Shape Shifters Team Chat - AUGUST 2022



  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,777 Member
    edited August 2022
    Aug 28: 20.522
    Aug 29: 21.306
    Aug 30: 15.541
    Good morning Shape Shifters. My mom arrived on Sunday. We had a relaxing afternoon and went for a walk in the evening. I petted some cows and a pony, we saw a deer and some hares. The temperature was really nice for walking as well. An aunt of mine has been in and out of the hospital lately, but she was expected to go home again Monday. Unfortunately, she got worse on Sunday due to an infection or virus. My mom is really close to her and she didn't feel comfortable being so far away from her. It's almost 2 hours driving to the hospital from my place plus she needs to be picked up, so 4 total. Because of this my mom decided to go home Monday evening instead of Wednesday.
    We still had a pretty good time on Monday. We took the bus at 6:50 in the morning to the National Park and did the boardwalk. It was a little cloudy outside so I don't really have any pictures. I had to take a nap in the afternoon because I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to end up with a migraine. Thankfully I felt much better after that. We played some games of Rummikub and we went out for dinner in a nice restaurant in town. Now it was my mom who didn't feel well. She ended up sitting outside with water while I was eating my dessert alone inside. So not the most fun ending to her visit, though she also started to feel better. Yesterday was a pretty quiet day, and besides a routine doctors appointment and getting some groceries, I didn't do much. I did get some news about my aunt; they learned she had an inflammation of the vein where her IV was and because of that she got a nasty bacteria in her blood. Since her immune system is already weak, this is obviously very bad news. She has to stay in the hospital to be closely monitored for at least 10 more days. I hope she can recover from this, but it is a wait and see situation. That is all from me for now, happy Wednesday everyone <3
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    @Nataliewr0403 - Your family beach week sounds lovely. I hope we can establish a regular time to spend with one another as our sons become more independent. Thanks for the inspirational example!

    @izzyred9400 - My first thought was sciatica when I heard your description but, in my experience with sciatica, the pain emanated from my lower back and shot into my buttocks and leg. As others suggested, it’s best to let your doctor know, especially since you’ve been dealing with high blood pressure. I’ve never had a blood clot but I’ve heard the symptoms can include some cramping or feelings of tightness in the legs. So, if you have any inflammation in your legs, it’s important to consult with your physician. I hope your trip to Greece allows you to relax and decompress following your recent health scares. Your results seem to indicate that you’ll be able to manage your cholesterol, weight, and blood pressure with minor adjustments so that’s great news. I hope you recover quickly and enjoy your travels!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    Yukie_OP wrote: »
    @PatriceFitnessPal - …at this point were just glad the little guy came out of it and is home safe.

    Yes! That’s the most important outcome! Thanks for sharing the cute pictures!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    @frankwbrown - Amazing step counts and consistency! Keep up the good work!!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    @Pupowl - I’m sorry to hear about your aunt’s bacterial infection. My brother-in-law is a physician and chief of medicine at a Boston hospital. He always reminds us to take care of our health as much as we can do we can avoid staying at a hospital. He says that infections from the IV are his biggest concern as a hospital administrator and one of the most dangerous risks to our health, usually more dangerous than the initial reason for admission to the hospital in the first place.

    I work with leaders who are trying to improve their health and education systems so we have many long conversations about how to partner with patients and front line workers to improve practice when there seems to be so little time and so many complex problems and competing priorities. Everything can’t be a priority but reducing IV and catheter infection rates can save a lot of lives. I’m sending healing thoughts to your aunt. She’s fortunate to have the support of your Mom. We all need a loving and dedicated health advocate like her (and @laurie_wrobo and other Shape Shifters, too!).

    I can see where you get your compassion for your neighbor’s cat and others. Your Mom is passing on a nice living legacy to humanity! 😊

  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,443 Member
    edited August 2022
    Daily Step goal: 10,000
    Tue 8/30: 21,766

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    @Pupowl Sorry your mom's visit was cut short and that she felt out of sorts while there...also very sorry to hear about your Auntie in the hospital...will be praying for her for sure. I'm glad the hospital staff is being more cautious than not though because infections can get out of hand easily. Sounds like she has a great medical team! Keep us posted!
  • msashleybing
    msashleybing Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you all. It’s definitely hit hard. One was my puppy (although she was 7 years old) and we had been through so much together and the other was my snuggle buddy cat.

    We’re slowly getting into a new routine and I’m eager to start going on daily walks again. Need to get that step count back up!

