

  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,306 Member
    I had a good day, and hope that both of you did as well!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,474 Member
    Cat sounds like a great day planned. I agree I find meditation hard my brain just bounces around to much to focus but I do keep trying.

    Randi - Glad you had a good day.

    I am a bit worried about my son moving back home and we will have to watch what we say around my grandson as his mum uses any excuse to try to get sole access of him since they split up but it's hard with having my other grandkids here to as they say things and he repeats them. Oh well I suppose I will survive somehow.

    Have a great day folks.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Ann, praying for your situation with the son moving back in. Our youngest had to move in with us with his wife and 2 year old for three months while they waited on their rental to be available. It wasnt easy since we were used to a quiet, clean house and everyone had to make major adjustments. We got through it just fine. You will too. You are going to be a real blessing to your son and his child.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    I posted a challenge for next week.
    I dont think it was my turn, so I hope it’s okay. Please join in with more challenges if you feel inclined. I am committed to seeing those scales move down and I will try to meet them all.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Good luck, Ann, with the changes you are dealing with. I love my daughters dearly, but I would find it difficult to have them move back home. And they don't have spouses, exes, or children. Take time for yourself and make sure that your needs are taken care of.
    Cat, I am up for eating fruits and veggies!
    Have a good night!
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Calories okay.
    No exercise.
    Tomorrow is another day 😊
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Stayed the same. Serves me right for taking the day off yesterday. At least it wasnt a gain, right???
    Pulling for my buddies to see those numbers drop.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Down 1.9. Dare I hope that my plateau is finally coming to an end?
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Congrats Randi!! What jumped you out of the hump?
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    I had banana, pear, cucumber, avocado and lima beans.
    A little heavy on the fruit side but five servings
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Cat, I have no idea and I'm not sure that it's for real. I can't remember the last time I had lima beans.
    I had mixed berries, raisins/dried cranberries, spinach, avocado, and asparagus.
    Wishing us all a great day.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Butternut squash
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Mixed berries, apple, spinach, butternut squash, carrot
    Shut out to Ann - hope you are doing well.
    Cat, is there anything else we can do to support you as you ready yourself for surgery?
    @LindaMarieFG - Please introduce yourself! We are Cat (tituscat2), Ann (annliz23), and Randi (rstanford3). We've doing weekly challenges. Currently we are getting 5 servings of fruits/veggies per day. We try to post daily. On Mondays, we get weighed. We don't report our actual weights, but we do indicate what we lost or gained or whether we stayed the same.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Welcome LindaMarie. Nice to have you join us.

    Here is what I had for the challenge today-
    V8 juice
    Garden salad-2 cups
    Sweet potato

    On my feet all day. First I did grocery store, Target, library and HobbyLobby. Came home and fixed lunch. Then I made 96 dinner rolls to take to my great niece’s wedding supper tomorrow evening in WV.
    I am so tired and my knee is screaming, but it feels great to have accomplished so much. I didnt get to exercise today, but pretty sure I logged several miles during my busy day.

    True confession time: i made extra rolls and ate three of them. With real Irish butter.
    I will try to do better tomorrow. I keep telling myself it could have been worse. At least I didn’t eat a king sized Hershey bar😂
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Mixed berries, apple, V8, spinach, mixed vegetables in Minestrone.
    There is nothing better than fresh rolls or bread, still hot and served with butter. :) I don't blame you one bit!
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Mixed berries, apple, V8, spinach, mixed vegetables in Minestrone. I ate the same menu today as I did yesterday. :D
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    V8, strawberries, banana, celery, potatoes.

    Up two pounds after my great nieces wedding dinner yesterday. They had fried chicken. 😕 And a bunch of other stuff.

    Starting again tomorrow
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,306 Member
    mixed berries, apple, spinach, V8, Pasta sauce with tomatoes, peppers, and onions.
    The best part of a wedding is CAKE! :D
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,474 Member
    hi all, I am sorry if you don't hear from me for a while I have a broken wire so no Internet till 18th April so I can't get on here most of the time but I will be back.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Mixed berries, apple, spinach, V8, Pasta sauce with tomatoes, peppers, and onions.
    Good to hear from you, Ann.
    Was anyone the perpetrator or victim of an April Fool's prank? I was not. I tried to think of something to do to my husband, but I drew a blank. >:)
    A challenge has been posted for the upcoming week.