Airport Lounge Discussion



  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,579 Member
    It's 29 feels like 29 with a high of 57 for today. Insight Timer Quote: As our eyes grow accustomed to sight they armor themselves against wonder.--Leonard Cohen I AM: This waking moment is my life with every breath and every heartbeat. Axe Sharpening: Educating yourself and making the right choices only allow your mind and body to operate better.--Kelly Pollman 1st Phorm Elite Trainer Action for Happiness: Discover your artistic side. Design a friendly greeting card. Fitness quote for today: Turn the pain into power and conquer your Motivational quote for today: When you stop overthinking, you free yourself from worries, anxieties, and stress, and enjoy inner peace.--unknown Closed all rings (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 15,504 steps yesterday.
  • Dpecora653
    Dpecora653 Posts: 4,104 Member

    Another travel week for me-heading back south tomorrow morning, hoping we don't hit any accidents like the one on the way here. Added 2 1/2 hours to the 9 hour trip which is too long in a car for me!

    Enjoy a wonderful start to the week-stay positive and enjoy yourself :)
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I couldn't believe the difference between the picture of me doing cookies and the picture of me with my little cousin. They were taken one week apart with two different phone by two different people. They look 10 lbs different LoL.

    Today was another off day. I am so tired of these off days. Got up at regular time. Posted for an online challenge I lead. Then went back to bed and slept on and off till 9. That's when i got the call that my friend needed me to come into work early. So by 10 I was at work and my day ran 15 minutes later than usual. The residents had chicken wings, french fries, vegetable soup and coconut cream pie for lunch. For dinner they had spaghetti and meat sauce, garlic bread, green beans (lettuce is outrageous price wise), vegetable soup, and a choice of cherry cheese pie, apple cinnamon cake, or coconut cream pie. Sometimes you just have to use up leftovers from the weekend and lunch. Tomorrow is TOPS (weight loss group), and weigh day. Not sure how I did. But I know that I am trying each day to do at least some of my healthy habits.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,573 Member
    @Dpecora653 ,, TY for letting us know. PLEASE travel VERY Safely. Enjoy the ride. It can be interesting.
    @Cseguin2 ,, I want those "make me look phones" LOL!! WOOHOO that you got called into work since you wanted to be in a way any how!! YUMMY FOOD!! ABSOLUTELY use up what is there!! I'd like a piece of that pie too!! LOL
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    edited November 2022
    Just as I began to text this morning, one of our guests had a big surprise after midnight. Her dog decided to have pups in one of the cottages. She came with just she and her Doodle, and left with her doodle and seven double doodles.


    They are adorable!


    Never a dull moment. Walking back we spotted two eagles. Finally, Billy went chasing a critter and we figured out it was a mink. The mink is safe and sound.

    Tomorrow's Word: Freedom
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,442 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well. Today I am going with my bonus daughter as she has surgery. She is getting tubes in her ears and her tonsil and adenoids removed. So she is going to be a little sore when she wakes up. I am going to be watching her today while she is at home after her surgery. Once her boyfriend gets home then he will take over watching her. I am not sure when I will be home but I do have to take snacks to her house.

    @LindieMaeP - Thank you. I hope Amigo makes a recovery. He seems to be holding on like he might. I am glad the wedding fund is growing. It is actually almost gone with all the stuff I have been buying. Almost all for the wedding though.
    @Marileighea - Hope you feel better soon
    @Kurtize - Cleaning and exams are super expensive. They want about $400 her for a cleaning. So I know all about the expensiveness of the cleanings.
    @lavalily - I will pray that people are kept safe.
    @Grannysue91 - The weather is unusual. Still chilly here just not much going on. Not a lot of snow. We have about 5 calls on Sunday for work. Who in their right minds thinks an insurance agency is open on Sundays. That makes no sense. They were not rude in their voicemails though.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I am working on funds for the wedding. I am working. I do shipt on the side to bring in money for the wedding. I am anxious to have more money in the bank account. I almost drained it. Between the wedding fund and I had to borrow $70 to pay for a couple things.
    @Dpecora653 - Hope you have an easy trip. No accidents.
    @CSEGUIN2 - It is good to be able to see the weight difference. Hope your weight continues to go down. It is ok to use leftovers. That is definitely ok. We do it at home.
    @NovemberGail - Oh they are so cute. I want another dog but I already have 4. That is all I am allowed to have in the city. But a doodle or even a golden retriever would be nice.