    Steps: 6000/daily

    8/29: 2902
    8/30: 962 (didn’t wear my watch most of the day)
    8/31: 3226
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,319 Member
    8/28 5,156
    8/29 7,641
    8/30 17,841
    8/31 12,513
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,319 Member
    edited September 2022
    Please count me in for September steps
    Fav place to walk
    Walk around neighborhood
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,319 Member
    Many steps are being done in Vegas - including me pushing my husband in a wheelchair in the airport when we arrived due to his numb feet
    There were 16 ppl that were going to be in wheelchairs and only 2 Southwest employees able to get people across the airport so I did it b/c we would be waiting and waiting and waiting
    His feet were pretty numb by the time we came up to our room last night as we did some walking between the casinos
    2 days left - we come home Saturday- trying to soak up the time we are together- he restarts chemo Tuesday- he has 2 more mos
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    @jessicakrall8 - Congratulations on meeting your intentional walking goal! It’s so inspiring to see how you’ve increased your target gradually overtime, as you build your strength and endurance. It also helps that you gradually have less weight to carry — Amazing to see that positive spiral working in both directions! 😀

    @Laurie_wrobo - It sounds as though you’re making the best of your trip in so many ways — getting a workout and enjoying every moment with your husband during his break in treatments. Have fun!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    Thank you all. It’s definitely hit hard. One was my puppy (although she was 7 years old) and we had been through so much together and the other was my snuggle buddy cat.

    We’re slowly getting into a new routine and I’m eager to start going on daily walks again. Need to get that step count back up! ..,

    Our pets can bring us so much love and stress relief, and some of them help us exercise, so it’s good to see you’re working to build a new routine. I hope you can find a good rhythm to help you cope — with inspiration from your “puppy” and “snuggly buddy!” Many Shape Shifters have lost pets recently 😢. We’re thinking of you all! 💕
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    Good Morning SS's.....You have a new member joining your awesome team ....Please welcome @rachelw124 :)
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,814 Member
    edited September 2022
    OOPS, I typed this up yesterday but never posted it, haha. This is lame because I was bloated or something yesterday, because I was 2lbs less today, oh well, haha

    Previous weight-166.2
    Current weight-167
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,814 Member
    Students have been back for 1 week, and about 20 in my building alone were sent home for the same stomach bug I had, 2 of my kids got it Monday, then I have 4 students that come in everyday, multiple times a day trying to be sent home, and I have seen probably 40 students a day on top of my scheduled med kids, and my scheduled ones I have to help with restroom needs (catheters and special needs students). I have been exhausted by the end of the day but with my husband working out of town , I have no time at the end of the day to rest, so its been non stop. BUT my husband got sick of his BS company he was working for and quit there, so I am glad for that. He will have a new job no problem, and hopefully finds a place that isnt such a mess.
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 412 Member
    NOT GOOD FOLKS! I had a "last meal" yesterday evening to say "Goodbye" to "bad foods" the day before I start the "Path to Lifestyle Change" program through my work, and it sure showed up on the scale this morning! As a result, my weigh-in for this week is a "sad trombone"! I'm bound to show significant loss over this week due to getting rid of the sodium-laden "sinning" through the week before, but for this week, I regret to report the following:

    Walela617 (All-Time HIGHEST weight was 217.0 lbs. on 2/29/2008)
    (Thursday) Weigh-In Day, effective 08/18/2022
    PW: 162.4 lbs (previous weight-08/25)
    CW: 166.6 lbs (current weight-09/01)
    LTD: +2.6 lbs (GAIN to date for August Challenge)

    I will start posting steps beginning today. I'm not exactly sure when the September challenge is starting up so I will read through the posts to try to figure that out. I still plan to keep my weigh-in days on Thursdays to coincide with weekly program meetings.

    Have a great day!
    <3 Carole
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,814 Member
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    edited September 2022
    @jessicakrall8 - Congratulations on meeting your intentional walking goal! It’s so inspiring to see how you’ve increased your target gradually overtime, as you build your strength and endurance. It also helps that you gradually have less weight to carry — Amazing to see that positive spiral working in both directions! 😀

    @PatriceFitnessPal I'll be glad once my kitchen is finished and my house is all in one piece again and I can stop eating out so much. On the last mile stretch, so to speak now...I know I've put on 20 lbs in the past two months...scared to get on the scale and even look! :disappointed:

    I took some time away from the scale and I've managed as best I could, but it hasn't been easy. Thank goodness for my walking or I would have ballooned up like mad. I'll be back fully in October. I just hope the team won't be too ashamed of me.
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