Airport Lounge Discussion



  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,811 Member
    edited April 2023
    Good Morning! Heading out to the baseball field to see my loves and get hugs!
    Don't forget to Weigh-In⚖
    Happy Caturday!
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,811 Member
    edited April 2023
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,811 Member
    Playing catch up between innings...
    @ginnaboots Having to get up early for those you love is always time well spent... we can catch up on sleep another time. Enjoy all the time you can with Wyatte. Those chocolate covered peanut butter eggs sound scrumptious. I'm sure those you share the baked goods with appreciate taking them off your hands.
    @Kurtize counting blessings always takes priority.
    @LindieMaeP Hope you were graced with a beautiful sunset to enjoy last evening. The Korean pancakes sound interesting. Are they like a vegetable pancake or more like a fritter?
    @misslorij3440 So glad to hear that you were able to go see two of the grands play. It's nice that you are able to watch most of the games but to be there in person means so much more.
    @jeanhickokhaley1 Beautiful picture of the poppies.
    @Tabatha_Cain Hope you had a great date night and just enjoyed each other. I love cleaning house but prefer to do it with my partner or when no one is home so I can crank the tunes and let loose.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,862 Member
    Happy Saturday. Hope everyone is having a good day. It's nice and sunny and warm here, enjoying it very much. Hugs.

    Today's inspiration: “Your ego is like a toddler: sometimes it cries out because something is wrong and sometimes it’s just throwing a tantrum. Learn to recognize the difference to keep it healthy and unspoiled.” - Sabina Vajraca
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    Good afternoon

    @misslorij3440 -Love that picture you posted of your grandson. So glad you got to watch them play.

    @jeanhickokhaley1-That is a beautiful picture of the poppies.

    @Tabatha_Cain-I love to clean and doing laundry. I will offer to do other family members laundry that live outside of my house because I love it so much. Of course, only my son takes me up on it...LOL

    @Catwmncat -I know you will have a fun time at the game! Hope they win.

    Went on a beach walk this morning. So peaceful out there. It was in the low 70's but no humidity so it made it pleasant. We got up to 84 yesterday and same for today. Then it is supposed to cool back down to actual Michigan temps for this time of year. Monday a chance of snow! Yay! One last hoorah will do me good. I am glad you gals can't throw rocks at me, because you probably want to right about now for wanting more snow....hahahaha! Oh well winter is where my heart is!

    Have a fantastic weekend!
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,009 Member
    Dropping by for a few minutes this afternoon, it's cloudy and rainy and I had to go out in it but am now home dry and safe. I managed to get everything I needed to bring for a gathering tonight. We are saying farewell to a couple who are moving away out of our congregation and they will be very much missed. I hope you all had a good day today at what ever you had planned.

  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,960 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is going to be a good day. I have church at 9:30 and then we are probably going to go grocery shopping and possibly relax today. It is suppose to be thunderstorms today so we will see how that goes.

    @Catwmncat - I prefer when no one is home. I like to do it myself.
    @ginnaboots - That would be nice. It isn't going to be a lot of snow so no big deal.

    Well it is time to get some food. I hope you all have a great day.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,124 Member
    It’s 41 feels like 36 with a high of 63 today. Insight Timer Quote: To those in the Christian Orthodox community, we wish you a Happy Easter.—Insight Timer Team I AM: I am grateful for the things I have. Axe Sharpening: Earn your wins. Do the Work. No short cuts.—Dan Brown 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Go exploring around your local area and notice new things. Fitness Quote: We all fall down in life. The question is who gets back up.—gymaholic Motivational Quote: Practice gratitude. When you start to feel anxious, make a mental note of all the good things happening in your life.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 12,265 steps yesterday. Training plan: Rest day and Day 47/305 this morning.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,826 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,009 Member
    Hello, it's a dreary wet windy day here again and yet the planes keep on leaving over top of me well seems like they are but they are not. I did get out this morning and got a good walk in and some pictures of trees I have been watching bloom but now one of them is about to be done, it was fun watching the growth happen week after week. What was not fun was the jerk driver who sprayed me when I was walking to the bus stop, now I gotta wash all that I was wearing as it was a good spray and I did not get my umbrella to the left of me fast enough! I hope you all have a great day letting your SPARKle out !! hehe