    Well it is time to get food this morning. I hope you all have a great day

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,335 Member
    Grannysue: Yeah it is now going to be chilly out for a while.
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 700 Member
    Woke up this monring to -16C, that's the warmest it's going to be all week. I am thankful that our furnace works and the gas bill has been paid.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,579 Member
    It's 58 feels like 54 with a high of 62 for today. Insight Timer Quote: Nothing haunts us like the things we don't say.--Mitch Albom I AM: I believe in myself and my own willpower. Axe Sharpening: If it doesn't challenge you, if it isn't hard for you, it is not going to change you.--Jeremy Mullins Director of the MyTransPHORMation app/Registered Dietitian Action for Happiness: Enjoy new music today. Play, sing, dance or listen. Fitness quote for today: When the sun goes down: be sure that you gave 100% toward your goals.--gymaholic Motivational quote for today: You may not always control the path, but you can control how you approach the journey.--unknown Closed all rings (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 14,289 steps yesterday.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Today the high is 63. My goal is to get some outdoor windows cleaned, wooden services in one of the house washed and oiled. And I am waiting for a computer tech to come and check out some computer gremlins on the PC's. Praying that everyone has a beautiful, healthy, safe day!

    @Tabatha_Cain: Sounds like you have a lot going on too. Hope your daughter's surgery is seamless.


    This is one of the two eagles that were spotted yesterday. It was pretty far away so the photo isn't crisp.

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,573 Member
    @Novembergail,, OH MY HOW PRECIOUS is that??? Awww LOL Double Doodles!! OH MY OH MY!! I want to play and play with them!! They look healthy too!! Awwwww Hope the puter gremlins get evicted!! Nice pic of the eagle.
    @Tabatha_Cain,,, I hope the surgery goes well for your bonus D. Awww my last Step Mother,,, once she and Dad married (They had each been married before and each had 5 kids ,, she had ALL boys, in my family it's 4 BOYS and myself GRIN Not spoiled,,nah,, well not by my Mom, but my Dad? SHOOT ON MY YES!!!)she just introduced me as "my daughter" we had so much fun. I wanted my Dad as happy as he could be. Which meant making her happy, but awwww that was so easy!! She went from being called by her first name to being called Mum. I hope you are your bonus D develop this type of relationship. It was precious for all of us.
    @Patti241,,,, Today it's so nice out, but tomorrow won't be!! At least we are in the safe areas.
    @Grannysue91 ,, EYES TO THE SKY hon!! I'll be thinking of you of course, and HOPING ALL is right. Read last night around this type of things "PREPARE NOT FEAR." Makes sense. Also on that "The chance of your being hit is 1 in a million." But we know it'll hit some down in that general area. Here's hoping it's not your area.
    @Majork29 ,, OH MY OH MY!! That's only 3 F!! BRRRRRR Where do you live? OUCH!! For us in January we see that, but not yet. Shoot we were 50 F yesterday (10 C) That's to WARM for us in Maine (Last northern state on the east coast bordering Canada.)
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,573 Member

    As OAL Leaders we REALLY WANT to spread the word about the 2023 Winter 5% Challenge. I did put up a post under Challenges and could really use your help in looking at it, and PLEASE OH PLEASE put at least a few words in the reply on why you like/enjoy the 5% Challenge. Without the link how do you find the challenges? AND MORE!!
    When you click on your groups you'll see this:
    Looking down through the categories you'll see CHALLENGES when you click on that you'll see ALL that MFP has to offer!! PRETTY neat huh?

    Here's ours for the 2023 Winter 5% Challenge

    PLEASE PLEASE DO leave a few words or more because that BUMPS UP the challenge for us.

    THANKS!!! Diane
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,737 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! It's a mostly cloudy day here today. My daughter says hello to all. Both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! I went for a short run earlier this morning and I really enjoyed it. I went for a walk a while ago and I feel great! I had a great visit with my friend on Saturday. I will be doing some dancing later on. Have a great day, everyone! Take care and stay safe.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,064 Member
    Good afternoon all. Kayla's cleaning went well ended up being $425, but still cheaper than what I have paid before. It 78 today, can't believe it. We are expecting thunder storms and temps in the high 70's, don't know what happened to winter. This year in Texas as been interesting weather wise.
    @Tabatha_Cain - hope daughter's surgery went well. Sending hugs and prayers and quick recovery.

