2023: Envision where you want to be: Focus on health, energy, vitality!



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I need to find some time to watch the video. I’ve been so busy lately and I’m not even sure why. Lol. I feel like I keep getting hit with things that weren’t even on my radar. I’ve got to figure out how to function in this chaos because it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. I’m the kind of person who likes to plan everything and be in control so it’s been difficult. Adding a second grandchild that I’ll be helping out with is going to add to that but soooo worth it! I can’t wait to meet my little grandson in May.

    Snoozie, maybe you could try putting half the crystal light in each bottle of water instead of the full amount in every other one?

    Vail, I was thinking about what you said about it’s easiest to not eat before your first meal than later in the day. I had a luncheon to go to yesterday so I didn’t eat breakfast. I figured I’d eat a bigger lunch than usual so I’d just wait. We ended up not eating until almost 1:00 and I didn’t feel like I was starving or anything. I’m just so conditioned into thinking that I have to eat at certain times. I’m trying to really consider if I’m truly hungry before I eat and to stop when I’ve had enough. Sounds so easy but something I struggle with.

    My bloodwork was just about the same as last time maybe a tiny bit elevated in some areas. But the good is low and the bad is high. My A1C has crept back up though and that one really scares me. I may have to just give in and go on the statins and I think I’m okay with that now. I know some of that is hereditary and I don’t think I can bring all those numbers in line with diet alone. I feel like I can totally get my A1C under control with changing my eating habits. So that’s my main focus.

    I picked up my granddaughter early from daycare yesterday and we played for a couple hours, just the two of us. I love being a “GaGa,” that’s what she calls me. I need to make sure that I’m healthy enough to be here for her (and my future grand babies) for a very long time.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    edited January 2023
    You don't need to watch the whole video, Suzy, I just posted it because we'd been talking about fasting and he mentions the results of the study he was doing a few weeks ago, basically that people who reducing their eating window to ten hours seemed to be less hungry and have other benefits. It's interesting that it worked OK for you waiting till lunchtime! The other stuff in the video was interesting too, about the microbiome, eating a big variety of plants (herbs and spices in particular), exercise doesn't really help with weight loss, etc. Also that it's very individual which I think it is true while being aware that he has a which company provides individualised health plans!

    Good that your results aren't too bad, but really annoying about the good/bad proportions. I have been on statins for fifteen years, and I don't know what my results would be if I was au naturel. My total cholesterol levels have been good since I started on them, so I suppose they must work (cholesterol was normal to begin with but because of the heart disease it needs to be low). I've hardly ever had the good/bad checked, but last time it was done it was fine. I know it's a different scenario for me as I think there's better evidence for being on statins with existing heart disease rather than for prevention, but just thought I'd let you know that they do seem to work on the numbers. That includes the time when I was very overweight, incidentally.

    It's lovely that grandchildren are your motivation! That fits so well with our theme of the year. I have been thinking similar myself, as I'm hoping for grandchildren in the next few years and know I have to be available for childcare. My mother didn't live to see her grandchildren grow up, which is so sad. Although it's so frustrating, she probably had about the healthiest lifestyle of anyone I know. Sometimes it's just luck and genetics in the end. But if she hadn't the lifestyle she had maybe she wouldn't have survived the first heart attack and would have died before they were even born. It still makes sense to give ourselves the best chance we can! I need to remember that when I'm passing the treats table at work!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I was adding my weight into my programme today and noticed that I am 2 stone (28 pounds) lighter than when I started just over a year ago! I'm still a little bit above my lowest weight, but quite pleased with that.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Yay!!!!! Your hard work has been paying off! Well done, Vail! You have every right to be pleased and proud of yourself.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thank you! I'm up two pounds this morning, just to stop me being complacent! But it reminded me that I really don't want to let it creep up again. It's really annoying that my joint problems have got worse this year while at my lightest in years, and I tend to think, oh, what's the point, the weight loss hasn't helped. But surely just by the laws of physics it's got to be easier on the joints with less weight on them. And also I was having some level of joint problems when I was young and weighed 115 pounds, so unfortunately I just don't have great joints whatever the weight.

