2023: Envision where you want to be: Focus on health, energy, vitality!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Welcome home Suzy! You totally deserved the pajama day my friend.. and more lol.. as Vail said I know it was hard on you but i also know how grateful your niece was to have someone with her.. nothing scarier than being sick or recovering from surgery when you are all on your own - let alone with a little one depending on you as well.

    ha ha on just breathing bringing on the food fest.. totally get that! Vail i almost choked on my coffee reading yours because omg i would have done exactly the same thing with the brownies!! No WAY would i have been "done out" of my treat either LOL AND i currently have a very large brownie in the freezer myself LOL.. i didn't have the brains to cut it up in 4 reasonable pieces, probably assuming i could just cut a piece off at a time.. ya... right.. that'll happen once its out!

    So my endo and I did NOT break up ... but that's ok because right now she's my new best friend LOL.. she was very thorough and when i mentioned i still have the nausea now and then in the mornings, which i put down to remenants of the gut issue.. she said it could be the metformin which is one of hte drugs i'm on for the T2 diabetes.. even tho i've been on it a long time she said it could be causing the prob.. and because my A1C has been holding steady at around 6.6 for the past 18 months or so, she wants me to try an experiment...

    So for two weeks I am to STOP all my metformin completely for two weeks and test my BS twice a day; one fasting and one 2 hrs after a meal and see where the numbers are and if my sugars spike or stay within range... there are 4 possible outcomes.. door #1; sugars stay stable and the gut issue disappears.. door #2 sugars stay stable, gut stays bad door #3: sugars spike but gut improves door #4: sugars spike and gut stays bad..


    i know it's just an experiment but honest to god... dropping 4 pills a day??? would literally be a dream come true for me... i still take one other pill a day for the T2... but to be able to drop 4 others a day?
    omg... so i started on Sunday.. this will be day 3 and so far.. fasting numbers are great.. one meal spike but the others are within range.. its very weird tho (but in a good way) because of course i have a routine for taking all my meds so in the back of my head im still think at some point in the day omg did i forget to take my pills? hahah.. and then i get stressed out before testing thinking what if it spiked? its like i want to see the results.. but i dont in case they aren't what i want to see haha.. but i am thrilled beyond measure and I have definitely decided that it will be door #1 for me.. !!

    so of course i'm trying to eat so well for these two weeks lol.. but i know there will be a day when i have something junky which is the reality of my world.. so we will see but keep your fingers crossed for me please ladies!

    I wish i had your weather Suzy... winter is hanging on here to the bitter end it seems.. but spring is only 2 weeks away on the calendar.. as long as mother nature cooperates its all good. I did another 3 games of pickleball yesterday and so far knock wood doing ok with the back.. i'm taking the retiree group bowling this afternoon... last time i found that quite hard on my back so i think this time i'll just stand at the line and throw it down the lane LOL.. I picked up a couple of $2 lotto tickets to give out as surprise prizes for top score, most improved.. hardest try hahah.. just as a giggle. We're having a St Patricks day coffee meet up on the 15th and I hit the dollar store and got some cheap decorations for the tables as well as some green and white striped candies and some gold wrapped ones to put in some goodie bags, and a bag of gold coins which i will put in a bag and mark one somehow .. maybe i can find a green marker and draw on one.. then i can have them all reach in and grab one for a prize for who finds it..

    I will say i am now kind of enjoying doing a bit of the organizing of events for the group.. its keeping my brain active. and because one of the women is a foodie, she has taken over organizing the lunch/dinner events god bless her... we're doing a theme of around the world in 80 meals.. picking restaurants like Thai, Mexican, Greek, Japanese, korean etc so that will be fun and takes a lot of pressure off me.

    I have an idea on trying to put together some kind of "Amazing Race Scavenger Hunt" thing when the weather gets better.. haven't quite figured out how to pull that off but its in my list of ideas. The group has said they would also like to do a day trip somewhere (like a bus tour to niagara falls or something.. altho most of us have been to the falls so many times over the years when we have visitors... that may be off the table lol) but i have a few of those to look at as well.

    So between that and my shifts at the red cross, I'm not crazy busy but enough to keep me active and moving either my brain or my body parts for the moment.. so its all good.

    And now i've probably put you both to sleep reading this so away i will go LOL
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I totally would have bought the brownies. What a great idea to cut them up before freezing. That is a very similar ninja cooker. I’m excited about it and yes, I have a dishwasher so hopefully it will be easy to clean.

