WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2022



  • CarolAnnM2
    CarolAnnM2 Posts: 1,073 Member
    Wow @conleywoods your terrariums are lovely!
  • MoonlitMuse
    MoonlitMuse Posts: 88 Member
    So I checked my weight last week but totally forget to log it on here (I put it in my Garmin)

    Last week: 140
    This week: 139.6

    I've been good about working out regularly. My lifts are getting heavier and I've been able to stick to a relatively regular yoga routine at 2-3x/wk. It's not daily, which I'd prefer, but beggars can't be choosers. I've been doing a simple 3 minute core routine 4x/wk and it actually seems to be helping strengthen everything there.

    I've been falling into some nutritional snafus, but my guys are getting ready to head back to Ohio for a bit - so I think it'll be a good opportunity to reset. I've got to get back to prepping breakfasts because if my day starts out with a crappy albeit convenient option, it's all downhill from there.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @conleywoods those terrariums are beautiful. Where did you get the inspiration?

    @jugar congrats on the concert going well! How did the dress feel?

    I've requested the Atomic Habits book through my library, I'm interested in this 1%.... I love the book recommendations from this group, I've learned so many interesting things.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,086 Member
    Another bedtime post from beautiful Saint Michel de Lanès - today was a long one. We started recording, and that is always a long process. I was mostly in the role of "listener in chief" today, as they were recording the pieces I do not play. I sit there with the sound engineer, listening to every bit through the headphones and noting down which takes have which strong or weak moment, so that the editing process will be relatively painless, and to be sure that every part of the section being recorded has at least one viable take. It takes a lot of concentration, but not very much moving around. I feel going for a super long walk or workout, but it's too late! I'll be playing for tomorrow's sessions, and listening on the last one of the day, so at least I'll be moving around much more. I did have a good walk during the midday break today. There are plenty of good walking tracks around the castle where we are working. I saw a couple of children trying to catch their escaping hens - it was hilarious. Dad was standing by ready to repair the fencing once the kids finally managed to get all the wayward creatures back where they belonged. Much laughing and shrieking was to be had. And probably swearing under Dad's breath...

    @AshenMoon - plateaus are useful to help us get adjusted to a new "normal" but then you'll have to do something new to get things moving again. What small thing do you think you could change to start things going?

    @lauren_989 I hope your neck feels better quickly! Those pains can be horrible. Heads are heavy.

    So it is already almost Thursday! Here is tonight's update -

    Still due today:

    Due Thursday:

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,135 Member
    Username ashleycarole86
    Thursday weigh-in
    PW 168.8
    CW 171.6
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,086 Member
    WTG @eggfreak !!!!! Great loss for this week. 1.62% - that beats the 1% :smiley:

    @DD265 I hope the greenhouse gets up soon - you are doing an amazing job with that allotment. It is certainly not going to be the perfect plan right away, but your have done a huge amount. And the BED work is impressive as well. Recognizing the patterns, what it all means - you are doing fantastic work. Keep us updated on how this goes - I know that I can totally relate to the portions issues, even after "beating" some of the content issues. Too much of a good thing is still too much. I am inspired by your work on this. Don't sweat the exercise bit - you are working hard. Thanks!

    It is time for the Friday folks to get ready! How did that happen? Here you go - don't forget, now!


    I'll be looking for your numbers :heart:
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    @DD265 that's a good idea, to track the binge - the what and the why. I think I'll need to start that...ahem...right now, this minute.

    @jugar you'll have your memories of this musical trip to savor through the winter ahead as you tromp around on your snowshoes.

    I did good with food yesterday. I think I'll try to do a lot more sheet pan roasted vegetables - I find it delicious the next day/cold/hot, whenever. And I feel I can eat a lot of it too being vegetables. I blew it though this afternoon. Wanted to buy my boss an icecream as she was working late through to our meeting tonight - got 3 options, she picked one and upon returning home I ate 'mine' , then 'dad's' right after. Bad. Should have put them in the freezer and eaten the so delicious roast pan veg. It's a bad case of being hungry, getting home and simply just having them available. I must keep that stuff out of the house. (sorry Dad)
    Anyhow, back to 'good' the rest of the night, and tomorrow and so forth. Going to write today's and every day's weight on a scrap of paper and keep it on the counter so I see it and remember why i want to eat well.

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