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October Opportunity - holiday prep



  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited October 2022
    @CeeBeeSlim it helps me a lot to post to get that accountability, so I hope it helps you too.

    I have never tried kickboxing, and I'm curious, so I'll have to look at one of the videos.

    @SparkSpringtime69 I hope the yard work is fun. I really want to get out and do some gardening to put some fall plants in, but it's still been warm and dry here. Working outside can make you feel so good when conditions are right!

    @edamamewebber I have some experience with nonprofits too. High expectations and not much reward. Good luck with your racing. If I do another 5K, I should go into it with the interval idea.

    @Antiopelle thanks for posting about the meals. I will check out the website just for fun.

    Oddly enough I will also be in Athens, but it will be October 26th and 27th. My first time in Greece as well!

    Today is a rest day although I might do a short walk with the dogs.

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,321 Member
    One hour strength training today. Should be able to reach my 10k step goal. A lil sore from my workout yesterday so I guess I reached some muscles I wasn’t getting to with my full body workouts. I like kickboxing as there’s no weights and the punching and kicking help me get the stress out. 😁😁

    @SparkSpringtime69 I felt great after my step video. My step aerobics and kickboxing videos are activities i can do forever because I actually find them fun.

    @edamamewebber Never heard of a marathon walk. That I think I’d like - never was a runner!

    Jealous of your Greece trips, @Antiopelle and @zenobia9777
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,038 Member
    5'7", 44 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish (currently recomp rather than losing)
    2/23/22: 150; 3/30/22: 147; 4/22: Missed; 5/31/22: 149.4; 6/29/22: 152.4; 7/27/22:150.6; 8/31/22: 151.4; 9/28/22: 149.4;
    Measurements Start 8/10/22: Waist 31 5/8; BellyButton 36 5/8; Butt 38 3/4; Hips 39

    10/5/22: 150.4 - Up slightly from last week but still in range
    10/12/22: 152 - Top end of my range right now, but I ate like crap yesterday so it's not a surprise
    I've been HORRIBLE about working out - sometimes a dog walk, haven't lifted in a week. No excuses, just a lack of discipline and being lazy (giving in to stress by being lazy rather than disciplined).
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 I think packing counts for something!!! Breathe and start again.

    I haven't felt well after the last two evening meals, maybe because hubby picked out dinners with bread in them and that seems to be bothering me now. Feeling bloated. Both of them seemed like more food than usual, so that may affect my success this week

    On to yoga this morning, and I hope I can go walk the dogs, because they didn't get any yesterday.

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,090 Member
    @edamamewebber, a race'cation sounds like so much fun. I'm hoping to get back into running next year too, although I don't see myself ever running a marathon - I admire your courage!
    @Antiopelle, thanks for the food info, being here in the US it wouldn't be an option for me LOL. I hope you have a wonderful time in Greece. I'm hoping to one day get over there for a vacation. Mine won't be a marathon though, more like a sail around the islands!
    @zenobia9777, the yardwork was actually very productive and fun (except when DH and I were "discussing" how things should be done :D) I hope you have a great time in Greece as well.
    @CeeBeeSlim, one hour of ST sounds exhausting, LOL. It's always a rewarding feeling when we reach some new muscles isn't it?
    @HoneyBadger302, I agree with @zenobia9777, packing can be a real workout!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,321 Member
    10k plus steps today! LISS on treadmill. Did really well with protein intake the last couple of days. Never really tracked macros, but given my ST schedule, I’m to hit my protein goals. Not ez without help from protein shakes which I guess aren’t ideal. Will shop for chicken breasts tomorrow.

    Asked my niece who loves to cook to prep some healthy meals for me. She’s a military brat so has moved all over. Today she made these summer rolls?? Little slices of left over chicken thigh rolled in rice paper, with carrots, onion, cucumber and some type of noodle. Delish! Barely had any accompanying sesame sauce.

    @SparkSpringitme - the actual ST is probably 45 min after a warm up, foam rolling and stretching afterwards. It still can be exhausting tho. Like today I’m feeling it as my program added walking lunges and pistol squats yesterday. Ouch!

    @zenoba9777 Hope you feel better! I can see how the bread may make you feel esp if you haven’t had much.