    I know exactly the cause of my weight gain. I do very well at watching the videos, listening to the podcasts and buying in healthy stuff and have been doing my lovely portion controlled plant-based home cooked meals, then was shopping for something unrelated and bought some junk food, and ended up eating some of it in the car before I even left the car park, for goodness sake. Then had the mindset of I've messed up today so I might as well keep going and start again tomorrow. I had stopped falling for that trap, but managed to talk myself into it yesterday!

    I don't remember ever having these problems with food when I was young and slim. It seems that no matter how much I eat healthy, I still crave the junk.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Everyone eats some junk food occasionally. Don’t beat yourself up over it. You’re aware and getting right back to your healthy eating…that’s the most important thing. In real life, we eat chips or candy or cookies occasionally. As long as it isn’t a daily thing then you’re doing fine. That “I already blew it” mentality is so easy to fall into. You saw it for what it was and now you’re moving on. Just put it behind you.

    Your comment about not having these problems with food when you were younger made me start thinking. I have always, as far back as I remember, been dieting. I think I started when I was twelve or thirteen? My mom was always nagging me about my weight. I look back on photos of me at that age and I absolutely do NOT look overweight. I was a bit heavier, curvier, than my older sister but not overweight. I can’t help but wonder if that’s why I have such an unhealthy relationship with food….and possibly my mother. Lol.

    I’ve been counting on my joints feeling better once I lose some weight. Don’t burst my bubble, Vail! Lol.

    I made the fish Florentine from skinnytaste the other night. It was fantastic! I even got my husband to eat spinach and enjoy it! I made white chicken chili last night and it was so good. I’m not sure it was as healthy as the fish but it really hit the spot with this cold weather we’re having.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Isn't it awful, looking back, who would nag a child about their weight? I was lucky that my parents didn't but I know it was common then. I did get nagged about things, but weight wasn't one of them. I luckily escaped dieting until my 20s, I think, and my body image was OK until then. Although there was no need for me to diet in my 20s either but I got caught up in it. My slim colleagues were all dieting and my boyfriend thought I was fat. Do you remember when lots of people who were dieting were already quite slim? I suppose that's still the case now, actually, when people have to look a certain way.

    The fish florentine looks lovely. I have some chicken being delivered later this week. I might try to do something similar with chicken. Well done on getting hubby to enjoy it! Good that he kept an open mind and gave it a go!

    You probably will get an improvement in joints with weight loss. I'm just surprised I didn't, but I know I'm thinking about it the wrong way round. My joints would probably be worse now if I hadn't lost the weight. I do think some of my exercise hasn't helped, and I think it's the jumping in particular that has made things worse, so maybe it's more about being careful about what sort of exercise I do.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Talking of joints and weight, I was assuming that the problem with being overweight was mechanical, putting extra load on the joints and causing damage. But I've just re-read some of the information on the physiotherapy page I use and apparently it's due to "switching on" of inflammation by chemical messengers (adipokenes) which are secreted by fat tissue. This is really interesting and unexpected for me, even though I knew about inflammation being an issue, I didn't realise it was the issue with being overweight.

    Although I've lost a lot of weight, I do still have a high fat % as far as I know (my scales aren't measuring it at the moment), so possibly still count as being in an obese range due to the level of fat, and maybe that is causing me issues.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    That’s really interesting. I had not heard that before. It makes sense though. So it’s not just how much weight you’re carrying (because that is bad for cartilage) but how much fat is left even when you lose weight. So to burn off the fat we need to build muscle to fire up our metabolism? Does cardio actually help burn fat?

    We did manage to go for a hike last weekend. My stamina is abysmal. My knee and foot did okay but I was huffing and puffing and having to stop a lot on the uphill climbs. I’ve tried the yoga videos a few times and can’t make it all the way through but I’ll get there. We haven’t used the workout room at the park yet. Still need to do that. I managed to walk two laps at the park (2 miles) before I was worn out and my foot hurting. My goal is to walk three laps each time. It just amazes me how hard it is to get in shape and then how quickly I lose all that momentum. It seems harder to get it back each time so the key is to not stop doing it.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    You know, I hadn't really thought about it too much before but it makes sense that the fat is more important than the weight, as otherwise you'd just expect bigger/taller people to all have joint problems!

