WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2022



  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,524 Member



    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    jane_76 wrote: »
    @jugar - apologies, yet again. I think it’s best for me to go on that longer term break list, as I try to get my footing again.

    I haven’t been able to keep up with posts. Thanks to those who have extended words of support my way - it’s much appreciated.

    I recognize everyone has their own challenges/obstacles, and it’s been inspiring to see those of you who power through while being so candid about your struggles on here. I hope to be less derailed in future days/weeks.

    In the meantime, congrats to those who stay committed to a healthier path despite life’s inevitable ups and downs. It’s motivating to see your wins on the good days and your perseverance on the tougher days. I hope to be back at it on here and on my journey back to a healthier me sooner than later.

    Don't worry Jane - you are now officially on the "Support Team" where you remain a member of WA, you can post absolutely any time, keep up when you can, but you do not need to worry about weighing in or anything else. You have some things to get through, and we'll be here whenever you need us. :heart:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    How on earth did it get to be time for the Monday reminder already? Crazy...

    So! Ready for week 4 - Monday people, get ready:
    @BeeHapppy101 (honorary Monday person!)

    Everyone should also be sure to update your "Who Are You" progress as we sneak on towards January 1. Either go ahead and update yourself, or just post here and I'll put it in for you. It's always good to share here anyhow, so you can do both -


    If your initial goals are in need of refinement or something else has taken on more importance, feel free to change them. There is no concrete in this plan :smiley:
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @PlaneMonkey actual beavers, child-beavers (I think Beavers is the precursor to Scouts in the UK) or a group of people nicknamed the beavers? I'm hoping for the animals - how cool!

    @jugar I wish I had your enthusiasm for the snow and cold. Today it hit 1 degree C - the coldest so far this season - and I am wrapping up warm just sat inside.

    The private GP agreed to put me forward for a dietician referral. I started tearing up on the call because I felt like I have a way forward. I haven't binged since Sunday 20th - that's a full week without. I recognise that I am overeating in my planned meals and snacks in terms of portion sizes, but that's what the dietician is for. The referrals team will call me this week to get the ball rolling. I've also had the repeat blood test this morning (3 goes this time - getting better but my arm hurts!) and should get those results on Friday.

    My daily CBT is feeling less needed, but I'm doing it anyway. I've adjusted my tracking sheets so the front is the food part, and the back is half and half CBT/problem solving, which encourages me to do both. Last week was much better at work after setting and sticking to boundaries. I also managed to get the potted strawberries, fruit trees and the comfrey planted in two new beds at the allotment over the weekend, so I feel like progress is good generally.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Hey Ashley @ashleycarole86 here's my exercise and steps stat since last week:

    Sunday 13th November - 3647
    Monday 14th November - 3870 / 39 mins Caroline Girvan Epic Heat Day 14 - Unforgiving Full Body
    Tuesday 15th November - 2586 / 35 mins CG Epic Heat Day 15 - Sequenced Full Body HIIT
    Wednesday 16th November - 9515
    Thursday 17th November - 1987 / 35 mins CG Epic Heat Day 16 - Triceps & Delts
    Friday 18th November - 2138
    Saturday 19th November - 2132 / 44 mins CG Epic Heat Day 17 - Effective Leg Day Collective

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Week 3 stats:
    sunday - 10,833 + 45 min. bike
    monday - 10,326 + 15 Pilates + 45 strength
    tuesday - 7781 + 30 Pilates
    wednesday - 7458 + 15 Pilates + 45 strength + 45 bike
    thursday- 8163 + 15 Pilates
    friday - 10,645 + 15 Pilates
    saturday - 11,096 + 15 Pilates + 45 strength
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member

    Sun 11,059
    Mon 7,364
    Tue 15,458
    Wed 11,218 + 35 mins lululemon workout
    Thur 5,957
    Fri 15,423
    Sat 9,299

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,251 Member
    So #1 thanksgiving meal at work today. I am proud that I only had 1 plate of food, but I still over indulged and ate a ton of desserts 😳 The kinda plus side is that I ate too much for lunch, I'm not hungry and didn't eat dinner. I still don't think it balances out though. Normal eating tomorrow and wednesday and then gym tomorrow evening. Thursday plans to be a light breakfast and lunch to maybe, sorta, kinda, not really balance out dinner?? I weighed myself this morning and it's not looking good this week 😕 Plus we are going out of town until Saturday, so not fully sure how eating Friday and Saturday will look.

  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    @jugar Please may I have a pass this week, we are going back to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving and I won't have access to a scale.

    I am a person who does Intermittent Fasting
    I have done very well with my fasting, sticking to hours and even if I break my fast late, I am still starting my fast at 17:30. However, we went to the town square on Saturday to see the lighting of the Christmas tree and whilst we left the restaurant by 17:30, with all the festivities it completely went out of my mind and I had some hot chocolate and cookies that were being handed out. I am drinking my water and doing my tracking so forming some good habits.