    I love the idea of the 80 dinners, Snoozie. That’s so inventive! I would love to try different national foods but my husband isn’t that adventurous. You really are basically a “cruise director” aren’t you? I’m sure they appreciate everything you’re doing.

    What fantastic news on the meds!!! I’ve got all my fingers crossed for you! That’s great incentive to eat better, too. You’ve got this! Door #1 all the way!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks for keeping those fingers crossed Suzy lol! That's so cool u got to try the ninja thing at your nieces and now you have Vail as your "tips and tricks" guru to use it.

    Ha on the cruise director... yes I guess i am but on land! We had a hoot at bowling today.. i'll see if i can post the group pic we had taken. Some of these supposed seniors amaze me .. they are travelling all over the place and going to all kinds of local theatre shows and taking fitness classes .. i swear i feel like a slug next to some of them! and keeping in mind most are at least a decade older! But I'm choosing to look at it as inspiration now instead of depressing the heck out of me lol.. i also learned bowling is not for wimps lol.. my thighs are screaming tonite and my back is a bit sore altho i was pretty careful or tried to be.. but its not horrible so counting my blessings!

    and i get it on hubby not being as adventurous.. there are actually a few married ladies in our group who's hubbys aren't interested so they just come on their own along with the rest of us LOL! How are your new volunteer positions going btw? i know you havent been around for a bit with looking after your niece but hope you are finding you are enjoying them?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I am enjoying the volunteer projects so far. Tonight, at the Arts Center board meeting, I found out that I’ve been volunteered to run a game night as a fund raiser. Lol. It’s not until June so I’ll figure it out. I’ve also created an online college application process and chair the committee that will select the three recipients of our scholarships. I’m excited about that one. I’ve got two projects coming up in May and I’m throwing a shower for my daughter in April. I’m busier than I’ve been since my kids left home. Lol.

    Take it easy on your back, Snoozie! Maybe some ice or heat tonight would help. I’m glad you had a good time.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Wow Suzy! That must be such satisfying work all around but specially in being able to be part of the decision making on scholarships which can changes kids lives.. well done you! HAHAHA on the being "voluntold" - that's what happens when you are away you get voted in for stuff ha!! Sounds like a lot of hard work for the game night but will be totally fun for those who get to just go LOL. I totally forgot to be honest that you are getting another grandbaby!! woo to the hoo! Although showers of any kind these days are also a lot of work!! The last shower i had to host was a bridal one i think about 10 years ago? actually probably closer to 12 and that's the one i did the big jeopardy board for .... and altho the bride's sister begged me to take part, it ended up costing me a fortune too as she did squat in the end! Now I'm just happy i only have to be involved in the fun part of going to showers - but I can still feel for all the hard work you have coming up. Of course, when it's family the work doesn't matter you do it because you want to... but it's still a lot so you have a very busy time ahead!

    I'm pretty good this morning "ouch" wise.. only a little stiff here and there lol.. which is a win in my book. But i have 4 days off from everything coming up after today and i'll probably start whining that i'm bored... so feel free to slap me upside the head if i do!

    Have a great day ladies... it's international women's day today so my hat's off to 2 of the strongest women i know!!! Cheers to us!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Cheers to us! Who is more awesome than us! We rock!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm just flying by this morning, but just wanted to say yay to us women as well! You two are inspirational to me! And I am so excited about your blood sugar trial, Snoozie! Fingers crossed for the best results. And your work with the Arts Center also sounds pretty exciting, Suzy!

    Will check in another day when I'm not rushing.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I hope things are going well for you ladies. How is the baby shower planning going, Suzy? You are busy as ever with that and your other projects! Let me know if you get that Ninja cooker and what you cook in it!

    I'm glad you enjoyed the bowling with no lasting side effects, Snoozie! How is your trial going?

    I don't have much to add, my eating has been absolutely terrible! The usual eating healthy food most of the time, but then giving into cravings for rubbish. I'm having a big clear out today and getting rid of some unhealthy food, which I know is wasteful, but trying to make it easier for myself. I know what I need to eat and am perfectly capable of cooking tasty meals so need to get on and do it properly!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hiya! Sorry i havent posted in a few days its actually been a crazy busy week (but that's a good thing i'm finding out lol). I did a St Patricks day themed coffee meet for our retirees group yesterday; i'll try to post a few of the fun pics (i always get permission from everyone to post photos beforehand) but it was a fair bit of work (anyone need some St Pats day decorations btw?? ) hahah.. i bought a few fun things at the dollar store like a bucket of gold coins (leprechaun luck) and they had to draw one of the marked ones to win a lotto ticket... except i had one for everyone i just wanted them to work for it.. hahaha..