    My view on fat loss is that cardio won't do a huge amount, it's more about diet and if losing weight, you're losing fat. And trying to build muscle is very healthy and will help but it would be virtually impossible for a post-menopausal woman to build enough muscle to make a difference. This is just my opinion from various bits of reading!

    Well done on the hike. Yes, it's so frustrating how quickly you lose fitness. I often think about when I was young and kind of "naturally" fit. I did do lots of outdoor stuff, but if I didn't do much for a while I'd just pick it up again. Now it's like retraining if I don't exercise for a few days! I used to do pushups a lot and stopped doing them regularly a few years ago and have never been able to get back to do them since despite (trying to) do them regularly on my exercise programme. You are so right that the key is not to stop doing it!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    morning my friends.. i don't know the how and why of it, but i'm completely onboard about the internal inflammation causing so many probs. And i'm with you on the stamina or lack thereof suzy.. i promised myself when the weather got so cold and bad i would at least use the treadmill in the gym downstairs.. but have i done that? no.... i have gone for a few walks but its pathetic really how quickly i get fatigued.

    i absolutely know i have to try to start building some muscle but i also think you are absolutely right Vail.. at this stage it would really take some valiant effort and probably with a pro trainer to actually develop any..

    I've been trying to keep a little busy but my eating habits have slipped a bit.. i was pretty much eating a ton of veggies every day and lately i've veered more into comfort carby ones.. im sure its to do with winter but i'm feeling a lot more sluggish. As well I'm eating more... i rarely feel hungry anymore.. i was quite content eating smaller meals (i.e., a mini tortilla wrapped around roasted peppers and onions with the black beans tossed in) then an apple or orange when i was next hungry... that sort of thing but now i find myself eating more .. my tummy had gotten used to smaller meals of course when i was recovering from that gut prob... cause if i ate a lot i would promptly throw it back (that's a pretty good way to restrict your food intake lol) but that's gone now and i find myself eating more but not because i'm hungry.. anyway im going to work on getting back to the majority of the meal being veg with just a bit of fish or chicken on the side again.. but for sure im finding i HAVE to have quick and easy foods or snacks ready and waiting in the fridge... its when i dont have anything there that i turn to the crap.. fortunately i dont have any in the house at the moment ha.

    i've still been doing a few shifts a week with the Red Cross and its just been extended another 3 months.. i don't want to do it full time but if they want me to keep filling in 2-3 shifts a week that would be great.. i'm also starting to look at actually booking a vacation for myself... i've been putting it off in the hopes i could talk a friend into going, but most of them are married and/or have travel companions with family so the fact is.. if i want to do one while i'm still able to move and enjoy it i'm going to have to go on my own.. so for the first time i'm looking at tour groups as well as one of those Viking River Cruises.. they aren't the big cruise ships but much smaller ones that cruise up and down various rivers in Europe.. but i've just started researching them so don't know yet where or when ...

    Vail were you able to get all your stuff back in the house and the doors done? Suzy how are your parents and grandchild.. when is the new baby due again?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    My brother in law loves the Road Scholar and OAT travel (overseas adventure travel). They’ve also done the Christmas market River tours in Europe and loved that. I definitely think you should go for it.

    I’m finding that when volunteering that you have to set your own limits because there is so much to do out there and such a great need. I say that as I’m putting together a binder to organize all the different committees I’ve volunteered on. Lol.

    I want to believe that I can still build muscle at my age. I just have to accept that it’s going to be an uphill battle and ask myself if I’m willing to put in the effort to do so. And then, the really hard part that I can’t seem to accomplish is the actual strength training to do so! Being lazy has gotten me to this sad state of physical health, so obviously I have to make big life changes and sooner rather than later.

    My parents are hanging in there. Mom was having severe pain in her hips/legs and it’s because all she does is sit in her recliner. The doctor ordered twelve weeks of physical and occupational therapy three days a week. Dad has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It’s just a sad situation.

    My grandson is due mid May! I can’t wait to meet him!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL Suzy at putting together your binder on volunteer committees ha! Thanks for the info on the travel im definitely starting to look - the hardest part is figuring out a destination(s)!