  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,811 Member
    edited April 2023
    @ginnaboots They lost again, but just to see them and share heartfelt I love you's and hugs makes it a huge win! Hopefully you will get one more snow, even if it doesn't stick around for long. Are you coming to Florida this Summer?
    @Tabatha_Cain I hope you are able to enjoy a relaxing and restful day with your love.
    Good Afternoon Patti! Hope you are enjoying a lovely day. Are you still going to the gym?
    @LindieMaeP Sorry that you got sprayed by a car driving by... maybe he thought you need to be cooled off. Oh well, if that us the worst thing that happens today then it will be a good day! Just Keep Smiling!☺
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,862 Member
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,960 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today I woke up with a headache. It is getting better since I took my meds but it really stinks waking up to pain. Today is going to be a good day. I don't think I have any training videos today because they are waiving them all since the ones they want me to take is not the position I was hired for. They are wanting me to take Sales agent and field agent training and I am a Membership Associate so I do not need to watch sales videos. I asked my boss Friday and I think she is going to get those waived for me. That will be 2 days of training that I will not have to do. It is great.

    @LindieMaeP - Those photos are great. I am so sorry that you were sprayed really bad. I hope you were able to get cleaned up from that.
    @Catwmncat - It was a good relaxing day yesterday. Now I have to find time to finish the laundry.

    Well it is time to get some breakfast. I hope you all have a great day.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,826 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,124 Member
    It’s 34 feels like 34 with a high of 74 today. Insight Timer Quote: You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.—Carl Jung I AM: I always choose happiness. Axe Sharpening: Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements no matter how small they seem.—Stormi Knight 1st Phorm Elite Athlete. Action for happiness: Be active outside. Dig up weeds or plant some seeds. Fitness Quote: Use the pain as fuel and Keep Going.— Motivational Quote: No matter how dark the night gets, the sun will shine again. Keep dreaming, even on your toughest days.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 13,521 steps yesterday. Training plan: At Home Advanced 8 Week-Wk1, Day 1 and Day 48/305 after breakfast.
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    Cat-Yes the hugs and I love you's are all that matter. I love seeing Wyatte's face light up when he sees me at his games. The last time I was in Florida was in 2011. Me, my daughter, who was 19 at the time, my sister and her son (18 at the time) went to St. Pete Beach. It was in January and the weather was like 68-70 and the people at the hotel still had winter jackets on. We were by the pool in our bathing suits...LOL. I am not one to take a vacation. I was supposed to go to Hawaii last month with my daughter and her husband, but I bailed on them. I have become a home body since Covid. I guess I got used to staying at home on lockdown. They may go next year and I promised her I would go this time. You would think I would look forward to it, but I am not! LOL.

    @Kurtize -Love your post. Lets hope for a great week.

    Tabatha-Sorry you woke up with a headache. Hope the meds work and you have a great day!

    It is snowing right now, but a rainy snow and not sticking. I was going to hike, but just going to do a Sydney video instead. This rainy nastiness is not my thing. Hope you all have a great week!
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,811 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain Hope those meds kicked in and gave that headache the boot. It will be really nice if the training that doesn't pertain to your position is waived but if not it may give you a better perspective on the sales side.
    @ginnaboots Doesn't your heart just fill with so much joy when they beam because you are there. Pete is about 45 mins from me so if you ever do finally make it to Florida again we need to try to get together. Shame that the snow is not good for hiking being as it may be last of the season.

    Dreary overcast day so I'll be making my own sunshine and getting things done inside today... right after I drink the COFFEE!☕☕😊 (sip, sip, smile)
    Make it an Awesome Day!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,862 Member
    Happy Monday, @Tabatha_Cain hope you feel better. It's a beautiful day here again. 74, sun out sky blue and a slight breeze occasionally. Not too much else new here. Hugs and blessings.

    Today's affirmation: I make friends with my fear. I am unstoppable. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,009 Member
    This afternoon's walk treasures, I sure was delighted to see these! Have a good day all !!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I have been crazy busy! But made it through the heat and now back to cold, rain and snow.

    Today ended up being a complete rest day. Just have no energy. Tomorrow is TOPS and weigh day. Will be interesting how I do since Friday we had my friends 60th birthday bash and Sunday was Easter with the family. On Thursday finally got my school books. Now to get back on track. Will try to be more consistent with my daily check-ins.