February 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    @rheddmobile, I’m glad the smaller dose worked better for you!

    I had the rare opportunity to get in a weekday morning run since I have to take my dog to the vet this morning. 55F and overcast, so it was pretty comfortable. I got in two miles before getting.

    February miles: 37.71
    48 day streak
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    @Tramboman mission accomplished. ;)
    4 miles this morning. Still windy. 77.77 out of 100 planned so on track. Tomorrow supposed to be freezing here again. LOL Right now it's 63 f.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Rest day today. It's very windy outside; they're warning people to stay home if possible. We haven't seen any damage, hoping it stays that way.

    Re: crackerdog 🥰 I read the James Herriot books as a kid as well. For a long time, I wanted to be a veterinarian.

    My back feels totally fine today 🙂

    That's great about your back!!!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    2/1 - 6.23
    2/3 - 6.05
    2/5 - 8.03
    2/6 - 6.04
    2/8 - 6.04
    2/9 - 6.05
    2/10 - 6.05
    2/12 - 10.07
    2/13 - 6.07
    2/16 - 6.03
    2/17 - 6.03

    72.69 of 160 miles
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @polskagirl01 glad your back is better!
    @quilteryoyo happy to hear you got out for some wuns 😃

    Cold and windy didn't sound fun, so I did another 6 miles on the treadmill this evening. Did a couple 1 minute sprints every mile to break things up. It didn't suck.

  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,019 Member
    February Goal: 30 Miles

    2/6: 2.26 miles
    2/8: 3.32 miles
    2/9: 3.20 miles
    2/10: 3.20 miles
    2/13: 6.35 miles
    2/15: 4.51 miles
    2/16: 5.15 miles
    2/17: 5.20 miles

    33.19/30 miles completed for February

    I guess I underestimated my goal this month because the 5 miles that I ran this morning got me over 30 for the month. It was difficult to know what to set since February is a short month, we often have bad weather and I started the month with Covid.

    The run today was not really bad or good. It was about 58°F when I started with a light mostly west wind. So I wore shorts and a t-shirt which was OK. But about half way through the wind picked up and shifted to the north and a cold front blew in. I was kind of cold and wishing I had brought my sleeves and gloves. I was expecting the cold front this morning, just not as early as it got here. Other than that it wasn't a bad run. I did see a skunk. Twice. I think it was actually the same skunk. I saw him when I was headed out and then again on my way home.

    I got new shoes today, but they came with the mail so I didn't get to run in them yet. My feet are starting to get some niggles that I think are shoe related. I have about 375 miles on this pair. I have been thinking I needed to get some new shoes and this weekend I got an email from Saucony about a free t-shirt for "Galentines Day" so I figured that was a sign that I should order the shoes.


    Thanks @rheddmobile and @quilteryoyo It definitely feels good to be getting back to normal. I am glad you are getting your medication sorted out rheddmobile and glad you were able to get out for a wun quilteryoyo.


  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @Scott6255 You did great. I'm glad the treadmill run didn't suck. :wink: I find breaking it up with sprints or doing a ladder really keeps the boredom to a minimum.

    @kgirlhart Thanks. Love the new shoes and free shirt. AND congrats on making your monthly goal.

    Thanks @ContraryMaryMary . Glad you feel so good after your HM. I hate dealing with companies that insist something is one way when clearly it isn't. I hope you get your internet fixed soon. I have issues all the time and it is really frustrating.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    2/1 – 7.04 miles
    2/2 – 3.11 miles
    2/5 – 3.15 miles + 9.2 miles
    2/7 – 5.18 miles
    2/9 – 5.12 miles
    2/10 – 3.21 miles + 3.19 miles
    2/11 – 5.14 miles
    2/15 – 5.31 miles
    2/16 – 5.16 miles
    2/17 – 4.09 miles
    2/18 – 5.15 miles
    Total – 64.37 miles

    Yesterday I ran 4 miles at lunch. The sun was shining and it was 64F. The wind was really strong but it was so warm. My electricity went off for about 3 hours in the evening and I’m sure it was due to the wind blowing a tree down on the lines. This morning I ran 5 miles. The temp was 45F which is great for 5 am and it was still a little breezy. The temp has continued to drop since and last time I looked outside it was snowing.

    Nice shoes and bonus shirt @kgirlhart!

    Another gorgeous picture @Aine8046!
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @Aine8046 you have some very pretty running routes!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Great picture @Aine8046 What country are you in?

    I had a busy morning and just did a quick strength workout. Really just the minimum to get something on the calendar.