km

    2/2: 8 km
    2/4: 5.1 km
    2/5: 12.1 km
    2/9: 7.3 km
    2/11: 5.7 km
    2/14: 13.8 km
    2/16: 8.1 km
    2/18: 5.5 km
    2/21: 5.7 km
    2/24: 5.2 km
    2/26: 5.5 km

    Total: 83 km


  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @katharmonic Sounds like you had a tough week all around. Here's to hoping you can get some rest and rejuvenate this weekend. Next week is a new month, new start....at least that is what I am planning for myself after having a couple of "off" months.

    @rheddmobile We had a lot of rain here the last few days too, with lots of flooding. I'm sorry that all of your trails were impassible - the pictures are amazing. Glad you still got in a run with no heart issues. Is the dosage of the beta blocker you have the lowest they make? I guess I'm asking if there is a lower dose you can get and then cut it in quarters or half? I hope your body adjusts and you can get back to running at the speeds you like with no issues.

    @Tramboman Hahaha I'm sure the chipmunks will greatly appreciate those.

    @Aine8046 I think that would be a "no" on the ride. Are you trying to tell us that you were flying on your run?
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    @katharmonic, I hope you can get the rest you need. We all need a break sometimes.

    @rheddmobile, that’s a lot of rain!

    No run this morning. I am still sore from golf and slept poorly last night, so I figure I might want a nice shakeout run tonight after our long car ride home.

    Hubby and I have decided we have both been doing awful food-wise lately, so I’ll be meal planning on the way home. We’re working to decrease (not cut out, but cut back) carbs and cut out sugar. I’m hoping some fresh recipes will help me feel less blah.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,019 Member
    I am still debating whether I should run or not today. I don't usually run on Saturdays. Sunday is my long run day. But my last run was on Tuesday and I would like to get out there. But it is 33°F feels like 28° and cloudy and just seems gross. It isn't really supposed to get much warmer today. I think the ice has cleared up though. It should be a little warmer tomorrow and at least sunny which makes running in the 30's easier for me. I feel like I have been slacking this week. But I did run on last Saturday and on Monday, so I did make up the two runs that I missed because of the icy weather. I just hate having my schedule changed 😒.

    @katharmonic I am glad Stella didn't chase the skunk. It is not fun to deal with a dog that has been sprayed by a skunk.

    @rheddmobile Wow! That is a lot of water. I'm glad you were able to get a run in and hope you get the medicine adjusted soon.

    @Aine8046 That would be a "Hell no!" from me.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    I took Thursday off with sleet all day and really not out of the 20's much. But so far I am at 117 out of 100 mile goal so this month has been decent compared to last year with almost a week of totally icy non running days. As long as the footing is good and it's not actively sleeting I can manage some cold days. Like @kgirlhart I will be complaining about the heat and humidity in not too long. LOL

    @tramboma while you have your LLBean catalog open can you order me some nice sweaters please. Love the idea of the chipmonks being signs of spring. Here everything just all of a sudden starts budding out and my Purple Martins return. I think we are having the last gasp of winter so expect to be back to spring by tomorrow. (currently 35 and drizzly but thank goodness no ice or sleet).

    @quilteryoyo so happy you got a good clean annual checkup. I am sure that is a relief! I ran out of one of my Rx's last week and had to spend $100 on a "telecall" with my PCP because he would not refill without a visit. I swear the rules keep changing every time I need something. But this too I will navigate.

    @rheddmobile I really enjoyed those flood photos. I can totally relate. I don't mind the drizzle today as we do need some rain. Hope that you find a good medium for the betas which let you enjoy your runs but keep your heart from reacting. And maybe over time it will go "dormant" again so you can be normal until you get another flare.

    @Aine8046 terrified of heights so yeah. That's a hard no. Prefer the pretty water photos. :)

    @Scott6255 and all you folks who run with laces.. I gave them up a few years ago when I realized I did not need them on the style of shoes I wear. Really nice to just slip them on in the morning. Plus my cat was chewing the laces if I did not stuff them in so I would worry she would hurt herself. When I did run I ALWAYS had to double knot because they would always come loose. First one. And then if you did not retie both you felt like one shoe was really loose so always both together.

    As far as the bra thing, I replied privately to Quilteryoyo but I have discovered that just using the cheaper stretchy normal bras works best for me. I can post a link if anyone is interested. If you have weight up there tho it probably won't work.