Super Strong Squatters - September check in and chat



  • inkysmurf
    I changed my lifting and now do wed/fri/sun - I eat a bit more over the weekend so this works for me.

    Didn't hit my 87.5kg/192.9lbs deadlift goal this morning (still at 85kg/187.3lbs) - but just had a lovely morning of lifting - you know one of those sessions that just feel good. felt form was really good on everything and I felt "strong" I love lifting up heavy things.

    Chubby those nos are awesome!
    Yo becca - huraahhh - hope your back is doing ok?
    roxy - aggghhhh barbell maths - it gets us all.

    Squats 5x5@80kg/176lbs - slight deload but just working on my form and feeling confident at that weight.
    Ohp 5x5 @25kg/55lbs - felt great
    Deadlift 1x85kg/187.3lbs - felt great and looking forward to hopefully moving up on 87.5kg/192.9lbs on Sunday ... baby steps to get to 100kg

    happy lifting xx

    P.s where can I find a nice man like that to help me with my "lifts"....
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    hey daisy great numbers :)

    did you change your warm up lifts for the deadlift? was you feeling better at 85? Confident you will hit 100 by the end of the month :))
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Daisy those numbers are awesome - you are so close to your 100kg dead lift!
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    I've been MIA for a while - had a week's vacation without any lifting. Am now back into my routine but haven't been organized to post my progress. Kids back to school, planning birthday party,etc. Deloaded again after vacation - and am still working on form. My squats still feel off, but I'm feeling stronger on all my other lifts.

    Workout A last night:
    Squats 75 lbs - 5x5 - still a bit weak and wobbly at the bottom. Need to get organized and post a form check video.
    Bench 70 lbs - 5x5 - slow/no progression in weight, but finally feeling like my strength is balancing out and form is good
    T-bar row: 75 lbs 5x5 - I do feel that ROM is limited with the machine, but I still feel like I'm benefiting.

    Ran 6 km on Sunday - felt pretty good. I need to work on getting my runs in more reliably if I'm going to survive that 10 km race in November!!

  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Lydia - I'm right there with you concerning the lady issues. I also have PCOS and rarely ever had a period on my own. After having my son (with the help of meds) I got an IUD and figured I would go back to no cycle since that is the case for most women with one. NOPE. After losing the weight and fat through cardio and lifting, I'm as regular as can be. Even my Dr. is confused by the fact that I'm so regular after all the issues. I'm not giving up the lifting so I guess I should get used to having a cycle.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    yes, I'll take a bit of cramping and faffing about (who knew tampons were so expensive lol, a box used to last years!) for longer lasting good health and bone density thank you very much :)

    ps check out the Tshirt!
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    My cycles have been more regular also. Makes sense. Extra fat= wacky hormones. My blood pressure is also much more normal!

    I am switching to Wendler's 5/3/1 program 3 days a week but I am still going to log here since I like this group. Hope that's ok. It's still all the big lifts, I just am to the point where 3x a week squats is too exhausting even at 3x5 rather than 5x5 so I think I will like this.

    Warm up: jump rope and 75 lb squats x10.
    OHP: 5 at 55 lbs, 5 at 65 lbs, 5 at 70 lbs. I'm having some wrist pain and I could tell 70 lbs was a struggle due to the wrist not the weight.
    Deadlift: 5 at 133 lbs (the bumper plates are odd weights. Kinda drives me crazy), 5 at 183 lbs, 5 at 193 lbs. WOW 15 deadlifts was killing my hands! This will be good for my grip!

    Accessory lifts: wanted to do chins and dips but with my wrist pain thought I'd better skip it.
    Lat pulldowns 1xt5 at 75, 90, and 105 lbs.
    back extensions.

    Cool down with a walk and lots of stretching.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Please stay! epic session by the way :)
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Erin - I'm doing Wendler's too and they won't let me leave, so. . . .stay around and keep me company!

    Yes - less fat plus more muscle is also leading to more regular cycles for me. Since my uterus is more than useless, I kind wish they would just stop, but oh well. :smile:

    Great numbers all - and Daisy, you are ripping it UP!!!

    Wendler day 2 today - Deadlifts!
    1x5 @145
    1x9@185 - I was pretty pumped that I held on for so many. I predict eating all the foods tomorrow.

    I was supposed to do leg lifts and glute ham raises for accessory work, but the Y I was at didn't have a GHR set up. The trainer offered to hold my ankles to let me do a decline - one was all I needed to learn that I am not strong enough for those yet. So I did leg curls instead. I'll just keep trying each week and see how it goes.

    5x15 @ 50 lbs. leg curls
    5x15 leg raises
    3x15 back extensions (to take up time while someone worked in on the roman chair)
    100 step farmers walk, 35 pounds, each side
    100 step waiters carry, 20 pounds, each side.