    Anyway between that and my RC shifts and trying to get together with friends ive been keeping busy.. the upside is i don't have time to snack a lot at home.. the downside is most of these meet ups with everyone involve FOOD... next week i have 2 lunches ... sigh.... i can't wait til the nice weather starts so we can start booking some walks and more active stuff!! I have tried to be pretty good at my choices expecially with the trial i have going on with my meds... but i figure i might as well mix in the "off" days during the tests results as they are a reality in our lives right? it's not like im gonna eat perfect 24/7

    My two week experiment ends Sunday.. so far, other than the very first night all my numbers have been within range, but at the very high end .. 2 hrs after eating range is 5-10 and my doc wants me at 8 or less... but most have been running around 9-9.5. It's weird tho .. because i test after different meals, the after lunch ones are much lower than the after dinner ones.. im thinking it may be because i am more active physically during the day .... whereas at night.. i tend to sit on my butt after dinner. i was going for a 10-15 min walk after dinner to see if that helped but i havent really seen that much of a difference in the numbers...

    anyway, i will check with my doc next week when it's done and either ask her to do another week just to keep seeing how its doing... or she will tell me i can stop or go back on them.. im still determined to get door #1 tho!!

    Suzy as Vail asked - how is all the baby and volunteer stuff going? and i keep meaning to ask how your foot is now.....

    Vail i get your struggle between waste and tossing out the crap.... i KNOW if i have good healthy food whether it be meals or snacks available, i will choose to eat that... but if it isnt there and ready when i;m hungry i head straight for the crap...... arghhhhhhhhhh lol

    im off for a shift this afternoon so better get my butt in gear!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Snoozie, I can't stop chuckling at the moment because I read your comment about not having to time to snack, and was thinking that no matter how little time I had, I would manage to fit a snack in as a priority! But I know what you mean. It definitely helps to have a distraction, and sitting doing nothing does seem to make snacks come to the forefront of your mind!

    It sounds like you are really busy in a good way! What a nice idea for the themed coffee meet.

    Interesting to hear about your experiment and how it's different for different meals, even with the added exercise. I hope you do get to do another week. It's frustrating because it sounds like your numbers are actually good, just not quite low enough for that target. Maybe your doc would have some ideas about the evening numbers? I test my cat now and then, and his blood sugar is affected by stress. Just wondering if it could be because it's the end of a busy day?

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hiya Vail.... yes i've been wondering about the "when" of testing... i know there are certain spikes like one known as the "dawn" one or something lol... and after i test i usually try to look at what i ate for that meal... just to try to think ok was it all carbs or whatever.. but so far i haven't seen a pattern that i can identify or a food that might be a spike.. weird tho... one night i was coming home from shift and i stopped and grabbed a kids size burger from a fast food place...i was starving and figured would not be pretty on the testing yet it was one of the lowest ones after?? it was just a kid size burger so i dunno if that made a difference lol.. but anyway i am still very pleased that without the meds i am still in range, even if it is at the higher end. oh and yes stress and being sick can mess up your blood sugars just hard to tell if that could be it at times I guess. Only a few days left in the experiment tho so i'll keep ya updated next week when i send em in

    and yes i think honestly being busy doesvat least keep my snout out of the cupboards.. i find if i have nothing on especially at night i start rummaging thru looking for something .. even if i'm not hungry. Of course when i say keeping busy, that does NOT mean i am actually tackling mundane things like laundry and house cleaning which i should be doing LOL...

    Next week i have two lunches out; one with friends one with the seniors group.. i already looked at the menus for both places and have figured out what would be the best choice health wise.. one is an easy one they have fresh veg and a very small steak dish i've had before which is yummy, but the other one.. the serving is literally a platter for each meal... one serving could feed 3 people so i've pretty much decided to just choose an appy lol. i have to put some planning in or with all these coffee meets and lunches i could get in serious trouble ha ha..