    @Honeybadger302. You have a lot on your plate. Don’t be hard on yourself. It will come together!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @zenobia9777: funny that you will be in Athens just a couple of weeks before me :smile:

    The weekend is almost here !! Looking back, I had one PT session, one gym session (pumping that iron !) and one scheduled tomorrow. I've been diving yesterday, and after work hubby and I will go for a night dive this evening. If we go on Sunday as well, that will make 3 this week.
    Unfortunately, my PT therapist had to had surgery and is now replaced by a temp. He apparently pulled a bit to hard on my neck as I woke up with a stiff neck this morning, I hope that will pass...
    So all in all... good work on the physical part and I also managed to stay within cals and macros thanks to those prepacked meals.

    Have a nice weekend all, when you get to it !! :heart:
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim you are rocking it!
    I had fun in circuit training because we played a running game. Too hard to describe.

    Happy weekend, everyone!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,321 Member
    @Antiopelle oh no! Sorry to hear about your neck pain. Did you know immediately after he pulled that he did something wrong? Hope you feel better soon.

    Thanks @zenobia9777! I’m trying! My 12 week program changes moves every 4 weeks and this is my 5th week so there are some totally new moves and the other moves are progressions from the prior weeks - in weight, reps, sets, or tempo.

    I. Am. So. Sore! I’m looking at the treadmill now wondering whether I will hop on to make my 10k step goal. Guess who’s gonna stay in this recliner!!

    Active recovery tomorrow - so maybe some yoga! I need it.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Today I decided to try running a mile since we have been doing some in circuit training.

    This time I did one minute on and 30 seconds off. 30 seconds was to catch my breath, but I still walked quickly. I was surprised I could do it in 13 minutes! And my knee did not lock up like it did a couple of weeks ago when I tried doing a minute and 30 seconds to begin with.

    Sharing the NSV! Last week I bought a dress which will not be very forgiving if I gain weight, so I'm trying to stay where I am or a little lower!!!

    Hope everyone has a happy Sunday.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,321 Member
    Great NSV @zenobia9777! Must feel great 👏👏.

    And I think clothes are a great way to monitor your progress. I’m too nervous to do photos. Scale is unreliable. I’m not as good to keep up measuring myself.

    Stayed within my calories last night even while watching my niece eat her Ben and Jerry’s half-baked peanut better brownie ice cream and carrot cake. In a strange psychological way it’s easier to resist when those temptations are right there - sort of like a contest of wills. Who knows - but so far so good!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited October 2022
    @CeeBeeSlim, your niece's summer rolls sounded delish. Is this the same niece that eats candy/junk food and B&J ice cream?!
    I just looked up pistol squats, yikes :open_mouth:
    @Antiopelle, I hope your stiff neck is feeling better. Sounds like last week was a good one overall.
    @zenobia9777, what a great NSV! Both a victory and an incentive to stay on course. Sounds like your run timing will work for you too.
    We're still working on our clearing our yard of a bunch of brush/bushes. We generally work every other day or so (when I don't have a gym day). It's hard work, but starting to look nicer. I'll post a couple pictures once we get a bigger section cleared.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim : the neck pain is almost gone, but I decided to skip the Saturday gym session to let it heal. I'll certainly talk about it with my PT as this is something that has never happened. As for you Ceebee, also make time for recovery; it is as important as working out !

    @SparkSpringtime69 : yard work is also very good for your overwell health and wellbeing. I'm looking forward to the pics !

    As for me: this Monday I had a weigh-in at 76.6. Pretty pleased about this ! It's sloooooowly going down but I'm also feeling stronger thanks to the gym.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @Antiopelle that's all around good news.

    @CeeBeeSlim I've had that contest of wills before. I'm with @SparkSpringtime69... Does she also make the healthy food?

    I took the dogs out last night because they literally were staring me down asking for a walk.

    I just got back from yoga and I've got lots to do. I could work off a lot of calories purging that stuff from my garage!!! It's one of my life challenges.
    Enjoy your fall weather wherever you may be!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,321 Member
    @Antiopelle Glad to hear your pain is almost gone. And I’m trying - but could try harder - on the recovery. I’m making sure I’m stretching more and taking enough time between my sets and have recovery days. I just have to manage my sleep better. That’s my biggest challenge.