    Have a good day, Hugs and blessings.

    Today's affirmation:
    I feel unity with Spirit and with all that is.
    My life is richer for sharing my being with all those I meet.
    Each experience, however it appears at the time,
    highlights and strengthens the fabric of my life.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,064 Member
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,573 Member
    @Cormierannie,,, Nicely DONE!
    @Kurtize ,,, SO GLAD Kayla's cleaning went well!! That's GREAT!! The price is still OUCH, but still. And to have them nice and clean will help prevent any extractions which OH MY GOODNESS!! I still SMH that it was so much for Izzy!! That's ridiculous. Please be careful if your area is being hit today by the big storm. It'll be up here tomorrow. I'll have my devices charged, including 2 chargers, and I do have the hallway thanks to the generator if we do lose it. It doesn't matter to me if we do or don't. ALWAYS hate losing stuff in the freezer if it's down long enough. I always turn it up higher when there's any chances of that. I've done that already. We could be fine too. Let's everyone please be so careful indeed it only one weird storm to change your lives so much. Things are only things.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,645 Member
    edited November 2022
    Good afternoon folks, I hope you all are enjoying your day, I am watching snow falling, swirling, whirling dancing lightly down on the tree branches !! AND it is sticking. Flights and ferries have been cancelled due to weather and I am sure the valley will get more then I will here in Marpole. I wish I could say Amigo is better, but he just will not eat. We are still giving him meds and he is still with us and I am giving him dropper full of water after his meds - I wish he could eat, however, they say not to force them to eat, I have bought different kinds of food and he sniffs and turns his nose up IF he sniffs - he still likes peanut butter though ! He has not lost any further weight but if he does not eat, his body will use any fat on him, not good. I bought some liver today and tomorrow I will fix it for him and puree it to the point I hope he will eat it. He's in his tree now watching the snow fall - means he will sleep all night.
    @Tabatha_Cain I sure hope all went well today for you and your bonus daughter and you have a good opportunity to bond more and deeper!
    @NovemberGail love the picture of the eagle - at that height they can still spot their dinner as they have excellent eye sight! AND they know how to soar on the wind currents, so cool !! Hope your day went well !
    @Kurtize stay as safe as you can and have that to go bag ready if needed.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 neener neener I am looking out my window watching the snow fall - not as much now but maybe more later - at least when it is dark it won't distract me from the zoom meeting. Do make sure you have your to go bag ready just incase and hopefully your mtg will be on zoom as well such a good mtg prepared ! I'll see what I can do to comment on the 5% challenge to help encourage others to join. It's only been a year on this site so it takes time to build a good name/reputation as you well know.
    Gene already has dinner in the oven, I can smell it - lol he's using the bigger oven. I will have coleslaw with what ever he has made and I might make some green beans too. Of all things I forgot to get egg whites this morning when we went to Superstore - I looked for babyfood for Amigo, chicken , but nope none just fruity stuff .... well have a good one !!

  • bhsuzycue
    bhsuzycue Posts: 168 Member
    As per usual for Arkansas this time of year, it can't decide if it's winter or fall...or maybe even late summer 🤦🏻‍♀️ one day, I'm all bundled up for a walk in the park, the next I'm in short sleeves and wishing I hadn't worn jeans - lol. It was nice having that long weekend for Thanksgiving, but the first two days back at work have felt like a whole week! 🤔
  • nbruns83
    nbruns83 Posts: 2,075 Member
    @lavalily, I do hope your friends and all the folks near the eruption, stay safely out of harms way. I'm glad to see you're continuing with these challenges. Happy Advent, dear friend.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was an ok day. Lost 0.75 lb this week. Not sure how but will take it. Now to just keep the scale going in the right direction. Got some laundry done, also got some of my Christmas cards ready for the mail and worked on my bookclub assignments. This evening the residents had pork chops, oven roasted potatoes, gravy, corn, mushroom soup and grape jello with a little whipped cream.