    OMG on your mom... i swear to god that's me.. from exactly the same reason and i'm only 61! I find myself sitting ALL the time again almost like during the lockdowns; so yesterday i sucked up the courage and went down to the gym to use the treadmill. I HAVE to build up my legs and endurance not only in general but if i want to travel... and with winter here now there's no excuse for me NOT to use it as i dont even have to get bundled up or go out.. I won't embarrass myself by telling how long i lasted (or didnt) but I put it at "random" so it would do inclines and speed changes.. I also wanted to see how it would affect my leg/back issue because i think that's been part of the fear (on top of lazy). im stiff today but not too bad.. so I will def make sure i walk every day now.. I will say the benefit of the treadmill (altho i hate to admit i like anything about it) is that the speed is consistent.. on my own i tend to slow down here and there... now if they would just fix the TV in there (ya i know.. first world probs!)

    I'm very sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis.. its a terrible disease for the patient and families.. sending hugs..

    Wow you must be so excited about the new arrival in May!!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm sorry about your dad's diagnosis, Suzy. It's so awful. And about your mom's pain. I hope the therapy helps: hopefully if she is doing nothing at the moment it could be a big improvement? It's lovely that you have your new grandson to look forward to at the other end of the life course! So exciting, and I imagine you and your granddaughter bonding even more while other people are fussing over the new arrival!

    Building muscle, I do think it's very, very difficult but a bit of a mixed bag. When I said I think it's impossible for us to build enough to make a difference, I meant to build enough to make a difference to our calorie burn: my feeling is that it would be negligible. I also think bulking would be very difficult without hormone supplements. How many elderly, healthy women do you see with bulky muscles? But we can still get stronger, and I think there's quite a bit of evidence for strength/resistance training being highly beneficial as we get older! It's just that we're fighting against age-related muscle wasting, so even just maintaining the muscle is good.

    My experience, for instance with pushups was that I worked very hard to be able to do pushups years ago, and finally managed to do it at around age 50 and obese. Now, despite doing strength training at least twice a week and being much lighter, I can't do a single one. And my experience with overhead press, back when I did heavy lifting, was that I just could not increase it significantly, despite working it on regularly. This is not the same experience for all post-menopausal women, but I think as a group it's harder for us.

    Having said all that, I don't think we need to be able to lift a huge amount or to be able to pressups or anything - just to be reasonably strong and maintain muscle. I honestly think any effort we put in to that goal is good. It doesn't have to be serious strength training. Just body weight exercises and stuff. Squats and lunges, wall squats, pressups, side planks, maybe some weights for rows, press, single leg deadlifts, etc. A few minutes, twice a week or so.

    Oh yes, I have moved my furniture back and the doors are done, although they didn't hold up too well and are a bit damaged so doesn't look great and I don't think I can afford to replace them all unfortunately. But it's so good to have them done and be able to close doors!

    Well done on the treadmill, Snoozie! Sounds like you did pretty well to be doing it for the first time in ages. Where I live is quite flat so anything involving an incline completely throws me, lol!

    Vacation planning sounds exciting! I liked the idea of the river cruises and then thought that it might drive me nuts being stuck on a boat while going past everything and not being able to just wander out and explore! I would probably be more interested in a themed holiday: you know those ones where it's art, yoga, horse-riding, wildlife, etc. with a guide and tuition. Not necessarily those things!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol Vail at the vacation thing.. yes I'm just starting to explore the different options and i actually started a little notebook for exactly what you mentioned.. what KIND of holiday do i want.. right now i'm leaning towards a group tour; i don't want to spend the whole trip travelling from place to place but there are a few where you are in the same place for say 2 days and you can do various outings or take your own down time and explore as you want.. there is one where the max time you spend on a bus appears to be about 3 hrs which i could handle.. but its one of the more expensive ones but bonus everything is done for you.. airport transfers/visas/luggage/ etc.. its also about where.. i don't want to go anywhere i've already been altho i'd love to go back to italy most of the tours hit places i have been there rather than the ones i didn't get to see.. there are a few multi country ones too like italy/switzerland or portugal/spain .. but there's so many to choose from and never having done a vacay solo its a little daunting trying to decide what i want lol. I only know that after the gut thing and the back and leg thing, i want to do a trip while i am still able!