    In other news, I am having a really tough week. Last Thursday my pup's back legs wouldn't work. He is 12yrs old and part Lab so his breed is prone to hip issues but we have always done a lot to try and prevent any issues so this has is a bit out of the blue. He has not been right since Thursday so I've been staying very close to him. I'm hoping he perks up by Wednesday when we go out of town or I may have to cancel my trip.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    So #1 thanksgiving meal at work today. I am proud that I only had 1 plate of food, but I still over indulged and ate a ton of desserts 😳 The kinda plus side is that I ate too much for lunch, I'm not hungry and didn't eat dinner. I still don't think it balances out though. Normal eating tomorrow and wednesday and then gym tomorrow evening. Thursday plans to be a light breakfast and lunch to maybe, sorta, kinda, not really balance out dinner?? I weighed myself this morning and it's not looking good this week 😕 Plus we are going out of town until Saturday, so not fully sure how eating Friday and Saturday will look.
    Crazy weeks happen - you are working at the balance, and even though you are not getting it perfect every single time, you are not just throwing up your hands, saying "Well, I blew it, so will just keep blowing it!". As one of my favourite jazz musicians always says - "Do the best you can. Every single day."
    LoraineGB wrote: »
    @jugar Please may I have a pass this week, we are going back to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving and I won't have access to a scale.

    I am a person who does Intermittent Fasting
    I have done very well with my fasting, sticking to hours and even if I break my fast late, I am still starting my fast at 17:30. However, we went to the town square on Saturday to see the lighting of the Christmas tree and whilst we left the restaurant by 17:30, with all the festivities it completely went out of my mind and I had some hot chocolate and cookies that were being handed out. I am drinking my water and doing my tracking so forming some good habits.

    In other news, I am having a really tough week. Last Thursday my pup's back legs wouldn't work. He is 12yrs old and part Lab so his breed is prone to hip issues but we have always done a lot to try and prevent any issues so this has is a bit out of the blue. He has not been right since Thursday so I've been staying very close to him. I'm hoping he perks up by Wednesday when we go out of town or I may have to cancel my trip.
    Your pass is recorded - I hope you are able to go on your trip and have a great time. Huge congratulations on your IF adventure! You are doing well, and the evil chocolate and cookie handouts will not throw you off track! I hope your ol' doggy feels better soon. It is hard seeing them in pain and unable to get around well. Hugs to you both :heart:

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    It has been a slow Monday - at least in included walking to and from the car now that we're parking at the bottom of our hill. Then there was a long meeting at the notary, some annoying errands that included looking for a battery that is very hard to find, and other (non)excitements. Time to get on the bike and watch something more thrilling than my day!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    I am a person who exercises in the evenings.... Except not when I already overdid it with other energy sapping activities during the daytime. I need to find a balance.

    This weekend's project was to paint the master bedroom and that has now spilled into the week as the walls were in much worse shape than expected and its a huge room and I have a lot of clutter to shovel from one wall to another as the paint went on. As the project progressed it was decided I will now sand down and paint furniture to match the new colour scheme so that will continue to take time and energy. Luckily the painting will happen in the basement and the installation is upstairs so I will get lots of caloric burn running up and down.

    Yinka @YinxFed I see your exercise list of all the Caroline Girvan epic heat workouts and I yearn to do one myself. I will be this person who exercises in the evenings by January, I swear! The project list has to finish sometime, doesn't it? At least I can have serenity in my new soothingly blue master bedroom.... 😉
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,276 Member
    @LoraineGB Hope everything is okay with your dog, not easy to see our loveable furry friends going through something....

    @lauren_989 I'm not American but my husband is out buying all the fixins to do a second Thanksgiving. He is off Thursday to watch football and he is going to cook a full turkey dinner. He loves to cook and it will be tasty.. practice of some of the dishes he'll do for Christmas I'm sure.

    So yesterday started off okay and then I slipped into my Sunday abyss, stopped tracking, and made a series of poor decisions.

    Today was truly the dust off. Great exercise, everything tracked and under. My weight is up like 5 pounds since Thursday. Just looking to be doing damage control now. Not happy to have to keep coming here to report on my poor decisions but that's all I can do until I turn those decisions around!

    Think I'm just waiting on steps from @micki48 @KellyBgetsfit and @ells_bellz and then the report will be out.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Weigh-ins due through Tuesday:

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member

    Sunday 6332
    Monday 6983
    Tuesday 9378
    Wednesday 6997
    Thursday 10008
    Friday 10269
    Saturday 8383

    Something seems wonky with these numbers. I was pretty sure I met my goal every day. My fitbit also has the wrong number for my step streak. IDK

    Scale was down a bit today. 210.9. We shall see how it stands. I may weigh in on Thursday this week instead of Friday.

    Haven't read any posts yet. Wanted to get my steps in first. Hope all is well.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Steps-sorry for the delay
    Sun 13,284
    30 min Barre
    Mon 14,642
    45 min weights
    Tues 12,721
    45 min weights
    Wed 11,933
    Thurs 15,314
    Fri 11,882
    30 min intervals
    Sat 8,544
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