    It looks like after this weekend we MAY be getting into an actual spring.. temps going up to around 8C so am definitely planning to start walking again every day. and hopefully keep easing my way back into pickleball but i have decided at future bowling events, i will just be the organizer and photographer... that action is way too hard on my back and twice now afterwards i have totally felt it... so scratch that one lol

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Love the photos, Snoozie! So funny, stealing the lotto ticket! Well done for organising all that. You are inspiring me to make the effort to go out and meet some new people.

    These days if I'm eating out I tend to just have what I want, as it's a rare occasion, but I understand if you're doing it regularly you have to be a bit more careful. Hope you find something you enjoy on the appetiser menu. You are probably right to do this. I'm just thinking about the last time I was out for a lunch and just chose what I wanted on the menu. It was part of a chain so had the calories on the menu, and I ate around 2000 calories in two course, even with choosing a smaller portion! Just for lunch! I think my days maintenance calories are around 1400! Anyway, the thing was I had no trouble eating it (and could have eaten more), but also I feel it maybe helped spark off some of the overeating I did over the next few days. So I think you are right to control the eating out, especially while you're doing this experiment.

    Interesting about the burger not affecting things. On my programme that I'm still signed up for, they were talking recently about blood sugar after eating and a couple of the people experimented with changing things around. They were mentioning that adding protein and fat seemed to mitigate the effect of the sugar from the carbs, and they didn't get the spike they got. (I'm sure you'll be much more aware of this, being diabetic!) I suppose the thing with the child's burger might have been that the burger balanced out the carbs, as well as it being a small/normal portion?

    We are getting warmer weather here too, which is great. I have been out gardening, oh wow, I'd forgotten how much work it is! Actually missed my exercise session for the day because I was so tired afterwards! I have brambles and nettles and so on coming up every year and it's such a pain trying to keep cutting them back, but this time I decided to dig down and there's a whole network of roots under the garden. Have been trying to dig them out and it's such hard work!

    Oh Suzy, I tried to make meringues in my Ninja grill yesterday! Unfortunately, not the greatest idea. It has lots of settings but I couldn't find the right temperature for meringues so had to cook them a little higher and for a shorter time. But the worst thing was, although I thought I'd stuck down the greaseproof paper it came up and I think was flying around inside the cooker so bits of meringue got everwhere. I had to clean it all out then weighed down the paper with some cookware and had another go. The meringues were actually delicious with some greek yoghurt and berries (chewy/crispy which is my preference), but next time I'll look to see if there's a better way to do things! I had cleared out my treats and was craving meringues. It's only one egg white, right? But all that sugar!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail its funny because you live alone as i do, and altho i am usually perfectly happy with my own company, i find i am quite enjoying meeting new people even if it hasn't worked out exactly as i had planned.. with being more of an organizer people consider me the "leader" of the group now which i didn't want at all.. LOL.. but as there are both married and single people of both sexes in the our group (the hubbys just dont wanna come hence why there are more women always!) im quite surprised at how much they really enjoy getting together. It all started with just a question if anyone in my area wanted to get together for a coffee so we could meet each other.. and over the last 3 months its grown.. i think one reason is that we often post photos of our group after a get together in the private FB page.. and people see the photos and think hmmm.. maybe i'll go one day... so it's grown to about 12-15 regulars and over the past few weeks we've had about 6 new people come out .. myself and other lady who is also helping with organizing things (thank god) always try to make sure we greet the new people by name and spend a few min talking to them because i know how hard it can be for someone to arrive new into a somewhat established group.. and its really important to make them feel very welcome their first time out. plus everyone in the group is very friendly... we also have everyone do a 30 second intro of themselves anytime there is someone new with us.. nothing big just a "hi im Snoozie i've been retired for 3 years and i do volunteer work and play pickleball and i love reading and walking" its very helpful because usually someone will say oh i keep wanting to try pickleball.. or hey im a retired nurse as well and they make a connection with someone.. and now i've lost my train of thought..

    oh yeah... the whole point of that long diatribe was that im surprised how many of them comment on the pics after and say they had such a great time meeting everyone .. even if its only a coffee meet or the bowling or whatever.. it really seems to have a positive impact on them to just get out and get together with other people .. there is some isolation when you are older and live alone anyway, and i think after covid and add in the winter .. just surprises me each time i guess how much they enjoy a get together.