    I totally agree with you on the importance of the strength training and tryin to keep whatever muscle we already havce and increase where we can.. i've been following a small video series called "we shape" which has little 1-2 min videos on little moves for strengthening.. like the wall pushups Vail and even things like getting up off the floor and squats (or just getting up from a seated position properly) One thing i learned in both physio and here is that i often put a lot of my weight on the balls of my feet rather than the heels (or even all the foot area) .. even when just walking.. so i find those little videos very helpful for just doing things around the house.. so that's something im paying attention too especially when going from seated to standing

    sorry about your doors Vail but im sure you are happy you can close them at least lol!

    I made a "bastardized" shepherds pie the other day.. i had a tiny bit of lean hamburger (mince) and a whole bunch of 1/2 used frozen veggie bags so I basically just tossed everything i had in.. i think i ended up with 9 veggies in it hahaha.. i didn't put the mashed potato on top but did have a side of pickled beets along with.. it was actually really good i had to stop myself from going back for seconds ha and was a great way to use up all the bits and pieces of veg.

    i did the treadmill again yesterday but i'm feeling the sciatica act up a bit today.. sometimes it helps to keep moving other times it doesnt so will just play it by ear..

    I've decided to continue with my current operation with the RC through february.. it looks like i can pick and choose my shifts for this one which would be perfect but i'll know more friday when i go in.. other than that not much else going on in my world.. we're getting our first big snowstorm today/tonite and frankly its gonna be weird seeing white instead of green .. i have been quite happy with this winter so far its been pretty mild and no snow but that appears to be ending now LOL.. still it's almost February so can't really complain .. but ya know... i will anyway!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh, ignore me about the cruises, lol! It was just that when you said, I thought it sounded wonderful, but then imagined myself stuck on a boat going past interesting places, then stopping somewhere else! But it's no different to if it was a train, and I quite enjoy going past places on a train.

    I am all for everything being done for you re transfers, luggage, etc. So much easier. And if it all goes wrong, it's somebody else's responsibility and it's easy to get insurance to cover it.

    I just remembered that the last time I went abroad, many, many years ago, I was looking at a website called responsibletravel dot com. I can't vouch for the website, but it had some interesting ideas for holidays, and I did end up going with one of the companys that advertised on their website. They had information about sustainability, what they do to support the local community, etc. That was an all inclusive holiday with guides, etc. and it was amazing! I went with just my son as a single parent and it was nice and social being on the planned activities.

    The doors are OK: they were very old and not very nice doors anyway, and I'm just glad to get them done! The guy sorted out another couple of things for me as well.

    I have the same thing as you with the exercise: sometimes it's fine and sometimes it just makes things worse. Your shepherd's pie sounds lovely. I have some mince from the butcher's today, so might do something similar. The local butcher does really good bacon and sausages and I had a "fry-up" last night as a treat, with a little sausage, bacon, fried egg, hash brown, baked beans, mushroom, tomato and spinach, all cooked on the plate in my health grill. It was so good!

    Good luck with the volunteering and stay safe in the snow!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Today would have been my best friend of 32 years 64th birthday. I lost her seven years ago to breast cancer that had developed into brain cancer. Today I also found out that a friend of mine that I’ve known for 21 years now has Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer. She says it’s totally survivable but she doesn’t know what stage it is yet. She starts chemo in one week and expects it to be six months of treatment and recovery. This all has me pretty down and thinking about my own mortality. I absolutely need to focus on my health. An entire month has gone by and I haven’t made any changes. This is a huge wake up call for me.

    We just don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Each day is a new opportunity to do better.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh, Suzy, what awful news! You are so right about not knowing what tomorrow will bring. And that every day is a new opportunity to do better, and also to live and enjoy. I'm so sorry about your friends. It's just so unfair. I lost a lovely friend last year to cancer too, and have lost others over the years. It really makes you re-evaluate things. Hoping for the best for your friend. I do have friends who have survived cancer too: it does seem to be more common now with more awareness and better treatments. I hope your friend's cancer has been caught early.

    Good luck with the focus on your health. I know people say there's no luck involved and it's just down to us, which is true, but I think there's some luck in what comes up in your life and whether that makes it harder or easier so wishing you luck anyway!