    Then 15 minutes on the elliptical - I was going to do 30, but I was wiped!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Nothing to add lifting-wise, just wanted to add my period problems to the mix. :smile: Mine was always regular until my sophomore year of college when it started getting crazy. They were lasting longer and the time between was getting shorter. About 3 years ago, it got so bad that I went to the ER and had to have a blood transfusion. I later had surgery to remove a uterine cyst (that was causing the problems). I was on the pill until last year when I got tired of the side effects: horrendous cramps, crazy crazy mood swings, and excessive sweating. Not the most fun time of my life!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    BLEH.... I need to get my butt back to the gym... Having to clean up my mom's apartment for the past week sucks hot monkey balls. :grumble:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Kira - If you are talking about the GHR where you are like this:


    then yes, those are from the devil. Not easy at all.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    nice legs random!

    so.. crazy gym session. not mine, watching the Wednesday night bros. Have been doing Tues/Thurs/a weekend day all summer so missed this particular brand of craziness. The quarter squatters weren't around, and the benches weren't busy but my goodness there was every variety of curl you could ask for going on.. including the assisted behind the backside variety, which was a new one on me!

    So.. as soon as I fix something on my squat (knees out) something else gets in my head and now I'm thinking I could do with a coaching session to make sure my knees aren't too far forward, hip drive is ok etc.. probably just as well Monday is the earliest I can get back to the gym! If I can get to the other one in town it'll be interesting to see how (and if!) they squat...
    40kg 3x5 anyway.

    should have been 40kg bench, but I wussed out at 37.5kg and banged out 3x5. given that was a sticking point for a long time I'm still chuffed!

    47.5kg on rows, wasn't quite perfect and was DEFINITELY heavy! my lower back is feeling well used..

    then did my set of assisted pullups (still no improvement!), kettlebell swings and hyperextensions..

    now for a shower.

    in other news my foot feels pretty good, not sure if it's the drugs though!
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    I haven't lifted this week. I have started to dump lifting for study time (last minute Nancy here!). I'd have done it today, but car needs quotes for the kangaroo caused hole in it. I guess that sounds really exotic for anybody who isn't an Aussie living in the country! *kitten* things are stupid stupid stupid. They never jumped into my old Magna, no matter how much I begged. One week with my shiny new car and..... :sad:

    I'm going to buy weight plates to add to my squat rack and bench in the school holidays (only 2 weeks away... Yay!). Hopefully the convenience will help me get back in the groove with lifting. Will you guys please whoop my *kitten* to get me there? I love how being strong feels, but just don't love going to the gym. I am going to restart the whole Stronglifts program after the hols, so I the second week of October.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Well it's a nice *kitten* to whoop ;-)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I would guess for you, hitting a kangaroo is like hitting a deer around where I live. They are every where.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Yep, those are the ones. I could do the eccentric decline, but I could tell that it was only going to take one little tiny bit of bad form to tweak my hamstrings pretty bad. Sooooo, working on up. :smile:
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    No one can GHR. My trainer has to spot me (aka help push me up.):laugh: I'll probably add them in when I do 5/3/1, but for now I don't terribly mind not doing them.

    Today I did my Wednesday Madcow. Front squats 90 2x5, OHP 81x5 (this felt so easy today I couldn't believe it), DL 240x5, then I did assisted neutral chins 3x5 with about 105ish-110 of my body weight (same as dips). Curls are supposed to be my other assist, but I was like I DONT NEED CURLS I'M NATURALLY CURLY. Yeah then my elbow tendonitis has been flaring up the past week and a half or so which I guess can be caused by gripping the crap out of the bar. I read that curls can help if you don't normally do bicep work. Yeah I curled 15lbs 3x6. It was hard. I had no idea I was so weak. I can OHP like a boss, but 15s for curls was excruciating. :huh:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    nice legs random!

    Thanks :bigsmile:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Yeah then my elbow tendonitis has been flaring up the past week and a half or so which I guess can be caused by gripping the crap out of the bar. I read that curls can help if you don't normally do bicep work. Yeah I curled 15lbs 3x6. It was hard. I had no idea I was so weak. I can OHP like a boss, but 15s for curls was excruciating. :huh:

    Oh? I have some elbow tendinitis that's been flaring ever since a particularly exuberant rows and power clean session. I may need to do some curling.

    Nothing to report here. Started a self-created squat/push-up 30-day challenge. Today was day 1. No telling if day 30 shall be achieved (I'm not terribly well known to see anything through past 2 weeks), but hey why not try eh? If all goes well I'll be doing a grand total of 130 squats and 30 push-ups (tabletop, not full) by day 30. :glasses: