Super Strong Squatters - September check in and chat



  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Dani - What was that lady's name who benched 250?? Was it Jennifer Thompson?

    Kira - Thanks! I feel like I'm on track to advance my PRs if I didn't have to keep traveling. I'm going to do what I can and will probably get two days a week in under the bar and then do a dumbbell workout at the hotel midweek. Thankfully, once we wrap up what we are doing right now, we will have a few months of no travel so I can get back into a better routine.

    ETA - Oh....and now I'm thinking about breakfast cookies. I'm seeing a banana walnut and bacon and maple cookie in my future. Made with protein powder for the extra bonus.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Holy cow Daisybee - that was a LOT of lifting. Like, maybe too much. With Texas, your volume day is 5x5 @ 85% of your maximum, and still only 1x5 on DL's. So yeah, you crammed a week of lifting in to one day. :smile: Also, volume is usually followed by active recovery (2x5 at 60% of your max) and then an intensity day (1x5 at 102-110% of your max, depending on the lift). Please, please, eat a crap ton of food over the next few days and get some rest - your body is going to need it!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Dani - What was that lady's name who benched 250?? Was it Jennifer Thompson?

    No ma'am. Professional body builder Kris Clark. That woman can move some serious weight around. In her 50s too (so actually older than me). Good-ness!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I'm trying to concentrate on Daisy's numbers but I'm too distracted by the awesome tattoo! It's mesmerizing.
  • jw203
    jw203 Posts: 50 Member
    I've had nearly a month off lifting properly (just the occasional work out) for various reasons, but I went back today. Deloaded a lot from where I was to focus on form and hopefully now I can build back up and smash through what I was lifting before.

    My first work out back in the zone:

    Squats -50kg-5x5
    Deadlift - 60kg 1x5, 65kg 1x5

    It really helps reading about all of your success to spur me on - having to deload so much and start again is a bit disheartening to begin with so THANK YOU, ladies.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    jw203 - I am learning that deloads are just a part of the lifting process. Without them your body gets exhausted, and sometimes life claims greater priority - The weights will always be there, just waiting for us to come back. :smile:

    My two-in-one Wendler extravaganza did me in DOMS-wise. It took me almost 20 minutes to get warmed up and mobile before I started lifting today, LOL.

    Wendler Week 2 - shoulders
    1x3 @60
    5x10 @45

    Then a quick complex with a medicine ball and HIIT on the bike. Then a looooot of stretching and foam rolling. :smile:
  • bek48
    bek48 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Just wanted to butt in and say hello. I've been lifting heavyish dumbbells for a while now, and I finally manned up (womanned up?) last week and jumped into 5x5. This stuff is so addicting, I love it! I find myself wishing everyday was a lift day!

    Anyway, I creeped on the forums for a while before joining this group, you all are amazing and totally motivate me. Probably would've stuck with dumbbells if I hadn't seen some great success stories! :)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Kira - I hope your wee one won't want to be picked up later today. That is a heck of a lot of OHP. :happy:

    I didn't hit the gym before I left for travel, but I think I managed with the slim pickings of the hotel gym. Really, this place has 1 set of 5's, 2 sets of 10s, 1 set 20's, 1 set 30s, 1 set 35s, 2 sets 40s and 1 set 50s. Also has a chest press machine, quad machine, and a ab crunch machine. And the standard cardio. They need a fitness person to pick out what to get.

    Any I said, I managed to put a decent workout together and a dumbbell version of WO A:

    5x10 goblet squats @ 50 lbs
    5x5 dumbbell bench press with 2x35lbs
    5x5 (each arm) one arm pendlay rows with 40 lbs

    Then added 3x 20 paces death march with 2x 20lbs, 3x10 (each side) body weight Bulgarian split squats, and 3x10 exercise ball pikes.

    Tomorrow will be a cardio day if I do anything. I don't have a little kitchen in this hotel so it is a week of eating out.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    ^^And that, folks, is how you make the best of a not-ideal situation. :smile:

    And yeah, I'm curious to see if I can raise my arms over my head tomorrow.
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Are these folks you met at the Lifting Meet and Greet? Pretty astonishing!

    Oops! Wrong place to post. This was meant for Dani.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Note to self - don't plan on going to Irish step dance class two hours after deadlifting 200 lbs. At least it was a shorter class than usual, but I know I wasn't kicking as high or stepping as quickly as a should have.

    Volume day - Squats 4x5@160. Again, I feel like I get four good reps, and then the form gets iffy (like not quite to parallel) on the 5th rep.
    OHP - 3x4@90 Can't get that 5th rep there either, although I feel like I'm getting closer, since I got 4 reps three times in a row. According to the Texas spreadsheet, I'm supposed to attempt 105 on Friday for a 2 rep set. :laugh: Not gonna happen.
    DL - 1x5@205 - Felt better to do them mid-day after eating regular food, but I still prefer lifting in the morning to get it out of the way.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Are these folks you met at the Lifting Meet and Greet? Pretty astonishing!

    Oops! Wrong place to post. This was meant for Dani.

    It was great fun. They decided to make me do math (that's what I get for offering to help out). I'm OCD about getting things right, so in my double- and triple-checking, I missed some of the record deadlifting goings-on.

    Nother meet in November, should be a blast! If y'all have one scheduled nearby, you should go watch!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Great workout today! I did 130x5 squat, 117x5 bench, and 83x5 row. I also did 3x8 dips supersetted with toe planks. I felt like I could have done some prowler sprints, but it was Mr. Trees birthday so I came home so we could hang out. Hopefully I have enough energy on Wed to get some in.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    I'm trying to concentrate on Daisy's numbers but I'm too distracted by the awesome tattoo! It's mesmerizing.

    Agreed! Also, can I say how awed I am by y'all's volume! It's very impressive, and exciting to see the payoff for you.

    Back from vacay (boo!) and back at the gym. Since it was my first lifting session in a week (which was in turn my first session after a week's rest), I basically repeated my last session:
    WO A
    Squats - 5x5@90 lbs
    Bench - 1x5@ 90 lbs, then dropped to 4x5@ 85 lbs
    Rows - 5x5@ 70 lbs.

    Things I'm discovering in this big deload-to-save-my-back:
    1) getting much lower on squats. Previously I was up to 120, but between my back, and a cranky groin, I wasn't getting as low as I needed too, and I wasn't feeling it in my butt/hammies - at all. Now, these feel 100% different, and I'm excited to move up

    2) The rows and my back do not get along. At ALL. I was so psyched to lift last week, feeling 100%, and when I finished rows, my back was aching again. Same thing today. I got great advice from you ladies on form, and I think my form is pretty spot on - but I think bearing the weight in that flat-backed position is not doing me any favors. I'm contemplating either A) ditching the pendlay rows in favor of some other lift (what, I don't know) or B) just keeping it low. I've gotten as high as 75 lbs on rows, and dropped weight to focus on maintaining the flat back - but it hurt last week at 65 and today at 70, and anything lower doesn't feel very heavy for my shoulders/back. It wouldn't feel like lifting "heavy"

    Would appreciate feedback on the rows - to drop them or make them a lighter-weight exercise? Thoughts?

    Erm, also, boot camp workout today was a combo of resistance bands/higher reps on upper body plus a lot of ab work and planks, and some running.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well I am week 1 into lifting...

    I did not however start with an empty bar...yesterday was workout b 2nd time

    Squat 5x5 @ 75lbs
    OHP 6x5 @ 45lbs (checked my form and did the last two sets with a tweak and it was much better)
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 85lbs

    Wednesday Workout A should be

    Squat 5x5 @80lb
    Bench press 5x5 @ 70lb
    Row 5x5 @70lb

    I have been moving up 5lbs on all except DLs where it is 10lb but I may have to increase as I am not fatigued...:grumble: but since I haven't touched any weights in 10 years I didn't want to over do it either...
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    you will be increasing every session, that's 30lbs each fortnight on deadlifts. it won't take long before it is challenging!
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Strong start Stephanie!
    Don't rush adding weight - focus on perfect form while the weight isn't challenging, then you'll have good muscle memory for doing them right as it adds up. That's what I tell myself, at least.

    Bootcamp this morning was 100 body weight squats (20 each of air squats, Bulgarians, side to side squats, sumos, and squat w/ alternating knee-ups), 100 lunges (20 each regular, knee-ups, v-lunges, Charlie's angels, and lunge twists), and 2.6 mile run. (There were also 1 minute stair intervals x5, but as I was leading, didn't do the intervals). After squats last night, my booty is D.O.N.E. done!

    Lydia - The Shoes, I presume? So cute!

    Re: barbell math, my hubs and I have 2 different systems, and when we lift together, he loads my bars allllll wrong. It's not *that* tricky, but its like we're speaking different languages.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Wow Stephanie that is a pretty impressive first week!

    I lifted a day late so b day today.

    5x5 squats at 35kg or 77lb

    5x5 ohp at 20kg or 45lb. First time ever and I had to adjust my grip to manage my last set.

    1x5 deadlift at 52.5kg or 115lb so close to body weight there. Friday and I will be there!

    Going to go tomorrow as well and have a real good session in addition to my 5x5 then rest Thursday and see what I can do Friday!

    I feel I have been cheating a little with my OHP - at the gym they have little preloaded bars at various weights from 12.5 to 20kg. They are around 3'6" long and narrower than a oly bar even though the 20kg is in theory the same weight I will be interested to see how I actually go on with the oly bar on friday as it is that much longer and simply more awkward to lift and move about. Hopefully I will feel good with it and get another 2.5kg on there :D
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Yes! Garish shoes! So.. shoes for squat, anything else I can wear them for? Rows? OHP? Bench I assume is immaterial. Reads should be back to deck shoes I guess? Thanks!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    They look great. How do they feel?