    I need to go back to avoiding snacking. I have been finding excuses, whether it's healthy snacks or low calorie snacks. I have to stop buying things that aren't good for me. I was so wanting to eat last night, not hungry, but just really craving something to chew, and in a moment of inspiration I told myself I could have as much celery as I wanted, so ended up eating my way through a whole head of celery. So I'm going to get more celery today and try that. I have to learn to treat wanting to chew differently to genuine hunger.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suz I too am very sorry about your friend.. and you're absolutely right it does give us pause to reflect and remember tomorrow is promised to no one. In truth one of the reasons i have decided to try and book a trip is because of the recent back/leg probs and the gut bug from last year - more so the back/leg as its not getting better and i think what am i waiting for.. who knows what is down the road for any of us so I want to go now while I'm still mobile and relatively healthy. i need to stop worrying about "what if" and just focus on what i can do right now and go with that.

    I never knew how much work it is tho to research trips!! Not just the where but the how lol.. i've never done it for solo travel and holy cow so many things to consider from too long on a bus to packing and unpacking every other day blah blah blah. I can only look for so long til i get cross eyed!! and that's without any particular destination in mind even ha. Anyway i bought a steno pad and im using it to make all my notes and tips about websites from friends and things .. pros and cons etc. of course they all travel with hubbys or sisters or whatever so the solo aspect does impact my decisions, but its a big learning curve!

    I was extended with the current red cross operation til the end of April, but i can schedule my own shifts for this one, so i'm sticking to 2 - 3 shifts a week. I think I told u guys i joined a retiree group on FB and somehow i kind of ended up the organizer for my region - even tho all i did was suggest a coffee meet and greet cause nobody else was doing anything lol. So it's turned into a weekly event with about 14 people as regulars .. sometimes we get a new face which is lovely but i had hoped it would be a starting point for more activities as i didn't sign up to sit around and drink coffee.. also most of them are at least 10-15 yrs older than me so just getting out and meeting up with other people is definitely a bonus for them. i have picked up some great travel tips and even got a handyman from one of the ladies so don't get me wrong, i enjoy going but i'd rather be "doing" something. Someone suggested bowling.. but nobody did anything so i called a local alley where they have the smaller 5 pin balls and set up a bowling thing for them for next week.. its pretty cheap actually and altho i havent bowled in about 40 years and probably wont toss more than a ball or two because of my back, i hope it will be fun for them.

    We are in a cold snap here for a few days temps are around -30C but by tomorrow we should be back to normal around 0. We'vve had a pretty mild winter for us so far; i know its not over by a long shot but we really can't complain too much so far and our groundhog apparently predicted an early spring yesterday so i'm going with him rather than the weatherman ha..

    My eating has been getting better.. back to more veg and less crap but i dont know if its the cold weather or what but i want to eat all the time.. and carby casseroly kinds of things not light meals.. i splurged ona big bag of oranges for evening snack but i discovered a bag of oreos at the back of the cupboard ackkkkkk. so i compromise lol...

    well no doubt i've bored you both silly by now so i will take myself away for another coffee and should probably shower and dress even tho i'm gonna be hunkering down at home today. i got a great deal on some frozen veg so i stocked up on the broccoli and i may make a big batch of the skinnytaste broccoli cheddar soup to freeze as my soup/stew stock is geting low in the freezer. oh right.. i was leaving .. hahaha... here i go!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Looks like you have "volunteered" yourself as group organiser! I hope the bowling is fun. Hopefully somebody will step as a kind of co-leader so you're not doing it all yourself. There are a couple of similar groups running here, and they have things like theatre and cinema, book groups, walks, etc. as well as the coffee meetings. I keep meaning to go to something but they things I want to go tend to have booked up by the time I notice them. Do watch your back with bowling. I ended up with sciatica after a bowling session!

    Good luck with the trip planning. I travelled solo sometimes when I was younger and it was fun. Back then I was happy to take a guide book and book into youth hostels or similar. But I think I would want more planning now! One of my friends went on a solo singles holiday a couple of years ago that was a package holiday. She enjoyed it and it was quite social being with a group. Another friend has been on coach holidays, but she did tend to be the youngest person there. I don't think any of these are the sort of things you're looking for! Oh, I also have friends who have gone solo on retreat type holidays, for meditation, yoga, etc.

    Good point about packing and unpacking and time on a bus. I suppose that's where a river cruise would be nice as at least you wouldn't have that to deal with!