February 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Hope you feel better soon @shanaber! <3

  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Morning all.

    Well this week is definitely going to be recover week. I got my exercise bike back, so I'll be using it. Calf was getting very sore at the end of the day just walking around. So frustrating but that's life.
    I'm planning a hike up our mountain in 3 weeks, so may postpone HM training till after the Hike. HM isn't till June so I have plenty of time. The mountain climb has been on the bucket list for years and it's great timing for it.

    Actually it will be no netball for 3 weeks rather than no running since it was netball that caused the injury bahaha.

    I also have to juggle running with other weekend activities, like skiing and hiking, and it's not always easy. You have to balance all the time... :)
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    edited February 2022
    Nice running @Teresa502 . Especially on tired legs.

    @polskagirl01 I'm sure your Polar Bear club was impressed. I would be. Hope the sauna was nice. Great job on your hike. That sounds very tough, but you made it. Love that you took the lift down. Congratulations. You area a beast. It's really pretty at the top.

    Way to push yourself @Tramboman . Love that you have the different squirrels in your area. I think we just have grey squirrels around here.

    @marisap2010 I'm impressed that you got out and ran while on vacation. I always plan to, but have a hard time actually getting out there. I hope you feel better by this evening. I do understand you're aggravation with the .01 miles. Next time you run, remember that and take those couple of extra steps. LOL

    Beautiful picture @Aine8046 . Thanks for the good wishes on my doctor's appointment this week.

    Hugs @Avidkeo . Good idea to wait until after your bucket list hike to start your HM training. I hope the calf is healed by then.

    @kgirlhart It was @Teresa502 that asked about the holster shorts. I love it though. I'm glad you are taking precautions on your runs. Great job of pushing yourself to get out there and run when you didn't really want to.

    @eleanorhawkins I have thought about trying to find a self defense class to attend. I feel relatively safe in my small town, but you never know.

    @martaindale You are a bada$$! Glad you found someone to run with in the hill country. I figure running is like tennis...if you are going to improve, you have to play with someone who is a little bit better than you. BTW, I couldn't get your pictures to pull up.

  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,124 Member
    I liked and hugged my way through several pages to get caught up with everyone.

    @polskagirl01 I agree, you are a beast! And I love seeing all the cool places you go run and hike!

    @rheddmobile Seems like you are figuring out how to tweak your meds to find a good balance. I’m sure you will nail it down and your body will make some adjustments of its own.

    @shanaber That fall sounds painful! I hope you feel better soon.

    @quilteryoyo I am glad to hear that waking up and putting your tights on helped you get your run done! Getting dressing first thing helps me get moving too. So many in this group have or are currently struggling to find their mojo. You’ll get there. You mentioned finding a new race for motivation. You mentioned a HM and if that’s the distance you want to do, great, go for it. But also keep in mind those shorter distances. They can be easier to find and tend to be more consistently available year round. I love mixing in shorter races here and there to keep things interesting and give me some end points for training schedules then picking 1 or 2 goal races a year that are longer.

    @kgirlhart I feel like you see or smell so many skunks on your runs! I didn’t even know holster shorts were a thing. It’s like I know some people live in places where it is more dangerous in general, especially if you are alone, but I have never really considered that people actually run with a gun. I don’t know if I happen live in places that are just safe or if I assume they are safer than they are but it just never occurred to me.

    @Scott6255 Sounds like your runs are getting easier again and I’m glad to hear it!

    @Tramboman Love the wildlife reports. Sounds like spring may be coming in!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,124 Member
    BTW, I couldn't get your pictures to pull up.

    I think you caught me in the middle of editing. I had to go into MFP on my phone to add the pics.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @martaindale I can see the pictures now. That is a very pretty park and looks like a nice place to run.

    @kgirlhart I'm glad the skunk didn't feel threatened or it could have ended badly. You are doing great with your running.

    @eleanorhawkins and @martaindale It is funny the comments people/kids will make. I had something similar happen last year, I think. The neighbor and his little girl were out in their yard as I ran by. When I turned to run out the road in front of their house, I heard the little girl ask her dad, "What is she doing?" I didn't hear her response. I like the think that I put the idea of exercise for fun and for life in her little heart and head.

    @shesgotaplan Yeah. I don't think I could embrace Canadian winters either.

    It was 69°F here this afternoon, so I went out for a wun on the driveway. I did run a little bit more of it today, but not quite enough for me to actually call it (or part of it) a run. I figure I should average at least 4.3 mph before calling it a run. I walked 0.25 miles, then wun 1.75 miles, followed by a 0.22 mile walk in 32:41 minutes for a 4.1 mph average pace. The wun part was 4.2 mph. My total was 2.22 miles, in honor of Twosday (2-2-22). Did anyone else do anything for twosday?
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Sorry @quilteryoyo, I'm still rocking an old Forerunner 245. But the 745 looks great.
    The Cape Canaveral race sounds fun.

    @martaindale you really are a bada$$

    Did 6.2 miles on the treadmill as another winter blast started coming through late this afternoon. Cranked it to 10 for the last 0.2 😁

  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I managed to walk 4.38 miles tonight then finished with a 1.14 mile run. I’m still slow while rebuilding my base, but I’m feeling stronger each time. I’ll just keep adding a fraction of a mile onto each run. I had considered resting today but the weather is expected to be rainy tomorrow. So I’ll likely rest tomorrow unless I decide to run in the rain.

    @quilteryoyo We celebrated Twosday at work today by wearing jeans instead of professional dress. So that was a nice change of pace.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @Scott6255 I currently have the Forerunner 235, but I think it may be on it's last leg and I need a new wrist band. The strap broke, so I am currently using a rubber band to hold the end of the strap in place. LOL

    @emmamcgarity You are doing great. It's always nice to get to wear jeans to work when you don't usually do so.

  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    edited February 2022
    @martaindale and @polskagirl01, I love both of your pictures!

    @quilteryoyo, that sounds like a great race!

    @emmamcgarity, you’re doing a great job!