    @SparkSpringtime69 @zenobia9777 - she makes delicious healthy foods. It’s two extremes - the freshest of the freshest low cal ingredients for food; then the highest caloric foods for snacks. She makes her own kimchi, salsa, curries - but Cheetos, Doritos, and ice cream mixed-up together snacks? 🤢

    I was conscious of not pressuring her to exercise, eat better etc - and today she got on the treadmill and did some dancing on my little stepper. That’s. Never. Happened. Maybe I’m leading by example while keeping my mouth shut!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,090 Member
    @Antiopelle, glad to hear the neck is feeling better. You've got a win-win there with the drop in pounds and more strength!! keep up the great work.
    @zenobia9777, I leave the garage clean out to the DH, LOL. I have closets to purge even though we did a lot when we moved last year.
    @CeeBeeSlim, I looovvve kimchi. Do you think she'd be willing to share her recipe?
    I think leading by example is almost always the best way to go - actions really do speak louder than words.
    Well, it seems that a very productive day of yard work on Sunday rewarded me with poison ivy!! Felt some itching on my face yesterday but there weren't little bumps so I thought it may have been some kind of bug bite. But this morning I woke up with poison ivy rash (I know because I've had it twice before) on my wrists, neck and in my belly button - not quite sure how it ended up there! And the swelling under my eye extended onto my eyelid. I went to the doctor this afternoon and got a cortisone shot; will be picking up follow-up pills tomorrow.
    This morning my poor DH dejectedly said 'I guess we're not doing anymore yard work'. I said 'are you crazy, I'm gonna have cortisone coursing through my veins for a few days, I want to do as much as we can humanly get done this week before it wears off' :D

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @SparkSpringtime69 you have an amazing attitude. I would have been like, no, I'm done with this!

    Hubby would clean the garage but it's actually more my domain because I'm not married to a fixer-upper. He is married to a hoarder. The house is relatively uncluttered but the garage is the last hold out.

    When we do have repairs made we usually have to hire somebody, although I've been known to make some repairs on my own. He will fix things if asked but he really doesn't want to do it.

    @CeeBeeSlim I agree with @SparkSpringtime69. Leading by example can be very effective.
    I don't want to get started on that topic, but I wish I'd been better when the kids were little about serving,/eating healthier food. You do tend to imitate your parents on eating habits. And your exercise habits can definitely influence them. But I am having influence now and that is at least something. My kids did learn to love broccoli!!!

    I am still doing really well about not wanting to go and snack every 20 minutes. I don't know what triggers that horrible problem, but maybe the exercises help.

    I still feel like I ate too much yesterday. Start again...

    Today is a rest day except I probably will try to walk the dogs.

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Trip with the boyfriend went well - his mom was definitely declining mentally though, and he's worried about her, but she's pretty set on what she's doing even if no one else thinks it's best. Other than that though it was nice.

    Back to life now though...packing and move prep on the menu, need to be on top of my task list each day or the stress of "everything" will have a worse impact on my blood pressure, so keeping that controlled in this will be important - and my little daily task list is the best way to do that.

    Couple photos from the weekend:




  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited October 2022
    @zenobia9777, good job avoiding the snacking. It seems when I exercise it gives me more incentive to eat better. I think it's more of a mental thing than physical, but whatever it is, it's a good thing.
    @HoneyBadger302, glad to hear you had a good trip. Your pictures are beautiful. Is that your pooch because he looks very at home in that yard.
    My poison ivy seems to be drying up quite a bit already, although still quite itchy in a couple of spots. I'm hoping by tomorrow morning that'll subside.
    On a brighter note, I finally started my AM yoga routine again first thing this morning. My plan is to make it my new morning ritual, we'll see.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,321 Member
    Beautiful photos @honeybadger302!

    @zenobia9777 Great job on the no-snacking. I’m doing much better with that too. I’m not sure why and I won’t extend the free trial, but I started a Noom account. Just another “voice” in my ear to do better. Re: your kids, you’re having influence now! Past is past. We do the best we can at the time.

    @SparkSpringtime69 - sorry about the poison ivy! Glad to hear it’s clearing up.

    Trying to improve my sleep habits. Got a lil scared reading some new study as to how sleeping less than 5 hours a night for adults over 50 can increase chances of cognitive decline. Gulp!

    Oh SparkSpringtime69 - my niece says she makes cucumber and radish chili. “True” kimchi - the cabbage one - (??) takes too long but she’s starting to learn it. She follows a website/YouTube - will find it - and gets tips from a Korean market and restaurant owner/friend. Ugh. Craving kimchi now. 😜