    and yes your right i remember from my initial diabetes class the 3 "blockers" if you will that help slow down the rush of carbs/sugar ... protein and fats and there was one more but i cant remember what it is LOL.. but for instance a dish of straight pasta would be nothing but carbs/sugar and cause a huge spike.. but if you instead you made small amount of pasta and added chicken for protein and vegetables.. those would help slow down any carb/sugar spike from the pasta and level it out more slowly..

    and its funny cause before.. i would happily sit down to a huge bowl of just spagetti and tomato sauce.. and enjoy every bite! after that class i would actually only cook the small amount of pasta that is an actual serving, but add a protein and a whole lot of veg... and in the end it was still a huge bowl of food without the huge amount of pasta and it was completely satisfying and yummy.. so i didn't feel deprived lol.

    and yes normally eating out for me i wouldnt worry at all about what i have... but as these meals are becoming more frequent with this group i am definitely going to have to be careful!!

    OHHHHHH on your garden!! Good for you.. but omg yes the work!! lol i had to decide whether to do this year in my community garden as well... but as you say it is a LOT of physical labour to keep any kind of garden or yard... sigh.. but i said yes so we'll see what happens when it re opens in May LOL. jUST DIGGing in the dirt to plant something was very hard on me physically i cannot even imagine what you're going thru digging out roots and brambles... wow!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hello y’all! Sorry I’ve been missing. Just caught up on all your posts. Snoozie, the whole testing and results thing is so foreign to me. I really hope you can do another week and figure it all out. I was interested in what you were saying about adding protein to carb meals and how it balances out. Sounds like a good plan. I know I’ve been eating more pasta lately and need to cut it out !

    Vail, I absolutely hate yard work. Digging out roots and those stringy feeders is my definition of torture. We have some invasive ivy and lilies that we are always having to dig up. It just won’t die!

    I’m staying busy but it isn’t keeping me from eating junk, unfortunately. I just unpacked my Ninja Foodie today so I’m going to start finding meals to make in it. I really want to try air fryer salmon and roasting some veggies.

    The baby shower is coming together. The friend that I’m co-hosting with wants to do a coffee bar and dessert table. Ugh. Hopefully I’ll be too busy hosting to eat. We’re going to a community theater murder mystery dinner on Saturday. Then I’m taking my daughter and granddaughter to see a local community theater production of 101 Dalmatians on Sunday. I hope the three year old can sit still long enough to see it. Lol. I’ve also got four projects in the woman’s club coming up that I’m in charge of. I am making a few friends though, so that’s good.

    Still not finding my focus when it comes to my health. I know last year’s topic was making ourself the priority and I never mastered that and now I’m struggling with the health, energy, vitality topic. There’s no way my numbers will be any better at my next test if I don’t get on the ball.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy all the jibber jabber i put about the testing boils down to.... me being able to stop taking 5 pills a day if my blood sugar stays stable without them ..

    im glad the shower is coming together... ohhhhh so cool on the community theater murder mystery AND 101 dalmations!!! our community theatres here i have recently discovered have some awesome shows and much cheapter than the big production ones.. i'll still treat myself to any of those i desperately want to see but in the interim there are loads at the community theatre.. one of them is doing Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in april which was one of my all time favourite movies as a kid - i would def to see that one if i can get a ticket still ..

    Wowsa on the four projects in the woman's club.. you sound crazy busy which i know can be a great thing... but it does make putting yourself as a priority difficult for sure!! Maybe after the shower you'll get a little more time to work with the ninja and get a little more time for looking after yourself..

    Vail those brambles and roots didn't get you did they?? I picture them coming alive and grabbing at ya lol
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I thought I had posted here and it's gone! I hope you've recovered from looking after family, Suzy. You still sound very busy with everything. The mystery dinner sounds really good fun! And the theatre trips. You just never know at that age if they can sit still for that long, but it will be such an experience. I went to the theatre the other day, just to see a comedian. It was so good to be laughing with a load of people!

    I love that you have thrown yourself into the women's club and are doing so much! And making friends! I complain that I don't meet new friends and I've been living in the same house for years, whereas you've moved somewhere new and are getting on with it!

    I joined a gardening group in the hope I could get some tips for my garden, but it's all a bit beyond me. It's complicated by my hay fever, which has been so bad the last few years. I think I'm just looking for plants that are hypoallergenic and easy to look after. I'm still digging out the weeds! Yes, it does feel like they're grabbing me!

    Eating has been rubbbish for me, have been meeting up with friends and that seems to give me an excuse to overeat. So if you see weight loss in my feed, it's just that gain coming off. On the good side, I am eating lots of fruit and veg. But too much bread, etc.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Vail & Suzy

    Well, I am doing the happy dance this morning. I sent in my 2 weeks testing of blood sugar levels to my endo yesterday morning and she called back just after noon to say they were "pretty good" SO I GET TO DROP THOSE MEDS COMPLETELY YEE HAW.. i also get to end my thryoid meds in a week.. so that will be FIVE pills a day i no longer have to take... yippee lol. She will test all the numbers again in 3 months just to be sure all is still well, but i have already decided it will be lol. I just need to remember that motivation going forward... im not going to lie tho.. i did indulge in some chips and dip last night.. moronic really on the day i get the news i can drop the diabetes meds.. but have to say i didn't really enjoy them as much as usual.. i still ate the damn things... but its out of my system now and honestly, i am just going to keep reminding myself every single day - do yo uwanna stay off the meds? then trade in those chips for broccoli woman lol.. its a pretty damn good motivator for me right now

    Vail im so glad you went out to the comedy club! There is a pretty famous comedy troupe coming here in June and coincidentally i had just written it down as a possible outing for the seniors group! And good on ya for joining the gardening club! My skills there are so limited so i'm impressed! I did sign up to do my garden again this year ... but i'm going to restrict it to the things that grew so well last year lol.. i may try some romaine lettuce as the leaf lettuce didnt make it but otherwise will just be the tomatos (cherries and a few regular ones), carrots and strawberries this time around.

    Suzy when is the actual shower? Enjoy the murder mystery tomorrow.. i went to one years ago and it was quite fun.. I can't remember if i guessed "whodunit" but i don't think i did lol..

    i wouldnt worry too much about the attention span of your grand daughter at the 101 dalmations.. a lot of kids shows realize with little ones its often goes offside when they get distracted and plan for it.. i actually used to enjoy doing the occasional kids shows when i was a volunteer usher at the theatre.. especially the Christmas swan lake ballet one for kids because all the little girls came in tuts and dressed like princesses and the lead ballerina would pose for pics with them after the show lol.. i hope you have fun!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh wow, Snoozie! I am over the moon for you! That's amazing news. I think it gets harder and harder to improve our health as we get older as some things just naturally get a bit worse over time, but you have completely bucked that trend! You do have quite a healthy lifestyle, so it's nice to see that showing in the results! You said your eating wasn't perfect while on the trial, so I'm sure it will be OK to have the occasional imperfect eating over the next three months. But yes, brilliant to be able to have being med-free as a motivator.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks Vail... i still remember going thru a bit of a .. mood lets say... when my doc had added yet another pill last time... i was taking i think a total of 11 a day then including the baby aspirin and COQ10 and it messed with my head for sure. So yes .. this is huge for me and i am over the moon as well.. I definitely need to up the physical movement stuff now ... I went for a long walk yesterday afternoon as it was pretty mild (5C) and I managed 50 minutes... but on the way back i was already feeling it in my legs.. not suprising as i havent been walking other than here and there thru the winter, so that's my current goal now that its not bitching cold anymore is to get out and walk every day .. i say that as its pouring rain today and 80km/h winds lol... but def going to get cracking on that goal..

    I'm still in my pajamas at 10am so i best be getting my butt in gear... tonite is the murder mystery i think Suzy please let us know how it went!! Vail good luck with the plant pulling....lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Five less pills a day is phenomenal! Congratulations Snoozie! We’re so proud of you for going against the statistics and actually getting healthy enough to stop some medications. That’s just…wow!!!! I think it’s great that you weren’t perfect because no one is and you won’t have to worry if you have a treat here and there.

    Yay for warmer weather!!! It has been absolutely lovely here the last few days. We have had a little rain but at least it’s warmer.

    Yesterday evening was the murder mystery dinner theater. It was pretty good. It had its funny moments and a few twists. We enjoyed it. Today was 101 Dalmatians with my granddaughter. It was just a thirty minute play (which was a surprise) so she didn’t lose interest. It was cute and she was mesmerized by the kids in the play. Turns out it was a children’s production so all the actors were children, even the director was about 16. We went to the toy store afterwards and I got to spoil her.

    I’ve seen a few photos of myself lately and it’s just depressing. I need to blow them up and put them on my fridge.