Step Into September 2022



  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Hi all! I've been silent because I stupidly stumbled and fell while running and totally smashed my phone. My life was on there including MFP! And I skinned some knuckles, an elbow and a knee when I fell. I felt so dumb but luckily no one saw me fall. Sprained my darned ego is what I did!

    So then I was all jumbled up trying to log on to MFP via the computer instead the app for a few days. I found out MFP has a different look and feel when you aren't in your phone! Some of its pretty cool (I could see more info on friends for example) but other things are harder to navigate (like logging). I think I prefer the app.

    Anyhow I got a new phone and I'm back! I'm Not crushing my fitness goals this month but am holding the fort. Been working (ie sitting at a desk) a lot which doesn't help. We are returning to the workplace post-pandemic and here is an NSV: I am pleased to say I still fit all my old work clothes! 💪😁 But there's one pair of pants that are a little tight....October goals!

    I love catching up on all the chats. Keep it up ladies! ❤
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,302 Member
    @k8richer Oh no! Sorry to hear about your fall. How fortunate though - it could’ve been much worse! It’s funny to think how much info we have on these devices! No need for any medical attention?

    Clothes fitting more or less the same is a great NSV. I’m way way too attached to scale numbers - but it’s losing its grip on me day by day!

    Just finished my workout - had to be disciplined to get it in. A gray rainy day - effects of Ian. One of those days to just be lazy but I did it! 💪💪

    Wishing us Petitoes a happy weekend! 😀
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 883 Member
    edited October 2022
    @CeeBeeSlim good for you for getting your workouts in all week despite scale numbers and gray days. I always push each corner of the scale to make sure it doesn't rock any before I get on it, that way I know it's level. If it's not level, it seems to show all different numbers.
    @zenobia9777 glad to hear you're back into your routine. Sometimes how we feel, especially about a great workout, is more important long-term than those fickle scale numbers. We can't always control every little thing in our body that affects our weight, but we can totally control whether or not we work out, and how much effort we put into it.
    @honeybadger302 sorry to hear the job interview didn't pan out, but it sounds like you're plan to move will be good for you. Please be sure to find ways to de-stress during the moving process.
    @k8richly Sorry to her about your fall, I hope everything's healing up ok. Setting up a new phone is such a pain, I need to get a new one and am not looking forward to it. Congrats on the NSV!
    You changed your name!!

    See you all in October B)
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »
    @zenobia9777 Thanks but I think I took the 2 pounds back from ya! 🤪

    Confused and disheartened, (although after a new low, I do go back up and then down again) I laid the scale on another part of the bathroom floor, then another, and then another - 4 different weights within a 3 pound range. Exasperating is not the word.

    In 2020, we had my parents bathroom renovated so it’s clear the floor is no longer level. This may make me toss any connection to the scale and just go by my clothes. I’ll try another bathroom and same scale tomorrow. Grrrrrr.

    @zenobia9777 Are you at least getting stronger- even if at a slow rate? I wouldn’t rush it! I got caught up in the progressive overload goal and went up too quickly too fast - not sure if my back
    has recovered.

    Happy Monday, All!

    I'm back...
    My scales are definitely not always accurate
    I think you just have to go with the trends

    I'm not sure the running was a good idea, as you suggest. Certainly not the way I tried to do it.
    Today I weighed and I am down 1.2 lb. I don't know if I deserved it, because there were some problematic days this week. But I did exercise a lot!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 sounds like good news all around! I'm sure some other opportunity will come up quickly

    I have been AWOL